Monday, July 8, 2024

Why Jersey Devil game should come back?

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, today I will talk about another game I had on PlayStation 1 growing up. More recently a forgotten 3D platformer. It also joined the famous video game mascot wars of the 90s. To me, one of the more interesting among them. Jersey Devil was a game I always remembered for a long time.

I wanna put up a convincing argument. Maybe more people request Limited Run Games to bring back Jersey Devil soon.

Jersey Devil is the name of the mascot character you play as. As a kid, I kept rushing back to play more. So I didn't get to see the 90s style cartoon cutscene that kick starts this game. Dr. Knarf has some similarities with Dr. Neo Cortex from Crash Bandicoot series. Keep in mind, Crash and Spyro were Sony mascots at the time while being backed by Universal.

Funny enough, the company that made this now known as Behavior Interactive. Yes the same company responsible for the highly successful Dead by Daylight. They also made another 3D platformer I grew up with The Grinch on the same system. Of course, there's some similarities within the game play. I strongly felt Jersey Devil was the better game.

Jersey Devil is a famous forklore character in real life. Jersey Town, the town in this game obviously based on New Jersey. It wasn't often we had devilish hero characters during the 90s. Also mostly video game mascots used colors like red, blue and yellow respectively. I can give them respect by making Jersey Devil purple.

I always remembered the game cover. You get this awesome close up of Jersey's face smiling. Mostly dark with his red eyes glowing. The title stands out due to how they outlined coloring it. Jersey Devil is more overlooked than underrated for an 3D platformer. There's plenty of people that enjoyed playing it. The big issue is there's plenty other great 3D platformers around that era.

A weird but interesting game play mechanic is you collect letters to spell out KNARF to unlock areas. Either opening up new levels or gaining access to later sections of them. A lot of platformers had collect letters. Which technically is a part of their game completion. But those aren't required to finish levels or unlock new ones.

This quickly felt like an Halloweenish platformer game. Like MediEvil series, pumpkins are involved a few ways. One of your recurring henchmen has a pumpkin head. Not to be confused with the horror icon. You also collect golden pumpkins to heal. Thankfully you don't die in one hit like in Crash Bandicoot series.

Each part of the town represents a level you get to explore. Personally I loved that concept a lot, this helps us feel more in that world while playing it. Jersey can spin, jump, punch, push heavy items and glide. There's a few boss fights with a good enough gap between em. I always enjoyed the audio as a whole. The music that brings you in the more you play it.

The sound effects has parts horror with comical to a degree. This was designed for kids to play after all. The levels may differ in length & size. Each one felt like their own style that fits in well with the game. Another weird comparison is parts of Jersey's face kinda reminds me of Sonic's. Some facial emotions they both do are so strikingly similar.

For the time, Jersey Devil looked good for an 3D platformer on PlayStation 1. I remembered once seeing this game being played in a store a long time ago. Sadly I never finished the game, I would welcome a chance to finish what I started years ago. There's a good variety of enemies with some being somewhat annoying to deal with.

I always loved the art style of this game for many years. Jersey Devil has rememberable animations from everything. Even the water fountain pushing water upwards looks good. Considering some bad games Limited Run Games brought back like Plumbers Don't Wear Ties sadly not a joke. They also brought back games like Tomba! series that got left forgotten for years until recently.

If Fighting Force Collection can come back next year. Why shouldn't Jersey Devil get the same opportunity? Jersey Devil had an appeal that many people still remembered today. This is by no means an easy 3D platformer. There's some complexity within the levels. In order to keep the game refreshing by changing stuff to do during the game play.

Now we get to the elephant in the room. By now, it's very common knowledge it's biggest flaw. The camera angles in some sections is so frustrating to work with. This heavily impacts the game play. Sometimes you are forced to take a leap of fate. Usually making some jumps or more often gliding. I still liked some usage of the camera though.

Probably having Jersey face the screen being one of my favorite random things to do in the game. Jersey is virtually a bat man, the game actually better than Batman & Robin on the same system. In a nut shell, PlayStation 1 did get one decent Batman game just not the one they're expecting. On a more serious note, Jersey felt rather unexpected back in the day.

