Saturday, April 13, 2024

Let's discuss Chucky

Warning this will be a lengthy blog post, please take as much time needed to finish reading.

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, It's been awhile since I got to talk about one of my favorite slasher villains ever!!! Considering I got three topics involving Chucky. Let's do this multiple Chucky posts in one deal. You already know I'm going to have a lot of fun with this. Honestly, it's about to be one hell of a party in here!!!

Topic 1
Chucky and Slappy comparison (more recent shows)

Spoilers for both shows if you continue reading on or skip to Topic 2 to avoid em altogether.

To clarify this isn't going to be a full comparison of both villains. I originally planned to do a follow up comparison video on this topic. Due to my video editor program no longer working, I don't know why. I should directly compare stuff both of them including the new Goosebumps show. Let's say the similarities I'm about to go into are quite strikingly indeed.

Chucky with Jake back in season 1 of Chucky show. The two ended up doing an insult show towards Lexy. On the new Goosebumps show during a flash back, Harold with Slappy insults a few students on stage in a similar matter. Chucky in Cult of Chucky directly possessed Nica. Slappy possesses two people mostly a teacher, Nathan Bratt.

In both shows, high school students are getting terrorized by them. Obviously to a degree, parts of that occurs at their schools. Both manipulated people to a degree to get what they want. Mostly a few family members that ultimately turned against em. We also see flash backs of them being humans before becoming possessed doll/dummy.

Obviously both are skilled magic users despite being vastly different magic styles. They also made the characters think they're defeat. Let's be honest, Chucky dies a lot on the show there's no hiding that. Slappy later possessed one of the high school students the stories follow. Both planned to do horrible things as their end goal.

Slappy turned a lot of people into human sized dummies. He was going to force em get burnt alive at a particular location close by each other. Chucky had several end goals that doesn't works in his favor much. Like he attempted to make someone else into a killer or a surprise Christmas massacre.

Which was better than Nutcracker Massacre, I'm preparing a review of that soon. Back to these two iconic villain characters. Slappy manipulate the spirit of Harold for his own amusement. Both these stories involves revenge to a degree. Despite Chucky does have a grudge with those students, Harold was tricked into thinking that.

It was later revealed it turned out Slappy not his former friends were responsible for his death. Before that, Slappy manipulated Harold into turning both his parents into dummies. Chucky manipulated Jake's cousin Junior into killing his father. Slappy on this Goosebumps show was almost Chucky no joke. This made the character more evil than he was in anything else Goosebumps related.

Both shows confirmed both these characters are evil in every sense of the word. I always wanted to see these two characters face each other especially on Death Battle. Last I checked, it's their biggest request to date. Even some stuff Slappy said on the show was strikingly similar to what Chucky would say himself.

I also need to point they are going to change Goosebumps show to an horror anthology show. Which also means they may not continue the story of season 1. Chucky show is essentially Chucky 8 excluding Child's Play remake. They are making another Chucky movie that could suggest a few things. Like season 3 of Chucky show might be the last or somehow parts of season 4 being in the movie.

You know as a better way to tie things together. Some shows does stuff like this that I felt is a little unnecessary. These shows really made those characters even more alike than anyone ever thought. Even I confess I almost mistaken Slappy for Chucky at times. I'm not trying to start anything with Goosebumps show, it's incredibly notable what they done with Slappy.

Topic 2
Chucky vs Freddy movie pitch

On and off, Don Mancini whose created Chucky threw out some ideas for future possible movies. Mostly crossovers with other characters. For some reason, a lot of people wants Chucky to crossover with both M3gan and Annabelle. Going by a video I made, I don't think either of those ideas would work for similar reasons I stated there.

There's the more comical Chucky in Space pitch. We already have other horror icons in space. Jason X brought Jason Voorhees to space, The Cenobites in Hellraiser: Bloodline brought hell to space. Although there actually is a similar movie nick named Hellraiser in space by people. Event Horizon for anyone wondering which movie.

Hellraiser: Bloodline predates Event Horizon by over a year. There's also Leprechaun 4: In Space, it's not great. There's a few moments I do sorta enjoy rewatching. Which makes it a better movie than Leprechaun: Origins. Also say it with me, It's not a Leprechaun Movie!!! I actually seen a even worst attempt on the concept with Dracula 3000.

