Monday, October 16, 2017

Bad Horror Movie Sequel Wednesdays #17 Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, this week I take a look at something that some people do like to a degree. We all do agree it's not better than the original. I am talking about Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2. The Blair Witch Project is a documentary about a legend surrounding a dead witch. This takes place in Maryland which isn't common among horror movies.

The original movie was a low budget movie that got a lot of people's attention. It felt realistic with real paranoid around something that isn't exactly there. Everything about this movie was a start of a new genre of horror movies. I been somewhat close to the location these movies centers around. Most people aren't allowed much closer to the place without getting into trouble with the police.

Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 is clearly a cash in sequel. Oh boy the number of those will never stop coming. Obviously this is more what you expect from similar movies. Therefore it doesn't do enough to stand out on it's own. This movie quickly becomes confusing yet predictable to a degree. At least with The Blair Witch Project, the pacing especially at the end was better than this movie.

A part of the plot is similar to the original, a small group of people are doing research. They bring their papers, cameras and technology to the location in question. Sadly this is where these movies becomes more different from each other. The Blair Witch Project felt more realistic with fear showing through. It felt more believable about of these movies.

Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 centers more on random stuff happening. There are some clues including footage with none of them remembering any of it. Not even the book this movie is named after becomes important. I bet they couldn't come up with a better name or they were rushing this movie out. Regardless no body stands out in this movie at all.

I seen some ghost movies before & after it. This movie is right in the middle being mostly forgettable. This movie is more about ripping off Evil Dead than The Blair Witch Project. Please allow me to explain myself. Both Evil Dead movies & Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 involves a supernatural book. Among reading from it brings a powerful force after them.

There are parts in these movies where some things you see are meant to screw with you as well as for them. Hell the first two Evil Dead movies took place mostly in one location. There is no way this isn't not ripping off Evil Dead series. Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 talks very little about the original movie. Considering the impact of it, I believe doing it in a better, longer way would've helped.

I usually don't comment on movie covers but I really don't like this movie's cover. This movie was playing on cheap tricks to try fooling you. Maybe just enough to get you to scream if you don't explain what's going on. In the horror movie industry this can be a good & bad thing. A good thing would be a movie way more rewatchable due to how intense & unforgettable the scenes are.

A bad take of doing things like that is you quickly frustrate your viewers. Possibly turn more people off than on is never a good thing. Yes you should gross people out but to take away the best parts or simply doing it all wrong. You know it isn't worth talking about especially for a cash in sequel. Even after you watch a trailer of the first two movies. You quickly noticed they're too different from each other.

Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 does exactly nothing for this franchise. In fact I heard better things about the new one. Just do yourselves a favor and pretend Book of Shadows doesn't exist. Trust me it will make you a lot happier in the long run. I honestly can't say a single thing I do like about it. The closest thing would be the goth chick but that's it.

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