Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Puppet Master: The Game (beta) review

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, you knew eventually I had to talk about Puppet Master: The Game. Right now it's in beta but I was able to get all the achievements currently in the game at this time. I did promise those on discord, I'll come back. Don't worry this will be a pleasant review. This might even be the best thing with the franchise's name on it in years honestly.

Before I start my review, yes I'm aware of a new Puppet Master movie called Puppet Master: Furnace Leech Woman coming out. Of course I'm curious to check it out since it's own follow up to Puppet Master 2. The third spin off film in the franchise. I also quickly wanna say Demonic Toys: Jack Attack happening, Jack Attack was my favorite among those characters.

I kinda understand why Fullmoon Productions is going this sudden change in direction. They are trying to make easier to get movies out. By also increase the story to particular characters in the process. Kinda like what Warner Brothers Animation doing with the animated Mortal Kombat movies. I should also point out some characters from Subspecies is in Horror Legends, another game by the same team.

Puppet Master: The Game (2023)

Yes there's several horror movie franchises going the online multiplayer route. Technically speaking, this beta was around even longer than Friday the 13th: The Game. Although, more recently Fullmoon made this game officially. A little weird I know but licensing is a frustrating process. Currently there's three human characters with seven puppets you can play as.

I don't wanna confirmed what's possibly coming to the game in the near future. I don't wanna ruin the surprises especially for Puppet Master fans. There's currently two maps for single player portion. Of course, there's multiplayer with it's own rules. Don't worry I'm going to be covering both aspects shortly. Puppet Master: The Game is currently free to play on Steam with no paid dlcs.

Single player mode you only play as the puppets. You have three objectives you must complete while having three lifes. Thankfully you can get healed by finding the formula hidden in the vents. You only have two enemies you'll run into. Mostly you will face the agent character, also a playable character. You also can take on totems as in those characters from both Puppet Master 4 and 5 respectively.

They are protecting the pyramid on the board. The same board from those Puppet Master movies. You have to destroy ten raven statues. Some of them are well hidden I say. After those are all destroyed, simply return to the trunk to win the match. When you die with lifes available you can switch out to another puppet character.

You also can collect five files, mostly all the stuff I just explained. Plus you got to finish em as a particular puppet character. They made every attack from the puppets not only accurate but fun to use as well. This game is going to give games like Evil Dead: The Game a run for it's money. You have to weaken the agent enough to trigger the killing animations.

My favorite among them is surprisingly Jester. Yeah I do like most of them but Jester steals the show. He has this mallet, he's about to smack the agent in the face. At the last minute decides to hit em in the balls then whacks him in the face afterwards. Now that's funny to me, I'm glad he does that in the game. They also have different outfits as well as different color sets for their main weapons.

Multiplayer portion, you can be on either side. If you play as an human character you'll need to collect three particular items. Then you have to activate the elevator to come to the floor. After thirty seconds, you can use it to escape. I never said that's going to be easy though. If you are one of the players as the puppets, you only have one goal.

Just one, eliminate the human player. The puppets gets as many opportunities. As long the human haven't escaped yet, they keep coming back. However for the human player, if they die the match is over. Humans have a different heal method that's more automatically. Despite that, the puppets can be quite overwhelming at times.

Achievements wise, I felt those are well selected. Yes the famous Puppet Master theme is in the game too. The actual look and feel of the game matches perfectly with the movies. You can open or shut doors on both sides making matches interesting to watch. As previously stated, the puppets can use the vents to have other possible angles to surprise attack the human player.

Human players have limited ammo while the puppets never fully runs out. Yes some of them do have to reload before using again but the actual animations aren't long at all. Hell playing as Six Shooter, it's so satisfying to hear his reloading animation. I strongly felt this game when it's out of beta going to be a popular horror multiplayer game.

Puppet Master: The Game already has people not familiar with the franchise. I can't say you would enjoy the movies unless that's your thing truthfully. What I can say is you gotta play this game. No really, the controls take a little time getting use to. There's actual depth in things that makes it easier to keep coming back for more.

Unless Dead by Daylight aka the money sucking vampire deity. I don't think October Games is going to get that greedy. If anything, I willingly bought the paid dlcs for Horror Legends. Those were money well spent in comparison. These guys truly knows how to make decent horror multiplayer games. They also more directly about their communities as well.

Yes there's some improvements that's going to happen eventually. I will say in it's current state, this game is easily one of the most fun games of this style I ever played. They absolutely nailed everything down perfectly. It may be in beta state but for a game in beta state it's mind blowing greatness. Honestly, if you haven't seen the movies you're likely going to enjoy playing this game.

If this game makes you wanna check out the movies. I just hope you enjoy em to the best of your ability. Puppet Master is almost as old as Child's Play/Chucky franchise. Yet Puppet Master gets a decent license game first is already mind blowing in and of itself. I felt the future for this game will be brighter than Last Year: The Nightmare since that already got shut down no surprise.

I do need to confirm some modders are working on a possible loop hole to get Last Year back online soon. If you are a fan of that game you may wanna go check that out soon. There's even a recent trailer as proof. I just wish Hide or Die would've gotten that since I wanna play that game myself. Sadly the opportunity already passed me.

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