I should just simply do both of them together. You really going to get my thoughts on the episode among other things. I also wanna point out I wasn't originally going to do both of these either. Due to lack of writing on here I should just give it all out in the open. I know Death Battle is a show first hand. Honestly I got a lot to discuss here.
1. My thoughts on Death Battle: Ghost Rider vs Spawn
Originally I wouldn't cared who wins. I partly felt that to a degree. I felt a large amount of the run down was well done. The fight animation was in all honestly alright. I seen a better fight with Lobo vs Ghost Rider. The fight song was easily my favorite aspect of the entire episode. I knew something was off when Spawn pulled his take of the Penance Stare onto Zarathos.
Currently the episode stands to me the worst since the show became fully independent. The verdict had some interesting points. I strongly have to disrespect with who wins. Thankfully I'll be throwing out my entire case shortly. The next episode going to be Mahito vs Shigaraki. I still think Shigaraki going to win hands down!!!
For an episode I really was hyped for. Such a huge disappointment this turned out to be. All of a sudden I'm reminded of Aizen vs Madara. Let's not even compare this to DIO vs Alucard which was done way better!!! I should be glad this wasn't another Marvel vs DC episode. It's very easy to say Death Battle loves Imagine comics since neither Spawn and Omni-Man loss on the show.
After seeing this I'm also glad it wasn't the Halloween episode. Which I got several ideas what to expect for that. I felt Spawn was notably done better than he previously was on the show. I also felt Ghost Rider actually done better the previous episode he's in. I do wanna say this is not among my worst DB episodes. It's more on the biggest disappointment section of my ranking.
They were really excited on their podcast show discussing this fight. I expected a lot better than what we ended up getting. I guess once in awhile I'm reminded to not trust the show's research. Honestly, I'm still somewhat happy about Spawn's victory to a degree. This simply felt like one of those questionable researched episodes that's starting to become more common on the show.
2. Why Ghost Rider should've won on Death Battle?
According to the episode, Spawn is one of those questionable death characters. They even mentioned somehow he came back after effectively erased himself from existence. Which I didn't even knew about prior to the episode. I have seen a few similar situations with Popeye. We could agree to a point both could target souls.
Ghost Rider is more famous for doing that. I don't think as impressive Spawn's potential is. He wouldn't had the opportunity to gain the superior stats in a real fight against Ghost Rider. For starters, Ghost Rider's motorcycle can rival speeds like Thor's hammer thrown across an universe. Majority of Spawn's arsenal was easily countered by Ghost Rider.
I could see parts of why they given Spawn the versality advantage. Although they also failed to realize some important factors. They even given Spawn his God form. Which was a huge red flag for me. It wasn't a transformation he simply powers up there you go. First he had to accept what needed to be done by the most powerful being.
In this case, Spawn wasn't allowed free will with using those powers. He was given a strict guide line how to fit things against both God and Satan. They didn't even mention the time Simmons was an Omega Spawn. Which also would follow under the same category with a similar level of power. Both forms rivaling God and Satan respectively.
The big issue is Spawn lacks stuff outside the multiverse. Even if we were to give him particular crossover like in Archie comics. It wouldn't change the fact Zarathos on a much higher level of power. A truly ridiculous level of power that's simply beyond anything in Spawn's universe for that matter. I had a huge problem with Spawn suddenly forcing his variation of the Penance Stare onto Zarathos.
Zarathos is an immortal demon. Let's take Blackheart for an example. An entity created from darkness of a particular alley. Due to having no soul as well as immortality is immune to the Penance Stare. Obviously this wouldn't work on his dad, Mephisto either. Mephisto rivals beings like Galactus in levels of power.
If left unchecked can destroy the entire multiverse as a side effect. I also wouldn't use Daniel using the Penance Stare on his brother Johnny. Considering Zarathos possessing a lot of people including the brothers. This act was directly done by Ketch rather than by Zarathos himself. It's also debatable if Spawn could successfully recreate the Penance Stare or not.
It's true Spawn does have some of the essentials to making that. The big issue is it shouldn't work on Zarathos at all. I also don't think Spawn's potential increase would've been big enough to matter. Not only that, both universes does have spiritual destruction among many ways the dead can die. Spawn simply lacks proper counters to the methods Ghost Rider possesses.
Simmons was the best assassin at the time of his death. Let's be honest, Ghost Rider is pretty ridiculous making that non existent. Spawn still would lack a proper way of finishing off Ghost Rider as well. Both having a weakness towards holy weapons. However Ghost Rider held a more strict spiritual target holy weapons.
