Monday, January 27, 2025

My thoughts on Toxic Crusaders game and The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, not long ago I discussed my thoughts on the upcoming AVGN game. I briefly mentioned two other Retroware games possibly coming out the same year. I figured I should discuss those in greater detail. I will confirmed I knew about both of them a few years. Even what I seen from Iron Meat that came out last year gotten my attention.

Toxic Crusaders

TMNT: Shredder's Revenge started this retro licensed beat em up trend. Before a lot of them started to come out. Among the first of them revealed was Toxic Crusaders. Which is based on the cartoon show of the same name. It's no secret the older Toxic Crusaders games were terrible. You can tell this team wants to deliver a decent Toxic Crusaders game.

They also wanted to make sure it stands out among similar licensed beat em up games. I always wanted to play as Toxie in a game. I am very happy with how the game coming out so far. I do think this game going to be a surprise hit for sure. It's hard to say if it'll sell well though. I am sure Lloyd Kaufman going to be quite happy about this Toxie game.

I do like the roster of characters you play as. All of which are from the cartoon show. At this point where's Street Sharks game at? I really wanna play that since I had a lot of the toys growing up. Stuff like this was already rip offs of TMNT in a few ways. Toxic Crusaders was kinda in the middle. At the time you were better off watching the Toxic Avenger movies.

I do think Toxie deserves one decent licensed game. He ended up becoming the mascot of Troma. I felt the character should have his time in the spot light. Speaking of that, the Toxic Avengers reboot movie may finally come out this year. If it does, suddenly I'll have more reason to get this game. Toxie going to need all the help as well as hype he can possibly get.

Considering the 90s being relived period. Virtually majority of my childhood. It seems nearly everything even the strange thing from that era coming back. I do think this is going to represent the show well. I don't think they need to change much even considering the newest update. I personally can't wait to play this myself soon.

The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest

Out of the three games this one caught my attention in a rather huge way. This is essentially parody of Castlevania series especially Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest. This started as a joke they posted online. People actually became quite interested in. The developer which is one person decided to make it into an actual parody Castlevania 2 style game.

I have played some truly amazing parody games in the last few years. Also I do enjoy metroidvania games to a degree. Either pictures or videos of the game were impressive. This actually could pass as an Castlevania game. I love the main character's name so happens to be Simon Quest. It sorta comes off like derp remember that Castlevania game?

I do think this is going to be the longest of the three games. I really wanna see the full map myself. Metroidvania games are really packed with content. Excluding additional modes is mind blowing. I also liked it plays like a modernize Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest to a degree. This game is going to be truly amazing stuff.

Sometimes a more comical game is rather refreshing. I recently played through a few game that's done just that. I know some unavoidably going to compare this to several fan remakes of Simon's Quest. One of which was pretty awesome from what I seen. Castlevania Chronicles 2 is actually an fan game I wanna play.

I do hope this game has some great jokes hidden. I also wanna see some sick upgrades you can get. Yes there's a leveling system to a degree. I do like you have stuff to keep you from restarting the game from scratch. In all honestly, this game going to be a must have in your collections. No guarantee if it wins Indie Game of the Year award though.

The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest will be like how UnMetal was towards Metal Gear franchise. I do think this could be Retroware's best game in a couple years. Which is really saying a lot with their library of games. At this moment, it has a shot at AVGN 1 & 2 Deluxe. I really can't wait to play this in the near future.


I really do think both of these going to be way better than AVGN 8-bit. Not only that both of them are further going to get Retroware's name on people's radars in rather different ways. My expectations are quite high with both these games. Depending if Xbox gets em or not. Either Xbox or Steam as the alternative.

Steam ideally would be better for The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest. You might need to look stuff up online. It's going to be one gigantic map after all. Very easy to get lost or not sure where to use certain items. Toxic Crusaders being an beat em up the platform I play it on doesn't matter much. I do think Retroware possibly could get up to three huge hits this year is insane.

They will take you back to the past alright. Three vastly different games they're publishing. A huge chance all of them coming out this year going to be wild. I'm trying not to be so harsh on the new AVGN game. It's kinda difficult when the other two games instantly sold me on em. I am actually literately to take a chance to see where this goes.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Death Battle Fight Prediction: Calder (Dead Rising) vs Stubbs (Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, here's a match that quickly came to me. When I was early into playing Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse. Inevitably I started comparing Calder to Stubbs. I figured why not do a fight between two leader zombies in more comical zombie game franchises. Honestly I'm quite happy to cover this fight myself.

Stubbs the Zombie

This turned out to be a rather interesting match up. Calder by default uses an exosuit. This suit gives him the stats advantages. Which should've meant an easy win for him. But Stubbs is just as clever as Frank West to a degree. He is usually having his back against the wall. Calder previously was a soldier before he turned.

Obviously both can turn humans into zombies. Although Calder usually overpowers em with his exosuit. Stubbs could take an advantage of devouring some brains to increase his chances in this fight. Unlike Calder, Stubbs can give call zombies over to him. Let's be honest both in different ways are quite unusual for zombie characters.

Stubbs has more notable intelligence than most zombies in his universe. I could even argue Stubbs is in fact smarter than Calder too. Stubbs can drive vehicles including tanks. Which would help counter Calder's exosuit. Considering that either he directly or possesses an human to wear an exosuit to counter em as well.

Calder can easily prevent Stubbs' hand trying to possess him. The singer laser enemies can easily do the same. Stubbs also has other mess up means of attacks Calder won't even see coming. He can throw some of his guts that explodes. He also can rip his head off to use like a bowling ball. Which also has an explosion to a degree.

Stubbs also can fart that can stun multiple enemies. Stubbs survived against lasers is quite impressive for a zombie. He constantly finds a way to do whatever he wants. Which is exactly why I compared Stubbs to Frank and other Dead Rising protagonists. Stubbs may struggle getting in close to Calder. Calder himself lacks counters to a lot of stuff Stubbs could do.

Stubbs constantly was unpredictable to his enemies. The same can't be said for his opponent. Sure, Calder with his exosuit can easily knock over vehicles. Even with his superior movements & reaction speed still lose to Frank. Keep in mind, Frank later became a zombie until he became cured within the same game.

It's fair to say DR4 zombies are more aggressive as well as agility than zombies in Stubbs' universe. In this particular case that actually works against Calder. Stubbs was able to manipulate zombies to a degree. Assuming that also could happen with Calder's zombies. Stubbs can easily overwhelm Calder with the numbers.

Also among possessing people, he can use other weapons. Mostly rocket launchers & lasers being the deadliest Stubbs could gain access to. Which actually be quite effective against Calder's exosuit. The main reason I'm not fully considering Calder's regeneration factor. He needs an location filled with a lot of electricity to achieve that.

Stubbs himself endured in a similar situation just fine. I wouldn't be surprise Stubbs has to take a leak lol. Oh okay if you played Stubbs' game you knew that joke was coming lol. Stubbs may lack a direct method to fight Calder by default. He still clever enough to figure ways to even the odds in his favor. This is exactly how he won in the end.

They both were responsible for so many human deaths. A major difference is Calder was the main antagonist while Stubbs more of an anti-hero character. Sure he's done some terrible things. He also had a good cause to fight for with everything considered. He already knew what it's like being an zombie. He didn't want anyone but his wife to be with him.

Then again his biggest ally was a female robot that clearly missing some screws lol. Stubbs was fighting to reconnect with his lover. Both zombie leaders had different motives behind their plans. Calder wanted to take over the world with zombies. Stubbs simply wanted to be with the woman he loves beyond everything else.

This translates to Stubbs had higher willpower as well as determination. He also survive against crazier odds than Calder in comparison. I just want to make this clear. Sometimes the character that loss the stats advantage can still win fights through other means. This is simply one of those fights. Calder also would struggle to kill Stubbs over for many reasons I stated.

Assuming it would be a neutral location for this fight. A lot of zombies nearby with a few working vehicles. Stubbs would more likely take advantage of those. Calder just isn't as creative or as smart as Stubbs. I never said Stubbs was a genius either lol. In fact, Calder technically loss to someone else doing that plus someone helped Frank to a degree.

Stubbs even survived his own son that had lasers with some force fields. We can agree those force fields notably more durable than Calder. Despite sections of them were missing. Stubbs also had to go through a lot of switches to defeat another boss in the game. It's safe to say he could figure how to prevent Calder's regeneration on his own.

By now you should be getting a picture how I see this fight. Calder on paper should destroy Stubbs. But in reality, Stubbs has plenty of surprises Calder can't prepare for. Depending where this fight takes place. Stubbs around eight to ten times comes out as the victor. This will be a rather chaotic zombie fight a lot of people could enjoy watching.

Winner: Stubbs the Zombie (Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse)

Death Battle Fight Prediction: Traflgar D. Water Law (One Piece) vs Younger Toguro (Yu Yu Hakusho)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I planned two more Death Battle fight prediction blogs. Neither is related to the upcoming season. Which is about to kick off with Kratos vs Asura. Here's a fight to me is somewhat more interesting as well as unique to a degree. I'm putting Law from One Piece versus Younger Toguro from Yu Yu Hakusho.

Here's two characters among my list of characters I'm very strict who should face em. For Younger Toguro it was more of a question how could he lose? He does this power percentage system that involves increasing his muscle mass. This by itself limited who to consider to face him. I do think Law is a surprisingly decent opponent for him.

Law has a very unique, terrifying devil fruit called Op-Op Fruit. No it's not short for overpowered lol. Op actually stands for operation because usually those that eat this particular devil fruits are doctors. Just imagine one pirate crew filled with medics including the captain that's his crew in a nut shell. He has abilities many devil fruits has to a degree making it a very decent one.

