Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Jack Red reviews Minerva's Den & Burial at Sea Episodes 1 and 2

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, simply because I released my BioShock: The Collection review early. I decided to take some time to finish up with the dlcs I didn't play before. I am happy to say, I'm back to talk about Minerva's Den for BioShock 2 and both episodes of Burial at Sea for BioShock: Infinite. I been looking forward to doing this for a long time.

I chose to not discuss the challenges for all three games since I briefly talked about them. Also I'm sure more people want to know what I thought of the story dlcs. So there you go, I finished up yesterday. I can only hope this lived up to any hype it might've gotten folks. I'm not a magician or a businessman by any means.

1. Minerva's Den

This is taking place around the same time the main campaign just in a different section separate from it. You will learn a lot about an AI called The Thinker & his creator. Obviously it looks exactly like the main game. But it is refreshing to see new locations. You can pick up upgrades on the way to increase your chances.

You play as another Big Daddy named Subject Sigma. Yes the same one with Subject Delta I talked about in another recent blog. They did added a new lock with a new power to help you remove them. Although a rocket spear also does the trick. Yes you get to explore in three levels that are well designed.

I won't say this is better than the main game. Sure it has it's moments with a more surprising ending. But end of the day, it is worthy enough to not be ignored. I felt you need to play this to get the full experience otherwise you simply won't understand. Minvera's Den is interesting in many ways. A little more history related to the underwater city you honestly won't see coming.

I felt this is a solid expansion of the story that's truly worthy of my time. This is well worth the wait for me to play. Honestly this is holding up amazingly well just like the main game itself. I am very impressed I ended up really enjoying every minute of it. This deserves to be in your collection as soon as possible.

2. Burial at Sea Episodes 1 and 2

Technically speaking this is more of a strange yet proper conclusion to the main game. Sadly I kinda have to spoil the ending to explain why. I apologize in advance if you still haven't finish this game. Booker follows Elizabeth through several universes. Then they reach the spot in the original universe where Booker became Father Comstock.

He ends up getting drown that's also according to Elizabeth preventing him from coming into existence. Although that wasn't untruly true because of how Episode 1 ends. I do feel bad I had to spoil it to you guys. But I felt it was better than you never understand what's exactly going on. Anyway I should explain yes this is the same Elizabeth from the main game.

The story does get a bit confusing as it goes on. You play as Booker aka Father Comstock in Episode 1 while you're Elizabeth in Episode 2. I do also need to sorta take something else back. In my review of BioShock: Infinite, I quickly said Burial at Sea comes out not fitting in. What the hell was I thinking lol.

For most of it, Burial at Sea does play more like the first two games while adding elements of Infinite. Yes you get to go back to Columbus from Infinite for a short period. It turns out some genius between some universes were working together. I also need to mention both episodes plays very differently.

The first episode plays just what you expect but you won't find as much stuff as you usual do. It's hard to understand unless you played the first two games. The second episode can a mix between that or stealth. Elizabeth doesn't have the combat experience does Booker does. When you are taking the stealth approach.

It can be a tricky to knocking out your enemies especially close by other enemies. I do need to point out we get two messed up endings. Then again this is a BioShock game lol. There are some messed up moments as you go on. I would say in it's entirely it's longer than Minerva's Den yet doesn't feel quite right to me.

I am not saying I didn't like it, I enjoyed both episodes very much. I felt they did make up for such a strange ending in the main game. Honestly I felt in a few ways it could've been a bit better. I am not saying it needs to be perfect like some gamers do. Burial at Sea doesn't deserve to be buried any longer.

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