Sunday, September 13, 2020

Jack Red reviews Sonic the Hedgehog movie

 Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, I recently rewatched Sonic the Hedgehog movie. No not the OVA series that got brought to the United States to tie in with the US release of Sega Dreamcast. I'm talking about the live action movie with Jim Carrey. Not to add salt to Nintendo who am I kidding of course I'm going to. This was way better than their Super Mario Brothers movie.

Sonic the Hedgehog is about Sonic has to hide himself from those sneaking to take his power. At a young age, he comes to Earth spending several years there. One particular power outage led to some truly crazy things. The President of the United States decides to send in Dr. Robotnik to investigate the cause of that power outage.

Sonic befriends a sheriff of Green Hills, it's a small town. You got to love the name though. We get to learn more about how Sonic's actually like. I will say the cast for the most part did a great job. One cop was clearly a throw away character. Jim Carrey delivers a truly great performance as Dr. Robotnik. This is similar to Batman Forever when he played The Riddler or The Cable Guy in The Cable Guy.

It's almost like an even crazier version of The Cable Guy while having the intelligence of The Riddler. Of course, we have to talk about the dance scene. Basically what this mad man does for fun. One brief moment a digital T-Rex bites his head off. How he uses technology reminds me of Marvel's Iron Man. Sonic gets hit by a dart from an Tranquilizer gun.

By accident, Sonic drops his rings to a rooftop of a famous California building. Now the rings are not powered as a power up like in some canons. In this movie, these rings act as a portal. The wielder can imagine where the other ends appears then quickly goes through. Dr. Robotnik shows absolutely no humanity at all in this movie.

I wouldn't say he's the coldest version of the character. The second main Archie Dr. Robotnik would be that kind of evil. I do like how they surprised us at several points in this movie. Like Sonic's ripping off of Quicksilver scenes from X-Men movies. They actually made Sonic a more believable character this time aorund.

It's no secret to me his favorite super hero was DC's The Flash. Recently on the web show, Death Battle they done Wally West vs. Archie Sonic episode. Anyway, I do liked how this movie plays out. You are getting more reasons to care for Sonic & that sheriff in particular. Yes, there's machines Sonic faces mostly original ones for this movie.

Like the birth of the famous spin dash attack. The final fight scenes begins in the most mess up way either. Sonic pushes the sheriff & his wife off the building in order to save them from getting killed. He easily avoided most bullets & rockets Dr. Robotnik fired at him to quickly saved them. A few rings got used taking parts of their fight partly around the world.

I loved the twist that Sonic decided to send Dr. Robotnik to the place he originally was going to leave to. The 3D slow down moments is beautifully done in this movie too. They were faithfully to the source material while making their own take on the concept. One of the biggest surprises is we finally see Dr. Robotnik look like how he does from the games.

I really loved they did a remixed of Green Hill zone theme song near the end as well. The government decides instead of arresting the sheriff to give him an endless pasta coupon for Olive Garden. Personally, if I couldn't get much from that I probably would've love that myself. They done this cool animation for the ending credits now one of my favorites in any movie.

If you wait after that, Tails appears yes he cameos very late in this movie. Even the day of this movie hitting theaters people were very quickly to spoil that surprise. This movie did amazingly well at the box office. Finally, Sega got a decent video game movie for a chance. It made up for Uwe Boll's House of the Dead, which was pure garbage to me.

I do liked parts of Sonic's character came from The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon. Originally they didn't plan on making an sequel. A few months later, they confirmed they are making one. Honestly, if they do it like this of course I want to go see that movie too. One of my personal things of all was how they done the Sega logo.

They reference many of their franchises with game play footage close by each other. Stuff like Golden Axe was very notable to me. I'm also a huge Golden Axe fan myself. This movie is easily one of the greatest video game movies I ever seen. It's also one of the greatest movies that partly uses CGI as well.

I am very happy they changed what Sonic was close of looking like in this movie. Let's just say he look like crap compared to the final look we actually given. Still oddly better than some video game characters in other video game movies. One of the best examples being Noob Saibot from Mortal Kombat: Annihilation wow they ruined such an awesome character.

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