Monday, June 8, 2020

Dead by Daylight Characters Part 2 (From Ghost Face to Silent Hill)

Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, I realized I haven't did a follow up to this blog entry in a while. So I will be covering characters from survivors then I'll cover the newer killers added to Dead by Daylight. Considering a little over a week from now, Pyramid Head is coming to the game. I think the time to do this is perfect.

1. Nancy Wheeler

Nancy was a journalist around the time she appeared in the fog. She used to be a normal teenager until weird things started happening. She is thirty as well as desperate to get what she wants. I wouldn't say she's among my favorite characters on that show. I will say the later portions of it, she is alright.

2. Steve Harrington

I felt Steve's story from Stranger Things show was dramatically different. He went from being the top cool kid of his school to being someone surprisingly relatable. He had guts wanting to face an actual Demogorgon. I will say I like the new him a lot more than how he started on that show. I also liked they took some of his famous outfits from that as well.

3. Yui Kimura

Yui is a street racer that had good intentions. She helps brings more of that culture into the mix. But from the survivor's side. She has an attitude as well as determination to go longer than some in the fog. I would say I didn't think I was going to love her this much. Easily, one of my favorite survivors in the game.

4. Zarina Kassir

She had a rough past due to kids not taking her well over her heritage. Eventually, she caught on to a secret that actually connects to The Deathslinger. But The Entity got her before she could escape. She also made a film about her father that's critically acclaim. I would say she's an indie film maker. Personally, I think she is okay among the survivors.

5. Cheryl Mason

I already talked a little about her not long ago. Cheryl was connected to Alessa who a cult seen as a god. But Harry Mason stopped Alessa to end up leaving with a new version of her. Eventually, she renamed Heather for protection. Following the normal ending of Silent Hill 3, she went back to being called Cheryl to honor her deceased father Harry.

Now the killer's side, keep in mind this is quick thoughts on the characters. I heavily covered the killers in their Adept Killer achievement blog entries.

1. The Ghost Face

To clarify, this is an original take of a classic horror movie villain. They got the license to the mask but later the original costume for this new character. His trailer still comes off like classic Dead Rising games to me. I still love rewatching his mori animations lol. I would even say among the licensed killers, he's among my favorites.

2. The Demogorgon

WOW, they actually had the balls to go for The Demogorgon. Closer to the actual announcement, I watched a lot of Stranger Things episodes for the first time. I heard on and off about that show. I was curious to know why a lot of people wanted The Demogorgon in the game so bad. I got to be honest, he has some differences from The Hag but still a lot of fun to play.

3. The Oni

He has a rather violent back story even for a killer of this game. He was suppose to rule his country in peace. Instead, he allowed the rage to tear people apart with absolutely no mercy at all. This led to him being exiled then waves of people attacked him. He nearly died from that encounter. He so happens to be The Spirit's great-great-great-great-great grandfather that started a cursed legacy.

4. The Deathslinger

Caleb has a very interesting story. He attempted to murder someone, in those days that would be a death sentence. Yet this man ended up surviving, Caleb was sent to the first private prison in Nebraska. The warden made him a deal to help bring in more prisoners. Which also led to getting his own gang to eventually murder his employer over betrayal.

5. The Executioner

Pyramid Head is mostly a popular Silent Hill belief about executioners back then. Keep in mind, this particular Pyramid Head was created by James Sunderland's mind. His appearance as well as what he can do all comes from that. Pyramid Head is a terrifying creature that wields a very heavy knife. Everything about his very design brings out terror in people.

Eventually I'll do another part covering more characters. Hopefully around the same number of characters unless stuff comes up delaying me coming back as well as getting caught back up on characters. Anyway this was quick thoughts on the newer characters since my previous entry.

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