Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Another Puppet Master: The Game entry

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, a lot of stuff came up in several months. On the side I been playing Puppet Master: The Game. To clarify, this isn't going to be an final review. This is for all purposes an follow up blog entry. I have to talk about two factions added to the game since my last review.

Also there are paid dlcs mostly skins as well as a new execution animation for Blade. I highly recommend checking those out.

Very quickly I didn't mention the Puppets faction gotten it's own dominator. Deacapitron had the soul of Andre Toulon. Easily, one of the most broken characters in the entire game. He virtually covers more ground than anything else. It's actually difficult to find something not great about him. I forgot to mention him in my last entry about this game.

Totems came from Puppet Master 4 and 5 respectively. Although parts of their story also came from Retro Puppet Master. You play as these small demon creatures. Like the Puppets, you can go inside the vents. There's currently five of them you can play as. I say my two favorites are Sutekh and Totem Ravager respectively.

Sutekh is obviously the dominator for his faction. I know some of you are wondering what's an dominator right? The dominators are suppose to be the most powerful in that faction. There's even an option in multiplayer matches to use them or not at all for fairness reasons. Head Hunter sorta reminds me of another Full Moon character, Ooga Booga.

For me the one that stands out in a weird way is Mephistopheles. He wasn't originally an Totem character at all. Look I know, this game created two new Totem characters. But my point is this particular character was used by the late Andre Toulon. In Puppet Master 3, he used the puppet in his puppet shows.

Indirectly it sorta made sense since he does play on mystic side. Especially what Totems represent in this game. I also think he's the trickiest to play as in that faction. Ravager is great in close encounters. I actually think he's the easiest to play as. You may take a little time getting use to how to damage enemies with him though.

Demonic Toys
Demonic Toys came into the game earlier this month. This is technically their second crossover with Puppet Master. At the same time, this also their first official crossover with them. This time, Full Moon Productions is involved with this. I also felt they chosen the right characters from Demonic Toys franchise.

My two favorites are Mr. Static and Zombietoid respectively. I will actually talk about them last to help give you an idea how awesome both of them are. Jack Attack is sadly the worst among them. You really need to get use to how he works to survive longer. I do recommend playing him offline for awhile.

Baby Oopsie is alright, the gun is somewhat helpful. Sometimes you hit someone while other times miss. The knife works well enough especially the alternate knife attack. Grizzly Teddy can be more dangerous in a few ways. Among attacking someone, he regains some of his health. He can do a lot of damage with his claws.

A little risky, he also can down human characters with one bat swing. I loved they given him the bat just in that scene in the original Demonic Toys movie. Monster Teddy is easily in the top three in his faction. He's the dominator well it kinda should be obvious. This is Teddy altered by his master to become an bigger bear monster.

Due to his height he can't enter vents. However he actually has some surprising advantages to help make up for that. Being the tallest in his faction as well as the tallest of every character offline. He can easily destroy some Raven statutes with his claws. He also can go berserk to easily break down doors.

Like his smaller self, he regains some health while attacking enemies. He also can run fast too making him scary to face. Now we finally can talk about the best of them. Zombietoid is hands down the second best by far. He wields this awesome rifle you can aim from an distance. He actually can instant down human characters if he shots em in the head correctly.

He also has an machete that works well in combat. He can easily swap between the two weapons in matches. I'm also glad they chosen such an obscure character. He did hold his own against Doll Man that earned my respect. It's a shame he haven't appeared until this game. Honestly, he was one of the more awesome Demonic Toys characters.

He also can roll that sorta helps preventing some situations. I also loved that Major Chip Hazard reference skin. They previous given Six Shooter his Woody reference skin too. Now Mr. Static steals the show not even Zombietoid compares. He can move a lot faster for a short period of time. He fires laser blasts that deals damage at a fast rate.

He also has an additional blast projectile attack that sorta helps him escaping some situations. By default, Mr. Static does move incredibly slow. Despite that, he can easily destroy people in matches, I seen it. Not trying to cause anything, I kinda felt he should've been the dominator. I am not kidding, he's a surprisingly strong character in this game.

New executions
I figured since I'm already talking more about the actual game. I may quickly talk about the newer executions added to the game. Blade got an dlc execution that's among my favorites on his faction. Totems' executions are mostly fine with Mephistopheles having my favorite. Now some of my absolute favorites are from Demonic Toys faction.

I actually loved all their executions a lot. Very faithful to each one with Zombietoid having one of the funniest in the entire game. My two favorites were Mr. Static and Monster Teddy respectively. Most executions doesn't do more to an human's body. These two particular characters destroys human heads in their executions.

Now that's literately mind blowing lol. On a more serious note, each new executions further spices up the game. All of these more recent executions are making the game more exciting. Honestly, I can't say for more characters to show up in the near future. Obviously, these finishers are worth your time to do either in matches or playing offline.

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