Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Death Battle Fight Prediction: Ash (Pokemon) vs Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, Death Battle placed a particular episode as their 200th episode next year. This is a huge request by a lot of people. It heavily brings nostalgia with a strange uniqueness to the table. I'm talking about Ash vs Yugi, this would be similar to Pokemon vs Digimon episode.


There's a lot of pokemon fans that's going to side with Ash. It's kinda not hard to see why either. His journey was quite an lengthy one. Compared to real life, 1997 to 2023. We're talking twenty six years why did it take so long? Ash became an Pokemon Master in his universe. We easily can give the experience advantage to Ash.

Although experience quite a weird topic here considering Yugi possessed by the pharaoh through his millennium puzzle. Without the pharaoh, Ash would easily have more experience than Yugi. Skill wise both sides are among the very best duelist of their styles. Ash uses several pokemons in battles. Yugi & the pharaoh uses cards during duels.

The pharaoh depending on translation a few thousand years. Which greatly dwarfs Ash's experience several life times more in comparison. He also can mentally talk to Yugi during duels to better his chances. It's virtually two against whoever he faces deal. This is a major factor why Ash going to lose this fight.

Yes there does exist mixed duel styles virtually combining two different games together. There's also pokemon cards as well making that possible. Personally I could just said very little to just named Yugi the winner since he had an Shonen Jump manga series. As everyone knows Shonen Jump essentially the Japanese counterpart to both Marvel and DC in ridiculous feats wise.

I felt for people to truly understand why I believe Yugi wins. I gotta break it all down to the best of my ability. For starters, I could argue Yugi is still a decent duelist himself. Obviously the pharaoh better than Ash willing to take major risks to win. This is vastly different from Pokemon vs Digimon fights they done.

Unlike Red, Ash is allowed to use more than one pokemons in this fight. We haven't technically done a card style character on the show before. Yu-Gi-Oh! a rather complex card game if you haven't play it before. I don't think Ash could understand a lot of it's concepts. Even if Yugi or the pharaoh taking the time to explain em.

Ash technically would have the advantage knowing which pokemons he's about summon. His opponents would have to hope for some decent cards. It's even possible to draw a hand full of not great cards too. This also indirectly counts as an advantage. Ash simply going to have a harder time predicting what's about to happen.

Also an Yu-Gi-Oh! duelist has more control over the battlefield than an pokemon trainer. This is where I felt the scariest advantage Yugi has comes into play here. Ash can only give commands to pokemons during a duel. He can send em back to their poke balls. Eventually Ash going to run out of pokemons he can use.

Of course that's considering if Death Battle really wanna go the distance with legendary duelists either. There's a large variety of cards that could be summon. We got a rather interesting variety among the monsters. You also got trap cards that forces several situations to happen. Including flat out removing the opponent's monster out of the duel.

This could be game changing because Ash could use one of his best pokemons. Just when he's about to attempt landing a critical blow. Yugi has plenty of ways to prevent that from happening. There's trap cards that prevents usage of monsters for a little while. You can't do much about the usage of trap cards in Yu-Gi-Oh! either.

There's also effect cards that can dramatically alter things. You got Toon World that transforms monsters into classic cartoon style monsters I'm not kidding. He also can revive a previously killed off monster as well. Which also could be game changing here. There's another effect to turn your dead monster into an undead one.

Now it's true some very powerful monster cards requires additional steps in order to activate. Majority of them are officially banned from Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments in real life for fairness. Even considering the additional steps required to use em. It's safe to say Ash could be lucky to not face em. Although we also gotta consider what would happen if Yugi summons one of these cards.

These cards are ridiculously powerful, Ash lacks a pokemon strong enough to counter any of them. If any of them gets summon, it's game over for Ash!!!

The pharaoh is notably smarter with some abilities he could do outside duels. Such as directly send someone's soul into another dimension, yes he's done this before in the manga. Obviously, Ash lacks any counters to this as well. Even excluding the truly broken Yu-Gi-Oh! cards from this fight. I still think Yugi going to come out as the winner here.

Another factor to consider is usually most pokemon trainers fights with one pokemon at a time. In vice versa, Yugi or the pharaoh could have several monsters on the field at once. Sure, Yu-Gi-Oh! does have some guide lines that technically slows things down a bit for fairness. The way this is going to play out it's going to be surprisingly fast.

I also could argue Yugi would have quicker access to stronger monsters by default. We could consider the possibility Ash decides to use one of his strongest pokemons out the gate. I don't think that would get far with Yugi though. Another huge factor is Yu-Gi-Oh! being more magical in comparison. It more directly plays more on the supernatural than anything else.

