Wednesday, June 21, 2023

What If...? show Season 1 review

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I got a rather interesting MCU show to talk about today. I knew about it for awhile but finally got to sit down to watch it thanks to Disney+. No this isn't sponsored folks, I wish it was though. What If... ? show is one of the more interesting shows within MCU. Virtually non canon to the main MCU events but they are still acknowledge to a degree on the show.

I will return to review Season 2 of this show in due time.

What If...? Season 1
The narrator of each stories is The Watcher. He reveals stories from the multiverse. To be honest, most of these ended up being more interested than what actually happened. Some goes from one particular decision to a series of events that dramatically changed things. Most of these stories stayed contained within their own universes.

They chosen to use the nostalgia CGI comic animation style. Yes a lot of people reprised their roles from the MCU movies. Some ambitious concepts especially late into the season. My least favorite among these stories was What If... Thor were an Only Child? This felt like an joke episode than anything else. The rest of them are well told stories that mattered.

I would say my favorite episodes are What If... the World Lost its Mightiest Heroes? & What If... the Watcher Broke his Oath? Both of these were very interesting episodes. I highly recommend checking those out. They even adapted Marvel Zombies in an episode too. Personally I prefer the actual comic which got fully leaked on YouTube more.

Some of these were very unexpected stories too. I am not going to spoil much more than I already have. I will say I'm interested enough to wait for Season 2. Some of the writing is alright but mostly decent stuff. This felt like a different movie within a series of it's own. Honestly, this show has plenty of interesting concepts to keep it going for years to come.

It also directly helps with what's actually going to happen in the main MCU universe as well. I do give respect for what they have done. I simply came close to wanting more but by the final episode felt satisfied. Let's say this became more epic than Avengers: Endgame. I absolutely loved every minute of it too.

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