It's safe to say this is a rather unexpected Shonen Jump match up. Some could argue Law has more interesting opponents. I felt some people going to be very surprise with the verdict section. I am sticking to the main canon stuff. I'm up to date on both franchises for the most part. I do believe I know whose going to win this epic showdown.


To some degree both can modify their bodies. Although this is vastly different between the two. Younger Toguro uses a power percentage system to increase his muscle mass. When he goes high enough, he takes a more menacing, demon form. He must steal souls to maintain himself or he'll die. However Law has counters to everything Toguro could do in this fight.

We even could scale them to each other. Let me explain Toguro is officially Class B. Which would easily destroy any lower classes. In fact, power scaling is more massive than your typical Shonen power scaling. In most of them, increasing the power scale is notably smaller including One Piece. Although One Piece is a much longer story than Yu Yu Hakusho to counter balance that problem.

In Yu Yu Hakusho logic you must be equal to that class to stand a chance. If you are either A or S Class, you destroy B Class and lower with ease. Toguro has shown greater levels of strength by using one hand to carry an replacement ring in for the Dark Tournament. At the time, no one else could've done this feat. Unfortunately that still pales in comparison to what Law brings to the table.

For starters, he actually held his own against characters notably more powerful than himself a few times. This includes two former emperors with help. He had to work with Eustass Kid to take down Big Mom. For fairness reasons, I can only give Law half that feat. This is important because characters like Big Mom would've been classified A Class in Yu Yu Hakusho universe.

He also can use his powers to prevent Toguro getting more souls. This is a huge factor in how Big Mom loss. Law prevented her getting souls as well as using parts of another devil fruit power to mute her. Yes he can literately remove sound from people. Her devil fruit Soul-Soul Fruit is well being a manipulator of souls.

Toguro lacks counters for that. Law also has a particular attack that directly targets every organ in a body. He caused stronger characters that were country level pain a few ways. It's very clear he can not only cause Toguro pain. But also bypass his ridiculous body mass to finish him off too. There's a great example to prove this.

Vergo who was a high ranking marine actually working for former warlord Doflamingo. He was capable of using full body armament haki. Law was capable of cutting him up. Considering Zoro himself defeated Pica who also went full body armament haki. Zoro also later defeated Rob Lucci who his captain previously defeated.

Lucci mastered a fighting style that maximum usage of the body. Haki is more directly about the willpower of it's user. Which also had it's own unique advantages. Among them is observation haki that allows the user to notice things even faster opponents including invisible ones. This is bad for Toguro because Law will notice critical things at a faster rate.

It's also safe to say Law is an actual doctor has the intelligence advantage. Law's powers allows him other crazier possibilities. He could cut Toguro once or a few times. Then use Room to manipulate him however he wants. He even can attach parts of people to animals, weapons, and parts of a location. Among one cut to Vergo, Law also cut through several mountains with ease.

The fact he caused pain to country level characters means Law doesn't have to be stronger than Toguro to win. He just needs the opportunity to finish the fight. Law held his own against Emperor Blackbeard. Then again Blackbeard is quite cocky to a fault. I still gotta mention Law faced two of the deadliest devil fruits head on.

Toguro does have a particular long range attack. Again Law has many counters including swapping. Law simply could swap places on the fly. He could swap objects with him to prevent any harm. He also could force Toguro to face his own attacks without warning. Toguro wouldn't be use to an ability like this.

Law could easily remove Toguro's heart. Then finish him off afterwards. Suddenly his 120% power percentage means virtually nothing. Law is rather creative with his powers. He usually fights with a long sword. Sure he has loss a couple of times in canon. Law finds a way to bounce back to a degree. Considering with Captain Kid is one of Luffy's biggest rivals.

Toguro would be a better trained fighter. He also spent years doing stuff he really didn't wanna do to others. Of course, he's going to hide this fact from Law in a fight. Although he did make sure to lose to Yusuke. He still force him to fight with everything he's got. There's a chance Toguro might suddenly do this with Law as well.

I know some might question if Law could see Toguro since he's an demon. Considering a few devil fruits like Hollow-Hollow Fruit, Shadow-Shadow Fruit and Soul-Soul Fruit. It's safe to say in theory yes he can see him. Toguro will constantly be thrown off by whatever Law is doing. Therefore, he can't get any one ups in this fight.

Toguro doesn't even win the durability advantage. Simply because Law survived attacks from two former emperors. The concept of a weaker character doing some notable damage to a stronger one exists within One Piece universe. He did survive Kaido to a degree. Law can easily tank Toguro's punches to a degree.

What sucks for Toguro is he prefers close range combat. Which is exactly what you don't wanna do against Law. Law could easily win this fight before Toguro goes more demon side of his power as well. He once gotten chased by former warlord Doflamingo. Whose kicks were capable of cutting through stone builds.

The way I view this is Toguro inevitably going to get in close. But won't be able to take any opportunities simply because of Law's powers. Toguro could decapitate one of Law's limbs. He can either stop the bleeding entirely or use whatever he can find to replace it. Also knowing Toguro needs souls to maintain his more powerful percentages.

The fact Law prevented a more powerful character doing something similar easily trumps that. His powers allows him so many opportunities to win this fight. He even directly bypass Toguro's durability with ease. Law also more of a strategist in comparison being both a captain and the doctor of his crew. Toguro is virtually screwed no matter what he does.

Winner: Law (One Piece)

Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse (2021 version) review

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, once again I'll be reviewing one of my Funny Christmas games. I actually knew about today's game for a long time. I didn't even know much of it prior to playing the game. A lot of zombie game lists had it featured. This even gotten an remastered version which I'm reviewing. I will be reviewing Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse.

Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse (2021)

Originally an 2005 Xbox game that quickly gotten ported to PC not long afterwards. By now a lot of people played many zombie games. Inevitably it gets old after awhile. Yet here's a zombie game that's rather refreshing to play. A huge twist you play as a zombie that's going against humans. Technically speaking due to some of his actions, Stubbs more of an anti-hero character.

This zombie in all honestly freaking awesome!!! Some parts of his body has abilities that helps through out the game. You even can fart to stun enemies which is very helpful to get enemies driving around in vehicles to leave em. Surprisingly the game engine is classic Halo engine. This is more of a third person game with a little variety.

This actually predates Dead Rising series a little over an year. This is a vastly different experience that's also notably comical. I couldn't believe how funny this game was. You will be laughing hard at times. I really had a difficult time believing the famous Dam part. Stubbs had to take a leak, he does his business at the water supply of the Dam.

Yes you literately had to piss like no tomorrow in the water to continue the game. For me it's not uncommon to see piss use in some form within video games. I will say it's among the most ridiculous usage of piss I ever seen in one. The game is a little funny with auto saving. It basically chooses when it saves your game at times.

Which is a bit annoying but sometimes it saves your game often while other times it's a bit more distanced. You can ride around in vehicles including tanks. This brought me back to funny enough GoldenEye on N64. Which also on both Switch and Xbox consoles. In a few levels you have the option to ride an tank.

You may not be able to ride em over like that game. Everything else about causing hell in a tank is so satisfying. Sometimes it's not quite clear what you're suppose to do. In fact expect to die a lot in this game. Enemy accuracy differs from Stormtroopers to a bit too accurate at times. Stuff like this is simply not balanced well.

There's a few notable boss fights that's all different. One of my favorite aspects of the game is you kill people. Either melee em to death or bite em in the head. As long their bodies doesn't get destroyed in a short period of time. The deceased becomes ally zombies which can be very helpful. I love it when suddenly I have the numbers on my side at times.

Don't expect great AI from them though. Sometimes enemy AI is a bit questionable to a degree. It's not terrible by any means, it just randomly does stuff including a complete stop. I can tell you the campaign is surprisingly fun as well as creative. There's plenty of twists within the story. My favorite ability is Stubbs rips his right hand off.

Suddenly you are controlling that hand which has it's own health bar. You can sneak around on walls as well as ceilings to jump towards enemies to possess em. This ability saved me so much in my run. If you can take control of an enemy with a great weapon. You really can do some damage to them. Sometimes using the hand you'll notice things from angles you couldn't see prior.

I also love another cool ability is he rips his own head off. Then he throws it like a bowling ball. You got some control over the head's movements before it explodes. Don't worry it doesn't kill you. He even throws explosive guts at enemies is something I never expected to see in an game. This is a very different zombie game from the rest of them.

There's some light hearted moments with plenty more mess up stuff happening. You get forced to do an dance off with the police chef I'm not kidding. Thankfully the game will eventually give you the option to skip it. This section of the game gets very strict how you input the buttons. You get a good variety of locations to explore.

This was among my more expensive Christmas games. I felt for the price I paid for it's fully worth that price. Stubbs is incredibly fun to play as. I also love in some vehicles. Some of the zombies jumps in like people to join you riding around. You can tell the developers of the original version had a lot of fun making this.

The newer team that's currently bringing a lot of classic games back. Such as Legacy of Kain, Tomb Raider and Star Wars respectively. Even they clearly had a lot of fun making their newer version of it. The ending is not at all what anyone expecting. I also like I can use level select to replay levels I want to revisit.

Just in case you were wondering which game company remastered this, It was Aspyr. After playing this I'll add their names among retro releases in the near future. They just won't be as high as Nightdive Studios or Digital Eclipse. I felt us retro gamers are eating beyond full at this point. I would love The Suffering get an remaster soon.

Sure it may lack some modern features to make it a little more enjoyable for some. I don't think in this case it hurts the game much. Considering this game was rather unexpected among it's original release. It's amazing the game came back at all after so many years. This is exactly why I'm more retro than modern gaming.