Obviously by today, people quickly state the flaws it had while recommending better games. I guess people's expectations is getting too high for it's own good. Jersey Devil isn't a perfect 3D platformer I'll confess to that. It might not be as rememberable as MediEvil 1. I still felt if you couldn't get MediEvil series on PS1, this would be the next best option.

Jersey Devil is the kind of edgy 90s that isn't full blown weird. It's a game most kids in the 90s didn't expect to see. The team tried with what they had to give us a good game. It's safe to say this is a gem hands down. Jersey Devil had a surprisingly rememberable video game mascot that barely anyone talks about.

More people remember the game that's no secret. A lot of them didn't even know this was a failed mascot video game. I easily could see Behavior themselves giving support to bringing this classic back. The controls are simple for the most part. The mechanics are easy enough to memorize. The enemies including the bosses all have something rememberable about them people still talks about.

This game always meant a lot to me. I do recall getting to the park a few times. The museum was surprisingly a lot of fun as well. Of course, they went for several jokes. Which wasn't as common among mascot video games. Personally, the game is more of this unique 3D platformer that's so unexpected you like it a lot.

This might come as a huge surprise. I would rather revisit this game than play more Dead by Daylight. I am dead serious, I always welcome nostalgia like this. Not only that, Jersey Devil was one of my favorite failed gaming mascots too. I felt Jersey Devil with the right treatment could do better than it originally did in the 90s.

Just imagine Behavior allowing a lot of behind the scenes. We likely get a soundtrack section, I recommend listening to those songs. You also seen some awesome artwork from the team. There is no other 3D platformer I want back nearly as close as much as this. Jersey Devil would have the appeal to win more people over than in the 90s if it came back today.

Behavior's name on it would guarantee money. Also it originally was on PS1 and PC respectively. A rerelease from Limited Run Games opens the door for more consumers to buy it too. Even if Xbox misses out again, I'm crossing my fingers it doesn't though. Jersey Devil is a game once you play it, somehow the game always sticks with you.

At least for me that remains to be quite true. They packed in content for this 3D platformer to keep you busy for hours. Rewind feature would help in several sections of this game. I also hope that commercial gets in as well as gaming magazines covering the game. Maybe this is the very game that needs to come back most.

If you think about it, a lot of other similar classics that's more recent wouldn't happened without Jersey Devil. Also Jersey is way cooler than Bubsy Bobcat lol. This game brought away from the lighter 3D platformers of it's era. Not only that, what they were able to pull off was truly amazing for it's time. Jersey Devil possibly my single biggest request to Limited Run Games for one game coming back.

For the love of God, don't duo pack it with The Grinch. I highly doubt people would buy that. Maybe out of curiosity that's it. At least, that would work unlike their previous Bill & Ted compilation game. Anyway Jersey Devil is a classic that many people would enjoy. Especially if it's given the right support, Jersey Devil coming back should be like bread & butter!!!

There wasn't a lot of games like Jersey Devil in that era. I felt it had the perfect balance in terms of the overall appeal they were going for. You got some horror elements while being light enough to not scare off kids from playing it. This game surprisingly has so much going for it. To me it's virtually mind blowing Limited Run Games didn't bring this game back yet?

They already in the process bringing back Gex and Sparkster. Two other failed gaming mascots. Why not Jersey Devil too? Especially I felt he needs this more than both of them. Jersey Devil felt like the proper 90s Beetlejuice, not sorry Monkeybones movie. Considering how amazing rereleases of retro games going, this is eventually going to happen.

Jersey Devil is a game that will challenge you but it's not unfairly difficult. Unless you consider some camera angle spots. Even there, you can easily figure out what to do. Sometimes, you might be surprised what does happen during the game play if you're new to the game. Yes expect to die to a degree but thankful there's a save feature so never give up.

If you are determined enough, you can gain access to secret levels as well. It will take your a couple hours to get an 100% completion. In all honestly, this is a game regardless of your reasons. You simply gotta play it at least once in your entire life. Jersey Devil deserves a true fighting chance it never gotten in the 90s.

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