Friday, March 7, 2025

My thoughts on Bambi: The Reckoning

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, in 2023 The Twisted Childhood Universe started. Marvel Cinematic Universe started a huge trend. Monsterverse and The Conjuring Universe being it's biggest competitors. Suddenly the concept of a more horror driven franchise using public domain characters. You got something potentially nightmare fuel.

I'm not here to review the films already released. Three by my count Winnie-the-Pooh series and Peter Pan respectively. I am starting to take some interest into this cinematic universe. I'm actually here to discuss the newest trailer of that universe. Featuring a character I never considered for a horror movie franchise at all.

We are talking the deer Bambi. Most remembers the classic Disney film of the same name. Bambi actually dates back to a classic book series. It's already a tough sell to make Mickey Mouse into a horror character. This possibly taken the cake in a rather different way. Bambi is a small harmless deer. Deers in real life aren't very bright to begin with.

Once a while I see some deers moving around where I live. Somehow they made Bambi actually terrifying. He's a huge piss off deer with sharp teeth. He's almost like an oversized bull charging at people. We actually get to see a lot of the character in the trailer. The concept of killer animal movies been around a long time.

Supposedly the world needs shark movies!!! I don't find deers to be scary at all. This particular deer is so menacing. He's actually bigger than an RV I'm not kidding. A smaller RV to clarify but still that's huge for a deer. I knew about this movie for a while. I didn't expect to see any of this!!! I can say I'm somewhat impressed.

I also should point out an upcoming Avengers style crossover movie in the works. A more villain take of that concept is strangely interesting to me. Bambi is terrorizing people it makes wonder where's PETA at? Some states wouldn't allow harm to deers unless it's hunting season. Just imagine Bambi causing hell in one of those states.

You would be forced to try escaping to another state or leave the country altogether. Clearly they put a lot of thought into this concept. Especially how easy people could've blown it off. Simply because they're using Bambi of all public domain characters for an horror movie. If they made Bambi scary like this. Then I wanna see what they do with Pinocchio whose getting his own movie.

Not to be confused with Pinocchio's Revenge either. Sure it's cheap to use public domain characters because they don't need to pay to use em. Of course, there's some guide lines to using em or they'll get sue. Not everything with those characters is in the public domain. They have to be cautious how to use em or else.

I actually enjoyed this trailer way more than I possibly ever expected. The trailer just sticks with you in a good way. Obviously it'll bag questions why Bambi? A lot of people don't find deers scary. At this point I wanna see someone make an Platypus horror movie. An animal I even question Why God created?

Bambi: The Reckoning is a good title for this. I wouldn't be surprise this came out in December. The big issue with that is there's a lot of Christmas horror movies. It would be facing tough competition. This movie was originally suppose to come out last year. Then again Peter Pan going to play a huge role in the crossover movie they're doing.

We're approaching the very limit what could get transformed into a horror movie or an horror movie franchise. Some may seem this being desperate using public domain characters. I personally see some creativity coming from this. The same company also responsible for Popeye's Revenge. Possibly not the best introduction into their horror films.

I got to give them some credit. They took a character we never expected to become scary. They found a way to make Bambi stand out like this!!! I don't think it's going to be a bad horror movie. At best it'll be alright among those horror movies. I don't expect it to be their best by any means. I could argue ways to make Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer into a horror icon.

Trust me Rudolph would've been a lot scarier in comparison. Just imagine all the crazy ideas they have regarding his red nose. Like when it glows red either a laser fires or suddenly his mind in pain. Rudolph tries to reel the pain that ends up to some crazy situations happening. I actually do think an horror Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer with the right people could be something amazing.

Bambi is very quickly going to be seen as a joke character among these icons. I don't think they are going to treat him that way here. It's even possible he'll be one of the first to kill in the upcoming crossover movie. It's almost like when you do enough drugs that messes you up. You start to see crazy stuff I wouldn't be surprised that inspired this.

My thoughts on Screamboat trailer

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, last year Mickey Mouse entered the public domain. Very quickly two horror Mickey Mouse movies gotten announced. The Mouse Trap that came out late 2024. The other was Screamboat coming out in early April 2025. I confess I never was that crazy for Mickey Mouse. I knew people going to keep making horror Mickey Mouse stuff.

