Friday, June 1, 2018

Jack Red reviews Gingerdead Man series

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, to me Full Moon's Gingerdead Man is possibly the most ridiculous Chucky rip off. I could've stopped at Jack Frost with a killer snowman or Dolly in Dolly Dearest. But come on a killer gingerbread man lol. Whatever Full Moon was smoking I want some lol. On a more serious note I all the Gingerdead Man movies.

Yes I am aware he's in some Evil Bong movies following their crossover movie. He also cameo in the first Evil Bong movie with Jack Attack from Demonic Toys series. This character does things I'm sure got allowed to be in these movies. He is basically a living cookie man that's hardcore ripping off Child's Play Chucky.

The Gingerdead Man (2005)

By now everyone knows Gary Busey is in this movie. He is such an amazing actor with a strange sense of humor. I got to be honest to me this is his worst performance. The movie starts up with a psychopath named Millard Findlemeyer. One of the worst killer's names I have ever heard. I strongly prefer his later name Gingerdead Man.

Millard kills two of Sarah's relatives in front of her at a diner & escapes after a quick shot to her. You would think this could've been a start to a porno movie since some of them involves murder lol. He got caught to be sentence to death. His witch mother sneaks his ashes into a bakery titled as gingerbread mixing.

Seriously that's your excuse for having him becoming a killer gingerbread man? Oh wait it gets worse during the process a guy gets a cut bleeding into the machine. This broke a few safety cooking rules that can get you fired on the spot because it can cause someone to end up in an hospital or worse. I guess they're too stupid to notice the blood was mixing into the cookie dough.

There's some weird scenes in this movie like they found one of their friends in the freezer. Gingerdead Man covered her in a lot of cream oh come on. He drives a rival bakery owner's car to kill him with it. Even Chucky had trouble driving a car. Somehow Gingerdead Man was able to use a rolling pin which doesn't make any sense.

Not one kill including both deaths of Gingerdead Man stands out. What surprisingly does stand out is how bad the acting gets from start to finish. They all seem like a bunch of annoying cheer leaders. At least this took place at a bakery. This is one of the strangest Full Moon movies of it's time for many reasons. By now you could see why I included the Gingerdead Man trilogy into The Killer Klowns Kollection.

Gingerdead Man 2: Passion of the Crust (2008)

Hands down this was the best Gingerdead Man movie. Oh wait that's still not saying much no it's like me saying you better go clean your toilet before you will need more than your basic stuff. This is one ridiculous movie that has a very loose connection to the original. It never explained how Gingerdead Man is alive again.

This time he is killing people at an indie movie studio. True fact most of what you actually see is based on Full Moon themselves. In that regard I felt that was kinda cool. They changed Gingerdead Man's voice actor but he turns out to be his best voice. Yes Gary Busey really dropped the ball on the character.

Also do I even need to mention how bad that title is? It is a obvious reference to Mel Gibson's Passion of the Crist. Another interesting fact is not counting alternate releases with other movies. This movie has two different covers with one of them being exclusive to Full Moon's website. Trust me if you haven't seen a ridiculous Full Moon movie that will hit the spot.

I can happily see most kills are simply more entertaining than those in the original. I do confess I kinda like this movie for my own reasons. Gingerdead Man 2 does up it's game in many areas. The characters are slightly better but I still don't have a favorite among them. Sometimes that helps you getting into the killer more in these movies.

We get to see more of Gingerdead Man's twisted personality. I thought Chucky was crazy but compared to Gingerdead Man, he would be sane lol. This has one of the strangest, mess up, disturbing endings I have ever seen. Trust me even if I took the time to fully describe it. You already heard better bad jokes that somehow gets some people laughing.

Gingerdead Man attempts to do a ritual but it causes the other ridiculous smaller machine characters to come alive. They forced Gingerdead Man to a cross with a similar crown Jesus wore before burning him alive. Their old actor comes in gunning all of them down. He gets angry no one was shooting what just happened.

A homeless guy eats a part of Gingerdead Man to become him laughing as the movie ends. Yeah all of that makes me question my own sanity. I will say it does have the best jokes but they're still not good. They did put a lot of thought behind this movie. I wouldn't mine rewatching this underrated Full Moon movie again.

Gingerdead Man 3: Saturday Night Cleaver (2011)

Remember when I said Gingerdead Man was ridiculous? Can you believe Full Moon quickly left go of that handle for this movie. I would say as stupid the title sounds it is the best title among all Gingerdead Man movies. Trust me if you haven't seen this movie I got a lot to cover trying to keep my face straight.

