Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Why I prefer Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection over Rare Replay?

 Hello everyone this is Jack Red, I been thinking on and off how much I loved Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection. Of course, I like many game compilations including Rare Replay being one of the finest. But there's just something about Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection. Keep in mind, this is strictly my opinion only, I just want to explain why I like it more than Rare Replay.

This is likely the last Sega vs. Rare comparison topic I'm doing. I'm a huge fan of both these compilations. Both have a great selection of games. Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection does have unlockable games from other platforms. Such as Altered Beast, Shinobi, Congo Bongo, Space Harrier and a few more.

Both of them have interview videos you need to unlock. Doing this for Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection is incredibly easy while you need to grind achievements to get that content. Keep in mind, Rare Replay has a few categories you can unlock stuff in. Now Rare Replay does have Snapshot Challenges as well as the rewind feature.

The rewind feature was more recent to begin with. Of course, you have save state/load state feature. I absolutely love both their intros as well as game selection screens. Rare Replay does an art style direction displaying each game. Keep in mind, nine games have to be played away from the compilation. You won't have that problem with Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection.

Another advantage Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection has is customizing the controls. You can't do that with a couple of games within Rare Replay. Now we have to talk about the achievements. Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection actually one of the easiest Xbox 360/PS3 games to get every achievement/trophy in.

Although, a very large amount of achievements from Rare Replay are essentially easy. There are some truly difficult achievements. Some of which just isn't worth the trouble going for. Rare Replay could have some games play online, something Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection can't do. But it actually has stuff pretty cool that surprisingly Rare Replay doesn't even have neither does Sega Genesis Classics.

You can rank each game except the hidden ones. On the game selection screen, just wait a few seconds that game you're currently high lighting will play on screen. This helps to give you an idea which game it is or sell you into playing it. Even if you don't have any unlockable content unlocked. You will still know exactly what it is from the picture that goes with it.

You also get more information on every Genesis game with a couple trivia facts as well as a few jokes. Not only that, you also can look at every Genesis game's manual as well as cartridge too. Even the game selection has a Sega Genesis icon. Yes you can change the order in a few ways for both compilations.

I felt Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection's 34 achievements compared to Rare Replay's 493 achievements is reasonable. You will just get a thousand gamer score. But you are more likely going to get every achievement while having more fun doing so. I can't say the same for Rare Replay. Let's be honest 493 achievements is simply too much to go for.

Especially when you limit it down to the most difficult remaining achievements. Is it really worth losing your sanity over? No of course not, go with the game compilation with a more reasonable amount of achievements. Even Sega Genesis Classics has 25 achievements or 26 trophies on PS4. I felt Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection is the perfect game compilation to me.

Sure, you can guarantee getting everything unlocked with every achievement. They went even further for the Sega fans in comparison. Parts of it's presentation really does remind us the fans of that game console. The game line up itself is very solid in comparison too. Even the worst games within that is more playable than those of Rare Replay.

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