Stubbs allows you to be creative to get through the levels to a degree is a very nice touch. The controls take a little time getting use. Very quickly you'll get use to em as you play the game. I do love the reversal of roles now being the zombies taking on the humans. I do respect games that do that. I actually can't find anything more major to criticize either.

End of the day you're getting a fun zombie game. Vastly different from the rest of them in many ways. In all honestly one of the funniest games I ever played!!! Also among the most creative zombie games I ever played as well. Stubbs is among my favorite video game zombies ever!!! This game is one hell of a party you never wanna leave.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Octodad series review (2010-2014)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, yes I been playing more of my Funny Christmas games. I'm already back with two more from the same series. Several YouTubers including Markiplier played one of today's games in a video series. Which actually inspired me to push on with one of them. I am going to review Octodad series.

Octodad (2010)

This is already breaking new ground here. This is among my first freeware game reviews I ever done. But also developed in an university by a lot of students. A slight different method to get the game on Steam or GOG. On Steam you can get it free while you have to buy the sequel on GOG. But usually GOG packs in some nice surprises.

I won't be too harsh on this game due to obviously being an low budget game. It's kinda impressive what they were able to pull off. You play as Octodad whose an octopus disguised as a human that does stuff for his human family. Surprisingly it works way better than you expect it to. Yes this is a notably short game with parts of the controls taking a little longer to get use to.

I did like the animated drawn cutscenes. The only weird thing is Octodad wearing a black suit. But in those cut scenes he's wearing a blue suit like in the sequel. Your home is the main hub section of the game. I do like you get a choice what you wanna do first. Just know you can't do the mannequin building until the other three levels are done.

You do run into an chef at times. They kept things small, simple and to the point as possible. It's a rather unique experience to control Octodad. I also liked the difficulty doesn't go too hard either. Not exactly quite right either but it's doable. I'm amazed they pulled off this game for a contest. I also liked they allowed you to control Octodad during the ending credits thank you so much!!!

No body wanna just sit there during an ending credits unless it's done a certain way. This was a great way to have additional fun while waiting for the game to end. You can tell they had a surprisingly fun concept. I love this was among the bonus stuff you get for it's sequel on GOG. Which also makes it among my bonus Christmas games as well.

Octodad: Dadliest Catch (2014)

I'll start with something not a lot of people knows about this game. A little over an handful of people that worked on the original Octodad came back for the sequel. It turns out majority of them didn't. They agreed to a deal from this game's royalties. Yes this is an indie game with a higher budget. Not too high of a budget but good enough to get the job done.

I'll come right out to say I absolutely love this game!!! They took the concept much further than I could ever expected. This also on more platforms as well. GOG version doesn't have achievements. But considering the controls kinda a smart decision. You play as Octodad in a decent follow up that's something truly special.

Again he's hiding the fact he's an octopus. I liked we get to play some huge moments in his life. Like the wedding where you had to rush getting ready since you're late. You get to do a level in an grocery store. Easily one of my favorite levels in the game. This level shown how much they grown since the original Octodad game.

The main hub section is funny enough an Aquarium. I'm sure a lot of people been to one a few times in their lifes including myself. This also was a place Octodad didn't wanna go to. His family mostly the kids are notably different from the original Octodad version. You kinda felt bad Octodad has to do nearly everything himself especially for his family.

He should be given the Father of the Year award. It's not often when you do get help within the levels. Mostly from your family when you do. There's a bigger variety that happens within the levels too. We even get a level in the water without your suit. Which ended up being the easiest level in the entire level.

There's a well hidden secret level in the Aquarium. You actually have to flush yourself down a toilet in the men's bathroom. Which actually plays out as an 2D platforming level. Which also the easiest level to get every tie in. All three ties are literately at the end of this level. You just have to collect em separately.

I really didn't expect this game to be as close as funny it was. A lot of the humor comes from the game itself. Which reminds me of Dead Rising series in that regard. Octodad doesn't fight any enemies directly. It's mostly run away from them or in a few later levels hide. I previously knew about the stealth level.

I was surprised how easy as well as how fun that level turned out to be. Thanks to Markiplier's video series on the game. I kept realizing there's plenty of changes from the version I played to the old version he played. The game is notably longer than the original Octodad. It still wish it was just a little longer. This is also a much harder game from that.

The big control joke is even simple tasks suddenly the most difficult things ever!!! Just trying to grab stuff is a serious pain in the buttlocks. I do like a few times you got a choice what you wanna do. Some objectives can be very strict to do. Like trying to prevent an Arcade. Which so happens to have a huge fish tank in the back of the location starts leaking water.

You have to rush putting objects in direct paths of those holes. You might be lucky to throw stuff into those holes. Sometimes you gotta drop objects in the right spots to hope they fit those holes. Keep in mind the water constantly rising here. Otherwise you gotta grab em then try all like no tomorrow to put em into those holes.

Prior to this, you had to win a lot of mini games. Which actually made this among my favorite levels in the game. The difficulty curve is a bit unbalanced at times. But it's not Battletoads on NES level bad in that department. The story instantly pulls you in right up to the end. They were quite creative with the concept.

Despite how often I fail at stuff. The game was nice enough to quickly save my process. So I didn't have to do the entire levels again from scratch. The final section is even nicer you just reset after you fall down. Obviously this is one of the funniest stealth games. Well the sections that are stealth theme I ever played.

It isn't quite UnMetal in that department. I will say this though it's not that far behind either. Most levels also hid ties you can collect. You got to be quite creative to find em all. The overall pacing is just works wonders here. There's a lot of characters that looks the same. But none of that ruins the experience in the slightest.

Of course, you kept running into that chef in the game. The ending I will say is rather heart welcoming. A nice conclusion to everything with a few unanswered questions. Oh okay one of the free DLC levels jokes at one of those questions. Octodad: Dadliest Catch is a game that's surprisingly refreshing. I can't really compare it to many games at all honestly.

I also love similar to the original Octodad. You can still move around during the ending credits. This time, you're in a move theater with the game being the movie joke. They didn't stop with the jokes here. I just knew they had to sneak in. "The book was better." joke which kinds me of my mom lol. You also can choose which exit you can go out of to end the game.

You know what you're in for when you struggle to put burgers on a car theme grill. If it wasn't obvious by now. Parts of this is rather cartoony that works well with the theme. This game is getting more ideas since I'm considering to become an indie developer myself. Everything about this game works insanely well.

Update: I just played the two DLC levels. Both were a lot of fun but for different reasons. I tried the make up hospital story level first. As you expect the kids gets a little out there with the ideas. You can tell the developers had a lot of fun with this level. Thankfully being a make up story level it's not canon. You help the patients with tasks to complete.

Then after a weird call from "your brother" who doesn't exist to clarify. You rush one of those patients into an operation. It kinda was parodying the board game, Operation to a degree. They even threw in a concept that can't exist outside imagination. The patient suddenly becomes a robot. After a few more tasks becomes human again.

Keep in mind, I didn't mention cyborgs or similar machines. This simply a bit all over the place to a degree. I do prefer the other DLC level more. It still was fun to struggle doing tasks inside an hospital. There's plenty of stuff that wouldn't even be allowed officially. Some of which can get you fired like finding a bone saw hidden in a pile of used needles.

The other DLC level is essentially the couple's first date. Octodad didn't have a spot booked for that restaurant. He actually steals money from other people's jacket to bride the waiter. We haven't even gotten to why I love this level so much. Probably my favorite level yet in fact. Some of the waiters mistaken you as a rookie among em.

Now suddenly you are on a date while at times working for the restaurant. Let's just say this has to be the laziest restaurant I ever seen in an video game lol. No really they aren't doing much while you're doing everything!!! I literately do mean everything since you do assist the chef. Yes it's the same chef holding a grudge against you.

You would think he finds out Octodad was there. He never notices I was very surprised. You serve dishes to other customers as well. You do other tasks within the kitchen. It's kinda amazing Octodad keeps up with all this. His wife at the time doesn't even realize he ended up serving their dishes after the first one.

This was a rather creative level even for an DLC one. The tasks you get to do is a bigger variety than I was expecting from the main levels. My favorite tasks was clean up a few tables. To be honest, I simply kept moving towards the tables to clean em off lol. This level is a high recommendation you gotta play it.

You get to see how an restaurant runs while someone not officially working for em does all the work. This is meant to be one of those restaurants you need to book in advance or you're aren't getting in. Which actually made the big joke they were going for work more. This was a rather fun level filled with twists to keep it interesting right up to it ends.

Why Mortal Kombat Sega Genesis games is better than Mortal Kombat 1?

I didn't expect my MK1 rant to go on this long lol. Please take as many breaks as possible. A little heads up, I'm almost ready to drop my Octodad series review. I just need to play the DLC levels soon.

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I previously made a meme on how I actually felt towards Mortal Kombat 1. It's no secret I'm very turn off by the game. I even felt Mortal Kombat Sega Genesis games was way better than this!!! Don't worry I came prepare to rip this MK game apart. I am aware some MK fans still support this abomination.

Mortal Kombat 1 starts as another reboot of the time line. But a more full reboot route than from MK9's timeline. You know what Terminator: Dark Fate route that people hated so much. I didn't have much of an issue with this prior to any trailers. I figured following Mortal Kombat 11 they should reboot the franchise.

Little did I realize things only gotten worst. By now most can agree how they went about the DLCs just isn't right. Also attempted to con people with smaller stuff you could buy. When in reality, they wanna get real money out of people in a rather shady method. They should've used in game points for that instead. At least there you don't lose any money when you get stuff you don't want.