I felt the games are more interesting than the movies. Although I will say I do actually wanna see Screamboat. This has to be the best looking horror Mickey Mouse yet. They even gotten David Howard Thornton to play the character. He's famous for playing Art the Clown in Terrifier series. He also played The Grinch in The Mean One.

More recently The Joker in an fan film called Jokers Wild. Which was a truly amazing performance as The Joker. You can tell I'm quite excited for this. Mickey going to wear the iconic outfit from the original Mickey Mouse cartoon short. This actually a horror movie remake of that short. I know people starting to get sick of horror Mickey Mouse movies.

Personally I rather have more of those plus Popeye than shark movies. Seriously why are there so many horror shark movies? The actual trailer sold me very quickly. We get an idea which characters we'll be seeing a lot in the movie. I just loved what was shown of Mickey Mouse. The actual look along with making him the correct height very well done.

You can tell Thornton had more fun playing the character. Just imagine a boat ride turning into a night like this!!! I could never imagine somehow Mickey Mouse actually terrifying. Sure they have strict guide lines with the concept they're using. Most horror Mickey Mouse movies will be more of their own thing. Let's be honest with the possible exception of I Heart Willie.

Most of them aren't going to be great. I actually heard some great stuff about I Heart Willie. It's currently on my list of horror movies to watch. Screamboat will be among the first horror Mickey Mouse movies to not suck. We're getting as close to the actual character as possible. Obviously Disney won't be happy with the film I could care less though.

Easily one of the best trailers for an public domain horror movie I ever seen!!! I even confessed Bambi: The Reckoning gotten my interest as well. Not to be confused with horror movies to eventually end up in the public domain like Night of the Living Dead (1968 version). We're talking about using public domain characters in horror movies to help prevent confusion.

What I wanna see is Mickey being quite creative with the kills. I wouldn't mind if he talks because Thornton could nail the character well. Just keeping him silent could take away from the movie to a degree. Which was a major issue I had with The Mean One. Screamboat was a great title for this horror Mickey Mouse movie.

There's more horror Mickey Mouse movies confirmed on the way. This is special since this was among the first two horror Mickey Mouse movies announced. We're finally getting that horror Mickey Mouse movie this year. I absolutely loved this trailer. I don't think I could be more sold on an horror Mickey Mouse movie.

Yes I'm willing to test that up to my death if needed. I'm just excited for this as for Popeye the Slayer Man. Easily among the horror movies I wanna see the most this year. Despite not even half way through the year yet. I felt Screamboat going to lead to great things. I just don't want people to suddenly held onto unrealistic standards after watching this movie.

I felt the best way to go about this. You do have to be a bit selective which horror movies you wanna see. Also doing this helps prevent watching the not great similar movies. Eventually we'll get a terribly bad horror Mickey Mouse movie. At least we gotten some decent ones. Honestly Screamboat is a huge reason I'm going to start keeping an eye on these movies.

I would love to see David Howard Thornton do an horror Bugs Bunny movie. Just knowing he's going to do it I don't care how bad the actual film going to be. I simply see him bring a rather twisted take of the character to the big screens. Especially if he does Mickey Mouse well. Screamboat is about to change the world in a way no one expecting I love it!!!

My thoughts on Canned CW Powerpuff Girls trailer

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, shortly coming home from an dentist appointment recently. I quickly found out through discord about The CW's canned Powerpuff Girls trailer. I previously knew about this show for a few years. I also grew up watching the original cartoon show. Personally everything following that show haven't been great.

I'm trying to not remember the trailer. I actually felt I gotten brain rot just from watching it. We get to see the Powerpuff Girls as little girls. Of course it were an CW show. They gotten aged up to being teenagers. Which I felt Rugrats with All Grown Up done way better!!! They made Mojo Jojo into an human father & son.

Partly they tried to not properly do the character to avoid having another Gorilla Grodd on their hands. For those not familiar with The Powerpuff Girls franchise. Like Gorilla Grodd, Mojo Jojo was an ape with enhanced intelligence. He also was their biggest enemy since he has the most personal reasons to dislike em.

You know it's bad when their arch enemy done this amazingly bad. Mojo was the dad while his son named Jojo. Who in their right mind calls their son Jojo? I would've been fine if a girl gotten called Jojo instead. I quickly notice all three girls notably off their characters. I felt Bubbles was hands down the closest. Buttercup was massively done wrong in the show.

