Monday, July 22, 2024

Human Resources review 2022-2023

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, A while back I reviewed Big Mouth. Which I'm slowly in the process of getting caught up again. I know it's final season coming next year. I just gotten around to finishing it's spin off show, Human Resources. I got a lot to say about this show. Keep in mind, both these shows are heavily disgusting sexual content.

Human Resources (2022-2023)
Big Mouth is more focus around the human characters. Occasionally you would have these monsters representing concepts showing up. This spin off show is reversing the point of view to the monsters. Occasionally the humans do show up. You get a surprise Andrew cameo in Season 1.

The show mostly focuses on a newer Love Bug named Emily. It does swap views with several characters. Love Bugs helps people find love. They also try to help ease the pain of dying for older people. There's still plenty of Maury & Connie around. A lot of the same characters are heavily presented in both shows.

Emily is more about helping people out with relationships. They parodied several pop culture stuff ending with a rather over the top disgusting, messing parody of Die Hard. Not only that, they focus on older human characters rather than the teens as in Big Mouth. Although at times it does focus on other characters related to them.

I know it's more suppose to be it's own show. Most of the time, it already felt too much like Big Mouth. You could even say these two seasons are additional bonus ones for Big Mouth. All of this is happening within the same universe after all. Same with The Simpsons, Futurama and Disenchantment respectively.

Human Resources is virtually all the times we get to see pieces of in Big Mouth greatly expanded. Like when some of the teens sneaked into their plain of existence. After a while, you start feeling bad for the Shame Wizard despite how much of a prick he is. I think Season 2's surprising theme is people got to fully confess the truth.

No matter how unpleasant it truly is. Like Peter could've saved Devin's one dick. He had the rare condition of having three of them. They later made something truly mess up happened with that. Peter is more of the typical dork character. He also represents logic as a whole that loves to explain the more in depth ones.

You get to learn more of their world in rather surprising ways. I'm kinda surprised Jay didn't show up in either season. Human Resources is a fitting name for the show. I also liked some of their clients turned out to be related. Thus connecting those stories together was a nice touch.

I would say the show is nearly as good as Big Mouth. It's kinda hard to describe why that is. Both shows has a lot of the same stuff going on. Big Mouth is more directly representing how teens think & react to several things. Human Resources is more about how the monsters doing their jobs to help the humans out.

Obviously, it doesn't always goes well. A lot of people often get multiple monsters. All of a sudden anything becomes a wild mess even over little things. Both of these shows can be truly disgusting, it's kinda amazing Netflix allows some of this. Let's just say these shows would have to get very censored to air on TV, never going to happen.

Human Resources gives us more of a clear idea how creative the monsters do their jobs. We also get to truly see what kind of people they are. Big Mouth is mostly scratching the surface. Human Resources actually shows us what's inside the box. We even get a sick episode that's among the most disgusting I ever seen.

You also do get to learn some life lessons from this as well. Big Mouth felt like a series of stories that connected together. Human Resources felt more like one complete story in comparison. Sure, a lot of mess up moments happens with your favorite characters. You quickly notice the actual character development is more notable here.

Big Mouth reveals more about the general public in many ways, Human Resources felt more like the kind of conversations you only had with people you really trust. Big Mouth would be it's Beavis & Butt-Head to it's King of the Hill rather fitting way to view things. Beavis & Butt-Head plays off a lot of the same ideas.

King of the Hill does have some funny moments. But it's mostly a serious driven animated sitcom show with actual life lessons. The show felt more personal, drive towards people watching it. I sorta feel that to a degree with Human Resources. I kinda slightly prefer Big Mouth but I do recommend if you aren't easily gross out to check out both shows.

Maybe that's because Big Mouth has more seasons. It also could be Big Mouth could be more related to more people than Human Resources. Another possibility is I felt Big Mouth takes notably bigger risks. Not to say Human Resources doesn't take any. You can bet it goes the distance just not going as far as Big Mouth with some truly mess up concepts.

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