Very early on with the DLCs I knew it's going to be much worst than MK11. They fail to make a proper big deal that includes everything with MK11. I wouldn't be surprise that happens again with MK1. There's also the elephant in the room, the title itself. You guys couldn't call it anything else? No really just because you added an 1 to the title doesn't prevent people confusing it with the original MK game.

It's sorta what Xbox done with Xbox One despite that being the third Xbox console. Although the One in that title actually stood for multiple forms of entertainment through an game console. In that regard, it justified using such a title. We still haven't gotten to what really turn me off about the game yet. So many characters were given notable changes that I felt doesn't work well at all.

They tried to justify things with your selected character being an accompanied by other classic MK versions of characters. Simply known as Kameo characters is in all honestly a huge slap to the face. Majority rather play as a lot of those now thrown away characters. Especially the original Scorpion deeply piss me off!!!

He always been my favorite MK character from the beginning. I could excuse he's not in original MK3. He was later in both updated versions of that game. He's also Ed Boon's favorite MK character as well. Everyone agrees anything MK needs characters like Scorpion. This is beyond unacceptable to me!!! I also should point out Kameo characters has only one fatality.

At times these characters joins in combos for some fun, brutal animations. It's not even like playing as Noob-Smoke in Mortal Kombat: Deception which was done better than this either. A lot of characters we love gotten ruined surprisingly bad with the changes. Scorpion in this timeline is Kuai Liang. Whose was the younger brother of B-Han.

You know both Sub-Zero characters in most timelines that played out. This change took some time getting use to. Eventually I became okay with Kuai Liang being the new Scorpion. A handful of characters that's working in MK1 timeline is Baraka and Reptile respectively. Of course, I do like Fire God Liu Kang as well.

So far the better, popular version of characters are reduced being Kameo characters. It's a little weird an alternative universe female counterpart of Johnny Cage named Janet Cage among em. If you played the last couple MK games. There's a couple modes you can play. For some reason, more recently they're hiding the fight ladders.

There's Story Mode that ended up doing some of the same mistakes MK11 done. Including an DLC portion of that mode already a bad idea. You're making people pay more for an ending to the story is rather cheap. There's DLC characters that's almost comes off like random selection than anything else. Kombat Pack 1 had three comic book guest characters.

Which is already bordering on Injustice series as well as MK11 in that regard. Injustice series was meant to be their take on DC comic characters. I did like they gotten a few comic book characters from other comic companies like Hellboy. MK11 we gotten both Spawn and the Joker. The Joker actually came from Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe game for those that didn't know.

I'll be honest Spawn was the one guest character in MK11 that needed to be in an MK game. Not to disrespect the rest of them. Even he played into too many gun characters problem that game had. Indirectly they're confirming there's no plans for Injustice 3. Which is exactly why we gotten Peacemaker, Homelander and Omni-Man in MK1 respectively.

More recently fighting games kept doing DLC characters. Some are worst than others in that area. If you think about it just those characters alone among the DLCs. You actually could end up paying a few times the base game alone. Which is flat out ridiculous!!! They kept adding in finishers to keep those still playing there.

There's a lot of DLC customization stuff. However a large amount of it should've already been in the game. There's virtually no excuse to do that Warner Brothers!!! I'm happy Animalities finally comes back. I heard mostly mixed stuff about another mode you move spaces. What is this a board game? There's plenty of decent board games I rather play than this!!!

I still haven't got to play this game. They also made a few notable bad casting choices. In MK11, people didn't like Ronda Rousey voicing Sonya Blade. Personally she just wasn't the right person for the job. Now somehow they made a worser casting decision. Megan Fox as Nitara just does not work!!! They even brought in Jean Claude Van Damme as an alternative Johnny Cage skin.

Funny enough, Van Damme does voice mostly the same lines as the other Cage actor. This is a full circle because a particular movie Van Damme done inspired Johnny Cage. You know like in MK11 we gotten Terminator. Who previously inspired the mercenary, Kano it's the same thing. He also more recently in Hitman: World of Assassination.

I felt he worked way better in that Hitman game. They previously brought some of the actors from the original live action MK movie back as DLC skins for a few characters in MK11. I guess they are that desperate to make a lot of money now lol. Yes I'm also aware movie Sub-Zero and Scorpion skins in MK1 as well.

I'm more fine with them bringing in actors or characters that inspired classic MK characters. Eventually you can't bank off those live action MK movies. Even comparing the dialogues within intros from MKX to MK1. It was getting better until MK1. Their decision to not continue the conversation or any jokes with one of the characters talking again.

Actually represents a few major problems. They are notably rushing those to get into matches. Then again simply press a button if you wanna do that. Just comparing Conan's intros to that of Terminator's in MK11. It's not even close at all, they were notably more creative with the references. More jokes from Terminator worked way better than any of Conan's.

I guess they should've gotten Conan O'Brien to write for em lol. There's just something about having a third set of dialogue that works wonders. I could excuse Schwarzenegger didn't reprise voice wise to either characters of his. He did help to a degree by selecting someone to voice in place of him for those MK games.

I will be a little brutally honest Conan should've came before Ghostface. There's more hype for both Ghostface and T-1000. Now I could jump the train on criticizing them using another Terminator character. Personally T-1000 is unique enough to justify it's existence in the game. I'm not trying to say Conan boring by any means.

If they really wanted more Schwarzenegger in their MK games. Then why not either Jack Slater or Detective Jericho Cane? In a way both those characters would work better than Conan. Even to a degree Terminator fits in better with the MK characters. Jack Slater would easily play into a multiverse concept MK1 started.

Also Slater does have some information about the actor that played him in a movie series. Therefore, Slater could easily open the door to more clever Schwarzenegger references. Detective Jericho Cane took on the devil to prevent the birth of the Anti-Christ in the movie End of Days. Now Netherrealm is essentially Hell in MK universe.

There's several demon & spiritual beings within MK. This alone would easily tied Detective Cane well with the roster. I'm just glad they didn't go Commando!!! Someone had to make that joke because they previously done Rambo in MK11. Even Rambo with the references was done way better too. Rambo even voiced by Sylvester Stallone.

It seems since MKX, they had to bring some famous rivalries to the franchise. In MKX it was Alien vs. Predator. In MK11 could differ depending on view. Either Schwarzenegger vs Stallone since both were huge action movie stars. They also played heavily on Robocop vs. Terminator as well. In MK1, Homelander vs Omni-Man you serious? haha lol.

Even their creators all agreed Omni-Man destroys Homelander badly. It's starting to come off as a rather desperate attempt to get more people's attention. In all honestly that's quickly getting old. I know criticize why Ghostface in MK1. I actually felt he belongs in there. They did previously had Freddy, Jason and Leatherface prior.

Just think three of those slasher villains playable in Dead by Daylight, you knew it was coming. I will be brutally honest, the actual story to the game a huge mixed bag. It barely gets remotely close to being good. I watched it online that's how I'm allowed to discuss this. Yes I did watch parts of the DLC portion, it gets worst.

MK1's original antagonist doesn't even make sense. Let me explain in the DLC portion of Story Mode in MK11. You actually had two possible endings. Fire God Liu Kang or Titan Shang Tsung wins. They actually somehow made both outcomes possible. It's virtually rigged regardless who won that. In canon outcome Fire God Liu Kang erased Shang Tsung from existence.

It did a terrible job explaining how he somehow survived that. I also prefer the guy who played the role in MK11. Who played the character in a few MK adaptations. Funny enough also played live action Heihachi Mishima in Tekken movies. This Shang Tsung altered many characters from their original paths for personal gain.

He does eventually get stopped. Which quickly led to Havoc from another universe. Yes here we go with this to cause chaos across the multiverse. This is coming more off as a desperate we need something or people playing it. Which is exactly among many reasons this portion of the game got heavily criticized for.

The big difference is how MK11 went about doing that. The DLC portion actually was concluding things. This is obviously never intended to do that. It's becoming more clear people really don't want more Story Mode to play. At this point they simply want the characters. Some prefers the online matches that's it.

I know this almost coming off like me reviewing the game. I really held in exactly how I felt about this game for a long time now. The even crazier part is I still haven't gotten to comparing it to MK Sega Genesis games yet. I was so focus painting this huge picture of distasteful I had. MK1 is constantly losing players fast.

This already becoming a sinking ship. Warner Brothers already limited to four franchises. None of which was Lego surprisingly enough. Considering how popular those licensed games are that's mind blowing. It's becoming more obvious they wanna rip people off. They don't care anymore what you think about their products.

Let's look at Gotham Knight and Suicide Squad as an example. Two notable flops that had Batman to some degree. You know things are bad when even Batman can't save ya. Considering Batman was in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe as well as Injustice series, I can say that. They also wanna focus on Harry Potter and Game of Thrones.

I could understand Harry Potter since it's a very popular franchise. But Game of Thrones' ship kinda sailed following a lackluster conclusion to the show. They are struggling to keep fans going without Warner Brothers further screwing anything else up. I think it's getting to that point another company should be making MK games.

When I look at MK1, I barely seen Mortal Kombat at all. Which is terrible of me to say but it's very true. More true than I possibly ever begin to realize!!! It's so upsetting they are so willing to ruin things like this for money. The more I view this situation. The more I realized MK Sega Genesis games way better in comparison.

Yes I made that meme quite proud of it myself. Just when you think I'm done ripping MK1 to pieces no I'm not. There's plenty of reasons I rather play my main childhood MK games than this. For starters, you don't need any service to play online since that never was an option for em. Although through emulators you could play these MK games online just pointing that out there.

Obviously, these are the versions of the characters you love with a huge passion. There's little to no playable hidden characters among em. There's technically more unplayable hidden characters. Yes Sheeva gotten removed from UMK3 there. We ended up getting both Rain and Noob Saibot into the roster.

