Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, last night I decided to watch three of my most wanted to see 2024 movies. All of them were later half of last year that ended up being worth the wait. I never planned a full on negative review. I really enjoyed watching all three movies for the first time right after each other.
Now the order I'll be reviewing them. The order they came to theaters in the United States. Even if I went with alternative overseas date the order doesn't change. I really got a lot to discuss with these movies. So far going to be among my favorite blog entries I ever written. If you're a fan of some these movies you're welcome to read my reviews.
1. Deadpool & Wolverine (2024)
Thank you so much Ryan Reynolds to sticking to your guns. Reynolds fought hard to prevent Disney from ruining the movie. This is exactly why it isn't like most newer MCU content. This technically a weird usage of a legacy sequel. It's a sequel to the first two Deadpool movies. Which are part of the Fox X-Men movie franchise.
At the same time, aspects were pulled into Marvel Cinematic Universe. In a way it rebooted Deadpool to a degree. The actual movie strikingly similar to Loki show. Which both of those reminds me of DC's Legends of Tomorrow to a point. I was so happy Reynolds and Jackman reprised their roles.
I strongly felt this is the best Deadpool movie yet. As ambitious it was that easily could've become a disaster. Somehow Reynolds found a way to make such a crazy story work. For an two hour movie it's very great stuff. None of it felt a little too long. In fact, I still kinda wanted more.
I haven't been this happy watching an MCU movie in awhile. Surprising fan service with some movie versions of characters. They even done a concept of a character for an canned X-Men spin off movie in this. Now seeing Wesley Snipes as Blade I was hyped. Of course I always enjoyed Blade movies.
Funny enough Snipes reprised that role broken the long playing an character record Jackman had. Despite Jackman played Wolverine a lot more times over the years. I have a lot of respect for both actors. Just seeing Blade return in a rather unexpected way works wonders. Indirectly it's adding salt to Blade movie that's been stuck in development hell I don't care lol.
The movie was in all honestly truly amazing stuff. So many characters with none of them flat out wasted. Not only that, most of the jokes hit rather than missed. This is currently among my favorite Marvel movies ever!!! This is one huge party you never wanna leave. I can't even criticize it at all.
Even if I had any notable criticisms they'll be quite small. This is a movie that truly lived up to the insane hype. It simply came off like the greatest thing MCU ever done in a long time. I am deeply impressed how well all of it was done. Considering how great the first two Deadpool movies are.
My expectations for this were quite high. I even had an neighbor that kept asking if I seen the movie yet. Well pal I just did, I absolutely loved it!!! Wolverine was done amazingly well. By now most of the world knows this version of the character has an costume. Late into the movie to see the full outfit was quite done incredibly well.
It seems Disney doesn't properly know how to go about the multiverse concept. Also some stuff Reynolds said about them being very on the money. I'm glad he went the extra mile to make a movie the world wanted rather than simply ruin things how Disney been doing recently. You can tell these Deadpool movies meant the absolute world to him.
I did like Deadpool kills Deadpool inspiration as well. Now doing stuff like this is exactly what Disney should've been doing. Not allowing stuff with questionable ideas to happen. They put an Iron Man enemy against Ant-Man in a movie. Whose done amazingly terrible from what I seen. I'm not fully looking forward to MCU's future at this point.
This really felt like if I could've done an MCU movie. It virtually would've been this in a nut shell. This could end up as the last truly decent MCU movie. If that ends up being the case. Then I'm glad I seen this before leaving MCU as a whole behind. This was well worth the wait to see.
They went surprisingly big for this movie. Almost an Avengers parody style that instantly worked. The movie was so filled with surprises you'll never lose interest in it. There's no question I highly recommend this movie. You simply aren't living until you seen this. I hope Reynolds maintains control over any MCU projects he's involved in.
2. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024)
This is one of those movies you kept hearing stuff about for years. Like Hocus Pocus 2 to a degree. I will say I did enjoy the movie a lot. This actually felt like an Tim Burton movie. I was happy to see the older cast reprised their roles. This was a legacy sequel that worked wonders. It may not be the greatest sequel in history.
I still say it's a good follow up to the original Beetlejuice even considering the huge time gap. I was very excited to see Michael Keaton to play Beetlejuice again. Jenna Ortega previously was Wednesday in Wednesday show that also involves Tim Burton. Ortega been getting some great roles over the years.