The exception to that is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Which is way better than this!!! Especially Jolyne such an amazing protagonist. The Powerpuff Girls Z has nothing on that!!! Honestly, it's just sad this was the best they came up with. Especially for an channel airing a lot of DC shows. You would think their standards much higher than this!!!

Why does The CW have to keep putting families against each other concept? By now that's getting boring even for superhero shows. This was during the period The CW tried to kill off Arrowverse. A huge mistake in the long run. Somehow this made The Powerpuff Girls reboot cartoon show better. Which I'm not a fan of that PPG show either.

I'm already mixed about The Powerpuff Girls Z for that matter. At least in a weird way that's stayed true to the original cartoon show. This was too much of a departure. I'm mostly showing respect to a classic cartoon show I used to watch. I confess stuff like this I'm very glad didn't air on television as well as streaming services.

This could've killed the franchise it was quite painful to watch. The only way they could've piss me off even further. If this were going to horribly turn Courage the Cowardly Dog into an live action show. Nearly everything about this canned show is done wrong. The first Inspector Gadget movie was done better than this too.

The first live action Flintstones movie way better as well. This pales in comparison to shows like Supernatural. There would've been no way for this to stand out to The Flash or Legends of Tomorrow. Even Legends of Tomorrow being an interesting mess offered plenty more than this!!! End of the day this PPG show simply doesn't cut it at all.

It's so bad a lot of Nickelodeon sitcom shows seem like master pieces. It's so disappointing it made stuff like the newer version of Tom & Jerry seem awesome by comparison. It's so unoriginal I actually felt they simply rewrote some names then called it a day. Which if you think about it perfectly sums up this PPG show in a nut shell.

This really isn't The Powerpuff Girls at all!!! Even Scooby-Doo had a few decent live action movies. Considering how ridiculous that dog is. If Scooby could get those why not The Powerpuff Girls get a decent live action show? Maybe that's asking the wrong people. It also could've been the worst possible question to ask.

Even an live action Yogi Bear movie is way better than this. I simply dislike everything about this canned show. I know some people complain about shows they dislike still on television as well as streaming services. Sometimes the worst shows doesn't even get to air at all. You know it's so bad they didn't make it to air on television.

What a testament that had to been for em. They craft the works of the Gods alright!!! Something so amazingly mispresenting the franchise. To the points the actual PPG fans made it clear they don't want the show. It simply isn't that franchise at all. Just a quick paint job is all that ever was. I doubt The CW ever bounce back from this disaster.

My thoughts on Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3+4 not having 4's Career Mode

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, there was a short period in my childhood. Me and my brother had an interest into skate boarding. I kinda preferred bikes to a degree. Of course, we been around a few Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games. I previously played a little of the first four Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games. Recently they confirmed Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3+4 coming in July.

After a particular confirmation I can now say I'm going to pass on playing the game on Game Pass. I still didn't play Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2. I heard great things about it though. Keep in mind, the same company also done three amazing remasters. Two Crash remasters and Spyro Reignited Trilogy respectively.

You can only imagine what I'm about to say. Well it's not going to be an easy pill to swallow. I recently learned Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 had this Career Mode. Which made the stages notably bigger. Allowing you to explore as well as do stuff at your pace. A lot of them does have time limits. But it wasn't one time limit for the entire stage like in the first three Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games.

I'll just come right out with the bad news. The very news causing them a lot of money right now. They decided to redesigned Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4's portion to the first three Tony Hawk's games format. Suddenly this is a huge slap to the face especially towards Tony Hawk fans. This bags a lot of questions with barely enough answers.

How would they go about trimming down those stages? Just hearing that you already feeling cheated as well as getting rip off. I personally see it as a dick move Activision. You had a major opportunity to really brought the franchise back. You could've had more preorders for a game in years. Instead they chosen to make the game notably shorter on purpose to get it out faster.

Let's see how the gaming industry doing with that strategy. Oh wait not very well why do this? People already upset Bam Margera might not be in the game. I'm surprised Doomguy now Doom Slayer still in the game. Also coming with Revenant with some cool Doom stuff. I'm starting to question if any of the other guest characters coming back or not.

