Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Why suddenly write Death Battle blogs like no tomorrow?

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, considering the next few months will be busy. I wanted to try getting as much Death Battle related blogs done as soon as possible. You probably notice some popular requests got done. I might be the only person that wants to see Captain Pollution vs. Omega Shenron go at it. Unless an upcoming episode gets me interested enough in.

I simply won't write a prediction blog for it. Honestly I write these for entertaining, a personal challenge in some way and most importantly show my support. I felt doing Freddy vs. Dr. Destiny was interesting due to both of them being gods in the dream world. I still say one of the most ridiculous I ever covered has to be The Mask vs. Saitama.

Two very different kinds of a broken character that can do impossible things with virtually no real effort. I would say trying to consider every possible option for that particular fight was very difficult. Stuff like Aku vs. Shendu, I still see getting requested by people. I made sure to officially request it through the form.

Honestly there's just something about these fights reveal so much about someone. Yes in a lot of cases is not so pleasant while others show more of their supportive side. Death Battle is virtually about all fighters goes in but only one can survive. One of the points I did some of these recent predictions is to showcase some ridiculous characters can lose to other ridiculous characters.

Very recently, I wrote one about Invader Zim taking on Marvin the Martian. Sure in a way it's technically a stomp but they could do a lot with it to keep it entertaining. I do see their names get thrown around a lot these days. Truthfully, I do these to test how well I know these characters. I also did some feeling they may never happen on their show.

The possibilities are virtually endless. But that doesn't mean all of them are good fights. The truth is some fights are so one sided to the point even with the creators best effort doesn't work enough. Yes there's a thing called a fun stomp like Marvin vs. Invader Zim. Mostly it is boring ones that takes away from the entertainment value.

I think a break from making these are in order. I am slowly but surely starting to feel burnt out. But not as much from months of gaming. I honestly wanted people to see the more surprising part of my personality if anything else. I do my best to keep my bias side out of these. I will be honest, several prediction blogs I done on another website, I didn't do a good job with that.

I think the three best kind of fights are as follow. The first one is a very close fight that can go either way. A lot of these could come down to the smallest details to determining who actually wins. The second one is two characters capable of doing anything  Wait that sounds exactly like Chuck Norris vs. Segata Sanshiro fight lol.

Honestly a character that can do anything no matter how ridiculous it actually is would be fun to write. Just imagine doing a fight with two of them now that's ridiculous lol. The last one is putting two very different characters that have great advantages over each other. There isn't many fights that follow this category on the show but I felt some of those fights have a surprising winner.

It has been an honor writing these prediction blogs for fellow fans of the show. I know I got a weird history with predicting fights. For the longest time, due to lack of experience researching. I got so many of them wrong but more recently became the opposite. Honestly, some fights differ in what the real advantages are.

Sure you could have superior overall stats but if you got ways to counter it. Then it is likely the weaker character could win that fight. It's almost like playing a game of Chess, every calculated move must been well thought out. Honestly some of my most recent predictions are among my favorites along with my prediction on Sweet Tooth vs. The Joker.

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