Thursday, September 26, 2024

Jujutsu Kaisen review (2018-2024)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, it's finally time to review Jujutsu Kaisen. Let's say despite finally getting into it this year. My opinion changed a lot over a couple months. This might be the most mixed I ever felt while doing an manga review. Yes there will be huge spoilers, you may not wanna read this. I will say the Dark Trio got a bright future ahead with Chainsaw Man left.

Jujutsu Kaisen (2018-2024)

The story about an high school student named Yuji. He came across an rather unusual object. This led to his friends at school getting attacked by a cursed spirit. In a desperate attempt to save his friends. He swallowed one finger of Sukuna, the cursed object in question. This suddenly put Yuji in a rather interesting situation.

He became the host to the King of Curses, Sukuna. Sukuna needed nineteen more fingers to be whole. But very late into the story, he only gets nineteen of them to somehow regain his full form. The last finger ended up being used against him. Anyway, Yuji possibly up for execution ends up joining the Jujutsu Sorcerers.

He ended up becoming an student in one of their schools. Look I'm done being nice about this story. Even Jujutsu Kaisen 0 ended with a notable plot hole not answered in Jujutsu Kaisen itself. Obviously, the author heavily inspired by several huge name Shonen Jump stories. I felt he played too much off of those rather than coming in with something his own.

In comparison, the author of Chainsaw Man done the exact opposite. He decided to go as much anti Shonen as possible, people are loving his unique take on the genre. This story really tried to become the next Bleach, it's not sadly. I would say roughly half the story. Which would be two seasons of the anime show is somewhat worth checking out.

The other half is filled with major problems. I don't even see how people are loving it anymore honestly. I'm actually glad it's ending this week for good!!! I previously talked a good deal about Sukuna's final battle. I did predict several things that ultimately did happen. Including the author lied about a particular character's fate, you loss creditability pal.

I expected Yuji would be the one to defeat Sukuna. What I didn't expect was how he ended up doing that. Every single usage of Black Flash, Yuji does to Sukuna took it's toll on the spiritual barrier of him and Megumi. Oh yes poor Megumi whose obviously inspired by Naruto's Sasuke, I surprisingly liked him. He got dealt quite a crappy hand in the final two arcs.

I really wish the author better explain how Sukuna forced a piece of flesh down Megumi's throat. Somehow led to him possessing Megumi. Honestly can anyone explain how that was possible? Previously he was possessing Yuji's body. He also had as statement before nineteen fingers. Again how did he regain his full form without his last finger?

Especially when Nobara of all people used her voodoo style technique on that finger. Which ultimately screwed him over against Yuji. This is indirectly like how Yhwach got defeated in Bleach. The only true difference is Yuji still would've won without her help. Sukuna also refuse to return to Yuji's body among dying.

His life was also connected to the ice chick who also dies. Speaking of her, I expected her to assist Sukuna at several points in Sukuna's final battle. She never does not even once!!! She was too busy fighting the broken casino power guy the entire time!!! There's plenty of questionable writing with this. Like the author was clearly tired of people talking about Gojo.

To the point, he rushed his final battle with Sukuna. At the beginning of the final arc out. Personally, if I were the one writing this. I would've had Gojo show up near the end of the final battle instead. At that point, whoever left would need all the help they can get. Why kill off your most popular character like that?

But wait there's more I wish I was kidding too. Yuta previously took out Kenjaku who had the technique to swap bodies. Yuta among stealing that swapped bodies with the deceased Gojo. Surprisingly none of that ladies three outcomes happened. Two being Yuta dies while in Gojo's body. Yuta later swapped back to his old body.

This twist was rather mixed on the JJK community. On one hand, it was a nice surprise Yuta while in Gojo's body fights Sukuna again. They really didn't like Gojo ultimately dead. This actually notably affected sells of the story. The final battle was strongly similar to when Madara had a similar stand in Naruto.

