Saturday, July 27, 2024

Celebrity Deathmatch Die Harder Edition

Warning this is going to be quite a lengthy blog entry. I simply love this show way too much not to write another blog entry.

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, today I figured to talk more about Celebrity Deathmatch. A show that always meant so much to me. I figured rather than doing a lot of additional related blog entries. I am going to attempt to do em all in one. I will be labeling a lot of fights that wins a particular category. I may also give out a few not pleasant awards as well.

Best pilot match
Spice Girls vs Hanson

This is easily one of the most rememberable endings to a match in history. We also had our first band match up of the show. It was mind blowing they went for this so early into the show. If I'm not mistaken in a now lost Jerry Springer hosted episode. This was number 1 on that list he presented. Of course, we got to talk about that ending.

Marilyn Manson uses a chainsaw to cut the railing above the arena to take both groups out. I should point out Manson also the first celebrity to actually voice themselves on the show. He looks no difference than his own pilot match up with serial killer Charles Manson. No third option victory was this epic since.

Everything about this match was truly amazing. Animating so many characters once is enough reason to check this out. Not only that, it kinda started a notable tread within the show. Usually the main event is the craziest match up of the lineup. Obviously this was no option to that. I love everything about this screams a risk that ultimately paid off.

Best Season 1 Fight 1
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Vince McMahon

This is a truly special match up for the show. This is the one time both celebrities voiced themselves. At the time, we were currently involved with WWF later WWE & TKO respectively. This also was the very first match up to get voted into the show. I still personally think this is among the best of them hands down.

Stone Cold always was my favorite wrestler growing up. All the crazy stuff on WWF Raw was hilarious. Both of them looked absolutely amazing for the show. Stone Cold already was a recurring, support character for it. I also loved how they went about a story that connected the match up to the episode.

This still has one of my favorite finishers in the show's history. Let's just say it involves a tombstone. Not not The Undertaker's Tombstone move either. This match up I used to rewatch a lot back in the day. Easily, one of the finest wrestling theme match ups they ever done. This obviously set the standards of other WWF aka WWE wrestlers being on the show quite high.

Best Season 1 Fight 2
Zatar the Alien vs Nick Diamond

This was an unplanned match up. Originally it was going to be an Sci-Fi Q&A segment with some Star Wars actors. Out of no where, Zatar shows up killing them both. This angers one of the hosts, Nick Diamond to taking the alien on. This was the first time we seen the hosts fight for real on the show.

It wasn't often we had creatures fighting on the show. Zatar was acting & moving very similar to Sonic the Hedgehog. Of course, eventually that's going to rub people the wrong way. Nick took a lot of punishment during the match. It's also a rare time no referee was involved. We had crazier match ups with usually Mills Lane being the referee for them.

Nick revealed a lot about himself by taking this alien on. His co host Johnny worried sick Nick going to die in the ring. To everyone's surprise he pulled off a rather brutal finisher on the alien. This surprisingly didn't kill the alien. In fact, in a later episode he came back for revenge. This alien became Nick's nemesis since that match.

Best Season 1 Main Event
Jerry Springer vs Rosie O'Donnell vs Oprah Winfrey

Earlier in the season Rosie was fighting Oprah. Then out of no where Jerry fled into the ring knocking both of them down. He offered a new match up with himself included. The show made the three way match even more interesting. This was the first time they done the Dome of Devastation. Basically a round cage match that gets used a handful of times on the show.

This is notably better than the first match up. This isn't the first cage match in the show. Now that belongs to another Main Event match up, David Letterman vs Jay Leno with a electric cage match. I felt this got higher due to more brutal finishers. Not only that, it was kinda impressive they pulled this off.

We had three talk show hosts, they all had shows going at the time. All of them fighting each other for a change. Then again anyone who seen The Jerry Springer Show knows there's always fighting. This isn't that different from Springer. As stated before in a later now lost episode, Springer presented a Top 10 Fights list.

Best Season 2 Fight 1
Emeril Lagasse vs Two Fat Ladies

I have to explain something before people might take offends here. Two Fat Ladies was actually the name of a British cooking show that had two ladies hosting it. Plus it was kinda easier to call the duo after the show then their actual names. This also was the first cooking theme match up. I actually seen a lot of stuff since then for Emeril.

This was unusual since Mills Lane had to taste whatever they're cooking. Obviously cooking each other was the theme of the match up. Yes that does support cannibalism. This was quite a weird but strangely funny ending. Emeril gets forced into an oven. He came out looking like a cooked turkey. This is one of a few two on one match ups they done.

