Sunday, September 29, 2024

Death Battle Fight Prediction: Bardock (Dragon Ball) vs Omni-Man (Invincible)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, Death Battle coming out with the episode they should've done with Invincible's Omni-Man. Omni-Man vs Bardock is such a cool idea for an episode. You could even say they would be each other in their universes despite their differences. Yes this is another Goku vs Superman style fight that's actually a close fight.

Bardock's preview confirmed they are using Episode of Bardock canon for the episode. Let's be honest, the less of Dragon Ball Heroes used the better. I felt this was the best version of the fight hands down. Homelander would easily lose to both these guys. Honestly I haven't been this excited for an season premiere episode in a long time.


I know there's a lot of bias Dragon Ball fans that's likely going to jump me for siding with Omni-Man. I actually came with some solid arguments why I think he does. For starters, Great Ape forms has a major weakness being their tails. Omni-Man could grab it to weaken Bardock or rip it off. Thus, removing that form from his arsenal.

Bardock is lucky in this canon he has a Super Saiyan form to make up for that. Bardock is early Dragon Ball Z scaling character with everything considered. A lot of people might jump at several Saiyan traits. Such as a dying Saiyan gets a power boost during combat. Let's be honest, that's not good to win here. Bardock is a planet buster character.

Sure, it took three of Omni-Man's species to do the same. However some similar feats quickly destroyed that being used against him. People need to realize Omni-Man's son fought the man who killed his dad in the sun!!! This is largely possible due to a rather unique biology trait. Omni-Man's species can alter their mass to increase resistance to whatever harming possibly killing them.

This also means Omni-Man potentially could tank some of Bardock's strongest attacks too. I also notice people heavily playing off Omni-Man lacks projectiles. It kinda doesn't matter when the man can fly to planets with ridiculous speed. Keep in mind, before Instant Transmission got introduced in Dragon Ball Z. The characters had to use space ships to travel to planets.

Obviously that's notably longer than teleport techniques we seen since. Omni-Man on that logic is simply a lot faster than Bardock or any Dragon Ball character on his level. Another critical factor is Omni-Man has a lot more overall experience. He's been fighting all kind of threats several times the length of Bardock's life span.

Omni-Man also a more tactical fighter. Bardock is more of the over powering brawler type. Which isn't a good idea against Omni-Man. Not only that, Omni-Man as a Superman type character. More on the higher end of that unlike his first Homelander whose on the lower end of power scaling. This is important due to their respective alien warrior races.

Omni-Man was among the strongest of his kind a long time. Bardock was more on the lower class Saiyan warriors. Another notable factor going back to his son fighting inside the sun. We still haven't seen any Saiyan fight inside the sun or survive planet destruction. In fact, Whis prevented Earth's destruction when Frieza caused it.

This heavily suggested even beings as powerful as Goku can die in planet destruction. Omni-Man had a particular feat involving planet destruction to end up keep fighting. Therefore, I don't see Bardock surviving an planet destruction especially from his own attacks capable of doing that. Again, Omni-Man likely caught on to stuff like this during a fight.

Saiyans still require oxygen to survive. Thanks to a particular fight with Frieza. Omni-Man can survive in space while Bardock wouldn't know techniques to do the same. Even if he did know one, Omni-Man might stop him from performing it. Bardock would need a space ship to escape an planet's destruction. As stated before Omni-Man simply flies to safety.

Let's be honest, Bardock's scouter virtually useless. His combat armor would help to tanking some attacks. Eventually, armor going to break at some point in this fight. Omni-Man's own body ends up being the most durable armor in this fight. I know I gotta discuss Super Saiyan Bardock as well. I actually felt that's where this fight being the closest.

Bardock still notably much slower than Omni-Man. Raw power wise differs, Bardock does have some powerful blasts. At the same time, Dragon Ball characters on his level lacks strength feats. Which is bad against his opponent that has several impressive strength feats. Often people confuse strength and raw power when discussing versus debates.

I can tell you they are vastly different categories. Strength mostly a character capable of lifting something. Which could also affect durability to a degree. Raw power is majority about the effectiveness of attacks. Strength plays more into physical combat in comparison to projectiles Bardock using.

This means if Bardock gets low on energy. Let's be honest, Saiyans gets carried away during combat. To the point, they failed to realize the situation they're about to be in. Hell they often don't finish fights over their own arrogance. It's safe to say the same could possibly happen here. Dragon Ball characters quickly burns through their energy supply.

We even seen notably more powerful characters run out of energy. All of a sudden, Bardock using projectiles as well as his transformations working against him. Omni-Man lacks transformations actually a good thing. He's already at his most strongest all the time by default. Bardock has to transform to better his chances against some opponents.

Again that doesn't translate well against Omni-Man in this fight. Especially if Omni-Man figure out how those works. He can quickly prevent either transformation from happening. Yes I know the preview shown we see Great Ape Bardock. I'm just stating a fact of a real possibility in this fight. Also Omni-Man can accurately determine the threat level of his opponents without anything additional.

Scouters are flawed at best, they aren't accurate at measuring one's power level. In fact, there's several times when scouters tied they exploded. This also could play in a false confidence Bardock gets too. An member of the Ginyu Force had a similar situation. Which led to Vegeta punching him in the face, it hurt a lot.

Obviously he expected the punch to not hurt at all. Omni-Man can easily move much faster than Bardock's space ship. Which isn't even designed for combat in the first place. If Bardock tried to escape through his ship, he's screwed. Another critical factor is Omni-Man could survive worst injuries. He could surprise attack Bardock then finish him off afterwards.

