I do need to clarify a few things. I am mostly looking at both Big Daddies you play as in BioShock 2. I am positive majority of feats does apply to most of it's kind. Also I am obviously scaling them to their species for many reasons. Also I'm directly looking at both Subect Delta & Subject Sigma for this fight. I just wanted to make that clear before I get right into it.
Big Daddy

Originally designed to keep up repairs for the underwater city of Rapture. Over time they became the protectors of Little Sisters from those infected. Big Daddies were originally people that got forced into becoming them. Easily the toughest enemy in the first two BioShock games by far. Big Daddy does stand the test of time as well.

Please stick with me this can be a little confusing. The original Nemesis didn't work out. Eventually after the discovery of Lisa Trevor's regenerative abilities. Which played a huge part in the creation of the T-Virus, G-Virus, Tyrants and Nemesis. Umbrella wanted to wipe out any remaining S.T.A.R.S. members left in Raccoon City by sending Nemesis after them.
Powers and Abilities
Big Daddy

+Superhuman Strength
+Superhuman Reflexes
+Incredibly Durable
+Hand to hand combat
+A variety of weapons including a hack device
+Resistance to high pressure (mostly while in suit)
+Fire Manipulation
+Ice Manipulation
+Electricity Manipulation

+Superhuman Strength
+Superhuman Speed
+Superhuman Durability
+Hand to hand combat
+Tentacles, an Gatling gun & an Rocket Launcher
+Lacks the ability to feel pain
+Has two brains to improve making strategies
+Possibly can mutate further depending on the amount of damage
Big Daddy

Most of it's kind isn't bright. In fact because of this they are more likely to sacrifice themselves in order to save others especially Little Sisters. At times, Big Daddies can be a bit sluggish in their movements. They can be very easily angered in comparison. Despite all of this, Big Daddy is still your worst enemy if you piss him off.

Nemesis has to follow any order that comes from his AI brain. Also further mutation can affect it's state of mind. Despite his suit was designed to withstand rockets. It still can be broken by them as proven in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Very vulnerable to many things Big Daddy has in his arsenal. His weapons are technically heavier in comparison.
Big Daddy

+Superior strength
+More weapons
+Could be given upgrades (greatly affecting this fight)
+More durable suit
+In many ways can bypass Nemesis' suit to harm/kill him
+Capable of hacking Nemesis if given the chance
+More confirmed combat experience (Subect Delta & Subject Sigma to clarify)
+More ammo variety
+Capable of upgrading weapons

+More unpredictable
+Two brains that are smarter than your standard Big Daddy's intelligence
+Superior body behind the suit in comparison
+Quicker reaction speed
Big Daddy

-Not as smart as either brain Nemesis has
-More likely to get upset
-Requires help from others to get his suit repaired
-Has to choose which of his powers he will be using in this fight

-Most of it's arsenal won't do much damage in comparison
-If Nemesis absorbs tyrant DNA to mutate further becomes more vulnerable to hacking
-Big Daddy can attack with stuff that can bypass his durability
-Not as strong as Big Daddy
-There are limits to his regeneration
-Also unable to repair his suit
-More likely will lose control through further mutations
-Although his species are strong, they aren't on most Big Daddies' level
-Heavier arsenal

