Monday, September 16, 2019

Death Battle Fight Prediction: Omega Shenron (Dragon Ball GT) vs. Captain Pollution (Captain Planet and the Planeteers)

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, this has been a more recent dream fight of mine that not a lot of people would take seriously. Today I'm putting Omega Shenron against Captain Pollution. Two powerful evil counterparts that can do some serious damage if left unchecked. You will be surprised how I think this would play out because I sure am lol.

Omega Shenron

Over centuries the dragon balls has been gathering negative energy. Simply because a particular scientist, how it would go about getting rid of negative energy wouldn't stick for long. Late in Dragon Ball GT, after Hell literately broke out. There was too much negative energy within the dragon balls. The process of destroying an universe started with each dragon ball representing a shadow dragon.

Captain Pollution

The Planeteers been fighting against a couple people that wants to destroy the planet. One day, Dr. Blight gets the idea to create their own Captain Planet. They stolen the Planeteers' rings to creating the Rings of Destruction. Obviously creating a polar opposite to each ring thus Captain Planet himself.

Powers and Abilities

Omega Shenron

+Enormous negative energy
+Capable of manipulating the elements
+Several chi techniques

Shadow Dragons
Syn Shenron is all the negative energy inside the dragon balls
Haze Shenron has pollution and toxicity
Eis Shenron has ice manipulation
Nuova Shenron has fire manipulation
Rage Shenron has electricity manipulation with a elastic body
Oceanus Shenron has water and wind manipulation
Naturon Shenron has earth manipulation, ability to grant wishes and capable to absorb

Captain Pollution

+Superhuman Strength
+Superhuman Speed
+Superhuman Reflexes

Rings of Destructions
Super Radiation Ring is opposite to Fire Ring
Deforestation Ring is opposite to Earth Ring
Smog Ring is opposite to Wind Ring
Toxics Ring is opposite to Water Ring
Hate Ring is opposite to Love Ring


Omega Shenron

It is possible to remove the dragon balls that will take away his powers. Although it wasn't clear, Goku was able to turn one of the shadow dragons against him. Obviously has ridiculous amount of energy that doesn't hold back could cause more than a planet explosion. Other than that, Omega Shenron keeping the shadow dragons combine negatives their respective weaknesses.

Captain Pollution

Pure sun light, water or soil can rapidly take away his power. Constantly needs to bathe in pollution, toxic chemicals or radioactive waste to replenish his powers. Lacks the experience his good counterpart has. It is possible to slow him down by absorbing a lot of those to increase his size. Obviously doesn't have common sense like Captain Planet does lol.

Seriously man you need to take a bathe. You really stink like no tomorrow, in fact the very thought I have to get close to you is causing me to lose my lunch. Please for the love of god, do something about that. I thought Chaos from Primal Rage was disgusting, I stand correctly. You sir are the very definition of bad odor more like a billion dead dies kinda smells better than this.


Omega Shenron

+Slightly has more elements under his control
+Doesn't have a physical weakness
+Superior fighter
+More techniques
+Doesn't rely much on using the other shadow dragon powers
+Better energy maintaining
+Likely will exploit Captain Pollution's weakness during the fight
+More unpredictable

Captain Pollution

+Superior stats like strength, speed & durability
+More difficult for Omega Shenron to counter with his elemental powers
+Haze's pollution & toxicity power can increase his power as well as his size
+It is possible through Haze's power to be revived


Omega Shenron

-Due to the nature of Captain Pollution's powers will have a more difficult time countering it
-More arrogant in comparison
-It is possible to remove his powers by taking the dragon balls

Captain Pollution

-Not as bright
-Simply doesn't have as close as many moves
-More predictable
-Omega Shenron will likely exploit his weakness then destroy him
-In giant size does lose some of his speed
-Not as good at maintain his energy
-Like his good counterpart, won't be allowed to leave Earth under certain conditions
-Doesn't have a solid way of destroying Omega Shenron


I am glad to say even with it's flaws, this is a great fight. WOW two insanely powerful dark counterparts to insanely powerful beings in one fight. On the surface, this looked like it could go either way. Unfortunately for Captain Pollution, he has so many problems preventing a victory from happening.