We got a rather interesting lineup just for the guest characters across two Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games. Darth Maul and Jango Fett from Star Wars. Wolverine from Marvel comics. Kelly Slater the pro surfer whose gotten a similar game to this series. Neversoft Eyeball likely won't come back. This was Neversoft's mascot character before they shut down.

Eddie as in Iron Maiden's mascot character as well. If none of those characters comes back I'm done. I'm flat out fully leaving the franchise behind for good. I haven't played em in years to begin with. I seen a rather ambitious Tony Hawk mod that's way better than this!!! You are telling to sell people on an incomplete package is quite low.

It's debatable which objectives going to remain for Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 stages. I also need to point out Iron Galaxy doing this remastered game. Fighting games wise they're truly amazing developers. I'm heavily disappointed how this getting handled. It's becoming more clear they just wanna sell out rather than do proper fan service.

I'm sure it'll be better than Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5. A famously bad sports game at that. This also making Tony Hawk fans wonder how would they go about Tony Hawk's Underground 1 & 2 remaster. Especially what they're doing to Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4. It should be illegal to do this. Plus those wanting Bam back not getting him could also cause em a lot of money too.

It seems every major reveal the worst the remaster becoming. Which is a huge red flag I'm losing interest fast. I rather play Mutant Football League 2 that's coming this year. Usually I'm not a football fan by any means. I simply love the twisted take on that sport the franchise widely known for. Honestly, this has to be one of the most disappointing remasters I ever heard!!!

You really had something truly amazing. Greed led to handicapping what should've been a master piece. If they plan to do this to other remasters in the near future. Activision your name off games to get list for good!!! I won't stand for this crap why should any of you? I felt if Garry's Mod recreates Tony Hawk series that's why better than this!!!

I could excuse some songs not coming back due to license. Although in the case of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition truly disappointing. The price for the deals isn't ideal either. I hate to say it don't buy this Tony Hawk game. You easily could've bought a much better game or a couple of them for that price!!!

I'm more willing to take my chances with Gex Trilogy. Despite some stuff I heard about Limited Run Games. Simply going by the trailers we aren't missing much in comparison. You know you screwed up very bad when a compilation game that's more directly emulation is notably better. This Tony Hawk game becoming a huge insult to those who grew up heavily around those games.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Remembering some old game commercials

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, there's a new episode of The Angry Video Game Nerd. It haven't been that long following Gex Trilogy episode. This episode focused on remembering classic game commercials. Suddenly I was recalling some of those I still remembered for many years.

I may miss a few commercials. I'm mostly focusing up to right before I been an teenager. Literately a huge one almost didn't make this blog entry for that reason. Now I'll try to keep things interesting to a degree. An era I wasn't on the computer much. I watched a lot of shows on several channels. Of course a few commercials sticks with you.

I will be focusing on commercials Rolfe doesn't discuss in that episode. I don't want people thinking I'm going to simply rip him off by doing the opposite of what I'm doing. I have a lot of respect for the man. I do enjoy retro to a degree. I'm quite happy to relive a lot of great memories here.

1. BattleTanx with Teddy Bear commercial

This commercial blew my mind. It's easy to confuse parts of the commercial with Snuggle Bear commercials. They used a similar bear character playing parts of the commercial similar to those. All of a sudden an tank starts going through a house. We see this teddy bear get damaged to a degree.

Let's be honest, just tanks might've came off being boring to people. This was a rather unexpected way to get people's attention. The commercial dramatically becomes an ad for the game BattleTanx. They took a huge risk it clearly paid off. This was a creative game commercial. The impact of change greatly helped the commercial become timeless.

By the way this is the only game featured I didn't play at all. I knew about it a long time. If I had the opportunity of course I'll love to give it a try. Seriously that commercial virtually sold me on the game. It didn't need to go as close as hard as it does. I simply love everything about the commercial a whole.

2. Super Smash Bros. commercial

I'm talking about the original Super Smash Bros. commercial. You have four of the characters while holding hands. Obviously people dressed up in suits similar to those characters. The commercial has this sense of peaceful to it. Until Mario trips one of them causing all of the characters to fight each other. There's some game play footage shown.

The song takes a notable change after Mario trips someone was a good idea. I was a huge fan of this N64 classic for years. I even say the greatest fighting game I played on the system honestly. This commercial if you haven't seen it before. It's mind blowing how effective it pulls you in the way it does.

