I'm trying to not remember the trailer. I actually felt I gotten brain rot just from watching it. We get to see the Powerpuff Girls as little girls. Of course it were an CW show. They gotten aged up to being teenagers. Which I felt Rugrats with All Grown Up done way better!!! They made Mojo Jojo into an human father & son.
Partly they tried to not properly do the character to avoid having another Gorilla Grodd on their hands. For those not familiar with The Powerpuff Girls franchise. Like Gorilla Grodd, Mojo Jojo was an ape with enhanced intelligence. He also was their biggest enemy since he has the most personal reasons to dislike em.
You know it's bad when their arch enemy done this amazingly bad. Mojo was the dad while his son named Jojo. Who in their right mind calls their son Jojo? I would've been fine if a girl gotten called Jojo instead. I quickly notice all three girls notably off their characters. I felt Bubbles was hands down the closest. Buttercup was massively done wrong in the show.
The exception to that is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Which is way better than this!!! Especially Jolyne such an amazing protagonist. The Powerpuff Girls Z has nothing on that!!! Honestly, it's just sad this was the best they came up with. Especially for an channel airing a lot of DC shows. You would think their standards much higher than this!!!
Why does The CW have to keep putting families against each other concept? By now that's getting boring even for superhero shows. This was during the period The CW tried to kill off Arrowverse. A huge mistake in the long run. Somehow this made The Powerpuff Girls reboot cartoon show better. Which I'm not a fan of that PPG show either.
I'm already mixed about The Powerpuff Girls Z for that matter. At least in a weird way that's stayed true to the original cartoon show. This was too much of a departure. I'm mostly showing respect to a classic cartoon show I used to watch. I confess stuff like this I'm very glad didn't air on television as well as streaming services.
This could've killed the franchise it was quite painful to watch. The only way they could've piss me off even further. If this were going to horribly turn Courage the Cowardly Dog into an live action show. Nearly everything about this canned show is done wrong. The first Inspector Gadget movie was done better than this too.
The first live action Flintstones movie way better as well. This pales in comparison to shows like Supernatural. There would've been no way for this to stand out to The Flash or Legends of Tomorrow. Even Legends of Tomorrow being an interesting mess offered plenty more than this!!! End of the day this PPG show simply doesn't cut it at all.
It's so bad a lot of Nickelodeon sitcom shows seem like master pieces. It's so disappointing it made stuff like the newer version of Tom & Jerry seem awesome by comparison. It's so unoriginal I actually felt they simply rewrote some names then called it a day. Which if you think about it perfectly sums up this PPG show in a nut shell.
This really isn't The Powerpuff Girls at all!!! Even Scooby-Doo had a few decent live action movies. Considering how ridiculous that dog is. If Scooby could get those why not The Powerpuff Girls get a decent live action show? Maybe that's asking the wrong people. It also could've been the worst possible question to ask.
Even an live action Yogi Bear movie is way better than this. I simply dislike everything about this canned show. I know some people complain about shows they dislike still on television as well as streaming services. Sometimes the worst shows doesn't even get to air at all. You know it's so bad they didn't make it to air on television.
What a testament that had to been for em. They craft the works of the Gods alright!!! Something so amazingly mispresenting the franchise. To the points the actual PPG fans made it clear they don't want the show. It simply isn't that franchise at all. Just a quick paint job is all that ever was. I doubt The CW ever bounce back from this disaster.
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