Saturday, February 13, 2021

Explaining two Mastermind builds (Resident Evil: Resistance)

 Hello I'm Jack Red, I didn't think I was going to be able to create an Mastermind build. But I proven myself wrong twice now. I am here to talk about my two Mastermind builds. Also before I even get started, special thanks to lollink42 for doing videos on my builds. I had a blast watching both your videos especially my later one lol.

Brutal Vampire Daniel Build






Remove Shell

Researcher's Brain

Razor Claws III

Resilent Skin III

Implant Chip I


Zombie Dog

Zombie (2)

V-Act Zombie

Shock Trap



Enhancing Vapor-Infection

Enhancing Vapor-Energy Leech

Energy Booster-Creatures

The inspiration of this build was loosely about vampires in Resident Evil: Village. In general ever since my child hood, vampires are one of my absolute favorite supernatural beings. I was curious to see if I could a build inspired by vampires showing no mercy. In other words, to kill their prey rather than seduction or to feed on later.

I wanted a build that actually terrifies people. Even I can be honest not my scariest build that's up next. It does lack defense but greatly makes up for it in offense. Using Vampire skill can be a game charger at times using this build. I use both V-Act Zombie & even worst Remove Shell. Both of these are zombies with most enhancers already enabled.

Obviously Remove Shell would be Dracula of this build. Before I go any further I am aware of similar builds like The Dracula Build or Dracula Daniel Build. If you look at just the basic set up, my build is clearly more of it's own. Also creating this build, I didn't know about those builds prior. This is a build most low rank teams can't handle.

The real question is could it handle better teams? Believe it or not, I won some close matches with this build recently. So I can confirm with the right strategies, yes you can. Of course, there's flaws in this build. End of the day, I am still very happy with this build. If you think about it, every creature with buffs is worse than Mr. X.

Dogs, Lickers and Ivys Annette Build aka Trickster Annette Build




Creature Efficiency

Zombie Dogs (3)

Licker-Regen Aura

Razor Claws III

Bulletproof Glass III

Viral Canister

Unstable Generator


Enhancing Vapor-Berserker

Enhancing Vapor-Infection

Enhancing Vapor-Energy Leech


Imposter Zombie

Umbrella Reserves

Conventer Mod-Creatures


Energy Booster-Creatures

This is my strongest build as well as possibly the most unforgiving I ever seen. Largely, centered on getting as many dogs, lickers and ivys in a match as possible. Creature Efficiency with Discount and Energy Booster-Creatures all helps in getting stuff like lickers being cheaper to get. I didn't go for Enhancing Vapor-Regen because I was using Licker-Regen Aura serving the same purpose.

At the same time, having vicious creatures that survivors are going to struggle escaping or fighting. Same with Ivys but those can instantly down survivors. Umbrella Reserves comes with a price for using. The other likely stuff you'll get from it can still help you in ways. Like using Teleportation Trap sometimes can be help to delay them from escaping or Blinding Flash to well blind em.

I knew for a build this ambitious, Unstable Generator would greatly come in handily. Especially if they somehow make it to Area 3 aka Hell lol. Conventer Mod-Creatures by default is 18 Bio Energy. Without something like Unstable Generator, you could only do up to 10 Bio Energy. But the beautiful part is even creature cards you use will lower it down depending on the amount of energy you used.

For example, with some of this by default a licker would cost 7 Bio Energy. So spending 7 Bio Energy lowers Conventer Mod-Creatures down by 7. I chose Zombie-Infectious to possibly save time when you are force to work faster. Imposter Zombie is going to be one of your best friends in this build no pun intended.

Enhancing Vapor cards I'm using covers the remaining three buffs that make up an V-Act zombie or most of Remove Shell, which is exclusive to Daniel. Unless you use Spencer's Omniscience exclusive card thus giving Spencer by random selection a possibility of using it. Let's talk about the equipment since Brutal Vampire Daniel Build was a very obvious direction.

Razor Claws III allows creatures to do more damage to the survivors. Of course, survivor players could have builds to help counter this. Same with Viral Canister that greatly increases infection for the survivors. There isn't much survivors can do to prevent me from getting more energy. Only January is capable doing that.

So you're facing a team without January, they can't prevent the Mastermind player using from getting more energy. Even if they were the case, all enhancers are increased by Annette's Buffs skill. Which means, if a zombie with Energy Leech capabilities grabs an survivor. I will get more energy than normal without using that skill of hers.

Which also can be helpful late into a match as well. Unstable Generator also plays into Bulletproof Glass III where the tanks in Area 3 are incredibly durable. Thus survivors are force to waste more ammo if they have any left or melee weapons. Thus greatly slowing em down during Area 3. At the same time, you can take advantage of that delay to spawn more creatures.

Let's be honest one issue is you could be dealt with a series of not great hands while other times it's pretty mind blowing. I will be linking my most recent videos using both builds as well as lollink42's videos. Also because he does a great job explaining & showcasing them in his videos. The best way to explain what exactly is this build.

Imagine a build that without warning suddenly becomes another build on the fly. As if I was actually changing it during matches rather than mostly being the one build concept. No I'm not a hacker but seriously a lot of thought went into creating this. I had a few great inspirations for this build as well. This build is amazingly good, yes it holds up well against great teams.

A list of inspirations for this build includes...

1. Both versions of Resident Evil 2

2. Randomizer mode from Nintendo 64 version, I seen people in videos play it

3. An Annette build the world haven't seen before

4. Created specialty for Area 3 and better teams

5. It plays heavily on deception

6. 21 from Resident Evil VII: Biohazard

I already know no matter how hard I try there's no way I'm going to top this particular build. It is just surprisingly good that's filled with surprises for the survivors. I guess all that's left is to link two videos with both me and lollink42 playing both builds. I do want to point out, for Brutal Vampire Daniel Build video, he mostly fought lower rank survivors.

Brutal Vampire Daniel Build


Before I link his video, it's the fourth match in this video.

lollink42's video

Dogs, Lickers and Ivys Annette Build aka Trickster Annette Build


lollink42's video

I figured showing both of us playing with these builds. It may inspire people to try em out or create their own builds. I just proven twice, there's still room to create more builds. The real question is how badly do you want one? Honestly I'm quite proud of these builds especially Trickster Annette Build. Once again special thanks goes to lollink42 for doing both videos as well for his kindness.

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