The fact four people dressed up as these characters. Then a fight starts among em was genius!!! The song just simply works for the entire commercial. You really felt like you're watching an live action Super Smash Brothers commercial. Easily one of my favorite Nintendo commercials back when I were into their games.

3. SoulCalibur II commercials

GameCube commercial

Xbox commercial

PS2 commercial

Officially three similar SoulCalibur II commercials. This was to help promote the three main console ports having an guest character. You see parts of a character you can't fully see. They all talk to the same merchant. Some game play footage is shown. I loved the twist you finally realize the guest characters are the ones the merchant talking to.

This was a rather ambitious concept. We're talking three commercials that had to air close by each other on Television. None of it came off being rushed at all. It's mind blowing how truly effective these SoulCalibur II commercials were for their time. It was ambitious that ultimately paid off that instantly sells you on buying the game.

In my case, I actually did end up buying those ports featured in the commercials. More recently, DLCs prevents having to buy another console as well as a copy of that game on that system. I don't recall anyone else doing this style commercials either. Thankfully you can look them up on YouTube.

4. Twisted Metal 4 commercial

I will specify which Twisted Metal 4 commercial I'm talking about. We have Sweet Tooth and his clowns in live action. Sweet Tooth talking to the blue clown. Suddenly some chaos happens since that clown kept hitting the wrong buttons. This is the closest we gotten to an live action Twisted Metal thing until the show years later.

I grew up heavily around Twisted Metal series. This commercial focus on just Twisted Metal 4. Which is kinda an underrated Twisted Metal game honestly. I just love the concept of this TM commercial. For once, Sweet Tooth isn't the one causing bad things to happen. Although he is giving orders to the clown inside his ice cream truck.

I can honestly say they really don't make game commercials like this anymore. It was a surprisingly decent commercial for it's time. The length just works with everything that happens. It does help to convince people to buying the game. It's a kind of awesomeness you simply have to check out yourself.

5. Super Mario 64 Got Milk? commercial

There's a couple commercials for Super Mario 64. The one Super Mario 64 commercial I always remembered. Two kids were playing the game. After they went to do something. Mario escapes the game to use an skateboard to sneak into their fridge. He ends up drinking a lot of milk increasing his size.

He quickly returns to the game as a giant. Of course, we don't actually get to do that in the game. It still was awesome as a kid seeing an giant Mario stepping over platforms. We get a good usage of live action as well as CGI that's recreating Super Mario 64. Honestly a better recreation than the actual game itself.

This was a rather fun Mario commercial. I'm sure a lot of people still remembered this commercial. I haven't seen any Nintendo commercials since like it either. I loved what they were going for. Not only it's to promote an N64 game, a great one at that. It also promotes Got Milk? brand as well.


This was a fun concept I didn't consider doing myself. A lot of great childhood memories came back. I suddenly felt like my kid self. I also felt quite happy to remember these classic game commercials. I personally wanna thank James Rolfe for the idea. I would be interested in seeing other people reliving some of their favorite game commercials.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Two in One Death Battle blog

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, earlier today Death Battle aired their recent episode. It was my most wanted episode. I waited a couple years to see them do this. I'm going to be honest this quickly became what could've been two separate Death Battle blogs. But considering both entries covering the same fight in different ways.

I should just simply do both of them together. You really going to get my thoughts on the episode among other things. I also wanna point out I wasn't originally going to do both of these either. Due to lack of writing on here I should just give it all out in the open. I know Death Battle is a show first hand. Honestly I got a lot to discuss here.

1. My thoughts on Death Battle: Ghost Rider vs Spawn

Originally I wouldn't cared who wins. I partly felt that to a degree. I felt a large amount of the run down was well done. The fight animation was in all honestly alright. I seen a better fight with Lobo vs Ghost Rider. The fight song was easily my favorite aspect of the entire episode. I knew something was off when Spawn pulled his take of the Penance Stare onto Zarathos.

Currently the episode stands to me the worst since the show became fully independent. The verdict had some interesting points. I strongly have to disrespect with who wins. Thankfully I'll be throwing out my entire case shortly. The next episode going to be Mahito vs Shigaraki. I still think Shigaraki going to win hands down!!!