To be honest, I almost picked Martin Scorsese vs Oliver Stone. However that ultimately didn't had a winner. Despite the crazy visuals that match had. Therefore, I went with a more unexpected choice. I do recall rewatching this match up as well. This is still among the best cooking theme match ups they ever done!!!

Best Season 2 Fight 2
Al Pacino vs Robert De Niro

I will honestly say choosing the best Fight 2 in Season 2 was quite difficult. My top four choices for this are all great match ups. Maybe I'm a bit bias here with the match up I'm going with. Ultimately it simply came down to the most interesting played out match out. Therefore, I'm going with Al Pacino vs Robert De Niro.

This was one of a few particular actor style match ups. Where both combatants must use several characters they played while fighting each other. They used this to reference so many movies they're both in. Don't forgot both of them were in The Godfather: Part II a true master piece of a movie. I highly respect both these truly amazing actors.

This match up even got replayed during a special talking to people on the streets episode. De Niro later came back against James Gandolfini on the MTV 2 show. Which might now be seen as being a bit offensive to the Italian community. Both these actors got portrayed amazingly well with all the characters they reprised during the match itself.

1. Michael Jackson vs Madonna
2. Sean Connery vs Roger Moore
3. Roberto Benigni vs Benito Mussolini

Best Season 2 Main Event
Evander Holyfield vs Mike Tyson

Once again I nearly it down to four match ups that easily could've won this. This really came down to the most impressive overall animation. Which quickly knocked half of them out. Ultimately Evander Holyfield vs Mike Tyson was simply too good. This was in my opinion their finest sports match up they ever done!!!

These legendary boxers really went the distance to beat each other. They were going all over the place. I meant in terms of fighting that went all over the city that eventually led to a building. Which was scheduled to be taken down. Thus, one of the most rememberable, epic finishers ever happened. This match up was mind blowing awesomeness.

They really made it as close to perfection as possible. I would even dare to say among the greatest Main Event matches they ever done!!! I am really not kidding, this match up was done near perfection. I virtually loved everything about it. Obviously I rewatched this a couple times. It was so good of a match up when it shows up among reruns I usually drop everything to watch it again.

1. The Three Stooges vs The Three Tenors
2. Hugh Grant vs All-comers
3. Nicolas Cage vs John Travolta

Best Season 3 Match 1
Mike Myers vs Dana Carvey

I confess this is even harder with a couple match ups that could've easily won this. Ultimately it came down to favoritism. Which one that appeals to me the most? This easily removed roughly half those matches off. I was left with three particular match ups I personally enjoyed a lot. All for different reasons.

So I had to dig a bit deeper to decide which one truly describe the award here. Mike Myers vs Dana Carvey was simply rewatchable from start to finish the most. They both used to be on Saturday Night Live together as well as both Wayne's World movies. Like Al Pacino vs Robert De Niro, they reference a lot of their roles.

I kinda felt it was both unexpected among a first watch as well as funny. When Carvey suddenly played one of Myers' characters against him. This also led Myers to becoming Dr. Evil. Whose actually among my favorite Myers characters along with Shrek. This was a more comedy driven episode too.

They were truly creative with this match up. They virtually went for every single joke imaginable. Somehow most of them landed. This is among the most entertaining funny matches they ever done. Obviously they were taking huge risks, I respect them going for. Honestly, I still wish we had slightly more match ups like this.

1. Brendan Fraser vs The Mummy
2. Beavis vs Butt-Head (I love it oh okay lol)

Best Season 3 Match 2

Thankfully this wasn't as difficult. Of course, it still was challenging to pick a particular fight best suited for this award. I mostly considered three particular match ups that truly deserve it. I do enjoy Cousin Grimm vs Potato Khan. I just wish the ending was done a little differently. The unexpected judge match up with Mills Lane was a classic.

Keep in mind, the man himself voiced himself until end of Season 4. He ultimately couldn't return to the MTV 2 show due to a stroke. I always respected that man, I bet he was a truly amazing person. The actual match up that won this is Mankind vs Ernest Hemingway. They used the time machine to bring Ernest back to life.

Now what's more interesting about this match up is usually celebrities arranged match ups against each other. Unless it's someone facing All-comers. Thus anyone wanting to fight em can join in the match. But here wrestler Mick Foley was given quite a rare opportunity. They allowed him to personally select whose he's facing.

In his words on the show, he always wanted to face his idol. Legendary author Ernest Hemingway. Not a lot of people realize Foley also a successful author. He also previously done Chef Boyardee commercials. This match up from start to finish was quite entertaining. I would even dare to say possibly the most entertaining match up with a wrestler they ever done!!!

