Tuesday, July 30, 2024

My thoughts on Death Battle kickstarter event

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, earlier this year the website Rooster Teeth gotten shut down. It had many web shows including Death Battle. More recently, four of the Death Battle team became owners of the web show. Virtually everything regarding it making the show fully independent. Something none of them ever done before.

They got some stuff going on today I will talk about shortly. They knew they all wouldn't have enough money to do a new season justify. They already started a month long kickstarter event. Fans gets to send em a lot of money for more episodes as well as some nice surprises on the way. Obviously, I got so much to say about all of this.

Considering this is a very popular web series. I am not that surprised they are going to quickly hit all their confirmed goals. I'll be just surprised they prepare more of them beyond $375,000 mark. They released another update video that was quite interesting. They confirmed two new episodes currently in the works right now.

Both of these I knew were coming soon. I have no inside information just in case anyone was wondering. Bardock vs Omni-Man, yes Omni-Man coming back. Honestly this is the match up I actually wanna see instead of his first one against Homelander. Omni-Man was simply too much for him.

Now Bardock by default should be comparable to planet buster levels more lower on that scale. I felt this one is going to be way closer than any of the similar match ups they previously done. I do think in the end, Omni-Man going to win. Now the other confirmed match up is among my most wanted to date.

OMG, I'm so mind blown to even talk about it here. Bowser vs Dr. Robotnik, just based on what was shown. This is going to be what Eggman vs Wily should've been. I strongly felt this is going to be a truly epic showdown. Virtually everyone wants this match up. There's so many possibilities that could happen too.

It may heavily depend on which version of both these villain characters. Assuming it's their main game canon selves, Bowser wins. Now if we would've done live action movie direction, Dr. Robotnik wins. The version of the match up I would've done is main game canon Bowser vs the later Archie Robotnik.

I say later because there's two main Robotniks Sonic with his friends constantly at war with. The later one was actually more evil that lasted much longer in the story. So I felt he would have a great chance at beating that version of Bowser. Regardless which versions this is going to be an truly amazing episode.

Also for those that previously voted for Kratos vs Asura. Thank you Death Battle for including the match up in one of your first goals. I'm personally happy to not see it in a future poll where a match up that wins becomes an episode again. I know that may rub some people the wrong way. But come on it gotten second place in two of these polls, how would it didn't happen yet?

Once again for the record, there's no way I was going to vote against Wile vs Tom. Obviously, they promised to do that in the upcoming season we're currently waiting for. Another goal is two more episodes plus the big backers called super backers gets to choose a rematch. Basically any episode majority felt needs to be redone, they are going to do it.

They named some of the obvious choices. Yang vs Tifa, I'm a pass because I don't see the point in doing that again. Especially with major character changes to Yang, she likely may lose this time. Also RWBY kinda sucks now anyway. I rather watch the huge request of Ruby vs Maka myself. I'm rooting for Maka to win.

Ben 10 vs Green Lantern is a controversial episode. Majority questioned things as well as how in the fight itself. How they chosen to end it didn't set well with a lot of people. Although, most of their points why Green Lantern won made sense. Personally that fight song is absolutely amazing. Do I think that deserves a rematch?

It really depends, they could do it again with a different Green Lantern character. I just don't think it would be Kyle Rayner since everyone wants Rayner to take on Simon the Digger. There's a few possible directions to go with the concept, I'm just not on board with it. Even the more interesting ones are kinda meh at best to me.

Now Master Chief vs Doomguy, I been wanting that rematch ever since the episode happened. Which is a long time ago now. I always disliked that particular episode. I strongly felt the DB team was wrong in choosing Master Chief as the winner. Plus with the newer stuff both of them got. It's safe to say Doomguy or should I say Doomslayer going to destroy him now.

One of the later goals would reveal Episode 200 as well. This could be a fifteen episode season maybe longer depending on the goals. I don't think people would make it the longest DB season to date. But at the same time, they don't want it to be too short as well. They simply want more of the show to enjoy for hours.

Death Battle still has many possible directions they haven't gotten into yet. Like The Spectre vs Living Tribunal would be an omniversal match up. I should explain what exactly is an omniverse for those that doesn't know. By now, more of you have a better idea what an multiverse is? A multiverse is made up of countless universes that's all connected.

Omniverse is bigger in scale because imagine instead of being universes. Each of those are multiverses that's all connected. They would make some match ups like Raven vs Phoenix or Galactus vs Unicron pale in raw power alone. One in a blue moon, a character or two you never expected to show up does.

Virtually my reaction to Scooby vs Courage, I really love that episode guys. If Wile vs Tom done like this, you bet I want it even more. Honestly, I'm happy they can continue the show with help from their fans. I do understand why they need a lot of money. They are going big with these concepts, they would ran out of money before one episode came roughly close to finishing.

This was the most direct method to continuing the show they had available. At the same time, those that really wanted it to continue on. They can keep sending them support a few ways. Death Battle has so much potential for greatness. This unexpected delay just made several things more clear to them in the long run.

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