For an episode I really was hyped for. Such a huge disappointment this turned out to be. All of a sudden I'm reminded of Aizen vs Madara. Let's not even compare this to DIO vs Alucard which was done way better!!! I should be glad this wasn't another Marvel vs DC episode. It's very easy to say Death Battle loves Imagine comics since neither Spawn and Omni-Man loss on the show.

After seeing this I'm also glad it wasn't the Halloween episode. Which I got several ideas what to expect for that. I felt Spawn was notably done better than he previously was on the show. I also felt Ghost Rider actually done better the previous episode he's in. I do wanna say this is not among my worst DB episodes. It's more on the biggest disappointment section of my ranking.

They were really excited on their podcast show discussing this fight. I expected a lot better than what we ended up getting. I guess once in awhile I'm reminded to not trust the show's research. Honestly, I'm still somewhat happy about Spawn's victory to a degree. This simply felt like one of those questionable researched episodes that's starting to become more common on the show.

2. Why Ghost Rider should've won on Death Battle?

According to the episode, Spawn is one of those questionable death characters. They even mentioned somehow he came back after effectively erased himself from existence. Which I didn't even knew about prior to the episode. I have seen a few similar situations with Popeye. We could agree to a point both could target souls.

Ghost Rider is more famous for doing that. I don't think as impressive Spawn's potential is. He wouldn't had the opportunity to gain the superior stats in a real fight against Ghost Rider. For starters, Ghost Rider's motorcycle can rival speeds like Thor's hammer thrown across an universe. Majority of Spawn's arsenal was easily countered by Ghost Rider.

I could see parts of why they given Spawn the versality advantage. Although they also failed to realize some important factors. They even given Spawn his God form. Which was a huge red flag for me. It wasn't a transformation he simply powers up there you go. First he had to accept what needed to be done by the most powerful being.

In this case, Spawn wasn't allowed free will with using those powers. He was given a strict guide line how to fit things against both God and Satan. They didn't even mention the time Simmons was an Omega Spawn. Which also would follow under the same category with a similar level of power. Both forms rivaling God and Satan respectively.

The big issue is Spawn lacks stuff outside the multiverse. Even if we were to give him particular crossover like in Archie comics. It wouldn't change the fact Zarathos on a much higher level of power. A truly ridiculous level of power that's simply beyond anything in Spawn's universe for that matter. I had a huge problem with Spawn suddenly forcing his variation of the Penance Stare onto Zarathos.

Zarathos is an immortal demon. Let's take Blackheart for an example. An entity created from darkness of a particular alley. Due to having no soul as well as immortality is immune to the Penance Stare. Obviously this wouldn't work on his dad, Mephisto either. Mephisto rivals beings like Galactus in levels of power.

If left unchecked can destroy the entire multiverse as a side effect. I also wouldn't use Daniel using the Penance Stare on his brother Johnny. Considering Zarathos possessing a lot of people including the brothers. This act was directly done by Ketch rather than by Zarathos himself. It's also debatable if Spawn could successfully recreate the Penance Stare or not.

It's true Spawn does have some of the essentials to making that. The big issue is it shouldn't work on Zarathos at all. I also don't think Spawn's potential increase would've been big enough to matter. Not only that, both universes does have spiritual destruction among many ways the dead can die. Spawn simply lacks proper counters to the methods Ghost Rider possesses.

Simmons was the best assassin at the time of his death. Let's be honest, Ghost Rider is pretty ridiculous making that non existent. Spawn still would lack a proper way of finishing off Ghost Rider as well. Both having a weakness towards holy weapons. However Ghost Rider held a more strict spiritual target holy weapons.

Which means Ghost Rider has a greater resistance to holy weapons. Simply going by their logic, Leetha of the 7th House of K superior to Zarathos. The only reason Simmons became such a force. When Simmons died, he suffered enough trauma to sped up his stats increase. Therefore, he has to suffer to a degree to evolve.

It also means Leetha still has more room to move up potentially while Zarathos stays at multiversal levels. Again I don't think Simmons could evolve in a way to turn the tides of battle in his favor. Even down playing things in other aspects. Like some of Spawn's powers may be a minor issue for Ghost Rider.