Obviously that quickly gotten old, this followed suit. Not to mention, some bs things that went Sukuna's way. I previously talked about the lawyer having an instant kill move. But somehow that cursed object in Sukuna's head gotten the sentence which never was a part of that court theme power. Thankfully the lawyer did survive in the end, I kinda liked him.

Kenjaku was essentially an Aizen character that ultimately didn't deliver in the end. I will give him credit for being involve with what might actually be my favorite JJK fight. Well it's a joke fight that's rather unusual as well as unique that's quite funny. This alone was more entertaining than the fights in the final arcs for me.

To sum up this joke fight with Kenjaku. It's almost like this comedian jujutsu sorcerer constantly changing reality to a degree. It wasn't technically a fight but more so let's throw in as many jokes as possible. On the surface, this seemed like a bad idea. Somehow I kept laughing as I was reading this particular fight.

It was later revealed this acted as a distraction for Yuta kill Kenjaku. As he's dying, he confessed to having fun with that joke fight. I wasn't even expecting that at the time. This joke fight was so unexpected as well as funny. I kinda felt all fights after this fell since then. To be fair, Gojo vs Sukuna was a good fight with many problems.

I did ended up liking Jogo the most among the villain characters. He represents people's fears of volcanoes. I did praise the moment he burn everyone human in an restaurant. Let's be honest, if it's not the next Bleach. It's also not the next Yu Yu Hakusho either. Which I felt is better than both of them. All three stories involves high school students that takes on the supernatural to protect people.

Considering how the anime planning to possibly skip two arcs. I'm not happy with this, some parts are important despite being somewhat minor. Like Yuji does get executed but he still lives. There's also this one guy that ends up becoming an cursed spirit too. I hated Culling Games, it destroyed the series for me.

Also Sukuna having access to a merger that never happened is also poor writing. But on the plus side, I'm glad he never activated it either. I would've been more upset with the story otherwise. You quickly notice half way through the author not fully realizing his concepts it shows. It's true to some degree Bleach done this as well.

Jujutsu Kaisen 0 had Rika's soul leaving. It's unexpected how her soul still with Yuta though. This really tried to also be the next Hunter x Hunter too. We have characters that possibly puts so much thought into everything. Hunter x Hunter is returning it's place, good!!! Not only that, from what I heard it's a way better story than this.

Parts of this also inspired by My Hero Academia. No one knows if it was planned for JJK to end the same year or that got forced onto the author. He had to release a particular chapter in two halves due to being sick. The other half we waited a month for but combined one of the better chapters of that arc. I do like some characters in JJK myself.

I ended up disliking more characters in comparison but there's more I like than in Naruto. I do think Yuji was the perfect choice of being the protagonist hands down. It's unclear if he actually became more powerful than Sukuna or not. Despite Sukuna himself implying otherwise. We also never found out how he made his fingers into cursed objects.

The only two major things we do know about it. This process occurred an thousand years ago. It is very likely Kenjaku himself done the process. This story also doesn't shy away from death. Some arcs has a lot of death, it's amazing Shonen Jump allowed it or when Chainsaw Man destroyed those numbers. Let's just say the numbers in JJK doesn't compare to how many died in that.

Jujutsu Kaisen is the most Shonen amount the Dark Trio. Somehow being the most popular among them. Again that also makes it the most overrated as well. We start with a hype that eventually goes down. It kept going down as the story goes on. The final chapters are obviously rushed, not great stuff. Even Bleach rushed wasn't this bad!!!

The author really tried making an complex system for combat. Some pointed out when he doesn't properly use his own system at times, that's a bad sign. Yuji is among the best written characters. Yes I love Gojo myself, his fate was very unpleasant. Not only he dies piss people off. How the author goes about it made that even worst.

The end of one chapter, the author states Gojo going to win. Then we see Gojo talking with dead characters. At the end of that particular chapter, we see Gojo died. It's almost like he had enough hearing about Gojo to suddenly changed his fate like that. Authors like this I have virtually no respect for at all.