Full Moon had problems during the making of this movie. They did allow some fans to appear in the movie to die later. Although the ending itself which I will talk about later makes no damn sense at all. Gingerdead Man 3 completely ignores the first two movies just like Killjoy 3 did. Although that movie was amazing compared to this crap.

I knew as soon as I first started watching Full Moon really doesn't know what to do with the character. I guess they didn't want to constantly do a series of movies at a bakery. The movie starts in a prison especially for bad desserts no I'm not kidding. One of the inmates literately shoots cream at their parody of Clarice Starling from Hannibal series.

Gingerdead Man does a terrible Anthony Hopkins' impression. A bunch of idiots broke in this prison to free it's inmates including Gingerdead Man. He found a time machine killing two scientists before escaping. He ends up going back in time to 1976. I should mention they once again change his voice actor.

Not my favorite voice of the character but he did say some of my favorite lines. I should mention some arcade machines does appear that wasn't originally from the 70s. Back then in that business they were more focus on pinball machines. The more you know am I right lol. Some of his most ridiculous kills ever are present here.

This movie really doesn't waste any time to go all out parody. We went from Hannibal series to Carrie & Saturday Night Fever? Now that by itself bags the question what the hell was Full Moon thinking? There is a scene where he gets his thing ripped off then eaten wow gross guys. I should mention the now famous dumbest moment I ever heard in any Full Moon movie.

Are you seriously ready to hear something so damn stupid it could make your mind go blind from it's sheer stupidity? The owner of this skating place told her grand daughter about if she didn't mess up her famous trick. World War 2 would never happened? What you just heard that yourselves you must be so high you can't even think.

Oh wait you have heard how bad the ending is yet, trust me it's much worse than that. Two kids earlier in the movie found the remote to the same time machine Gingerdead Man used to escape. Although it was meant for living desserts to use it. Are you confused yet because I haven't got to how ridiculous it gets.

The kids told their story with the time machine preventing his escape from ever happening. Which means every victim he killed is suddenly alive again. Some of the evilest people who ever lived are back to force Gingerdead Man into a cookie jar. This includes Hitler, Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer & Lizzie Borden.

WOW serial killers & Hitler forced a killer gingerbread man into a cookie jar is already one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Oh wait it gets even worse than that can you believe it? These historical figures take some time to party going back to their correct time period. How the kids were able to pull that off is never explained.

The owner of the place gets a check to save her business but ends up giving it to her grand daughter. She chose to go back to that moment prior to World War 2 starting to finish her act. Those from the future takes Gingerdead Man back to prison. Now what in the holy hell was Full Moon inhaling or taking to come up with this?

Oh please I really would like to know. This is one of the dumbest Full Moon movies I have ever seen. Sadly this would be the last Gingerdead Man movie prior to the crossover movie. I almost would've said this was the worst looking Gingerdead Man. No that's in the next movie to reuse that model for a couple Evil Bong movies.

Gingerdead Man vs. Evil Bong (2013)

Despite the vs in the title, not once in the entire movie do these two fight each other. In fact, a handful of scenes late in the movie has both of them. Which is disappointing in it's own right. Remember when I talked about how Dollman vs. The Demonic Toys retold previous movies? They do a similar process except it kinda off kinda boring even covering the important parts almost put me to sleep.

I am not a fan of Evil Bong series also how is that Full Moon's major investment than Puppet Master series? All I see is a weird talking bong that really doesn't do anything but curse too much. By doing a movie with two monsters cursing with a very small body count doesn't help things. Do I even need to say it?

This is even worse for both franchise since neither characters shines not even the slightest. I would say this is hands down the most boring Full Moon movie I have ever seen. Even Gingerdead Man 3 with it's insane ridiculousness was slightly more entertaining. Of course that's not saying much either. Finally they brought back Sarah the one person Gingerdead Man hates.

Oh no the same actress also plays a different character in Evil Bong series. They thought by doing an argument between both characters to help her shine but it doesn't anything. The weirdest thing about this movie involves all following Evil Bong movies may connect to it. At the same time they didn't call this Evil Bong 4.

I am not kidding the following Evil Bong was called Evil Bong 420 which came two years later. Clearly parts of this movie led to that movie so why isn't this called either franchise's fourth movie? Am I missing something or trying to make more sense out of something that never made sense in the first place?

Hell there's no hiding it, I really don't care for this movie. They seriously down played Gingerdead Man which followed up to his death in Evil Bong 666. Yes I know about that Full Moon. Clearly they really didn't know how to use the character. Who easily could've been one of their best in the right hands.

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