1. Who has more experience?

Experience is a rather unusual one in this case. Madara technically had two deaths while he used people to get revived prior to his second death. It's weird that he connected himself to the demon statue in a way he could still affect things in the normal plain of existence. Honestly I personally see that as horrible story telling.
On the other hand, it is more clear how much experience Aizen has. There is a short story arc where the numbers goes backwards as you read it. This took place a little over an hundred years prior to the events of the manga. At the time, Sosuke Aizen was an lieutenant soul reaper. In secret, he sorta was a scientist that wanted to essentially become a god.
Madara was a rival to the original hokage himself. Obviously a notable amount of time has passed since his defeat. It just don't make it clear since the manga started with the third hokage. Also Aizen actually survived being back in his cell carrying out his long sentence. During his time there, he was keeping his spiritual pressure strong.
It actually states that Aizen was more powerful than he was around the time Ichigo defeated him. In comparison someone else revived a lot of characters including Madara. It does however state whoever done that couldn't fully power Madara up. It does strongly imply he was the most powerful among them all.
Unless something major enough comes up. I have no choice but to give the experience advantage to Aizen. Speaking of that. Madara himself ended up getting manipulated in a different plan altogether. Which not even he saw coming since his body got used to revive Kaguya. It does state Madara does have experience with the tailed beasts.
2. Who is a better manipulator?

There is no question both of these guys are great strategist. But as previously stated Madara got tricked into helping in reviving Kaguya that led to his second death. As a Uchiha, he does have similar eyes to his clan. Thus Madara does have access to eye techniques. The problem however is Aizen can actually manipulate all five of your senses.
We are talking about a man who was able to manipulate a lot of powerful soul reapers at once. Keep in mind, it directly states the limiter that was meant to prevent the human world from collapsing got removed. All of them were fighting as powerful as they are in other plains of existence. If you want more proof, this following one alone would guarantee Madara is in trouble.
Late in the manga, there is a man named Yhwach whose really broken in a lot of ways. One of his powers in his long list of them is being able to see every possibility simultaneity. In other words for those that don't understand. It is essentially like Gundam Epyon being predict to foreseen possible outcomes.
Except he can instantly do that regardless of what's going on. This same guy absorbed two gods into himself thus becoming the new soul king. Now Aizen pulled the same method against Yhwach. Renji couldn't do anything, it looked like Ichigo was going to be defeated again. Suddenly Yhwach noticed something was off leading to a surprise attack by Ichigo that temporary killed him.
I should mention Yhwach is the only quincy powerful enough to take on the original head captain himself. He also was the only one capable of sealing his bankai. This by itself means Madara as powerful as he is, simply can't work around Aizen's zanpakuto. It is unlikely he could figure out to touch the zanpakuto in a particular way in time.
Keep in mind, Yhwach was burnt to ashes by Head Captain Yamamoto. It took him a long time to get a new body from that encounter. He was working in secret for a thousand years. Both he & Yamamoto are officially in their two thousand years old age. If that isn't crazy enough then what the hell will be.
Another proof Aizen would win this fight is facing his old captain Shinji. His power is to reverse your view. Basically if you go to the left thinking you may land a strike. You might actually end up getting hit instead. So Aizen had to quickly figure out how to fight with that. Keep in mind, Aizen's plan against the soul reapers didn't account the visored showing up.
Aizen was also trying to push himself into evolving into an abomination. This was done by combing Kisuke and his own hogyoku together then connecting it to his own body. An hundred years prior, he experienced on soul reapers in secret to breaking that barrier. Kisuke himself prevented some of them from getting killed that led to his ban of the soul society.
Oh wait I'm not done yet, Aizen secretly killed members of Central 46. For a short period, he was giving out orders. He manipulated Rukia into giving Ichigo her powers to transform him into a soul reaper. He even used his own zanpakuto to fake his own death to keep his plans. For me, there's just more impressive things Aizen has done.
3. Whose fighting style ultimately comes out on top?

Clearly we got two powerful beings that's intelligent in their own right. But Aizen didn't use additional power other than from the hogyoku itself. In comparison, Madara had experience using the tailed beasts to better his chances at winning. Before I continue, I already see some people going to say something like.
"Oh you have the nerve to take that away from Madara, I hope you rot in hell." Look he does have a lot of his own chakra. He became obsessed with being better than his former to the point. He willing allow some of those beasts to possess him. Eventually he gets majority of them with enough chakra from the nine tailed fox to gain a new form.
This also allowed Madara to revive himself. The problem here is he became depend on using their chakra more than his own. Also Aizen has unnatural spiritual pressure which is directly stated in the manga. Madara does fight like many shinobis while Aizen is very different from most soul reapers. Like Kisuke & Mayuri, he does have a science background.
To clarify, Aizen can easily use his zanpakuto at any given time while Madara has to use his unusual eyes. Aizen was clever enough to tricking his old captain walking with a stranger. This is further proof, he is the better strategist in this fight. Now I know what a lot of you are going to say. "Oh Madara can easily tank insanely powerful attacks like it's nothing."
I don't question Madara has better durability in comparison. I do however question his intelligence since he became obsessed with power in general. He became blind to some obvious deceptions that he could've easily seen coming. Aizen himself was able to trick two of the most powerful beings with his zanpakuto.
Not only that, Aizen's zanpakuto is it's own spirit. So essentially this is likely going to be a two on one fight. Now sure they could give Madara some of that extra chakra. But because of Kaguya's resurrection thus gaining what he had at the time. It is debatable how much power Death Battle would actually give him.
Before some Bleach fans come in here to say something like. "Aizen still has the hogyoku." No he doesn't sure it wasn't entirely clear what happened with it. What we do know is he wasn't using it after his defeat. He has proven to maintain his spiritual pressure while being bonded. Keep in mind, these things were meant to keep his spiritual pressure in check.
I should also mention, Aizen is skilled at using kido. Although a particular one even with the hogyoku still didn't have enough power to use it properly. Aizen was able to stop Ichigo's zanpakuto with his bare hand. This guy in every sense of the word is a true monster in what he can do. He also does a better job estimating his opponents during combat even against several multiple opponents.

Essentially Aizen can easily work around his senses simply by using his zanpakuto. He has enough power to supposedly destroy the soul king palace in one attack. Keep in mind, they prevented him from doing it. However it does heavily imply that Aizen had the power to do that. Aizen has more confirmed experience as well as a better strategist in comparison.
I personally have to give this to Sosuke Aizen. Sure he may have his level of power or durability. But he can still manipulate him to the point, he could easily deliver the killing blow. Aizen has proven to handle a similar power before. He was able to use it on some of the most powerful beings at once. Last I checked, most sharingans or similar eyes simply can't do that.
Either way you look at this, Madara is a skilled shinobi. But he became more used of manipulating others as well as using more chakra from the tailed beasts. Which in this case is going to end horribly against Aizen. We are talking about a guy who can easily stop Ichigo's zanpakuto with his a few fingers.
His manipulation skills are legendary while Madara's would be more child's play to Aizen. They done Shao Kahn vs. M. Bison that also had the same thing going for them. But Aizen just simply can easily manipulate someone as powerful as Madara at a much faster rate. The fact this ability even worked on Yhwach alone is clear proof Aizen should win this fight.
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