I did like Panda whose a rather unique character. He's technically three characters in one body with his siblings. All of them are possessed doll that's animal theme. Panda was later revealed to be Special Class cursed spirit. Which led to a particular moment I disliked. Obviously my overall favorite JJK character is Yuta.

I know some have reasons to not like him. I like Yuta because he was in the same boat as Yuji for a different reason. He also has Copy a rather broken technique. He virtually can use anyone's cursed technique especially in his Domain Expansion. I also liked he's accompanied by a Special Class cursed spirit named Rika.

Rikia was originally the girl he liked when they were kids before tragedy happened to her. Also I gotta mention Kenjaku got the US government involved. Personally, the story would've been much better with this. The entire Megumi situation Sukuna done to him really gotten under my skin. He really wanted to save his sister but ultimately that gets thrown hard against his face.

Plus with Sukuna possessing him, he couldn't prevent the cursed sorcerer possessing his sister from death either. Virtually it became a hopeless situation that broken his soul. Eventually he did fight back at Sukuna to a degree. This also was a major factor why some of the characters joined Culling Games too.

I felt this story is a little too long for it's own good. The author clearly doesn't even understand his own story. The pacing notably gotten worst overtime. Not many characters got to shine either. The list for how flawed Jujutsu Kaisen truly is a rather long one. I will be brutally honest, I can't recommend anyone reading it notably eventually issues may come up that turns em off.

This is ending on Chapter 271 after all. The final battle is just all over the place. It's a bit too predictable to my liking. Also there isn't much to help it stand out either. It's basically Sukuna taking everyone on. Personally, I did want this originally for Yhwach in Bleach. Indirectly I'll give a little credit to the author.

Culling Game was a desperate attempt at having a possible tournament arc. Obviously, there's plenty of better tournament arcs in Shone Jump stories. Jujutsu Kaisen felt too complex for it's own good too. To the point, when you eventually realize what's going on. You start to get rather disappointed or you may not get the answers you seek.

Again the joke fight was the most fun I had reading the final arc. Beyond that, it's mostly meh to I gotta read something else!!! I mean even Black Clover with the longer waiting periods is better than this. Jujutsu Kaisen is possibly one of the most disappointing manga series I ever gotten into. I also gotta mention the artwork starts not being as great as the story goes on.

End of the day, this just isn't a good story. It felt like the author had to use particular traits of other Shonen Jump stories to keep his boat afloat. Without those, JJK really offers nothing. This mostly felt like a great idea on paper with terrible execution. In all honestly, this story just never truly lives up to that hype you wanted.

The last few chapters are so lackluster. Removing them simply would make it a little better. The author simply couldn't give them something fun or a true happy ending. Instead they had to deal with a small fry of a cursed user. Plus further ruining Sukuna's character while in the afterlife. Even Bleach had a surprisingly decent final chapter with everything considered.

I said it once, I'll say it again Culling Game ruined Jujutsu Kaisen!!! Removing two arcs connected to it would've saved this story. In all honestly, I'm so disappointed with everything. A lot of unfinished concepts left in the story. We don't have much to go on Yuji's Domain Expansion either. Not only that, the final battle was simply too long for it's own good.

I felt if Yuji vs Sukuna should've been it's own fight instead of this everyone vs Sukuna thing. Maybe this story could've had a chance. Also screwing Megumi over the way the author done didn't help things either. Clearly he doesn't think things through as well as hates popular characters. Why else characters like Gojo the most popular character to die in such a fashion?

Jujutsu Kaisen simply has some ups prior to the half way mark. Then it kept going down for me that point on. There wasn't many moments I praised either. Yuta's back up plan now that took some guts to go. The joke fight was one of my thing JJK things ever!!! This is exactly what happens when an franchise becomes so overrated it can't handle the demand.

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