Not to mention that port automatically given us three previous hidden characters of the Arcade version by default. Originally you had to access a particular code screen to properly input a few long codes. Which can be quite frustrating to do. Ermac, Classic Sub-Zero and Mileena respectively. In both versions of MK3, there's another code that allows players to be the bosses.

Although you have to do versus matches to play as em. This was a little before Mortal Kombat Trilogy as well. Don't expect everything from the Arcade versions to be in these ports. Especially in MKII's case but still among the most fun ports of that game. It's kinda amazing everything you do get from the original versions.

MK1 did change some finishers. Unlike SNES version, there exists a blood code. This alone was enough to outsold that version. The actual MK team was busy with the games for the arcades. They couldn't work on a lot of ports. Probe Software ported several of their games to many platforms. They done the first two MK games as well as Primal Rage.

Sculptured Software made MK3 on Genesis. They also done the first three MK games on SNES. Avalanche Software finished out both systems with UMK3. Considering how decent these ports were for their time. It's still proof to a degree that other teams could make decent MK games. Sure there's a notable lack of pause feature.

The reason for this is start button actually used to swap punch and kick controls. When you're playing these MK games on a three button controller. Ideally you should use an six button controller. Sadly does nothing about the lack of being able to pause your MK games. I guess only through emulator pause if you're playing em that way.

In the audio department, these ports were absolutely amazing!!! I also liked all of them had their own cheat menus. Back when doing cheat codes was a huge thing in gaming. You get most of the characters right off the bat. MK3 games notably has even more finishers. Which was quite impressive they gotten that many of the finishers into those ports.

Also being on cartridges means no load times. The games instantly loads into more matches. In game size wise all of them together would be just short of 1GB. A lot smaller than MK1's ridiculous game size without DLCs. I really don't wanna remove all the games I have installed just for one huge game!!! Not only that some surprises you won't find anywhere as well.

This is mostly MKII, there's some secret animations from the team as well as Fergality. Fergus McGovern through cheats cameo in many Probe games. Yes that includes MK1 as one of many shadow figures moving during the background of The Pit stage as a huge floating head. Stuff like this is becoming rare in modern gaming.

You mostly have Arcade Mode with MK3 games having a few modes. Sometimes less is more very true in this case. Overall all the rosters works way better than MK1's. Even knowing a lot of stuff didn't make it to these ports you aren't disappointed. It's easily to say some truly impressive ports. Easily among the best fighting games Sega Genesis had without question.

All of them felt like true MK games. The best part is you don't even need to buy anything additional at all. What's stuff like The Treasures of Shao Kahn at? Either beating the game or winning tournament mode in UMK3's case gives you choices. Each one has stuff including character's endings. Some of those choices are difficult, hidden fights.

Who remembers Supreme Fatality Demonstration? Now it was awesome to see most of the finishers done in a row. I'm aware MK1 has Test Your Might. I also could argue since MK11 made the mini game a joke. MK1's Test Your Might is very intense. It's so satisfying to break harder stuff. You simply felt more proud of yourself winning those.

The gore level is truly amazing for these ports as well. Personally for once I felt MK1 going a bit too overboard with the fatalities. Even character selection screens back then looks better than MK1's. I just now realizing how much of a true step down MK1 truly is. Sure The Krypt didn't exist in those games. Let's be honest, this mode differs a lot with the series.

My favorite version of that mode so happens to be in Mortal Kombat: Deception. You also got to realize back then unlocking stuff wasn't common among fighting games. What's better than simply have everything by default right? Going back to playing as the bosses, you can play as Motaro in versus matches.

Which is way better than him being an Kameo character. Surprisingly better than him being an Minotaur in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. You rather simply play as him end of story. I kinda like General Shao but still prefer Shao Kahn!!! End of the day, areas MK1 should be pushing new boundaries for.

Just isn't cutting it while in other ways finally became what we all feared to happen. MK1 marks when the franchise became something us fans don't want anymore. We previously felt this with many MK rip offs. Then again I'm a bigger Tekken fan myself. The original timeline to me was the best. The second timeline with MK11 being the monkey wrench notably better than this!!!

Another major thing I liked more about these Genesis games is their cover arts. Also I am a bit nostalgic for Genesis cases as well. MK1 comes off as that spoiled rich kid. You know the kid that gets everything until something very bad happens. Suddenly they get knocked back into reality. I strongly felt MK1 desperately needs that right now.

In all honestly, these ports are more worth your time and money than MK1. They still hold up amazingly well. I simply prefer the usage of characters in those ports. MK1 is a gigantic disappointment that's somehow kept getting worst. I refuse to support the franchise unless they change this.

By the way, yes I'm also glad SFVI beating MK1 to a bloody pulp. At least, they are being somewhat creative. They are making classic SF characters refreshing to play as. Some rather interesting newer SF characters as well. A great story mode among many things. Obviously I'll play this and Tekken 8 over MK1.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

My thoughts on Angry Video Game Nerd 8-bit

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I woke up a little late today. The one thing I didn't expect to see among waking up was a new AVGN game announcement. I first looked at the pictures before the actual trailer. It's been a few years since AVGN 1 &2 Deluxe. Which stands as my favorite official AVGN game. I figured to give my thoughts on this upcoming AVGN game here.

AVGN 8-bit

Just going by the pictures you kinda have to look closer. Especially you know the web show like I do. I get the reason it barely looks like the show is the famous recurring joke he does. Where many licensed games don't look like the movies or little to nothing at all. I will try to not criticize the game negatively over that. Usually FreakZone Games made the last couple AVGN games.

This time it's being developed by Mega Cat Studios. They made Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood. They also been making games for older game consoles for a couple years. Which actually plays into this since the new AVGN game coming out for most platforms as well as NES respectively. Limited Run Games helping with the physical copies of the game.

I'm still waiting for Fighting Force Collection and Gex Trilogy. The actual trailer we have James as The Nerd promoting the new AVGN game. It's not as good of a trailer as the other AVGN games gotten. It just works enough to peek your interest a bit. I had to look closer to notice references I almost didn't realize. Obviously they're going for a more retro style AVGN game.

I felt just going by the pictures as well as the trailer. It already has a lot to attempt living up to. Especially if you played AVGN 1 & 2 Deluxe. I'm trying to not to be so hard on the game. I could also say with The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest an companion game. Which also suppose to come out this year.

Considering both games getting published by Retroware. It's happening for the same reason Toxic Crusaders game. The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest parodies Castlevania series. He previously done an episode of Toxic Crusaders games. You know what let's call em the Unholy Retroware AVGN Trilogy.

I will be brutally honest I'm more interested in the other two games. Which is kinda sad I have the deepest connection with AVGN since 2008 I checked. I easily could've ranted how TMNT: Shredder's Revenge started this retro licensed beat em up trend. Several franchises jumped on that train. I felt more are likely going to show up in the near future.

Honestly they are all surprisingly decent beat em up games. I can't view it as a bad thing. What I could view negatively is how the new AVGN game represents the web show to a degree. I previously stated I get why parts of it looks the way it does. At the same time, it's also risking going a bit too far from what it's suppose to be.

I guess I should've seen this coming due to a particular Neighbor Nerds episode. Where James and John played Iron Meat that's also from Retroware. No guarantee I could get all those games. I do wanna support the web show as much as I can. I just can't help this one could easily end up as my least favorite even before I play it.

I do have the habit of judging somethings harsh. But considering Silent Hill 2 Remake ended up being among the finest horror games of last year. I am not sure what to expect with this AVGN game. Deep down I want this to be great that's enjoyable. But most of all properly represents the web show well.

You can tell the other AVGN games set the bar high with me. I already don't think this going to top AVGN 1 &2 Deluxe it's too great of a game!!! Right now it has a fair chance against the original AVGN game. I always support retro to a degree as well. I just won't be surprise I enjoy Gex Trilogy more than this.

Some might think this game could be better than the newer AVGN episodes. Which could help sells to a degree. It's difficult for me to stand behind this particular AVGN game. Especially I believe in other games clearly inspired by particular AVGN episodes going to be better. I will try to hope for the best I guess we will see.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

My thoughts on Dead by Daylight Leprechaun leak

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, it's been a while since I talked about Dead by Daylight. I been mostly away from the game. There's a recent rumor that really gotten my attention. Supposedly could actually happen according to a very reliable DbD leaker. Today's topic is about one of my favorite comical horror movie villains of all time, the Leprechaun.

Where to start with this is a question that perfectly describes my original thought on this. According to a few DbD leakers, Chucky suppose to get a licensed legacy skin that's the Leprechaun. This by itself raises many great questions. Such as a few companies involved with two franchises sharing a slot. Basically they previously gotten Chucky with Tiffany being an legacy skin of him with her voice overs.

I can understand having a few characters from the same franchise sharing a slot among the character selection. But three characters with one from another franchise sharing the same slot? They would have to evenly share their cut of the money. This is notably different than if the Leprechaun simply going to be in his own slot no real issue could occur.

We don't even know which version of Leprechaun they're going for. Which quickly becomes a more interesting question than anything else. Another factor why I question this is the creator of Chucky rather cross over with more popular horror icons like M3gan. Which I'm directly against but absolutely loved their show rants towards her.

He also previously wanted to cross Chucky over with Freddy. Well it eventually happened in Dead by Daylight. A lot of people want M3gan in this as well. I'm more in favor of Five Nights at Freddy's myself. A lot stuff possibly coming to the game in comparison. To me, it's just way more interesting than a knock off of a remake Chucky character.

People who seen the first six Leprechaun movies. You already know all of them are separate stories. Warwick Davis played six versions of the same creature. There's also Leprechaun: Origins not a leprechaun. I highly doubt they would bother with that pathetic representation of the franchise. Especially considering WWE moved Raw onto Netflix recently.

