Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Jack Red reviews BioShock: The Collection (3 remastered games)

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, I got a great deal for BioShock: The Collection. Originally I was going to buy on PS4 but something came up. So I decided to get this with another game late August. WOW it took a long time to finally bring up BioShock series. I am going to be review all three BioShock games with every dlcs.

I should point out I do own both Xbox 360 and Xbox One versions of these games. I do know they done this collection a bit differently on PC. The first two BioShock games got replaced by newer versions. But you also get the original versions of them for free. The main reason why Infinite wasn't touched, it already was up to modern standards for PC gaming.

Deus Ex and BioShock series are both spiritual successors to System Shock series. I figured to tell you guys here instead of during one of my reviews. Honestly spiritual successor stories are very interesting to me in general especially in the case of Fallout series. Maybe one day when the cards are right I'll talk about those games.

1. BioShock (2007 & 2016 remastered)

BioShock brought more horror elements as well as fighting with powers. You can fire your weapons while whatever ability you're using. Some of them are meant for other things. You play as a man simply known as Jack I'm not kidding. He must explore the underwater city of Rapture. This game covers some important deals about many things.

I do love the artwork put into this game regardless of which version I'm looking at. Like Bethesda's Fallout games, it has some surprisingly similarities. Like being inspired by the 50s, advance technology, civilians turned into monsters & leaderships. Even finding stuff is oddly similar too. Considering Fallout 3 in particular came out a year after BioShock.

BioShock has a few key systems you need to learn. Thankfully it isn't like most RPGs that throw it all in your face. You can get your weapons upgraded as well as increase your powers & how many you hold of certain things. This game has a strong reputation for having amazing visuals. I felt even when I get loss spoiler more often than you think lol.

I do enjoy the audio in every aspect very much. Honestly this game doesn't have many problems that hurts the experience. Although there's a particular problem I don't like. How you hack anything you must quickly move these wires. Well to me they look more like pipes but moving on you have no idea.

How frustrating some of these can actually be unless you are doing them yourselves. Some of them are easy while others throws stuff you can't alter forcing you to rethink your strategy. Every time you get it wrong, it takes away some of your time. Sometimes you can cause alert being one of two ways to do so.

The other way being spotted by the light just long enough. Once you get spotted these annoying flying robots will attack you. Thankfully they don't have much health. BioShock also has a rather disappointing ending. I felt most of the game is very solid but this portion alone dropped the ball. I highly recommend saving enough Little Sisters to survive very late in the campaign.

You are probably wondering what the hell is a little sister? These infected little girls that gather this substance called ADAM. Usually accompanied by Big Daddies, I swear this isn't a pimp thing lol. These things are protective of those little girls. Be careful if you piss one of them off, they will not go easy on you.

Honestly this is a truly amazing mid 2000s FPS game that still holds up incredibly well. BioShock is honestly a game you need to play. I also say that because a lot of shooters borrowed stuff from this game. You could even say BioShock made horror in that genre popular again. This game could even be one of the best spiritual successors of all time.

2. BioShock 2 (2010 & 2016 remastered)

BioShock 2 had a different team of developers. Usually this is where a franchise goes down until it dies or like Devil May Cry comes back even better than before. This is the later case since it did several things better in my opinion. Remember how much I didn't like to hack in the original BioShock?

Well here they did a more easier system to learn. Hell you even get stuff directly for hacking. This alone makes hacking a lot better. Oh wait I'm not done, this game actually focuses on a particular Big Daddy. He ends up going after the next owner after Andrew Ryan whose had a personal connection to her child.

I won't give much more about the story alone. I actually prefer the visuals over the original Bioshock's. This game made upgrading your weapons as well as getting ADAM easier. I thought it was interesting being a older Big Daddy in this game. I liked how the story especially at the end played out.

You got challenges in the form of The Protector Trials Pack. Minerva's Den allows you to play as another Big Daddy on a different mission. Yes you can play as two Big Daddies in this game. You do get to learn more about Rapture. I felt the difficulty to me was a bit better balanced out. I know some will disagree but this is my opinion.

BioShock 2 is easily one of the greatest usage of 2's in video games ever. Sadly in Xbox One version, you are only missing the multiplayer. Thankfully on Xbox 360, all three BioShock games are backward compatibility. This means you can play it's multiplayer if you got gold, either downloading it or having on disc.

In my case, I got Xbox 360 versions on discs while I recently downloaded BioShock: The Collection. I also liked the later version is small enough to not be an issue. It's still a couple Gigabytes bigger but at least you get the dlcs included. BioShock 2 is hands down my favorite out of these three BioShock games.

3. BioShock: Infinite (2013 & 2016 remastered)

BioShock: Infinite is a rather confusing case to talk about. Technically the main event predates most of anything in the previous two games. Most of it takes place in Columbia that's a city in the sky. Just imagine we played two BioShock games deep in the sea. Now we got a BioShock game high up in the sky.

I felt this one does do some things over those games. Some of the powers you get are more interesting. You got some truly impressive visuals that's mind blowing for it's time. I should mention once again, a different group of developers made this. They must be lucky because this is a great game.

You play as a man named Booker Dewitt you must help this woman named Elizabeth. Now as much I want to not spoil the story. The ending by itself really got people confused. So I will break a rule by revealing the ending to avoid any further problems. I just apologize in advance for this huge spoiler. It turns out Father Zachary Hale Comstock is actually Brooker from another universe.

Yes we are about to drive into the multiverse concept. At the end, you go through these light houses that represent nexus of several universes. You will go through several of them but it also turns out every time Elizabeth opens up a portal does the same effect too. Basically she decided to drown Booker at the original universe in order to prevent Father Comstock from coming into existence.

There is a two part Burial at Sea dlc campaign. This mostly takes place in Rapture. As much I like another travel to the underwater city. I felt this is somewhat out of place with the main campaign. Then again it did alter which universe you were in several times. So I guess at this point, I shouldn't be caring lol.

This game got a couple awards being considered one of the greatest video games ever made. I would say it is a rather unique installment in this series. I just wish they did more to help get how the ending makes me feel. Honestly I do recommend this game to many people. I just hope you do play it in the near future.

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