Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Tips on How to get Adept Blight achievement/trophy

 Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, today I was hard at work getting Adept Blight achievement. I will be honest, most of them weren't great lol. But I had two decent Blight matches in my following stream. I do have tips how to improve your chances at getting this achievement. I just don't want to repeat the tips that applies to every killer in the game.


The Blight is a rather unusual style killer. He prefers to bounce against parts of the map like a hard rubber ball. It is a similar mechanic The Legion has towards survivors but against the map instead. In my opinion, the more fun out of the two. This makes getting the points for using his power a lot easier than most killers.

Keep in mind, you need to correctly hit parts of the map in order to bounce. You can continue to move forward or quickly bounce against parts of the map to continue your speed boost. I should point out after one bounce, you can go for a strike at survivor. He can bounce destroy fallen pallets no lie. He works best on maps with many parts of it in the way.

Which is the direct opposite for many killers. He can quickly caught up even out move survivors. It is just tricky to pull that mechanic off sometimes. Of course, you have add-ons to help make parts of his power easier. You will quickly get use to how to strike survivors. It's everything else that makes him a notable learning curve.

Sadly, he only has one perk worth mentioning. Which will prevent survivors from dropping pallets during chases. The Blight is like a pinball of death. He can quickly cover a lot of ground during matches. I would even say he's one of the fastest killers in the game. This guy can still be looped just one of the trickier killers to loop in general.

Overall, I enjoy being the character but he isn't my favorite killer. I will give credit to his appearance as well as his concept. He can be fun at times but compared to a lot of killers, he's more in the middle for me. The Blight can be tricky to pull off but it can be satisfying to down someone during a chase. I do recommend people give him a try since I highly doubt their competition will have someone like this.

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