Saturday, July 13, 2024

My thoughts on the newer Chainsaw Man chapters criticisms

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, for a few months people been so against Chainsaw Man. I know I'm about to open a huge can of worms here. But I felt I should just let my thoughts on the matter out. I also don't mean to rub so many people the wrong way. Unavoidably it's doomed to happen here, I can only so much before someone gets offended.

Yes there will be a lot of spoilers, if you continue to read on. You will find out a lot of stuff that happened in newer chapters of the series. Current chapter at the time of writing this is Chapter 170.

Chapters following the characters escaped the facility to rescue Denji aka Chainsaw Man. People were wondering which direction the story going to go now. Part 2 is a very different story from that of Part 1's. Part 1 was more on going full blown chaos. Part 2 felt more like character development than anything else going at a notably slower pace in comparison.

They did follow up on the disappearance of Nayuta aka the new Control Devil. It got revealed all those dogs and cat died in the fire, I strongly disliked that. Look I know for a story within the Dark Trio, I knew some dark stuff going to happen. A few chapters were trying to figure out where to go next.

Which ultimately happened up being a sushi restaurant. We do learn more of Denji's past that's rather sad stuff. What's upsetting people however is a major recurring theme they suddenly forgotten or didn't even realize existed in the first place. From the beginning, Chainsaw Man plays off of sexual intentions to a degree.

The very moment Yoru whose in control of Asa suddenly caused Denji to came. Something surprisingly not censored in the actual story. Denji later describes how that felt while in the sushi restaurant. All of this confirmed the two main characters has feelings for each other. Some lines of dialogues I'm even amazed made it into the story too.

Now in the newest chapter we bring back a heavily disliked character. He forced Denji to eat several sushi dishes. Then he had Nayuta's head on a plate presented among the sushi dishes on display. Keep in mind, Public Safety personnel waiting to end all their lifes outside. I don't think Nayuta is dead because Makima was connected to a lot of living beings to survive.

In theory, Nayuta being connected to a few people can easily survive being beheaded for a notable period. Of course, this also could be another devil capable of shape shifting too. Chainsaw Man is almost like the show Shameless in a few ways. My wife so happens to be a huge fan of that show.

The story isn't hiding pervert thoughts some characters has. It is border lining from Shonen to Seinen to a degree. At the same time, I felt the story being very true to itself. I actually support the current direction it's going in. It's mind blowing a handful of chapters left to people behaving like children.

Not only that, Chainsaw Man is taking risks. The author likely knew some people would be rather mixed on. Honestly I rather have the author write the story like this than get limited what he could do. Which happened to a lot of big named authors over the years. I do think the ending of the story coming sooner than later.

Considering the amount of people now against the story. It's becoming questionable if the author can keep on writing to properly finish the story or not. Then again, JJK's current state getting supported like crazy despite how incredibly flawed it is. To me it's almost like let's praise JJK and hate on Chainsaw Man kinda upsetting me.

I really hope the author can finish his story. Even if he planned to make it into three parts. He might be forced to end it with Part 2 over this controversiality. End of the day, I know a lot of people read these stories. But the so called big fans getting upset over what's always been there kinda silly.

Chainsaw Man always had sexual intention from Chapter 1 no less. Yet this one particular moment more recently, they lost their minds!!! Honestly, I been so sick & tired on this misguided hatred on Chainsaw Man. I'll be even more direct than that. Chainsaw Man isn't a story for everyone, it never was and never will be.

Chainsaw Man was always meant to be this more chaotic supernatural story. Part 1 was nearly full blown chaos while Part 2 brought back the focus on the characters. I felt if a Part 3 happens, we would get a better understanding of everything else in the greater scope of things. Honestly, people try to give this another chance and see if things changes or not.

If you refuse to give it another chance over any of those recent moments, I simply have no respect for you. Especially when the author himself virtually haven't done anything wrong here. Not only that, he cares more about his fans than the author of JJK. So what happened to loving Gojo too much led to?

I know people has their own taste on things. They also have their own unique views on everything. All I'm trying to say is please open your eyes to this. Chainsaw Man always had stuff like that around. I would've been against him moving away from it that doesn't connect properly to his work, not happening here.

Chainsaw Man is a story that reveals more or less what people actually thinks. In a weird sense people bashing the story so hard over such moments is virtually the story nailing it perfectly. Honestly, the story is being very faithful to itself. I personally don't see the issue in it rather than those misunderstanding what they're reading no less.

It's a strong possibility some of them waited to marathon read a lot of Chainsaw Man chapters. Suddenly got confused that possibly led to such reactions. There's reading fast to where you can actually understand what you are reading. Then there's reading too fast to barely recall anything in a similar period of time.

I felt I spoke my peace on this, I'm speaking my truth on this. Chainsaw Man is being very true to itself. It's the people that misunderstanding the story itself that needs to stop. There's no need for such behavior. Especially when the author himself didn't do anything wrong. Honestly, I'm amazed it's gotten to the point it has currently kinda sad if you ask me.

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