Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Jack Red reviews Robot Chicken

 Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, truthfully this has been a busy year for me. Which is why I haven't written many blogs as I usually do. But don't worry I will try to start writing more as soon as things stop being so busy around here. For today, I want to talk about one of my absolute favorite shows ever. It recently became the longest running production wise Adult Swim show to date.

I am talking about Robot Chicken, now this is such an amazing show for a lot of great reasons. Easily, one of the most creative shows I have ever seen. Honestly, I don't have many negatives against this show. Most episodes has a couple sketches within a short length episodes. Actually half what you would expect from most cartoons today I'm not kidding.

For most specials, they do go over that length. Some of the funniest jokes are in those or likely the last sketch within an episode. This team uses all kind of animation techniques, sometimes doing more than one per a sketch. Recently, they quickly aired their shortest season, Season 11 all within this particular month. Most seasons has around twenty episodes while this season had 11 episodes not counting the special.

Some stuff you really wish you could unseen. Some sketches goes very quickly while others takes a little longer. The last sketches usually takes the longest to play out. A handful of specials are just one long sketches, two of them as of the most recent Halloween special centers around the Nerd character. No not as in AVGN character, they actually have their own Nerd character.

Franchises like G. I. Joe, He-Man, The Smurfs, The Flintstones, Star Wars, DC comics and Transformers gets reference a lot too. Some jokes will get you by surprise too. Similar to stuff like Celebrity Deathmatch, it largely parodies celebrities, pop culture and a lot of violent deaths. This show really pushes the envelope what they could do.

They love doing "You're canceled joke" during some of the season finale episodes. This show is filled of surprises at every possible turn especially during the specials. Sometimes you just won't know what you're going to get. Keep in mind, a lot of sketches doesn't even make it to Television. You'll have to buy the DVDs to see those missing sketches for yourselves.

Yes there's some sketches that are actually part of the canon that plays out as well. Those won't occur as often as these though. I will say the season finale episodes are some of the finest you'll ever see. The mad scientist does get compared somewhat to Rick from Rick and Morty. Maybe one day I'll review that show don't hold your breath.

Robot Chicken is virtually like the dark side of pop culture. They will do some truly unpleasant stuff to some of your most beloved characters. I will go as far to say this show really does have balls to do some of this sick stuff. Of course, there's other recurring characters like the Humping Robot and this mess up Unicorn character.

Robot Chicken also made a cough gag for a particular episode of The Simpsons. Which is still one of my absolute favorite cough gags ever. This show also has some ties to Family Guy, the two shows themselves are unrelated. Seth Green is one of two creators of Robot Chicken also voices Chris Griffith on Family Guy.

Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane helped to get Robot Chicken to happen. He does voice a couple of characters, mostly being the voice of Santa Claus and Emperor Palpatine. There was one time Seth Green had to take over the role since MacFarlane at the time wasn't available. Honestly, Robot Chicken is such an ambitious yet unique concept for a show.

They have plenty of obstacles to prevent even an season from happening. Somehow this team comes through with amazing results. I am deeply impressed as well as inspired by this show. I do think this show will stand the test of time before than a lot of animated shows. They do take some major risks with impressive animating techniques.

I know this is late into the review. This show originally was a short lived web series called Sweet J Presents. Some of it's sketches got remade for Robot Chicken. The same thing happened with Rick and Morty true story. This is one of those shows they could go virtually anything you can think of. Yet the fans still think of more stuff even after it's cancellation.

Don't worry it just finished airing Season 11, I'm sure it will get another season. I should point out a few channels including Comedy Central, the same channel known for South Park and Cartoon Network turned it down. Someone at Cartoon Network along with support from MacFarlane helped the show to happened.

I think the real reason Comedy Central turned it out was because they already had South Park. Why would they want both those shows on the same channel? Let's be honest, it would cause confusion as well as either show more likely to get canned sooner. So it was for the best both shows got their respective channels.

Yes I'm well aware South Park is currently the second longest running animated sitcom behind The Simpsons. Robot Chicken to me just has more uniqueness and class in comparison. Yes I just threw South Park under the bus sue me. Honestly, this show has plenty of reasons for most the viewers to wanna rewatch the hell out of it a lot.

For the most part, it's the perfect length to marathon all day. It does plenty to spice things up so you'll never truly get bored even seeing these episodes so many times. It almost like a party you really want to go, you drop everything to be there. Robot Chicken even won two Emmys which is rare among animated shows to have.

I do think this show has a bright future ahead. Honestly, it is that good of a show. Even hearing it got canceled, you'll rage in record time. Like when I found out F is for Family got canned, don't worry that's going to get it's own review too. I also plan to do Big Mouth when the time is right. Robot Chicken is something you can't recreate in any sense of the word.

It is a show that blows every expectation away. Especially during some of the specials. Some of these jokes are really funny, I'm not kidding. Robot Chicken willing to do anything for entertainment purposes. This show has plenty of personality as well as creativity. Sometimes you get really surprised by how some sketches ends.

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