Spawn's potential isn't Dragon Ball's Goku ridiculous. Even if it were, I still could argue ways Ghost Rider could win. Ghost Rider constantly proven to be a ridiculous comic book character. The episode felt sorta like the newer version of Cloud vs Link. Roughly feels the same with a few differences. The big issue is they simply given Spawn stuff that were made possible by other characters.

I'm sure that includes him suddenly he exists again thing. I'm even surprise Spawn didn't get a sword from God capable of destroying anything. Simply going by power scaling as well as other possibilities that sword wouldn't matter enough. Zarathos had plenty of options to avoid getting hit. He also had enough raw power to counter getting erased from that sword.

The other factor is Leetha mostly controls the chains as well as Spawn's cape. Although it's possible for her to steal control. I would agree Blaze constantly trying to hold Zarathos back. At the same time, Zarathos just isn't some demon either. Mephisto would destroy Malebolgia with ease. The episode failed to mention, Malebolgia devoured then absorbed Violator along with all his brothers.

It has small importance since following that Spawn cut his head off. His potential increase isn't like some characters they had on the show. A great example of this being Scorpion from Mortal Kombat series. When he's in Hell, his power constantly increasing. This logic means a long driven out fight in Hell against Scorpion.

Inevitably you're going to lose against him. I don't believe Spawn has that factor going for him. Even if he surprisingly does, Zarathos multiverseal in a much bigger comic multiverse. Omega Spawn would have infinite energy. I still don't think that matters due to some of Ghost Rider's victories. He has won against beings with the same advantage before.

Ghost Rider also has other effects through the usage of the Penance Stare Simmons lacks counters for. Such as causing him enough to emotionally break down. Which could also trigger his potential to go up to a degree. Depending if he's still willing to fight or not. Going back to God Spawn, they sure love giving characters transformations they shouldn't have.

I'm talking transformations that requires additional steps. Which could include help from others to a degree. They previously done that with two Naruto episodes. There were other factors that led to Obito and Madara getting an Sage form. He never was just transformed there you go thing. If such a thing actually allowed.

Then why wasn't Frank Castle as Cosmic Ghost Rider not used instead? Not only he's possessed by the demon Zarathos. He's also given cosmic powers making him truly insanely powerful. The level of power is almost Zarathos takes control among regular Ghost Riders as his default state. I hope that delivers the message I attempted to sent.

I strongly felt they didn't properly scaled the two characters. I do think both of them are insanely powerful beings. There's no way Spawn's potential could close the gap like that. Spawn would even struggle trying to survive spiritual destruction. Considering his limited experience on that front. He still have a limited resistance to them.

Which also would be true if he had infinite energy. Simply because he now has an endless supply of energy. It doesn't mean his resistance infinite either. Eventually Ghost Rider would break that resistance down to win. The other way to look at this is simply comparing two different versions of God. There's no question God in Spawn's universe among the most powerful beings.

Which should be around multiversal and higher in Marvel multiverse power scaling. The One Above All aka Marvel's God the most powerful being. Just looking at what some of the beings beneath him could do. Power scaling isn't even close at all. Spawn's God is multiversal while Ghost Rider's God more boundless in comparison.

A truly ridiculous level of power it's not even close!!! Spawn also prefers to use regular firearms against enemies. A huge waste of time against Ghost Rider. Especially if Blaze steals em then alters those firearms into more powerful, hellish variation of them. Spawn with a more proper researched fight should've loss against Ghost Rider.

Spawn's trauma can easily be exploited. Despite being a weird potential increasing factor for him. Ghost Rider should have the experience to prevent Spawn attempting something similar. Not to mention, Spawn taking in a lot of souls. Actually works against him in this fight. Simply due to Ghost Rider's Penance Stare.

Not only Simmons feeling the pain he caused others. He also be forced to feel the pain of souls he absorbed as well. Which is going to increase it's effectiveness. Zarathos still should've been incapable of getting affected by such an ability. Immortality or a truly ridiculous level of power. Spawn simply fails short in a more properly researched fight.

Why Beetlejuice Beetlejuice too similar to Corpse Bride?

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, not too long ago I reviewed Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. My big criticism how similar it was to another Tim Burton film, Corpse Bride. I figured I may go out my way to explain my entire view on that. I'm aware some may disagree with parts of my comparison. End of the day, I still respect the director a lot.

