Tuesday, January 14, 2025

My thoughts on three horror Popeye movies 1st trailers

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, a few months ago I talked about public domain characters getting used in horror movies. Well this is a direct continuation where I share my thoughts on three particular horror movie trailers. All of which Popeye killing people yes you heard me correctly. Being a huge Popeye fan myself, I had to do this on my blog.

Although they were all meant to come out this year thanks to Popeye becoming an public domain character. It's not clear if some or all of them going to come out. I still going to share my thoughts on each Popeye movie trailer as how I see em. Just wanted to make that clear, I do wanna see these Popeye movies soon.

1. Shiver Me Timbers

This sorta plays off The Blob 1958 version. Where an meteorite fell to hit somewhere in the ground. This movie's Popeye gets exposed to it that turns him into a monster killing people. It sorta comes off a bit generic or rather a cheap excuse to have Popeye kill people. You don't see much of the character in the trailer either.

I kinda liked he has a huge bone in his mouth. I guess the actor wasn't allowed a pipe on set. Maybe they changed a pipe out for a bone to help people instantly get this is a horror take of the character. Indirectly they think the audience is stupid by doing that. It's currently scheduled to come out on April Fools Day.

What else was shown is some of the characters interacts with an old man. I didn't know this until IMDB page on the movie. Some of the other Popeye characters are technically in the movie. By now the world getting sick of Mickey Mouse horror movies. I do think the movie possibly better than that trailer.

An interesting movie fact, this Popeye movie going to play off the 80s. You may wanna expect a lot of references as you watch the movie.

2. Popeye's Revenge aka Pops the Slayer Man

More recently as of a week ago a trailer for this movie finally gotten released. I personally liked it more than Shiver Me Timbers. We do get to see more Popeye within the trailer a good sign. The movie is treating Popeye as a cheap knock off of Friday the 13th's Jason. You can tell this is a low budget horror movies by how the other characters acting.

I am also not that crazy for Popeye's appearance as well. Even Shiver Me Timbers had a better looking Popeye from what was shown. Of course, a lot of dumb teens going to get slaughter. So many horror movies do this. I would say at this time the trailer comes close to working. Just like Shivers Me Timbers, both seem to be missing something to pull in your interest.

Popeye's Revenge taking place at a summer camp possibly not a good idea. Unavoidably people going to compare it to Jason. At one point I Know What You Did Last Summer Fisherman got treated like that. I felt parts of the concept is coming more off as a mockbuster than a surprisingly fun horror movie.

An interesting movie fact, the same company responsible for The Twisted Childhood Universe. They stated this Popeye movie isn't in that universe despite also made by them.

3. Popeye the Slayer Man

This is actually the horror Popeye movie I wanna see the most. I knew as soon as I first saw the trailer. I'm aware some people dislike Popeye's appearance in this. I actually like his appearance a lot despite how buff up he is. Like Popeye's Revenge, they also treated Popeye as Jason. I kinda felt The Mean One did a little more to stand out from other stuff.

I absolutely loved the gore shown in this trailer. I may not know any of these Popeye movies' budgets off hand. I'm going to say I felt this one had the most money by far. They also tried to explain why Popeye kills people within the trailer. This felt like it should be the best out of the three horror Popeye movies by far.

What differs this from Popeye's Revenge is a factory instead of a summer camp. Some of the characters plans to do an documentary on Popeye. Which is indirectly similar to Halloween: Resurrection. Where they live streamed inside Michael Myers' house. Somehow I felt this movie going to be better than that.

An interesting movie fact is they going to use real practical effects instead of CG for the gore. Personally I recommend this a lot more it just works amazingly well when done right.

Final thoughts

I know it's getting ridiculous public domain characters becoming a cheap alternative for horror films. Especially in this case with Popeye whose a really ridiculous comic strip/cartoon character. Which by itself makes people wonder how they plan to go about the character. Obviously he can't be too strong even for horror movie standards.