It's very common knowledge Leprechaun fans hated that film with a passion. I gotta mention Leprechaun Returns a direct sequel to the original Leprechaun movie. There's some notable changes to the character including his height. They would have to figure exactly which version of the character to go for. I highly doubt it's going to be Leprechaun 4: In Space.

Let's be honest, they have a few maps not on Earth. Which could've been used to bring that version of the character in. Like Leprechaun: Origins, it's also heavily disliked by the fans. Plus possible backlash from people that gotten screwed out of Jason X stuff in Friday the 13th: The Game. The last thing they want is DbD getting some Leprechaun 4 theme stuff.

Even if we don't bring in a space ship map into this. I felt the four most likely versions of the character they're go for. The original Leprechaun it's kinda an obvious pick. A lot of people still heavily enjoyed that movie for many years. You already notice some licensed killers were pulled from those films. Leprechaun in the Hood version was surprisingly popular in my high school.

I would even say one of the funniest Leprechaun movies ever!!! They also could reference the magical flute as a charm. Leprechaun Returns also could work if they can't get Warwick Davis to reprise the role. I felt Linden Porco did a great job playing the character in that movie. Also considering he's the most recent actor to do the role.

It's possible we could end up with Porco reprising the role for Dead by Daylight. My main choice hands down not even close. Every Leprechaun fan absolutely loves this film. Leprechaun 3 now they could actually have some fun with this version. He could have some possible skins like his doctor disguise or an magician outfit.

There's also the height issue to a degree. I also see people having a huge issue if Chucky's voices comes out his mouth. Not only that, Leprechaun would've worked way better as his own killer. There's also the fact they have to notably change Chucky's animations to better fit the character. They even confess can be somewhat tedious to do at times.

Assuming this is going to happen like this. I see some major obstacles that could easily make it one of their worst licensing situations in history. They recently had an issue with the Junji Ito Collection. A lot of licensed skins from that horror manga author's works. Thankfully they were able to fix the problem before it gotten much worst.

I don't think that situation going to happen with the Leprechaun. I do think due to some factors you better buy em while he's available. There's no way the character as a legacy skin going to stay in the game for long. He isn't that popular to begin with. I could justify The Djinn from Wishmaster series being a possible legacy skin for The Vecna.

Which would've worked wonders but also make a lot more sense. Let's be honest, it's a bit too weird to have an magical creature as a skin for a possessed doll that uses voodoo. You kinda have to use your imagination to help make it work. Then again some fan horror films is better to watch than attempt doing that.

This is a rather interesting situation. Which company for the Leprechaun actually involve if this gets revealed to be true? Lionsgate currently owns majority of the films. Syfy did make Leprechaun Returns which could make that the more likely option. Again it just bags so many questions with not enough answers.

Another thing to consider is they usually don't do alternative skins for legacy skin characters. Which in this case could be a huge missed opportunity. Indirectly, the famous Chucky in Space joke happens. But by having the Leprechaun as a legacy skin of him. By now the world knows the Leprechaun been to space.

This almost comes off as a well made joke or a somewhat decent bar joke. The insane amount of work to make this possible the way they're suggesting. It's almost like they didn't actually wanna do the character at all. Then again some DbD fans still ask for Predator. Despite the fact, he already gotten a similar multiplayer game!!!

The point I'm trying to make is how all of that effort quickly blow up in their faces. Especially when simply making the Leprechaun a full killer would've work out much better than this. You are basically saying Leprechaun needed Chucky's support in DbD. When the character clearly could've done things on his own is rather insulting to me.

In my mind, this is simply doomed to fail. As much I really wanna see these two cross over. It's actually among my most wanted to date. This really isn't the best way of doing things. I kinda felt cheated the Leprechaun going to get treated in such a matter. In all honestly, I really hope for them this turns out to be false.

Otherwise I'll be waiting patiently waiting to see the unavoidably backlash this entire situation going to cost em. We're dealing with licensed characters this will hit em very hard. If it was over original characters they created. Then giving em licensed skins that's fine by me. But putting a different franchise onto another to get more money out of people is rather shady.

The big difference is when they do licensed skins on their original characters. The possible backlash is notably smaller compared to this. Leprechaun skin is almost under a microscope the entire time. One wrong move, everybody upset at them. In comparison, they got more room of error if anything happens with licensed skins on their characters.

There doesn't exist such a safety net for this particular situation. Hell a lot of people really wanted Robert Englund to reprise Freddy in a new licensed skin. Which would work out way better than this!!! Honestly, if they were planning to do this. They better reconsider not doing it at all. I can promise you only mass negative reception is awaiting them following this Leprechaun skin's release.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

My thoughts on Resident Evil Franchise Speedrun Marathon

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I been tuning in to a particular Resident Evil streamer. She just finished Resident Evil Franchise Speedrun Marathon through out the month. Her username is EvilCherryBerry, her username included in BioRand mod for the first three RE games. I'm very glad to watch a lot of these speedruns live.

Resident Evil Franchise Speedrun Marathon

Last year I covered Bawkbasoup's Resident Evil Franchise Marathon. This year I'm focusing on EvilCherryBerry's variation of the same concept. Before I even talk about these speedruns. She with her moderators been very kind to their community. Unlike Bawbasoup, I did talked to EvilCherryBerry a couple times during all of this.

Don't worry I'm going to reveal the insane Resident Evil lineup she's done in the marathon. Just like Bawkbasoup's RE Marathon, this was a massive love letter to the franchise. Especially I had a somewhat slower start to the year. This marathon up to it's end kept me entertained for hours. Yes it really lives up to it's name in every sense of the word.

Streamed from January 2nd to January 19th. Also she took a couple days off during these runs. Just in case you were wondering about the missing days.


1. Resident Evil 1 Classic (Jill)
2. Resident Evil 2 Classic (Leon A)
3. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
4. Resident Evil Survivor (Vincent path)
5. Resident Evil Code: Veronica X
6. Resident Evil Survivor 2
7. Resident Evil Gaiden
8. Resident Evil 1 Remake (Jill)
9. Resident Evil 0 Wesker Mode
10. Resident Evil: Dead Aim
11. Resident Evil Outbreak
12. Resident Evil Outbreak: File 2
13. Resident Evil 4 Classic
14. Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (RE 0-3 levels)
15. Resident Evil 5
16. Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (Operation: Javier)
17. Resident Evil: Revelations
18. Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (USS)
19. Resident Evil 6 (Ada)
20. Resident Evil: Revelations 2
21. Resident Evil 7
22. Resident Evil 2 Remake (Claire B)
23. Resident Evil 3 Remake
24. Resident Evil Village
25. Resident Evil 4 Remake
26. Resident Evil 4 Remake (Separate Ways)
27. Resident Evil 2 (BioRand) (Leon A)
28. Resident Evil 1 Remake (Chris)
29. Resident Evil 1.5 (Leon)
30. Resident Evil 1 Classic (Chris)
31. Resident Evil 2 Remake (Leon A)
32. Resident Evil 7 (End of Zoe)
33. Resident Evil 2 Remake (Leon B)
34. Umbrella Corps
35. Resident Evil Village (Shadows of Rose)
36. Resident Evil 4 Remake (Rando)
37. Resident Evil 6 (Leon)
38. Resident Evil 6 (Chris)
39. Resident Evil 2 Remake (Claire A)
40. Resident Evil 5 (Lost in Nightmares)
41. Resident Evil 4 Remake (Separate Ways) (Rando)
42. Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles (Wesker and Rebecca levels)
43. Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (RE2 levels)
44. Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (CVX levels)
45. Resident Evil 1 (BioRand) (Jill)
46. Resident Evil 2 Classic (Claire A)
47. Resident Evil Survivor (Andy path)
48. Resident Evil: Director's Cut DualShock Edition (Jill)
49. Resident Evil 4 Classic (Separate Ways) (Rando)
50. Resident Evil 4 Classic (Rando)
51. Resident Evil 6 (Jake)
52. Resident Evil 7 (Not a Hero)
53. Resident Evil 0 (Leech Hunter)
54. Resident Evil 4 Classic (Assignment: Ada)
55. Resident Evil 7 (Daughters)
56. Resident Evil 5 (Desperate Escape)
57. Resident Evil 2 Classic (Leon B)
58. Resident Evil 2 (BioRand) (Claire B)
59. Resident Evil 2 Classic (Claire B)

I quickly wanted to make any confusion the lineup left behind. Yes she speedran Resident Evil Survivor twice. This was due to the paths led to a different character within the story. For her first Umbrella Chronicles speedrun in the marathon. She mostly focus on the main levels excluding Russia section. She played most of the campaign I was fine with that.

There are some notable differences in Resident Evil: Director's Cut DualShock Edition. Her last Umbrella Chronicles speedrun focus on most extra levels. This doesn't include Hunk, Ada and the bonus level respectively. Yes she speedran Resident Evil 2 Classic three times in a row. There's a lot of randomizer runs in this RE marathon too.

She previously speedrun RE2 and RE4 both versions with their randomizer mods. These are vastly different from each other. A lot of these runs are close by making anyone trying to write the lineup down easy to miss something. Personally she kept things interesting right up to the end of the marathon. I still wish we could've gotten just one more RE run.

Obviously it would take hours to fully cover every RE run. I decided to only discuss in details the runs that stands out the most. In a handful of categories to make it easier to find em. I ended up with choosing sevem RE runs that perfectly describes the entire RE marathon in a nut shell. Some may say the very best she brings to the table.

