Thursday, June 18, 2020

My thoughts on The Archives (Dead by Daylight)

Before I get to today's blog, yes I know I been writing a lot of DbD blogs. I do have a few planned ones that aren't DbD related in the works. I will try to put more time into making blogs than playing DbD. Although, I did write adept killer tip blogs to help others to getting those achievements themselves.

Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, I put a notable amount of time into The Archives. This is essentially a mode filled with challenges. But it also reveals more story about the characters. There is also a limited time rift prizes. I will break this mode down to the best of my ability. Personally, I loved it's addition to the game.

The Observer is essentially the survivor to The Entity. This mysterious figure is safe within his own realm. By doing challenges rewards you with blood points. It is virtually similar to Rituals except you got more range of challenges to choose from at a time. It has plenty of challenges for both sides to put your skills to the test.

You also have rift that has different prizes depending if you bought rift pass or not. There is also a leveling system in this mode, it won't affect anything else. You mostly earn charms for your characters. But on the premium version, you also can go for character outfits that are rare. You also can choose which book you want to do.

If you finish the book, it doesn't have to be every challenge. You will automatically be move to the next page. There's four pages worth of challenges per a book. Now that's a ridiculous amount of blood points you can go for. Not to mention during double blood point events. This realm is mostly a library of knowledge thus the name.

The Archives is a mode to help you get more blood points to level up characters faster. Just remember among completing a challenge to go back into the mode to claim your prizes. You actually can hold off for a short period to claim even more blood points in a short period of time. Now that's exactly wonderful guys.

The team did promise eventually we'll get more direct information about The Observer. But what I really want to know since The Entity got killers like Freddy & Pyramid Head. How exactly is he safe from a being that powerful? The Archives does have actual cut scenes too. They will bring out more information on the characters to give you an even better idea who they truly are.

This mode is essentially what this game needed for a long time. You can also gain a lot of scraps over time. Of course, that's more of something that occurs over time not directly from this mode. Leveling up characters is even more addicting than it ever has been. We all knew Rituals aren't enough neither the max cap remaining at one million caps, let's get crazy in here.

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