Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, I will be covering a fight I know that's getting requests. Two of the most god like cartoon villains of all time. Aku the ultimate evil of Samurai Jack takes on one of nine demons banished from the human world by the eight immortals, Shendu. OMG, I am going to have a lot of fun covering this fight.

Ever since the beginning of time, there was a great evil. So great three gods attempted to wipe him out of existence. A small piece of this evil eventually becomes the being known as Aku. Samurai Jack's father was the first wielder of a particular sword created by those same gods. Which led to his defeat as well as his son's legacy.

Shendu is one of nine demons banished from the human world by the eight immortals. He vowed revenge that followed him transforming into a statue. Around this point in time as a fail safe, he created twelve talismans based on the Chinese new year. Each one grants a different power. Even among those banished, he got a reputation that simply can't be ignored.
Powers and Abilities

Due to his shape shifting, Aku can virtually have any power he wants. Of course that also depends on the form he takes. Immune to most forms of attacks. Other than those, I don't have much else to say about his powers.

+Superhuman Strength
+Superhuman Speed
+Superhuman Durability
+Invulnerable to non magic weapons
+Capable of using magic
+Breaths fire
+Can summon ninja Shadowkhan at any time
The Talismans of Shendu
Rooster Talisman grants Levitation & Telekinesis
Ox Talisman grants Super Strength
Snake Talisman grants Invisibility
Rabbit Talisman grants Super Speed
Sheep Talisman grants Astral Projection
Dragon Talisman grants Combustion (fire based attacks)
Rat Talisman grants Animation (gives life to an inanimate object)
Horse Talisman grants Healing & Regeneration
Monkey Talisman grants Shapeshifting
Dog Talisman grants Immortality and Rejuvenation
Pig Talisman grants Heat Vision
Tiger Talisman grants Spiritual Balance

Incredibly arrogance to a fault. Often drops his guard around his enemies. Particular weapons like Samurai Jack's sword can harm/kill him. Although he can shapeshift often, he becomes limited what he can do that also includes his appearance to a degree. For example, if he transformed into a giant octopus Aku would use it's tentacles. Aku does have a weakness towards magic to a degree.

His talismans can be easily removed by a human. Which also means they can be used against him. Shendu can be quite arrogant towards his enemies to constantly underestimate them. Either in a human form or his statue form limits his usage of magic. On the right condition can be destroyed. Shendu quickly becomes depended on his own talismans.
+More strict way to be killed
+Virtually has any power
+Way more experience
+More durable
+Better manipulator

+Each talisman not only gives him more powers but also increases his overall power
+More of a magic user
+Technically through Dog Talisman makes him more immortal than Aku
+Superior speed through Rabbit Talisman
+Uses a human disguise better in comparison
+Superior strength in comparison through Ox Talisman

-More overconfident
-Has a history of dropping his guard
-It is possible for Shendu to learn about Aku's true weakness
-Regardless of which form he takes must use it's abilities
-Also related to shapeshifting, his usual color scheme is still present
-If Aku summons a time portal, he himself can't enter it while others can

-Even with all the talismans, doesn't have as many possible powers as Aku
-It is possible to remove his talismans from his body
-It is also possible to use his talismans against him
-More arrogant in comparison
-Quickly becomes depended on his own talismans
-Sadly lacks a true way of killing Aku
-Not as durable without his talismans
-Even with magic won't affect Aku much
-Not as experienced (I never thought I would be saying this)

On the surface, this actually is a great fight. Both of them are truly god like beings. Obviously having a long time under their belts. This was simply a fight that could go either way if it were just a fight. No this is a fight to the death. In some cases, that can greatly change how one could win a fight. Which is exactly why I believe Aku very likely would win this fight.
Aku does have limitations with his appearance in whatever form he takes. This also includes what he can do. But he essentially can have any power he wants. In comparison, Shendu had to use all the talismans to become a god like being. I am honestly not trying to low ball such an awesome villain here.
Clearly he has stats simply beyond those of a human especially his durability. But a closer look I noticed several major problems on his end that ultimately gives this fight to Aku. For starters, even with one talisman, Shendu quickly becomes depended on it. Aku has a history of taking things away that meant so much to people including Samurai Jack.
We are talking about a man who went through hell & back to go back to the past to finish Aku. In this regard, each talisman being removed is doing more than taking away his powers. It is also weakening him down. Jackie Chan himself has used some of his own talismans against him. What makes you think Aku wouldn't do the same.
It would only be a matter of time before Aku can destroy Shendu. Unfortunately for Shendu, Aku has a very strict way to die. It does imply magic usually magical weapons can harm him. There isn't a lot to go on about that. What we do know is magic doesn't actually do much to Aku. Which would make Shendu's greater magic experience useless.
More importantly, it took Samurai Jack's sword to destroy him. I am well aware both of these monsters are called the ultimate evil. But in Aku's case, he actually is the ultimate evil. He dates back to the beginning of time. Hell after sending Samurai Jack into the future. Which we still don't know how far into the future.
He has ruled the universe for several thousands of years. Which is far greater than anything Shendu himself has done. More directly revealed in season 5 of Samurai Jack. Only someone with a good heart can wield that sword. Obviously Shendu is evil so he can't use it properly. More proof was when Aku attempted that same idea with the same result.
Even if Aku were to open a time travel thus allowing Shendu to go into the past or future. I highly doubt that would change the outcome of this fight. Shendu himself has over nine hundred years worth of experience. I should mention if Shendu takes a human form or becomes a statue will limit his usage of magic.
Speaking of that, Shendu losing Rat Talisman forces him to become a statue. Obviously becomes cornered no matter what Aku does. It is surprising that Aku doesn't have flaws Shendu could take advantage of. Regardless, even with Ox Talisman capable easily destroy mountains with ease or using Rabbit Talisman in general.
Aku has shown he can keep up with Samurai Jack. Whose skilled in many fighting styles. Let's be honest Sheep Talisman won't do much in this fight. Technically two of his talismans can make anyone immortal in their own right. In the past, his talismans has been destroyed before. Due to the fact, those powers existed before the actual talismans got created.
Aku could quickly absorb the talismans directly or destroy them. Considering the actual powers goes a great distance from each other usually found in animals. Aku doesn't even need to make sure Shendu about getting those powers back. Honestly Aku is simply capable of handling him even at full power with ease.
The best way to sum this fight up. Shendu is truly an unique being in his own right. However some of his major flaws can be easily exploited by Aku. Greatly reducing his chances of winning this fight. Due to being evil, Shendu can't use the only weapon capable of slaying Aku. In comparison, Aku can essentially have any power he wants with no clear limits.
Aku greatly trumps the amount of experience Shendu has. Likely will destroy Shendu over the course of this fight. Aku has defeated several armies by himself before. He conquered the universe despite the fact it doesn't tell us when or how long. I will be confess Shendu is a great opponent for him. He just doesn't have any real way of harming or even killing Aku. Let's be honest, Aku is the ultimate evil of this fight.
Winner: Aku

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