I loved Danny DeVito appears in the movie. One of the older actors in some of my favorite Tim Burton movies. Batman Returns and Mars Attacks! respectively. The story I confessed is a bit of a mess with everything considering. Technically speaking there's several antagonists in the story. None of them win in the end.
I did like some of the special effects. Some might be mixed on people getting sucked into cell phones. Personally I felt as creepy it appeared I liked how it was done. We see an dead women put herself back together. I also liked we see a lot of the afterlife. I wasn't upset the couple ghosts aren't in the movie.
In all honestly with controversiality, Alec Baldwin not coming out a good thing. Same with Jeffrey Jones over his sex history stuff. Although other actors played his deceased character in the movie. I was surprised by the animation used to explained how the character died. The short version is the family getting manipulated but ultimately wins out in the end.
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice could be lining up for a sequel called Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. Some of the people involved wanted to another one already. I kinda hope they do a joke to not fully allowed the third Beetlejuice in the title. Suddenly it's playing off don't say his name three times.
I felt some moments like Lydia's mom getting bitten by poisonous snakes. Obviously she isn't a snake expert. I would've had an expert come in to check that before allowing the ritual. It's not a surprise Lydia gotten a show. Suddenly it reminds me of Peter Vincent on Fright Night series. It's becoming a forgotten horror movie trend.
I also liked Beetlejuice's number 1 guy named Bob. I mentally couldn't stop thinking of Bob from Batman 1989 film. I pretend they're the same character that ultimately dies in both films. I almost wanted to see Beetlejuice convince Bob like The Joker did in that Batman movie. You know the now famous, "Bob!!! you are my number #1 guy!!!"
I loved an deceased actor gets to give orders to deceased police officers. Simply going by the trailers, I thought I wasn't going to like Willem Dafoe's character. I actually ended up loving this character a lot. I simply wanted more of him in the actual movie. I always respected Dafoe's performances in movies I seen.
Beetlejuice's ex wife suddenly late into the movie became it's just there thing. I expected a bigger confrontation than we ended up getting. If you gotten that point in the movie. You knew things had to end with Beetlejuice. Which I didn't mind the slightest honestly. I do have one huge criticism though.
I took some time thinking about this. A large amount of the movie strikingly similar to another Tim Burton movie. Corpse Bride if you lined up several aspects. Except Corpse Bride was notably done better. Not to mention, the singing just lined up better as well. It does still felt like an Beetlejuice movie.
I just can't shake the realization it could've been seen as not a great remake of Corpse Bride. I did like how Beetlejuice himself used to a degree. My favorite special effect is people suddenly becoming meat bags without bones from having their souls sucked out. The ending of the movie is suddenly like the original Beetlejuice again.
I figured I may also bring in another similar movie from the 90s I recalled from my childhood. Monkeybone was the closest the 90s gotten to another Beetlejuice film. I absolutely felt Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is better than that movie. Monkeybone is simply a movie too weird for it's time.
Let's put it this way sure story wise Monkeybone connected everything together back. But it still wasn't that great of a movie. No disrespect towards Brandon Fraser either. He simply done what he could've with what's given to him. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is just the right level of weirdness. Not only that the characters are more rememberable to a degree.
I do like how they respected the original film. It may not lived up to my expectations. It wasn't a major disappointment either. A few major changes could've gotten a long way. Even the cartoon show was simply done better. Despite things, it's still a great movie for what it is. It's a little above mid ranking among Tim Burton movies.
I have no trouble recommending it especially to other Tim Burton fans. In all honestly, it just wasn't quite it's own thing. Hocus Pocus 2 was clearly doing the opposite. Where the same three witches terrorizes a new group of characters. One of which ended up becoming an witch. The movie done just enough to differ itself from the original.
I'm happy Tim is back doing his work they way he was doing before his Disney years. Danny Elfman involved with the music is very welcome indeed. Despite some moments feeling either just there or forced altogether. I still found plenty of enjoyment with the movie. I personally wanna see more Keaton playing Beetlejuice soon.
3. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2024)
I knew eventually I had to talk about this Sonic movie. I know I don't need to explain it's a sequel to Sonic 2. The chemistry among the characters is done in a way I can't explain. It simply works insanely well even with newer characters. This is heavily based on Sonic Adventure 2. By now there exists several versions of the same story.