Yes I will be spoiling both Tim Burton movies. If you continue on reading be aware I reveal everything. Don't come crying when you went too far. I don't even need to hold your hand just do what you want. Wait you're still here I thought I left the door open out oh okay bye!!!

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice heavily centered on a wedding. Virtually what Corpse Bride done previously. Sure parts of it was done a little differently. In Corpse Bride's case, Victor suppose to marry Victoria that's being done as an arranged marriage between the two families. But Victor didn't memorizes the steps of getting married.

During practice his vowels out in the forest. He indirectly marries Emily whose a dead woman. Later on, she decides not to marry Victor realizing he loves Victoria. Her killer attempted to marry Victoria for money. He ends up drinking poison killing himself. Shortly following this, the couple gets married while Emily's spirit freed.

Lydia being pressured by her boyfriend Rory into marriage. Until Beetlejuice steps in forcing the truth out. It was revealed Rory wanted the money through marrying her. There also was a dead woman that used to be married to Beetlejuice. She shows up at the church to confront her former husband. Lydia's daughter created an opening that had an sand worm show up.

The sand worm failed to get Beetlejuice. Delores and Rory ends up getting devoured by the sand worm. Beetlejuice attempts to marry Lydia. Until her daughter revealed he broke the contract by forcing Lydia in the afterlife. Ultimately a wedding does happen with Astrid later on. Neither dead women gotten what they wanted.

Although Emily did get her revenge before her spirit was freed. We also have the dead walking among the living to a degree. It was to a greater degree in Corpse Bride with a lot more dead people. Both movies shows us a lot of the afterlife. They also further explain how things works. Which brings me to a rather interesting comparison.

Victor agreed to give up his life to properly finish marrying Emily. Before she decided against that when the opportunity arrived. Astrid got manipulated by Jeremy. He attempted to have her die in order to get revived using her life force. He ended up getting sent to Hell by Beetlejuice, he totally deserved it. Obviously I'm comparing Jeremy and Rory to Lord Barkis Bittern.

I should point out Bittern was planning to murder Victoria. Like he previously done to Emily. Who he was suppose to marry. This is important because shortly after Beetlejuice gotten married to Delores. She poisoned him while he killed her with an axe. Some of the dead wanted to take things into their own hands.

In Corpse Bride, a lot of dead people attended an wedding. When they found out Bittern killed Emily. A lot of them were quite upset. Their elder tried to prevent the dead intervening with the living. Until Bittern killed himself by drinking poison. After that happened, the dead went to town on him. In Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, the afterlife police force came for Beetlejuice.

Beetlejuice simply put em on ice pun very intended. After everything calm down, Lydia's mother had to return to the afterlife. Ultimately the living solved the problem in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. Hopefully by now you start seeing why I view Beetlejuice Beetlejuice the way I do. Yes there's a few major differences.

Sadly none of them doesn't help the strong similarities. Both movies attempted to have the living marry someone among the dead. Deception by horrible people that ultimately gotten stopped. A wedding does happen during the ending despite everything. There was singing to a degree. Personally with the songs being vastly different I don't view em being similar in anyway.

Although I still have something I can compare. Both movies had an emotionally moment to directly tie in someone's death. Personally I prefer Emily's song way more. I will give respect to Keaton telling most of the story in a different language. Otherwise I can't compare the songs neither their usage within the two movies. I also felt if I didn't comment on that someone going to point it out.

I don't wanna say Tim Burton running out of ideas. I also don't wanna say he had to rush making Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. What I do wanna say I still enjoyed Beetlejuice Beetlejuice a lot. I can't be the only person who sees this problem. Corpse Bride came out nearly twenty years before Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.

To me, it felt like Beetlejuice Beetlejuice was Corpse Bride again. As previously stated it still felt like an Beetlejuice movie I do stand by that statement. It still was interesting to see how people on both sides reacts to either plain of existence. I just felt Corpse Bride nailed that aspect better. I should point out both centers on families with Corpse Bride focusing on two families.

I know it's difficult to believe the similarities with everything else being vastly different. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice just came off not maintaining focus in comparison. Obviously I'm putting Corpse Bride higher among Tim Burton films. Honestly, I still say check both movies out. Regardless you may find some enjoyment in both of them or none at all.