Which means Ghost Rider has a greater resistance to holy weapons. Simply going by their logic, Leetha of the 7th House of K superior to Zarathos. The only reason Simmons became such a force. When Simmons died, he suffered enough trauma to sped up his stats increase. Therefore, he has to suffer to a degree to evolve.
It also means Leetha still has more room to move up potentially while Zarathos stays at multiversal levels. Again I don't think Simmons could evolve in a way to turn the tides of battle in his favor. Even down playing things in other aspects. Like some of Spawn's powers may be a minor issue for Ghost Rider.
Spawn's potential isn't Dragon Ball's Goku ridiculous. Even if it were, I still could argue ways Ghost Rider could win. Ghost Rider constantly proven to be a ridiculous comic book character. The episode felt sorta like the newer version of Cloud vs Link. Roughly feels the same with a few differences. The big issue is they simply given Spawn stuff that were made possible by other characters.
I'm sure that includes him suddenly he exists again thing. I'm even surprise Spawn didn't get a sword from God capable of destroying anything. Simply going by power scaling as well as other possibilities that sword wouldn't matter enough. Zarathos had plenty of options to avoid getting hit. He also had enough raw power to counter getting erased from that sword.
The other factor is Leetha mostly controls the chains as well as Spawn's cape. Although it's possible for her to steal control. I would agree Blaze constantly trying to hold Zarathos back. At the same time, Zarathos just isn't some demon either. Mephisto would destroy Malebolgia with ease. The episode failed to mention, Malebolgia devoured then absorbed Violator along with all his brothers.
It has small importance since following that Spawn cut his head off. His potential increase isn't like some characters they had on the show. A great example of this being Scorpion from Mortal Kombat series. When he's in Hell, his power constantly increasing. This logic means a long driven out fight in Hell against Scorpion.
Inevitably you're going to lose against him. I don't believe Spawn has that factor going for him. Even if he surprisingly does, Zarathos multiverseal in a much bigger comic multiverse. Omega Spawn would have infinite energy. I still don't think that matters due to some of Ghost Rider's victories. He has won against beings with the same advantage before.
Ghost Rider also has other effects through the usage of the Penance Stare Simmons lacks counters for. Such as causing him enough to emotionally break down. Which could also trigger his potential to go up to a degree. Depending if he's still willing to fight or not. Going back to God Spawn, they sure love giving characters transformations they shouldn't have.
I'm talking transformations that requires additional steps. Which could include help from others to a degree. They previously done that with two Naruto episodes. There were other factors that led to Obito and Madara getting an Sage form. He never was just transformed there you go thing. If such a thing actually allowed.
Then why wasn't Frank Castle as Cosmic Ghost Rider not used instead? Not only he's possessed by the demon Zarathos. He's also given cosmic powers making him truly insanely powerful. The level of power is almost Zarathos takes control among regular Ghost Riders as his default state. I hope that delivers the message I attempted to sent.
I strongly felt they didn't properly scaled the two characters. I do think both of them are insanely powerful beings. There's no way Spawn's potential could close the gap like that. Spawn would even struggle trying to survive spiritual destruction. Considering his limited experience on that front. He still have a limited resistance to them.
Which also would be true if he had infinite energy. Simply because he now has an endless supply of energy. It doesn't mean his resistance infinite either. Eventually Ghost Rider would break that resistance down to win. The other way to look at this is simply comparing two different versions of God. There's no question God in Spawn's universe among the most powerful beings.
Which should be around multiversal and higher in Marvel multiverse power scaling. The One Above All aka Marvel's God the most powerful being. Just looking at what some of the beings beneath him could do. Power scaling isn't even close at all. Spawn's God is multiversal while Ghost Rider's God more boundless in comparison.
A truly ridiculous level of power it's not even close!!! Spawn also prefers to use regular firearms against enemies. A huge waste of time against Ghost Rider. Especially if Blaze steals em then alters those firearms into more powerful, hellish variation of them. Spawn with a more proper researched fight should've loss against Ghost Rider.
Spawn's trauma can easily be exploited. Despite being a weird potential increasing factor for him. Ghost Rider should have the experience to prevent Spawn attempting something similar. Not to mention, Spawn taking in a lot of souls. Actually works against him in this fight. Simply due to Ghost Rider's Penance Stare.
Not only Simmons feeling the pain he caused others. He also be forced to feel the pain of souls he absorbed as well. Which is going to increase it's effectiveness. Zarathos still should've been incapable of getting affected by such an ability. Immortality or a truly ridiculous level of power. Spawn simply fails short in a more properly researched fight.
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