Pokemons are essentially creatures fighting each other around the world. By now a lot of franchises in real life ripped off the concept, Digimon is not one of them!!! At their core, anything in these cards do exist a long time ago with a connection to another dimension. Look it's rather complex stuff to get into. The monsters are insanely different in comparison.

The shorter version is every card based on something that surprisingly exists within Yugi's universe. Therefore, experience may not translate from these monsters as they do for pokemons. It doesn't mean Yu-Gi-Oh! aren't worst to face in comparison, you know they are. Yugi simply has plenty of ways to over whelm Ash.

I should also mention yes Yugi and the pharaoh can swap places. In fact, this is essentially how they defeated Maximillion Pegasus. Who had a different millennium artifact. Which allowed him to read his opponent's minds during duels. Basically he was cheating, they called him off on that. Ash won't be used to dealing with an duelist swapping out souls.

As for possible effects either duelists may experience during the duel. It's safe to say Yugi more protected against them than Ash. Either Ash has to wait until the effects stops or get cured. Some cards helps to prevent situations like this from screwing Yugi over in this duel. Both has been attacked by monsters before.

Well it's part of the show's take on the concept that duelists directly take damage to a degree. Sometimes it just happens even trying to interact with wild pokemons. Pokemons being more like animals and insects in real life has very clear limits. In vice versa, any monster summoned during an Yu-Gi-Oh! lacks those aspects to better chances for the duelists to win the duel.

Yes either Yugi or the pharaoh has to announce several moves they're making as well. Ash can't do much against majority of them. Even if we done an even more restricted gladiator duel style. Yugi still likely comes out as the winner. We're talking possibly two monsters each other with a set amount of hit points.

We could argue both had allies on their journeys. They both still gotten plenty of victories on their own. Some could use Yugi relying too much on the pharaoh to win. At the same time, isn't Ash already being more relying on his own pokemons? At least, Yugi isn't going to suddenly beat him up. Like Tai did to Red during Pokemon vs Digimon episode.

Of course, I remembered both of these growing up. I had just roughly a notable amount of interest for both franchises. I kinda respected Yu-Gi-Oh! more at the time. I kinda felt the concept was just more interesting. I truly do understand why this episode had to happen some day on the show. I just felt it won't live up to the hype majority has for it.

Summary of everything above here

To summary my entire argument, Yugi simply has most advantages with some assistance from the pharaoh. The crazier options Yugi or the pharaoh could do during this fight. Along with the two swapping places at times to further throw off Ash. Potentially scarier monsters to face in comparison. The pharaoh having the option to directly send his soul to another dimension.

Despite Ash having more notable duel experience over Yugi. He fails in comparison to the pharaoh. Who has a few thousands years worth of experience. Regular stats wise excluding everything else Yugi wins as well. Obviously we aren't focusing on that for this fight. I still felt like it needed to be mentioned anyway.

Essentially the duo has too much control over this duel. They easily can prevent the worst outcomes. In vice versa, Ash simply lacks counters to many things they could do in this duel. Thankfully this isn't your typical Shonen Jump character or Ash would've loss much worst than this. Any effects on Yugi or the pharaoh can be easily countered as well.

Sure Ash would know which pokemons he's about to summon. In vice versa, he lacks knowledge everything Yugi or the pharaoh throws at him. It would be a complete waste of time for either to know every pokemon Ash has. Especially when they already had this in the bag. Ash can't predict which cards either of them draws from the deck, the combinations are a notably huge.

This alone with the two swapping places could easily over whelm Ash. This is excluding everything else too. A small note to mention is usual battlefield sizes they're used to dueling in. Just by looking at some of those locations. Yugi has notably more to work with than Ash by default. This is where I start to see how truly unfair of a match up turned out to be.

Ash directly says any pokemon's name as he's summoning them. Either Yugi or the pharaoh could do that or not in the case of trap cards. Which had limited options to prevent from activating from duels. Also some turns in Yu-Gi-Oh! allows duelists multiple cards to be used. Which also could be game changing in this duel.

Pokemon duels are mostly one one one pokemon wise. Therefore, Yugi or the pharaoh could have three or more monsters on the battlefield. Obviously Ash not going to know what to do. Throw in some effect cards that transforms them into different variations like toon or undead possibly game changing as well. Hopefully by now you are finally seeing my point on this.

Not to mention, Yu-Gi-Oh! duel rules are more complex. There's no way Ash going to understand them on his own. His pokemons are too depended on his instructions as well. The pharaoh easily the smartest character in this fight. Either way you look at this, Ash vastly screwed no matter what he does. It looks like the Pokemon Master about to become an Yu-Gi-Oh! student.

Winner: Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

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