In a post credit scene of Sonic 2, we're given a brief look at Shadow the Hedgehog. Whose always been my favorite Sonic character. When I heard Keanu Reeves voicing the character in this. I was beyond hyped to see what he brings to the character. I can confirm he really nailed the character perfectly.
They changed how Maria died from most versions. I also gotta give Jim Carrey respect. He's playing two Robotniks in the same movie. They even made an 4th wall joke about that. From start to finish the story was told amazingly well. The special effects absolutely amazing stuff. The audio is done just right for the movie.
Carrey previously on In Living Color and Saturday Night Live to a degree. Where he played many characters on those shows. At one point SNL had a lot of people playing many characters Carrey previously done. The way Carrey pulled off both Robotniks sorta felt like that to me. I think everyone agrees Carrey given an impressive performance between two characters.
I loved how they referenced Chao Garden. From Sonic Adventure series, there's a section you take care of these cute small creatures. The way they delivered such an reference couldn't work any better than better. You can tell the team working on this Sonic movie had a lot of fun making it.
The big twist is Professor Robotnik not his grandson the true antagonist of the movie. Personally the fact they went for such an idea I'm going to praise the hell out of that. It was quite a bold move to make. Some of my favorite moments were late into the movie funny enough.
I knew I was going to enjoy this Sonic movie. Sonic Adventure 2 still among my favorite Sonic games. They somehow made the story more interesting than expected. Sonic really goes through emotions this time around. I do like Knuckles is involved with stuff. Way better than Sonic Boom version of the character for that matter.
You can tell slight changes to the character's designs. Just the right amount to not ruin anything. Somehow they looked even better than ever before. The ending portion of the movie beautifully done. Very faithful to the Sonic game it's based on. Don't expect this to end like the first two Sonic movies.
Considering all the risks this Sonic movie really paid off big time. They knew they were going epic with just enough emotionally moments. It may not be your Sonic movie for those reasons. I can say there's still plenty to like about the actual film. Some rather impressive animation even with CGI to a degree.
They went for a more emotionally driven story. They obviously took some risks that ultimately paid off. When I heard Live & Learn playing, I was very hyped. I absolutely loved that Sonic song despite they're now getting sued over that usage of the song. Post credit scene has a lot of Metal Sonics with a cameo from Amy.
I felt the next Sonic movie could possibly been based somewhat by Sonic Heroes. I guess time will tell to see how on the money I am. Sonic 3 is a great Sonic movie that's better than the original Sonic movie to a degree. Just not quite as well done as Sonic 2 for me. I still highly recommend this Sonic movie though.
I just want to confirm none of these movies are bad. Although I can understand how people's taste differs to a degree.
3. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
2. Sonic the Hedgehog 3
1. Deadpool & Wolverine
I do mostly highly recommend all three movies from last year. I figured to treat myself to watching em after months waiting to do so. By now all of them are on different streaming services. I ended up being quite happy after watching all three movies right after each other. I haven't had a movie marathon that great in a very long time honestly.
I virtually knew Deadpool & Wolverine going to be the best among them. Despite knowing some spoilers I mostly went straight in not fully everything. I still ended up quite satisfied what I just watched. I may reconsider doing this concept again with 2025 movies we'll see. I also hope my thoughts explains exactly how I felt about em.
Just imagine trying to say a rough fracture of this within a short video. Simply fails to deliver the entire point I'm trying to do here. I was very surprised by all three movies. At their core, they absolutely delivered. Even Beetlejuice Beetlejuice technically being the worst. In all honestly isn't that bad of a film either.
To me it simply felt a few major changes could've deeply impacted the movie. Especially when the other two movies story wise felt more properly connected. Like everything going on actually matters in comparison. Simply another decision why it's gotten the bottom in my ranking. I still wanna say it's nice having the franchise back after all these years.
It sorta comes off as a required taste or being in the right mindset to enjoy more. The other two movies felt like huge parties I don't wanna ever leave. You can see the fan service all of them brings to the table. Legacy sequels is becoming more popular thanks to Cobra Kai show among a few other movies.
I also tried to keep things as close to spoiler free as possible. Which suddenly made this even more challenging. I can say a rather fun, unique challenge at that. Deadpool & Wolverine is simply too great of a film. Obviously that's going to get my highest recommendations. I still say please give Sonic 3 a chance you may like some aspects of the film.