Saturday, July 1, 2023

Tips on How to get Adept Mastermind achievement

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I don't wanna come off like a broken record. I done a lot of blogs on giving tips to get Adept Killer achievements/trophies. Although, it's been a long time since I last done one of these. Very recently, I came back to get Adept Mastermind achievement/trophy. I will do a faster style on the topic I felt more people may prefer to my usual style here.

There's four different categories you can get score in during matches. A more recent update forever made getting any Adept Killer achievements/trophies a little easier. Some of my big tips no longer apply to the game anymore. Like Crossplay removes getting easier teams to get em. Also you are now guarantee to get an Merciless Killer rank if you defeat all four survivors in matches.

This following match is my Adept Mastermind match. Also surprisingly a difficult map to get such an achievement/trophy on too.

Prior to this, you had to hope you scored enough in each category. You actually can do it with that particular character's three perks or no perks at all, a more challenging option. Regardless, yes I plan to talk about all three Wesker's perks. Simply because of Crossplay, you got to play harder than ever before. I can promise you in time, you'll get more used to players with ridiculous time put into the game.

Superior Anatomy will increase your Vaulting speed by 30/35/40% the next time you vault a Window. Awakened Awareness allows the killer to see other survivor's auras when they are within range. Terminus forces Broken Status Effect on injured, dying or hooked survivors. Until the Exit Gates are opened that may differ when the effect stops depending on which tier the perk is in.

Personally these perks doesn't help much but still better than most killer's perks in general. Wesker is a speed theme killer that can charge after survivors. You can even throw em at other survivors. Also using it often does help speed up getting to the generators as well as the other survivors. Wesker is surprisingly well rounded in this game no lie.

A huge tip is knowing how to use other fast killers on a couple of maps that's difficult to move fast on. This alone helps so much getting Adept Mastermind achievement/trophy. Wesker also uses his knife attack quickly that helps injuring or downing survivors as well. Also his charge move if that survivor was injured gives the killer a free grab.

In other words, if Wesker correctly uses his charge at an injured survivor. He will automatically be carrying that survivor to a nearby hook. I also felt Wesker is a better killer than Nemesis. Both are from Resident Evil series, you knew I had to mention Nemy at one point right? Unlike Nemy, Wesker hunts survivors alone.

Wesker is among the fastest killers in the game. He also has currently the highest default terror radius of the killers too. Which also means survivors are more likely going to know when you are coming for them. Wesker also can use his charge move to vault over in a hurry. Which can be helpful in chases sometimes while others tricks you into going over an vault spot to escape you.

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