My choice for her best RE classic run is Resident Evil: Director's Cut DualShock Edition run. I felt it was a good showcase how it differs from the other two PS1 versions of the game. It also among a few RE runs I didn't even expect to show up in this marathon. I do recommend people check out this speedrun.

My choice for her best RE remake run is Resident Evil 2 Remake Claire B run. Some might disagree with my choice. This was the most impressive Claire run that's not modded in the marathon. I always been an huge fan of Resident Evil 2 for a long time. This particular run reminded me of that period playing either PS1 version of RE2.

My choice for her best RE spinoff run is Resident Evil: Revelations 2. Despite trouble she had during this speedrun. It was some truly amazing stuff to watch. It was a pleasure watching an RE streamer that loves this RE game. She also did the entire campaign by herself live too. I am deeply impressed she pulled this speedrun off.

My choice for her best RE classic rando run is Resident Evil 4 Classic Separate Ways rando run. End of the day this is my RE blog. I say this particular rando run is worthy of that title. I know some won't like I didn't choose a main campaign's rando run here. In all honestly, this rando run even made the mode way better than it ever was.

My choice for her best RE remake rando run is Resident Evil 4 Remake randon run. To clarify, Leon's run was mind blowing!!! I even felt this was my favorite run of the entire RE marathon. From start to finish you really aren't going to wanna look away. This rando run was truly mind blowing. This also among her longest speedruns with a few surprises you won't see coming.

My choice for her best RE mini game run is Leech Hunter. Oh okay look she barely done any RE mini games in this marathon. So I was quite happy to see Leech Hunter getting a run. I always enjoyed this mini game more than the actual campaign myself. I was fine she didn't go for an 100 leeches run. It still was a great run that's worth checking out.

My choice for her best secondary RE run is Resident Evil 7 End of Zoe run. In the past, I highly praise this DLC campaign. She was rather creative to make this a fun speedrun. I was even surprised she went right through it so damn fast. I felt this to me was her perfect RE7 speedrun of the marathon. You really couldn't ask for more than this.

I also should point out the entire RE marathon getting uploaded in long stream videos. A lot of hours went into a truly amazing RE marathon. I couldn't even ask for much more than what was given. I still felt not enough Resident Evil lol. Maybe I love this franchise a bit too much. A lot of these speedruns I never seen em played like this prior.

It came off as unless you're watching this RE marathon. You might've never known of these tricks she used in em. I felt she actually deserves to be called the Greatest Resident Evil Speedrunner. She just went right into every single RE run like a boss!!! You can even tell she's having so much fun. For what it's worth the marathon lasted a little longer than I expected.

A little over half the month in fact. It was a lot of fun watching her speedrun every single RE game on that lineup. This also was an Subathon where every five subscribes adds another RE run. The entire RE marathon felt like a huge fan service to those watching it. I am very glad to came to every single stream this RE marathon was in.

EvilCherryBerry recently been doing speedrun marathons on her streams. Majority of those already on her YouTube channel. I personally wanna thank her for doing this awesome RE marathon. I really enjoyed myself truthfully, please keep up the good work. What a way to kick start a year than doing something this crazy right?

You can tell she really enjoys Resident Evil series. She sure loves playing as Jill and Claire lol. I felt enough of the franchise is presented to justify it's title. You could say yes even the kitchen sink included lol. I actually have no real criticisms towards the streamer neither this RE marathon whatsoever. Even the not great RE games don't stay around long enough to make you sick either.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

My thoughts on three horror Popeye movies 1st trailers

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, a few months ago I talked about public domain characters getting used in horror movies. Well this is a direct continuation where I share my thoughts on three particular horror movie trailers. All of which Popeye killing people yes you heard me correctly. Being a huge Popeye fan myself, I had to do this on my blog.

Although they were all meant to come out this year thanks to Popeye becoming an public domain character. It's not clear if some or all of them going to come out. I still going to share my thoughts on each Popeye movie trailer as how I see em. Just wanted to make that clear, I do wanna see these Popeye movies soon.

1. Shiver Me Timbers

This sorta plays off The Blob 1958 version. Where an meteorite fell to hit somewhere in the ground. This movie's Popeye gets exposed to it that turns him into a monster killing people. It sorta comes off a bit generic or rather a cheap excuse to have Popeye kill people. You don't see much of the character in the trailer either.

I kinda liked he has a huge bone in his mouth. I guess the actor wasn't allowed a pipe on set. Maybe they changed a pipe out for a bone to help people instantly get this is a horror take of the character. Indirectly they think the audience is stupid by doing that. It's currently scheduled to come out on April Fools Day.

What else was shown is some of the characters interacts with an old man. I didn't know this until IMDB page on the movie. Some of the other Popeye characters are technically in the movie. By now the world getting sick of Mickey Mouse horror movies. I do think the movie possibly better than that trailer.

An interesting movie fact, this Popeye movie going to play off the 80s. You may wanna expect a lot of references as you watch the movie.

2. Popeye's Revenge aka Pops the Slayer Man

More recently as of a week ago a trailer for this movie finally gotten released. I personally liked it more than Shiver Me Timbers. We do get to see more Popeye within the trailer a good sign. The movie is treating Popeye as a cheap knock off of Friday the 13th's Jason. You can tell this is a low budget horror movies by how the other characters acting.

I am also not that crazy for Popeye's appearance as well. Even Shiver Me Timbers had a better looking Popeye from what was shown. Of course, a lot of dumb teens going to get slaughter. So many horror movies do this. I would say at this time the trailer comes close to working. Just like Shivers Me Timbers, both seem to be missing something to pull in your interest.

Popeye's Revenge taking place at a summer camp possibly not a good idea. Unavoidably people going to compare it to Jason. At one point I Know What You Did Last Summer Fisherman got treated like that. I felt parts of the concept is coming more off as a mockbuster than a surprisingly fun horror movie.

An interesting movie fact, the same company responsible for The Twisted Childhood Universe. They stated this Popeye movie isn't in that universe despite also made by them.

3. Popeye the Slayer Man

This is actually the horror Popeye movie I wanna see the most. I knew as soon as I first saw the trailer. I'm aware some people dislike Popeye's appearance in this. I actually like his appearance a lot despite how buff up he is. Like Popeye's Revenge, they also treated Popeye as Jason. I kinda felt The Mean One did a little more to stand out from other stuff.

I absolutely loved the gore shown in this trailer. I may not know any of these Popeye movies' budgets off hand. I'm going to say I felt this one had the most money by far. They also tried to explain why Popeye kills people within the trailer. This felt like it should be the best out of the three horror Popeye movies by far.

What differs this from Popeye's Revenge is a factory instead of a summer camp. Some of the characters plans to do an documentary on Popeye. Which is indirectly similar to Halloween: Resurrection. Where they live streamed inside Michael Myers' house. Somehow I felt this movie going to be better than that.

An interesting movie fact is they going to use real practical effects instead of CG for the gore. Personally I recommend this a lot more it just works amazingly well when done right.

Final thoughts

I know it's getting ridiculous public domain characters becoming a cheap alternative for horror films. Especially in this case with Popeye whose a really ridiculous comic strip/cartoon character. Which by itself makes people wonder how they plan to go about the character. Obviously he can't be too strong even for horror movie standards.

The fact we possibly could end up getting three horror movies where Popeye kills people is mind blowing. It seems they wanna keep making horror films. At the same time, they can't paid the owners of copy right holders. Which is exactly why they are using public domain characters. Simply because they're in there, they can use these characters in anyway they want.

Plus they can not get sue over em either. Some people love loop holes like this. Popeye getting three different horror takes within a year. I guess nothing going to keep him down. Just make sure you hid cans of spinach you should be fine. I just felt they easily could've went more ambitious than this.

If I were making a horror Popeye movie. I would've had the character be a ghost sailor traveling the seas. Sorta similar to another movie, The Fog. He would appear in fogs while killing people. The only thing that can stop him is destroy the last can of spinach he had before he died. His life suddenly had unfinished business since he never finished that can off.

Now doesn't my idea of a horror Popeye movie sounds interesting? As a sailor he should be traveling the sea like he does in comic strips and anything based on em. Which is exactly why I did expect a bit more than this. There's no way they're so desperate to rush these Popeye movies out.

I don't think they're going to be better than the live action Popeye movie. You know the famous Robin Williams Popeye movie? What I did respect more about The Mean One is how they went about changes from the original story it's based on. In all honestly that movie was more creative than any of these Popeye movies!!!

I could criticize The Mean One for having too good of a trailer. When the actual horror film turned out to be a huge disappointment. I still say Popeye the Slayer Man trailer my favorite of the three Popeye movie trailers. I just wish they would've gotten a bit more creative with the character. To me I simply wanted a nice change or two that would've made it stand out more.

Let's be honest two of them are directly ripping off Jason wasn't a good idea either. You also expect me to directly rip off some of Jason's famous kills. Suddenly they're setting up a higher standards they can't satisfy. At the same time possibly upsetting Jason fans as well. If I could ask for any of these Popeye movies to do anything.

I do wanna see a surprise usage with a can of spinach. In most things Popeye, cans of spinach are his power ups. Originally it was a bird prior to that, I looked it up a while back. I wanna see a can get used as a weapon against people. Maybe see a can somehow used as a weakness to em. Which could be seen as a silly horror movie weakness.

People still wanna see how spinach fits in with these versions of the same character. Popeye without his spinach is like The Punisher without his trademark symbol. You can't have em without something we all know the character has in some form. I just don't want any version of Popeye to simply have a tattoo of canned spinach.

To me that would be incredibly disappointing as well as very stupid. You are virtually cheating us out of what we asked for. If I can see an evil Santa throw a star from a Christmas tree get used like a shuriken on people. Then why not have Popeye use a can of spinach against em in a similar matter?

