Friday, June 2, 2023

Scream VI (2023) review

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I took a lot of time to think over Scream VI. It's been awhile since I seen the movie. As a huge Ghostface fan, of course I had to see the movie. Officially the second Scream movie after the late Wes Craven passed away. The real question is the movie worth watching or go watch something?

Scream VI (2023)
I will try to not spoil much for those who still haven't seen the movie. It does confirmed Scream: Resurrection events isn't in the same universe as the main movie universe. Yes in a couple of ways this one pays tribute to the previous Scream movies. Even Scream got a couple rip offs too. Sadly Neve Campbell doesn't return, she already passed the torch to Melissa Barrera.

Barrera plays Sam, one of two sisters from the previous Scream movie. I am also glad they named it Scream VI. The previous movie was simply titled Scream. Which could easily lead to confusion. For example, let's say you are on the phone talking to an friend. All of a sudden you tell them. "Yeah I'm watching Scream."

Then your friend says, "Which Scream?" You go on to say, "it's none of the sequels." Your friend says, "Then which Scream are you watching? You say "What do you mean?" Your friend says, "Are we talking about the original?" You say, "No!!!" Your friend goes on to ask, "The Scream show?" You replied, "No not the show either."

Then your friend says, "You must be talking about the original Scary Movie." You say, "Dude that isn't even called Scream." Your friend replies, "True but I still consider it a Ghostface movie." You say, "I loved that movie too but I'm actually watching Scream (2022)." You friend replies, "You couldn't simply tell me that!!!"

Confusing stuff I know, this could happen to you. Back to Scream VI, I'm going to take a stab pun very intended to Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan. In that movie, only late into the actual movie. Jason stalking people in New York city makes anyone watching it feel ripped off. But even members in History of Horror group on Facebook agrees with this meme I created.

Seriously what a disappoint Halloween Ends was. Thankfully, Scream VI isn't a disappointment. Also most of it actually takes place in New York. It's rare in Scream franchise to take place away from Woodsboro. Although, it never took place there on the Scream show. I will talk about stuff they confirmed either in trailers or in statements.

Yes, this is the bloodiest Scream movie to date. Gale does return in the movie, never was a fan of the character. Let's be honest, she's a major reason why these murders continued. In all honestly, Ghostface going after her made me happy. As some of you know, Sam is Billy's daughter. The movie does play on that more.

This felt more like Scream 4 was to the original Scream but also Scream 2 as well. To explain that however I would have to deeply spoil the movie. I know this movie currently has a mixed reception with the fans. Personally I enjoyed the movie but not as much as some of the better entries. It's still better than Scream 2 and 3 respectively.

To clarify something here, some aspects of it is better than Scream 2. But I still prefer Scream 2 is a better overall movie. Another Scream movie that got rushed out. The killers were to me more interesting. Some of the kill scenes were more rememberable. Also, it had Sidney whose one of my favorite horror movie heroes ever.

Of course, Roger L. Jackson reprises the voice of Ghostface in the movie. Scream VI might be a little too violent for some at times. The trailer shows some of the scene the sisters went into a store. I will say one of the most intense scenes ever in the franchise. Some of you might also be aware Kirby from Scream 4 returns.

I won't reveal her role in the movie but let's just say it wasn't what I expected it to be. Without spoiling all the twists relating to Ghostface. I would say the scariest Ghostface so far. Again to explain things this suddenly becomes a spoiler filled review. I rather review it with the challenge as well as respect to not spoil the film.

Scream VI had a notably shorter production period but it doesn't come off rush. Like Scream 2 and 3 respectively did following the original Scream. Paranoia is very real in this movie as well. A tread within the franchise I always respected. Some death scenes were shown in trailers. Just not fully enough to ruin those scenes among watching it.

The movie also plays on legacy in a few ways. Scream VI proves no one is truly safe this time. You can't even trust people just hope they're on your side during the worst of times. I also want to mention, Jenna Ortega does a rememberable performance as well. Ortega plays Sam's sister in both Scream (2022) and Scream VI respectively.

Ortega is on a roll recently with some of her more recent roles being huge successes. Especially from the Wednesday show, I confess I love the show too. Back to the movie, I felt they did a good job trying to keep it fresh. Some parts could've been a little better in my opinion. Scream VI is a fun watch with people at night.

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