Yes even Dracula somehow gotten a similar movie that's terrible. I can't say a single good thing about it. I don't mind aliens coming to Earth or other planets. At the same time, Jason X being the best among them surprisingly. This concept mostly doesn't work at all. Then again they recently gotten Chucky inside the White House on the show.

I personally felt a share commercial might be the only way to make it work. A movie or a few episodes on the show simply doomed to fail. However none of those are the one pitch I came here to discuss. Yeah get ready to wrap your head around this one. A pitch if it ever happened I actually would drop everything to watch it on the spot.

Don himself really wants to do a crossover movie with Chucky and Freddy. Yeah two of my favorite slasher villains ever in either a movie or on the Chucky show would be sweet. The closest to this level of excitement actually was a crossover commercial with Michael Myers. Yes Chucky for a few seconds talks to Michael Myers in a commercial was mind blowing to me.

I haven't felt like that ever since Freddy vs. Jason movie. Before I dive into this particular pitch. There's a few failed similar ideas I personally can't believe were planned to end up getting canceled. Michael nearly fought Pinhead is already wtf!!! You are putting the usual slasher villain against a demon like that.

They actually allowed the voters to decide to make the movie or not. Majority voted against the idea, a great idea since it couldn't work at all. They are way too different to make it work. At least with Freddy and Jason, they had some similarities to better tie into the crossover movie. I also aware there's a few sequel comic book series to that movie with Ash from Evil Dead series.

Michael at one point was considered for a follow up to Freddy vs. Jason. There's even worst movie pitch that more recently becoming known on the internet. Leprechaun vs. Candyman, I am dead serious. It's not clear why they wanted to do these two against each other. Partly one of Leprechaun in the Hood movies was the result of that crossover not happening.

Leprechaun franchise is one of those franchises stuck after a few reboot attempts. There's a new one in the works, let's hope it's a good or at least more faithful than Leprechaun: Origins. Pinhead in a planned ending for Freddy vs. Jason would've interrupted the two fighting each other. It's kinda sad such an ending never fully materialize.

Me actually discussing Freddy vs. Chucky pitch.

Alright you may not wanna hear all of that. Let's get to what you really wanna hear me talk about. I actually think Freddy vs. Chucky could work wonders. Personally I rather have Chucky vs. Leprechaun that surprisingly never got considered for a movie true story. Both these villains have some strong similarities.

Both were serial murders that died then became something worst. They got powers with Chucky having magic while Freddy can manipulate the dream world like a God. Both got defeated by their children in a criticized sequel movie no less. Both stalked later killed a few high school students. Both wore striped clothing to a degree.

Their personalities are similar enough with both throwing out one liners at times. Which brings me to another strong similarities. Both started out being terrifying to end up getting too comical later on. Mostly Seed of Chucky and Freddy's Dead respectively. Although done differently both can split up into multiple bodies.

Even death is a small issue for these two. Freddy may debut a few years before Chucky. But Chucky actually gotten a bigger body count. Well the bigger confirmed body count since Freddy goes after people in their dreams. I will be honest I did compare season 2 of Chucky to A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 awhile back.

If you wanna read that blog comparison just click on the link below...

There's a lot of interesting possibilities they could do with such a concept. Chucky stalking a group of people plus adding in Freddy doing the same could be essentially a bad situation. Either they stay up long enough to get done in by Chucky or fall asleep risking never waking up again. Yes you could say that previously done that with Freddy vs. Jason.

This will be different because Jason isn't bright. These two are smarter than a lot of people realize. Two vastly different supernatural slasher villains with a possible similar end goal. Eventually either by default, betrayal or they start a rivalry with each other. These two are going to face each other, things will quickly get ugly.

Also it kinda would be interesting to see how Freddy outside the dream world handles Chucky. Especially if there's multiple Chucky dolls waiting to ambush him. We could end up with a more brutal scene than his daughter finishing him off in Freddy's Dead. A confrontation easily could be guarantee to happen if both of them are stalking the same group of people.

Chucky never faced anyone in canon like Freddy before. In the dream world, Freddy fought people that used their dream powers against him. All of a sudden using magic might not be enough. Also it would be interesting how to torture a murder that died so many ways? Obviously Freddy could use more ridiculous ways to kill Chucky off that isn't possible in the real world.