The fact we possibly could end up getting three horror movies where Popeye kills people is mind blowing. It seems they wanna keep making horror films. At the same time, they can't paid the owners of copy right holders. Which is exactly why they are using public domain characters. Simply because they're in there, they can use these characters in anyway they want.

Plus they can not get sue over em either. Some people love loop holes like this. Popeye getting three different horror takes within a year. I guess nothing going to keep him down. Just make sure you hid cans of spinach you should be fine. I just felt they easily could've went more ambitious than this.

If I were making a horror Popeye movie. I would've had the character be a ghost sailor traveling the seas. Sorta similar to another movie, The Fog. He would appear in fogs while killing people. The only thing that can stop him is destroy the last can of spinach he had before he died. His life suddenly had unfinished business since he never finished that can off.

Now doesn't my idea of a horror Popeye movie sounds interesting? As a sailor he should be traveling the sea like he does in comic strips and anything based on em. Which is exactly why I did expect a bit more than this. There's no way they're so desperate to rush these Popeye movies out.

I don't think they're going to be better than the live action Popeye movie. You know the famous Robin Williams Popeye movie? What I did respect more about The Mean One is how they went about changes from the original story it's based on. In all honestly that movie was more creative than any of these Popeye movies!!!

I could criticize The Mean One for having too good of a trailer. When the actual horror film turned out to be a huge disappointment. I still say Popeye the Slayer Man trailer my favorite of the three Popeye movie trailers. I just wish they would've gotten a bit more creative with the character. To me I simply wanted a nice change or two that would've made it stand out more.

Let's be honest two of them are directly ripping off Jason wasn't a good idea either. You also expect me to directly rip off some of Jason's famous kills. Suddenly they're setting up a higher standards they can't satisfy. At the same time possibly upsetting Jason fans as well. If I could ask for any of these Popeye movies to do anything.

I do wanna see a surprise usage with a can of spinach. In most things Popeye, cans of spinach are his power ups. Originally it was a bird prior to that, I looked it up a while back. I wanna see a can get used as a weapon against people. Maybe see a can somehow used as a weakness to em. Which could be seen as a silly horror movie weakness.

People still wanna see how spinach fits in with these versions of the same character. Popeye without his spinach is like The Punisher without his trademark symbol. You can't have em without something we all know the character has in some form. I just don't want any version of Popeye to simply have a tattoo of canned spinach.

To me that would be incredibly disappointing as well as very stupid. You are virtually cheating us out of what we asked for. If I can see an evil Santa throw a star from a Christmas tree get used like a shuriken on people. Then why not have Popeye use a can of spinach against em in a similar matter?

I am just surprised none of them are possessed. You either expected that or people dressed up as these characters. The later starting to be a lot of horror Mickey Mouse movies. I'm just glad all of them are actually Popeye. I just felt a bit cheated how they went about these movies. Especially for a character as rememberable as Popeye!!!

I'm not trying to put these Popeye movies down due to being notably low budget horror films. I sure wasn't expecting this concept to be done by a major movie company. Then again Universal previously done their Krampus movie. I do hope all of them gets release. Hell Tubi could stream all these Popeye films free.

Thus a lot more people can see these movies than some of the alternatives. There's a chance YouTube could have em on there like The Mean One. I don't think all the companies comes together to do either a triple discs DVD set or a digital movie bundle deal. Although either could've been a good idea to score a few horror films in one go.

I do wanna see these Popeye movies do better than expected. I'm not expecting any of them to get onto movie award shows by any means. I just hoping they just don't flat out suck bad. Which is a strong possibility considering the concept here. I know some people wanna check these Popeye movies out.

I felt at this moment they gotta finish their productions. Which will be easier than get the movies on a platform the world can see em. I just don't think the big streaming platforms going to do more than one of these Popeye movies. It's even possible none of them gets on any of those platforms. I just hope any company following these Popeye movies goes into a more creative direction.

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