Saiyans can fight anywhere as stated by King Kai. However the loop hole of this trait is they can't adept to some combat situations. Omni-Man with his more insane experience could figure ways to make it harder for Bardock. Most Saiyans aren't bright to begin with. Again I'm not saying Goku stupid or anything, he lacked school altogether.

Also because Bardock's heavily relying on projectiles. He isn't going to be skilled enough in a physical fight. Yes both warrior races are natural born fighters. Bardock simply doesn't have many moves outside his projectiles ones. Which is bad when he runs low on energy. Even considering his unusual mental abilities like seeing the future.

Omni-Man could counter that to a degree as well. It's possible for Omni-Man to see whatever Bardock's mind showing him. By the time, Bardock finishes seeing the vision. Omni-Man very likely going to counter what Bardock possibly going to do next. We previously had an Gundam pilot with a similar trait loss to Optimus Prime!!!

Bardock isn't that different from some of Omni-Man's opponents. Omni-Man likely going to give respect during this fight. It doesn't mean he isn't going to die worst than Homelander though. Hell Bardock could go for his strongest attack. Omni-Man has exactly what he needs to force Bardock into his own attack ending this fight.

Death Battle also gotta try explaining how Bardock survived what killed him originally. Which I'm still confused by to this day. It would've been different if Bardock didn't time travel. Not only that he tanked Frieza's planet destroying attack, Death Battle. Obviously Bardock couldn't handle Frieza's attack. Which indirectly would bag the question.

How would he survive Omni-Man for that matter? Bardock doesn't have much over Omni-Man. He possibly has the raw power advantage. I strongly felt in most categories Omni-Man wins the overall stats. To be more direct, Bardock doesn't have a sure way of killing Omni-Man either. Thankfully it wouldn't involve destroying every last cell like Kid Buu.

Another important factor is well Bardock isn't his son Goku either. Just like Goku Black whose stolen Goku's body also not Goku either. Thanks to Goku and Vegeta, we know a Saiyan's potential scary high. Unfortunately, Bardock lacks majority of that himself. He is basically your typical Saiyan warrior before Planet Vegeta gotten destroyed.

Even how he was trained vastly different from his son's training. Bardock was raised to be a Saiyan warrior. Goku ended up having several masters that helped him become a better fighter. A massive difference in their respective life styles. Bardock was more used to doing bad things. In vice versa, Goku always been the hero saving a lot of lifes from powerful threats.

Bardock doesn't even begin to compete with his son Goku. Obviously Goku has a lot more techniques within his arsenal. It's safe to say Goku easily could defeat Omni-Man by himself. This is critical because eventually Bardock going to run out of strategies long before Omni-Man does. It's only a matter of time before that happens.

I already know a lot of Dragon Ball fans are high balling Bardock. Simply because he's an Dragon Ball character capable of destroying planets. You also need to realize something else. Both these characters would prepare planets for an intergalactic empire. Therefore, destroying planets is simply not an option. They also would need permission to destroy planets otherwise or it wouldn't be pleasant for them.

This means both of them were forced to a degree to hold back while fighting entire civilizations. This could heavily impacted the fight too. Omni-Man was a member of the All-Star super hero team. Before he's shown his true colors killing them all. Not a lot of people realized Omni-Man was under cover while on Earth.

Obviously Saiyans never done that. They usually go straight into battles without a care in the world. I guess in this case it's worlds lol. Bardock simply came off more restricted than Omni-Man in that department. Omni-Man after revealing his true side stopped holding back. Although, he didn't kill his son means deep down he still cared for things that's important to him.

Basically Omni-Man isn't limitless like Superman. Already a much more balanced Goku vs Superman fight on that logic. Bardock simply not aware of his full potential that his son gained since then. Which would've deeply impacted the entire fight as a whole. Omni-Man still does have limits to a degree. This might come down to the last three maybe three moves it's that close of a fight.

The way I view this is Bardock a rather impressive low class Saiyan warrior. He just isn't Omni-Man level impressive though. Bardock's biggest advantages easily can be used against him. Omni-Man is simply too much for him to handle alone. In the end, this is going to be a truly amazing fight. I simply felt Omni-Man going to win this fight.

Winner: Omni-Man (Invincible)

I also wanted to clarify Goku has reached Ultra Instinct form. Notably more powerful than Super Saiyan Blue form. Obviously, Bardock wouldn't know of those transformations as well as Kaio-ken. An technique that multiplies power increase in the user. But like most Super Saiyans forms puts a huge strain on him.

Bardock going beyond Super Saiyan 4 to Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue and Ultra Instinct is too much. Although, we also could argue the possibility he might end up with Ultra Ego instead. A form Vegeta himself gained that an destroyer candidate has. Capable of destroying anything with his aura. Either of those forms would've been too much for Omni-Man.

No I didn't pick Omni-Man because Superman defeated Goku three times. Neither Thor defeating Vegeta for that matter either. Same with Reverse-Flash defeating Goku Black as well. I mean look this is possibly how it's going to play out. If Dragon Ball Heroes version of Bardock got used instead. Then yes I easily would've went with Bardock.

He has access up to Super Saiyan 4. Which isn't as powerful as Super Saiyan Blue. But it's notably more powerful than Super Saiyan 3 for that matter. Obviously that would've been a stomp in favor of Bardock, kinda boring to be honest. I'm glad this is the version of Bardock they're using. This actually closer to how many people thought of Goku vs Superman before reality hit em hard.

This is a lot closer that I actually can call a fight. The more recent version of Goku vs Superman was a fight finally. It's no longer a massive stomp in favor of Superman. I felt this is going to be a great alternative take on the concept, the show needed. It's actually different enough to stand out on it's own. Omni-Man vs Bardock going to be a great episode indeed. 

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