Look I know I do like Stone Cold & The Undertaker's match ups respectively. But they really went for the jokes here. They also made it as brutal as possible like ECW hardcore matches. You know the ones with dangerous weapons and barb wire ropes. This match up always was such joy to keep rewatching.

1. Cousin Grimm vs Potato Khan
2. Judge Mills Lane vs Judge Judy

Best Season 3 Main Event
Russell Crowe vs Charlton Heston

This is surprisingly so damn hard to choose one. I mean all of these kinda deserve their own awards, they're that damn good. I easily could picked any of these to win this. Ultimately it came down to the most impressive showcase of a match up. Sure we had a death race as well as another All-comers match up.

We even somehow went more metal with a magnet theme match up. We even had two legendary directors faced each other. Who possibly could top all of that? How about two truly amazing actors climbing this tower filled with traps? This was respectively Jerry Springer's number 2 on his lost Top 10 matches list.

For all the right reasons, this was so one of a kind match up. They never done anything like this ever again. There's not even the usual ring like most matches took place in. They had to endure fighting each other while climbing this deadly tower. All with a surprising, fitting ending that forever stuck to all of our minds for many years since.

1. James Hetfield vs Fred Durst
2. Alfred Hitchcock vs Steven Spielberg
3. Dale Earnhardt vs Jeff Gordon
4. Kevin Bacon vs All-comers

Best Season 4 Fight 1
Steve Irwin vs Medusa

This might come as a surprise, there's a particular match up that I always remembered. I recently rewatched it online, it's still as good as when I first seen it years ago. This also among the most unexpected match ups they ever done. Steve Irwin takes on Medusa, yes of Greek mythology. Interesting note, Irwin was still alive at the time of the episode.

Irwin had a show teaching people about dangerous animals. I kinda recalled watching it a few times. I always been a huge fan of Greek mythology. Ever since Clash of the Titans (1981 film), I loved it. Eventually I voted for Zeus vs Odin in Death Battle's Tournament of Champions. It wasn't often when an human took on a monster.

This is still among my favorite of those match ups. Irwin simply wanted to save the snakes from Medusa's head. Indirectly, Medusa took herself out giving Irwin the win. But this was a rather creative idea for a match. I always enjoyed rewatching this fight. There's still not a lot of matches like this on the show making it truly special as well as unique.

Best Season 4 Fight 2
Stephen King vs J. K. Rowling

There's a few match ups I felt could easily won this. I always enjoyed a particular author theme match up. I'm a huge Stephen King fan, this truly delivered on that. King references a lot of his stories. Rowling was still writing the Harry Potter books at the time of this episode. What helped gave this the win is a quick joke done by the late Gilbert Gottfried.

Where he brings in a book expert. The expert thought he was going to explain how Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and The Stand are great books. Little did he know, Gottfied going to smack both books into his face lol. I'm personally mixed about Rowling over the years. I still respect her Harry Potter franchise.

I felt Stephen King was portrayed amazingly well. You can tell they had a lot of fun doing this match up. Some of the funniest jokes of Season 4 are presented here. A nice twist at the end, King dies. But his leg that had surgery from an accident got revived to take out Rowling. Indirectly King still won that match despite died first, also the referee allowed it.

1. Dave Thomas vs Colonel Sanders

Best Season 4 Main Event
Bill Murray vs Chris Kattan

Now this was a surprisingly difficult one to pick for. All of these could've easily won this. Sadly what took Kobe Bryant vs Shaquille O'Neal out of the game. The crappy rematch in the MTV 2 version. Johnny Knoxville vs Ben Stein I personally felt was the best match up with a Jackass star. Unfortunately the related match ups are mostly meh at best.

It simply came down to two amazing, entertaining match ups. I'm literately cutting hairs for this. On one hand we have another comedian reprising a lot of roles during a match. But on the other we have a match so close, it literately came down to a thumb no joke. Both were parts of a different overall theme too that's a nice way to end things.

After much needed consideration, I'm going the more comical route here. Bill Murray vs Chris Kattan was something absolutely amazing!!! It might even be more rememberable than Mike Myers vs Dana Carvey. They really went the distance with the jokes. I even felt this could easily be among the funniest match ups they ever done.

What's even crazier is Kattan actually voiced himself. Thus being the last celebrity to do so in the original show. This is easily one of the weirdest matches too. They suddenly made a parody of Groundhog Day with Ghostbusters, it's comedy gold. To add salt to all the Germany show's matches ups.

