Monday, February 4, 2019

Jack Red reviews The 4th Survivor & The Tofu Survivor

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, some of you notice I didn't really talk about The 4th Survivor & The Tofu Survivor in my review. The reason is very simple I was still trying to beat em. I just unlocked two tofu characters. This is technically a quick follow up review to Resident Evil 2 Remake blogs. Honestly even talking about the differences in both mini games will take awhile.

1. The 4th Survivor

The 4th Survivor was actually the fifth scenario of RE2. There's little to no story although it is very clear what's going on. Hunk survived an assault from G-Stage William. His mission is to make it to the front gate of the police station with a sample of the G-Virus. There's several critical differences in all three versions.

Yes I said three versions because Hunk did have a hidden level in The Umbrella Chronicles. The Tyrant appears in both the original & remake versions. All of them do start from the sewers with two ending at the helipad. But in The Umbrella Chronicles, Hunk has to kill a lot of lickers & hunters. All three version plays very differently from each other.

The classic version plays like a more difficult, strict smaller RE2 game. The enemy placements made it challenging no matter which strategy you used. In The Umbrella Chronicles, it plays more like a rail shooter. In the remake version it plays more like how fast can you finish it. In two versions you can't pick up anything at all.

They do share a similar intro done at different angles. I felt some areas in the original mini game were tricky to get by. For example there's a particular spot with giant spiders directly on the ground in your path. The one that usually screws me over is the stairs with two plant-43s. I felt I get the most help in The Umbrella Chronicles version since I can pick stuff up as well as continue.

In two versions you only have one chance. But you can still attempt finishing it since they're not long at all. I felt you get the most in your inventory in the remake version. Obviously you are the most limited with the classic version. You have to get use to moving through tight areas with enemies a lot. Thankfully there isn't a lot of those in the remake version.

You are being ranked by your completion time. This took place during the events of the main game likely before both Leon & Claire made it to the sewers. I would say Hunk in the remake version looks the best overall. In the classic version you had to be prepare to run fast as well as knifing enemies. In The Umbrella Chronicles you get just enough ammo to get you through.

I should mention The Tyrant in the remake version will stalk you a notable distance in this mini game. Originally he appears in two tight spaces areas that trying to get past him was difficult. Sometimes you had to take a hit especially near the end. But in the remake version, The Tyrant has a few possible attacks with the charge being your best friend essentially.

I would say The Umbrella Chronicles is hands down the longest version being around close to half an hour long. All of their endings is done differently but I would say the classic version is the best. Hunk also got his own save marker in the classic RE2 being in black letters. Overall I would have to say sure they're all challenging in their own right.

I would say two versions being The Umbrella Chronicles & RE2 Remake are a lot of fun to play. I would only suggest trying the classic version if you want a challenge. Regardless Hunk stands out in all three versions. Honestly I had the most fun attempting to complete the newest version. You could run past a lot of enemies while getting your powerful weapons ready for several portions.

I believe the route is a little longer in the remake due to how you have to get the front gate. How you complete all three versions is done differently. In the classic version you open the door leading to the helipad to trigger the ending. In The Umbrella Chronicles, you must defeat a lot of monsters around twenty of them.

In the remake version you have to open the police station's gate. Some enemies like cerberus dogs as well as lickers are more aggressive in this version. You also can't kill The Tyrant in this version. Thankfully there's a few ways of getting around him. Two particular doors, zombies will force open giving you a brief period to get through with the later I plan on using my knife defensively.

2. The Tofu Survivor

Oh boy The Tofu Survivor is still one of the most challenging RE mini games in history. I will talk briefly about the secret mode in The Darkside Chronicles since it was only meant as a tribute to the character. You play the first RE2 level in reverse fighting tofus as Claire. Otherwise it has little to nothing doing in my blog.

To me the original appearance of Tofu looked like a giant bar of soap. Oddly this got a lot of people interested in learning what is it. Regardless they made The Tofu Survivor to test the game's collision. It also stands as a harder, parody version of Hunk's scenario. I would say I notice more direct differences here than in The 4th Survivor.

Tofu in the remake version was actually created by scanning real tofu. In fact, Capcom hosted an event where their guest was given tofu. Thus he actually looks like real tofu wiggling often as he moves. Obviously both versions has a very different cover. Personally I do prefer the classic version. In the classic mini game, Tofu only has hands.

The hat from that cover is present on the remake version. It is interesting Tofu had an alternate way of telling the player of his condition by simply changing colors. But in the remake version, he loses pieces the more damages he takes. At a certain point with caution or danger you will notice less of Tofu's body.

Tofu had a picture in the inventory that's mostly all white. Obviously there is no picture in the remake version. As stated above, they changed the destination where it ends. I should mention he only gets one knife in the original mini game. But in the remake version, Tofu has a lot more knives. This makes doing the run strategy a lot easier.

This version also has mode exclusive pictures. The biggest difference is you can now play five different tofu characters. Yes folks I am really not kidding about this. As of right now I can't judge the rest of them at the moment. If enough people were interested I would consider doing a follow up blog on that.

I have to be honest I didn't care much about the original mini game at all. I do like a challenge in an RE game but this is really pushing it for me. I felt the newer version is more balanced out overall. Sure I died in many attempts before I finally finished it. At the same time I just had more fun playing it.

There is one more weird difference. Originally during the intro or when he gets attacked. Tofu will speak in Japanese. In the remake version, he says several lines in Japanese early on. Honestly I felt how they originally went about that made it more rememberable to me. I will say Tofu is one of my favorite joke characters of all time now lol.

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