For starters, he simply doesn't have the experience his good counterpart has. I felt if he had that experience, this would've been a closer fight. I still don't think he would win though. Omega Shenron has some great advantages that Captain Pollution simply can't overcome.For example, he also has elasticity that allows him to tank great force with ease.

The same shadow dragon also has electricity as his primary power. Captain Pollution doesn't have much of a counter towards ice. Sadly we may never know since Captain Planet never attempted to freeze him. In that regard, it is likely to a degree that Omega Shenron can temporary freeze him in place.

There are more critical key differences that I must discuss. Just going by how they use their energy in a fight. Omega Shenron is ridiculous power being one of the most powerful non canon Dragon Ball villains there is. Clearly he was able to maintain it for majority of the fight even against Gogeta. Who was obviously more powerful in comparison.

Syn Shenron was already the most powerful shadow dragon of them all. When he chose to fuse with the other six shadow dragons, his overall power increased ten times. Keep in mind, SS4 Goku had trouble fighting this guy. The power scale between this these are vastly different. Captain Pollution in many ways could destroy Earth.

This is due to the fact, he's Captain Planet's dark side whose the spirit of Earth itself. There was a particular episode of Captain Planet where two of the Planeteers got stuck out in space. This enforced a condition that prevented Captain Planet from reentering the planet. It is likely if Omega Shenron decides to destroy Earth, he will be destroyed.

Keep in mind, it does state the shadow dragons are capable of destroying an universe. They usually take their time on the planet they got released on before flat out destroying planets. Syn Shenron is essentially all of that negative energy build up inside the dragon balls. I should point out despite science led to the creation of Captain Pollution.

Both Shenron & Captain Planet are magic in nature. Omega Shenron had more techniques including those from other shadow dragons. One of Captain Pollution's advantages is being made from pollution counterparts as well as hate. This makes Omega Shenron using his elemental powers more difficult to use against him.

He did hold his own against Captain Planet a few times before. So he could likely hold his own against his elemental powers. Sadly Omega Shenron is likely to prevent getting grabbed by Captain Pollution to be thrown into the sun. Even if that would've happened, Omega Shenron would easily survived.

Captain Pollution lacks any solid way of destroying Omega Shenron. Although there's a chance Omega Shenron might use Haze's pollution & toxicity power that increases Captain Pollution's power as well as size. The problem is this also can work against him since the bigger he gets, the slower he becomes.

Obviously there's a difference between hate & negative energy. Hate is something you just can not stand. I promise you I won't go deeper into that because of some offensive topics. Negative energy is essentially energy that's meant to be used for evil. Only Nuova Shenron had some good within him. There is no good in Captain Pollution at all.

Sure there was the time Goku was able to get Nuova to turn on Omega Shenron. This led to getting his dragon ball back as well as a second death. Although it doesn't state how exactly this was possible in the first place. Due to that, it is unlikely this would happen in this fight. Now it is possible for Captain Pollution to remove the dragon balls from him.

I highly doubt he would get far doing that. Among a closer look, Captain Pollution simply lacks projectiles in comparison. He could hope to give radioactive sickness to Omega Shenron, but I don't think that would go far either. In fact, Omega Shenron could destroy Earth at any given time. Considering Frieza strike a particular spot on Earth to cause it to explode before.

Obviously thanks to Whis, that was prevented with Frieza's death by Goku. Basically he doesn't even need energy to destroy Earth in order to win this fight. Not only that, Omega Shenron could easily wear down Captain Pollution quickly in the fight. He clearly wasn't going easy on Goku in their fight, I highly doubt he would allow Captain Pollution to regain his strength.

I am still not done yet folks. Due to Naturon's power, It is possible electricity could still affect him. Omega Shenron can easily use any power from the other shadow dragons. Thankfully, he doesn't take advantage of granting wishes like a few people I know lol. Finally Captain Pollution can't touch anything that doesn't have some form of pollution.

The moment he does, he rapidly loses his powers. Considering the cunning nature of Omega Shenron, he is very likely to exploit this very weakness. Omega Shenron has counters for just about everything Captain Pollution can do. Sadly, Captain Pollution is simply unable to destroy Omega Shenron.

Winner: Omega Shenron

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