The humor alone is already enough reason to want this crossover to happen. Not only that, two iconic slasher villains people really can't get enough. It's going to be amazingly well as a movie. If this were to happen on the Chucky show, there's factors working against it. I do think in the right hands, that season could easily be the greatest they ever done!!!

Topic 3
Chucky roasting other horror movies joke

This is the most recent Chucky topic I wanna discuss. On Episode 5 of Season 3, we see old Chucky watch TV. He quickly roasts a few similar movies to the franchise. First up to get roasted was The Boy. Followed by Dead Silence which I felt gotten a better insult. M3gan shows up with possibly the single funniest Chucky joke in history.

I previously seen two of these movies with M3gan being the only one I haven't watched yet. I felt I already stated why I don't like the idea of an actual crossover idea. Although, this roasting was well executed. I kinda felt the same about that movie myself. I love this moment so much I ended up making a few memes inspired by it.

Personally I felt Brahms: The Boy II kinda deserved to be roasted more than the original. Sadly I kinda have to spoil things to make a point here. The Boy up to a point makes you think the doll might be alive. It was later revealed Brahms didn't die in the fire. He secretly lived inside the walls of his parent's home for year.

Therefore, it's not quite a killer toy movie despite feeling like one up to that twist. Brahms: The Boy II changed everything to suddenly cash in on Chucky and Annabelle. Originally the doll was made for Brahms then the fire happened. Everyone including his parents lied about their son's death. The baby sitting of a doll was actually this mysterious man wanting to spend his life with the lady.

They changed it to multiple people had this possessed doll. Brahms just one of the people that owned the doll in question. Brahms didn't live as long in this new canon they established. The movie actually more directly ripping off Annabelle than Chucky. Considering Annabelle: Creation predates Brahms: The Boy II by rough three years, I say it's a rip off.

For anyone about to play "Oh The Boy came out before Annabelle card." The original Annabelle movie predates The Boy by over two years. If we were to consider The Conjuring that came out a year before Annabelle. Over three years since that's an ongoing movie franchise that's successful. On several accounts, The Boy franchise doesn't compare to either of those franchises.

Also I don't think The Boy deserved the roasting. Yeah it was kinda disappointing their attempt to spike things up worked against it. I still kinda liked the movie despite how much I dislike the sequel. I kinda felt Dead Silence was the best horror movie Chucky roasted here. It was a nice burn there's no question of that.

Chucky basically said the obvious when it came to Dead Silence. It didn't get a sequel, some horror movies works better without em. So it's up to debate where you stand on that statement. I kinda wish another movie that actually deserve the roasting taken it's place here. I am sorry Dead Silence didn't deserve to get roasted, it does just enough to differ itself from Chucky.

Dead Silence was actually a decent movie I enjoyed. I wouldn't mind a sequel if it's done right. It's more of a ghost movie but a great one at that. To me, M3gan essentially would be what Dolly Dearest was to the original Chucky in a nut shell. Regardless if they had similar ideas or actually rip off Chucky is somewhat debated.

M3gan on the verge getting an sequel. I just don't see the appeal of it. It just felt like let's take Child's Play remake gender swap a few characters then call it a day. I know some people felt this way towards a Ghostbusters movie. I never felt that towards the actual film. My real problem with it was they decided to attempt recreating the original in a way that just doesn't work.

I'm even amazed M3gan was surprise success. I kinda hope Chucky does another round of roasting horror movies in the near future. Hell Don you should get a Chucky marathon. Chucky on the air during commercials can roast more horror movies, people would deeply enjoy that. For a few minutes, the roasting was a surprising high light for the show.

I simply wanted more of it even if the later roasting ends up as a bonus video or episode. Both they could do but the focus is more towards the story they're telling. It was a clear distraction from what's going on. At the same time, it was easily one of my favorite Chucky moments ever. Just for fun I will be linking a few memes I made the day following the episode aired down below...


Dolly Dearest

Very surprised neither of them got roasted.

Brahms: The Boy II

You knew this was coming. I felt my burnt on the sequel was better lol.

Nutcracker Massacre

I really can't wait to tear this movie apart lol.

This joke is very meme friendly, I absolute love it!!! I would love to see other people's memes on that joke. Feel free to hit me up for checking em out, I really would love to see your jokes. I waited for years to see Chucky do something like this. When it finally happened I'm almost speechless. It's not perfect but for what it is, I really enjoyed it.

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