I got to be honest this actually is a great match for both characters. They got some great advantages over each other. However among further inspection I can safely include Big Daddy will more likely destroy Nemesis in this fight. For starters, most tyrants has claws while Nemesis is one of the exceptions to have tentacles.
So a fair scaling in this case actually wouldn't Nemesis much. Sure I could compare Nemesis to both Pluto & Tyrant 091 from Resident Evil: Dead Aim. But both of them don't really have any notable feats. The same goes for Sergei late in Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles. In comparison, majority what I am talking about does apply to most models of Big Daddy.
However what separates Alpha models from the rest is their ability to use powers like Jack from the original BioShock. Thus has some additional ways of directly bypassing Nemesis' suit. I apologize if this part of the verdict takes awhile in advance thank you for your patience. Keep in mind, RE3 has multiple decisions through out the game.
It doesn't make majority of them clear which actually happens. So with that in mind, there is a possible time you could use electricity to temporary defeat him. It turns out both Subject Delta & Subject Sigma can use lightning based powers. There is proof you can freeze creatures within the Resident Evil universe.
Which means Big Daddy's ice abilities can possibly stop him in his track. He also can hack Nemesis late in this fight. Of course, Nemesis has to tank enough damage with a nearby similar tyrant to absorb DNA from. But in doing so, does exposes both of it's brains. This model of Big Daddy can hack all kind of machinery either being close by or at a distance.
Oh wait it gets better, one of the hacking device's alternative darts is auto hack. Which does not fail ever in doing it's job. Obviously Nemesis will keep moving while being on fire. It also turns out Big Daddy has access to armor piercing bullets. Which are specify designed to damage Big Daddies & particular security machines.
Considering the possible material used for Nemesis' suit. It is likely to rip right through his suit like knife through butter. The biggest surprise is Big Daddy also has anti-personnel bullets. Which is specify designed to destroy any organic thing it hits. What's the best way of simply putting this concept?
Now some of you are probably wondering? Would those bullets affect Nemesis in this fight? The simple answer is yes. You see viruses are at their very core organic in nature. Nemesis is a further mutated person that came from the T-Virus. Therefore actually making him more vulnerable to anti-personnel bullets.
This is sorta like Wolverine vs. Raiden fight. Largely due to the fact his swords were designed to destroy anything at a atomic level thus breaking it down. In this case, we sorta got the same thing happening here. Over time from tanking those shots, it will be breaking his DNA down even further. Very likely speeding up possible mutation.
Over time regardless how this fight goes. Unless a similar tyrant model is close by. It is likely to end with the more exposed Nemesis. Even if it goes further than that, both of it's brains are exposed. Which makes it easier for Big Daddy to hack Nemesis. The distance for that doesn't even matter. One of it's possible abilities it could go into this fight with does greatly improve it's hacking chances.
Big Daddy has more weapons that are likely to push Nemesis back. Of course it isn't afraid to get right up to him with his fists or driller. Nemesis was specify designed to take out members of S.T.A.R.S who were the best of Raccoon City's police force. Most of them had prior military experience.
Jill Valentine didn't have military experience but was given a choice between jail for breaking into people's house or join the unit. Big Daddies were originally designed to help keep up an underwater city. There does exist by pure coincidence a real underwater hotel spot. Yes this place gets pizza deliveries I'm not kidding.
What a lot of people doesn't fully realize is the deeper you go into the ocean. The more pressure you'll get, you can only get so far with particular underwater vehicles before you have to go back to the surface. Also beyond a particular place it gets incredibly difficult to see. Thankfully I don't have to focus going that deep in the ocean for this.
My point is Big Daddies' suits can withstand a lot of pressure while working outside several sections including tubes. Nemesis has never shown to withstand a similar level of force. Hell let's do a more direction explosion comparison to further prove my point. Nemesis tanked an explosion that destroyed a cable car of a train while it was moving.
Obviously it knocked him off the train but wasn't awake afterwards. However both Subject Delta & Subject Sigma have tanked an explosion that wiped out a section of tubes that connected sections of Rapture together. This required more explosives since it was notably bigger while being deep in the ocean.
In most of those scenarios, Big Daddy was clearly fine to keep on moving afterwards. This obviously means Big Daddy can tank a more powerful explosion than Nemesis. It also means he can tank several rockets with ease too. Considering a particular rocket explosion destroyed some of his suit. Big Daddy does have a similar weapon in his arsenal.
Now going back to hacking Nemesis. A few likely scenarios can happen that all favor Big Daddy in this fight. He could hack him to simply take away any remaining chances at winning. Keep in mind, when Big Daddy hacks machines, they stay loyal to him. It's almost like having vicious pets that will protect you even at the worst of situations.
He also could disable his AI mind forcing Nemesis to go berserk. By this point, Nemesis is upset losing control so taking away the one thing keeping him in check is a critical advantage. Both Subject Delta & Subject Sigma took on several similar Big Daddy models including Big Sisters. The fact they can handle a Big Sister means Nemesis isn't that difference in comparison.
After all a Big Sister has similar speeds to that of Nemesis. Big Daddy was capable of defeating other Big Daddies is further proof Nemesis won't win this fight. Even if not given all the upgrades, I still see Big Daddy winning this fight. Now considering Nemesis' arsenal prevents him from moving often is a serious problem.
Strength wise yes tyrants are physically strong creatures. But Big Daddies as stated several times already were designed to repair Rapture. This includes a lot of heavy lifting also including to that weight the amount of pressure from the ocean itself. Essentially Big Daddy can easily out lift even the heaviest Nemesis can lift with ease.
Yes Big Daddy can easily stand up to both Nemesis' rocket launcher and Gatling gun even at point blank range. In the long run, Nemesis has a surprisingly difficult battle ahead of him. Big Daddy has plenty of ways to harm possibly kill Nemesis in this fight. In just pure strength & durability greatly trumps Nemesis.
Winner: Big Daddy

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