Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Resident Evil live action show review

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I know it's been a few months since Resident Evil live action show hit Netflix. No surprise to anyone, it quickly got canceled after one season. Don't worry I plan to rip it a part worst than the zombies done to people. I will say thank god we ended up with Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness show first.

I actually knew about this show through rumors for a few years. Trust me, even the first rumor I knew if the show were to happen. It was going to suck, you already know it does lol. Why would you make the main family's last name Wesker. Yeah as in Albert & Alex Wesker, that's already a questionable decision. Even more than making the Redfield orphans that were under the care of the Birkins in a movie.

Resident Evil like Stephen King's IT well the actual book as well as the 90s mini series. The story kept going back & forward in a similar fashion. Parts of the show plays in the past like a teen drama. Which really doesn't even feel like an RE show. The other time line is in the present many years into the future. The story mostly follows Jade Wesker, yeah original name guys.

Who strangely the adult look she has kept reminding me of Sheva from Resident Evil 5. I should point out, up to a point a lot of previous events from the games did occurred. Thank god, this show actually it's own time line. In this timeline, the late Dr. Marcus' daughter Evelyn. She also has a son named Simon whose the closest thing Jade had to a boyfriend.

This is already getting weird like Jake & Sherry getting close kinda weird. The creatures especially lickers looks lower quality than even those in Welcome to Raccoon City movie. They did bring in some giant insects. Here's a question who the hell thought it was a great idea (sarcasm) to make an infected giant caterpillar?

The story in both time lines we get to see feels too different from each other. Not only that, how many live action adaptations do we have now? Yet somehow they got wrong once again wow. I felt their clone dad twist wasn't well executed. Even the actor who plays him, two clones and this show's version of Wesker. Who by the way strangely looks like Wesley Snipes' Blade.

Hey Snipes someone ripped you off!!! If that wasn't insulting enough, the same actor does an amazing job in John Wick movies. I will say right off the bat, I originally went in not going to have a favorite character. Surprisingly I kinda ended up with Bert Wesker. A handful of scenes which aren't RE by the way that's strangely likable it's tricky to explain properly.

Umbrella ends up controlling the world, oh wait Anderson already done that!!! They did attempted to recreate puzzles from the franchise. Sadly the closest it gotten to remotely, yes very remotely felt a little like Resident Evil. It's still done better than the second live action Silent Hill movie yes shots fired. There's some weird stories this show tells that ultimately gets cut short.

Some of them felt more at home strangely in an Silent Hill game than anything else. But I know what some of you really wanna know. You wanna know how does this compare to the disaster that is Resident Evil: The Final Chapter right? I confess that movie had the single worst story ever told in anything RE media.

At the same time, this show had so many throw away characters. Umbrella was maybe a little too much focus of the show here. Then again, the six movie series had the same exact problem. Honestly, here's a show I personally don't wanna revisit for any reason. Another major problem I had is well the title itself.

They easily could've added an subtitle to spice it up a bit. Instead it's just simply Resident Evil, well derp it's Resident Evil like we're morons. Let's see the original game, a remake of the same title and the original live action movie. We already had better things with that title prior to this garbage. I'll be even more brutally honest then.

It strongly felt like some teen drama show. At the same time, they figured to try making things more interesting with a confusing method to tell the story. It clearly felt like it originally wasn't an RE show. Sadly as far I'm concerned it surprisingly was originally planned to be an RE show. Which indirectly makes that better than four Hellraiser movies that originally weren't Hellraiser movies at all.

It still doesn't excuse the insult this show brings to us fans. We waited a long time for an RE show. Oh sorry we gotten Infinite Darkness first, good choice Capcom. Then we ended up with this not long afterwards? What were you guys thinking? I would say in terms of special effects, characters, how they chosen to tell story and bares little to no true faithfulness to the source material.

Not including way too much Umbrella with New Raccoon City as a location. Yes they made a new one, you know the old one that got nuked off the face of the planet!!! Why would you even consider naming a place after that? Al Wesker turned out to be a surprisingly decent person. Which I hate to say kinda ruined the famous Wesker image we fans of.

I would even say the mess of Wesker in Resident Evil: Extinction move over. You are no longer the most disappointing usage of a fan favorite character. I say that because the real Wesker in a flash back was a short scene. You don't see much of him at all like they wanna to focus more on this family one of his clones started.

This show kept making me angry as a huge RE fan. Honestly, I really regretted checking it out. I know some people watch an episode or two before they decide if they like a show. Do yourselves a favor don't consider this show for any reason whatsoever. Resident Evil was more of a random zombie apocalypse show that simply labeled as an RE show so people would watch it.

You actually want a decent zombie show that's actually on Netflix, go watch Z Nation instead. Way more worth your time trust me I'll know what I'm talking about. Resident Evil is a pathetic attempt to bridging into another form of media for such a huge video game franchise. In all honestly, we the fans never once wanted this show.

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