I am just surprised none of them are possessed. You either expected that or people dressed up as these characters. The later starting to be a lot of horror Mickey Mouse movies. I'm just glad all of them are actually Popeye. I just felt a bit cheated how they went about these movies. Especially for a character as rememberable as Popeye!!!

I'm not trying to put these Popeye movies down due to being notably low budget horror films. I sure wasn't expecting this concept to be done by a major movie company. Then again Universal previously done their Krampus movie. I do hope all of them gets release. Hell Tubi could stream all these Popeye films free.

Thus a lot more people can see these movies than some of the alternatives. There's a chance YouTube could have em on there like The Mean One. I don't think all the companies comes together to do either a triple discs DVD set or a digital movie bundle deal. Although either could've been a good idea to score a few horror films in one go.

I do wanna see these Popeye movies do better than expected. I'm not expecting any of them to get onto movie award shows by any means. I just hoping they just don't flat out suck bad. Which is a strong possibility considering the concept here. I know some people wanna check these Popeye movies out.

I felt at this moment they gotta finish their productions. Which will be easier than get the movies on a platform the world can see em. I just don't think the big streaming platforms going to do more than one of these Popeye movies. It's even possible none of them gets on any of those platforms. I just hope any company following these Popeye movies goes into a more creative direction.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Death Battle Fight Prediction: Ghostface (Scream) vs Kevin McCallister (Home Alone)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, just when I given up hope for a new Ghostface match up to overtake Ghostface vs Fisherman. Here comes a rather unexpected one that's a lot of fun to discuss. I would even say very outside the box. This screams my childhood in the 90s in a way I never expected.

I know I'm hyping this up a lot. Death Battle already discussed today's match up last month. Considering it's been snowing where I'm at. Somehow this match up comes to mind. We have Ghostface from Scream series taking on Kevin McCallister from Home Alone series. I know what some of you likely going to say.

"This doesn't make sense or really this now a thing?" I could go on but this match up surprisingly works. It's kinda genius how two characters from the opposite movie genres works this well together. I guess this technically would be my Among Us vs Fall Guys lol. I absolutely love this idea with a huge passion.

I still got some stuff to point out for this to help prevent some confusion. I'm not considering Home Alone 4 that also had the McCallister family. It's quite obvious it's a different universe counterpart of the same family. Also it's both easier and tricker to go an composite Ghostface for this. At the same time, composite Ghostface could be an interesting obstacle for Kevin.

Also I'm not considering Scream show. In particular Scream: Resurrection as it counts as an alternative universe to the movies. In the case of Scary Movie 1, it could heavily impact this match up. It also would take away what exactly making it a huge request as well. I rather keep the request the way it is.

Kevin McCallister

Two popular characters from the 90s that heavily inspired their respective movie styles. Ghostface being from a horror movie franchise while Kevin from a more family friendly comedy movie franchise. In a way they go about surprise attacking people. Ghostface often waits for opportunities to surprise attack his victims including faking being dead or passed out.

Kevin quickly mastered the art of setting up traps. Depending if Kevin trapped the area out or not heavily impacts this fight. Assuming this could take place in the McCallister house. Kevin already starts the fight with a huge advantage. Also regarding Ghostface uses horror movie trends to act out plans.

I will try to paint a picture to explain why that matters a lot more than you realize. Most Ghostface characters are more notable about horror films. There's little to no comedy knowledge among em. This is bad because Ghostface can't predict all the possible traps. Sometimes Kevin plans for a surprise addition to a few traps that usually involves him directly.

Then again if any of the killers knew comedy films. It's debatable if they seen anything like Home Alone series. Which is sorta a comical sub genre of another sub genre Die Hard franchise started. Weird right what started as an sub genre for action films now indirectly one for comedy films too. The point is Ghostface still going to be clueless what's coming their way.

Obviously Ghostface can't do that here since Kevin a comedy movie character. Which also impacts some surprising advantages Kevin has as well. Jill whose one of the Ghostface killers in Scream 4 gotten shocked in the head by her cousin Sidney. In comparison, Kevin trapped a sink downstairs to electrocute Marv.

Notably he survived a more lethal dose of electricity with ease. Kevin always can one up anything Ghostface is doing during this fight. Speed is possibly the closest stat here. We could argue Ghostface being an adult while Kevin an child wins most stats advantage. I also could argue a few times Kevin possibly faster than the fastest we ever seen Ghostface move as well as react.

Which is strangely a weird comedy movie character advantage in this situation. Ghostface often loves to call up his victims to taunt em. But Kevin has tricked the staff of an hotel with using his favorite movie to terrorized em. It's no secret, Ghostface likely fall for this trick too. He is even clever enough to fool people into thinking he's not alone in his family's house.

Look I know about the famous Robot Chicken sketch. Where they swapped plots of Home Alone 1 and Halloween (2018 film). Which ended with Kevin getting murdered by Myers. I don't think Ghostface going to get a solid opportunity to do the same. Kevin even trapped a place in New York.

He still held his own against the Wet Bandits. Which also plays into another advantage Kevin has over Ghostface. We could do the average amount of killers being two. He successfully beaten the same criminals twice mostly by himself. Obviously these criminals are adults as well. Ghostface would have the advantage of being in more locations compared to those Kevin been to.

People don't even realize a surprising connection these two have. Both been in New York in a sequel movie. Home Alone 2 is way better than Scream VI. Therefore, they also could do that place Kevin trapped to better set up this fight as well. I really love ideas like this that constantly giving me ideas lol.

Kevin would be smart enough to be fooled by Ghostface's calls. Kevin also knows the locations he trapped very well. It's not often when Ghostface uses traps either. Then again even if Ghostface had that going for em. Kevin likely know how to use em against Ghostface. The fact Kevin can easily kept preventing a direct confrontation is critical here.

Ghostface prefers to get in close with his victims. Kevin can easily get around em being much smaller. Kevin also does plan on getting chased. Ghostface simply can't keep up with Kevin. Some attempts to sneak into places are also trapped. It's impressive a child pulled this off twice by themselves.

Which also plays into Ghostface thinking Kevin not going to be bright a huge mistake. Kevin has counters to nearly everything Ghostface could do in this fight. Kevin will read Ghostface like a book the entire time. Even if Ghostface gotten the drop on him. Kevin usually lucks out in those situations.

For example in Scream 3, Ghostface set up this trap to build up a house. By tricking someone to light something on fire to trigger an explosion from the gas. Any of the Home Alone kids would quickly notice traps like this to prevent em Kevin included. If Alex could trigger the leader bad guy with a toy gun.

Then what would prevent Kevin tricking Ghostface with a toy knife or gun for that matter? I never said I wouldn't bring up similar situations from stuff not considered. They just aren't directly considered into this for fairness reasons. At the same time, I could see Kevin swapping Ghostface's knife out for a toy.

Obviously this would be an one on one fight. Although it also could work as an two on one fight. Both are creative to a degree there's no hiding that fact. Ghostface's advantages almost don't matter much. Sure Ghostface killed a lot of people compared to Kevin mostly dealing with two guys. Being an adult, Ghostface without protection would be tougher to hurt or knock em.

Not to mention, he can easily reach things simply out of reach for Kevin. Honestly stuff like that can be easily ignored. What does matter is Kevin constantly proven to be more difficult to predict. Let's be honest, this kid more creative than anyone who ever was Ghostface. Kevin is also skilled at pissing people off.

In Scream series, the killers doesn't often fair well when that happens. I seen their movies I do believe Kevin got a huge shot to win this fight. Let's talk about the famous throwing bricks scene. Realistically one brick thrown from that height hitting a person's head is death. Home Alone series is more ridiculous with physics in comparison.

The Wet Bandits had a lot of similar stuff happened to them that also happened to Ghostface. I already compared getting shocked earlier. We can compare getting burnt realistically what happened to Harry with an flame trap would've killed him. It's safe to say in most regards the Wet Bandits notably tougher than anyone who ever was Ghostface.

Once again a notable amount of Amber's face in Scream (2022 film), she struggled. In comparison after Harry felt into another trap involving a toilet. He was fine enough to continue pursuing Kevin. I could keep comparing the Wet Bandits to Ghostface. It's safe to say they easily survived stuff that'll kill Ghostface.

This also means Kevin can handle the superior stats advantage Ghostface has over em. Which usually doesn't happen on Death Battle. I also liked this being a rather unique game of wits. Ghostface eventually going to be unmasked. Although by this point, Kevin guarantees his victory. Kevin simply has too many advantages to lose this fight.

The best way to sum all of this up is the moment Ghostface gets near Kevin's location. Either being the McCallister house or that place in New York. Kevin starts winning this fight with the traps doing most the work. Nearly every trick Ghostface could pull automatically backfires. It's almost as if Kevin controlling the battlefield the entire time.

Ghostface simply lacks a solid counter to get around any of this. Even if there were a few of them trying to get the kid. There's little to nothing they bring to the table Kevin haven't seen before. Not to mention how dangerously creative he is. Ghostface is going to lose this fight no matter how it plays out.

Winner: Kevin McCallister (Home Alone)

More connections these characters share to help make it more clear why people want this so badly.

1. Both originated in an 90s movie franchises that inspired their respective genres
2. Both involve family to a degree
3. Both often use surprise attacks on their victims
4. Both are skilled at fooling people about their identities
5. Both used to dealing with multiple people

Kevin tricked a pizza guy to deliver pizza. Then scared em off to get free pizza. He literately used his dad's credit card without permission to stay at a hotel. Just in case anyone forgotten any of those.

Kevin's family mostly away while he's stuck being alone. Some killers were related to each other as well as related to Sidney.