At least, they took the time to properly explain things. Not to mention not lasting a minute long helps too. They really knocked this out the park with the entertainment factor. I'm also a huge Bill Murray fan myself. Obviously I was rooting for him. Honestly, this match up is easily so unique you can't really compare it to other matches helped it stands out.

1. Kobe Bryant vs Shaquille O'Neal
2. Ulysses S. Grant vs Robert E. Lee
3. Johnny Knoxville vs Ben Stein

I guess I'll also do the MTV 2 show in a similar fashion. Don't expect many winners, it's filled with losers lol. In fact, a handful of matches I surprisingly liked. I hated majority of them with a particular match up among my least favorites. Also a lot of previous celebrities are back in this version too.

Best Season 5 Fight 1
Charlie Sheen vs Colin Farrell

Charlie previously fought his brother Emilio Estevez on the old version. This isn't as good as that match. Farrell might be dangerously close to offending Irish people. My wife's family heritage after all, she won't like this. I felt this was among the best slightly written Fight 1 match ups. Honestly, you could do much worst than this.

1. Jamie Kennedy vs Ali G (Eddie Murphy vs Nick Nolte rip off lol)

Best Season 5 Fight 2
Rodney Dangerfield vs Rob Schneider

Honestly along with Adam West vs Christian Bale. I simply wasn't crazy about most Fight 2 match ups. At least that was surprisingly well animated as well as written. Kinda reminded me of Sean Connery vs Roger Moore in their Bond style match up. But many reasons I simply had to go with Rodney Dangerfield vs Rob Schneider.

This might be a bit of a controversial opinion. I actually felt the overall match as well as portraying Rodney Dangerfield was amazing done better. Dangerfield previously fought legendary comedian Don Rickles on the old version. I do kinda like Schneider to a degree. I'm a huge Rodney Dangerfield fan though.

Even the joke he tells before entering the ring was kinda funny. One of a handful of jokes that actually worth a laugh in the MTV 2 version. I loved they parodied that famous dive scene from Back to School. This match up was surprisingly a lot of fun to rewatch. I do need to point something major out too.

When he first appeared on the show, he still was alive. The MTV 2 version was a few years after his death. But seeing him among all the dead celebrities revived through the time machine was a nice surprise. Not only that, this was total fan service. I just felt Schneider could've been done a little better.

1. Adam West vs Christian Bale (I'm Batman!!! lol)

Best Season 5 Main Event
Jason Acuna vs Verne Troyer

For those that doesn't know Jason Acuna also known as Wee Man off of Jackass show and movies. I always loved these smaller guys in anything they're in. This was possibly the single best Main Event the MTV 2 show ever done!!! I know I said earlier with Johnny Knoxville vs Ben Stein. Most follow up matches were meh that's true.

None of those came close to these two Jackass theme match ups. This actually started out of the ring. Which is quite rare for either version of the show to do. There's a surprise twist that the other Jackass stars helped Wee Man win. I felt they truly went the distance with this. They had some surprise reveals during the match up as well.

I would say it's more on my like list than Joe Pesci vs Napoleon. Look I do kinda enjoy that, I'm just a Pesci fan. Also they simply done a lot more with smaller sized celebrities here too. I kinda wanted more of this particular match up. They should've ended the MTV 2 version with this fight. I felt you should consider possibly checking it out to see if you like it or not.

Best Season 6 Fight 1
Dave Chappelle vs Carlos Mencia

Both these comedians had shows on TV I remembered. Personally I always been a bigger Chappelle fan myself. Look that Nutty Professor scene he gets thrown into a piano was funny. This fight actually gotten voted into the season. I felt they could've done this a lot better. Also they notably reused some voice actors.

A few celebrities simply sound exactly the same including Carlos too. I would say surprisingly the best voted in match up of the show in the MTV 2 version. To be honest, you really aren't missing much not seeing this. Very quickly you rather wanna do other things. This simply felt like a major missed opportunity.

Best Season 6 Fight 2
Ashlee Simpson vs Her Old Nose

Just in case people didn't know I previously voted this bizarre match up. Originally I thought they would force her old nose back on. She had to fight herself in the process. I know that's kinda horrible of a concept. But considering what we actually ended up with. I kinda preferred that option much more.

They decided to make her old nose into a head sized talking nose character. This alone makes it a truly one of a kind match up. They never once previously had a celebrity face a part of themselves before. The closest match up to this was funny enough Nicolas Cage vs John Travolta. Not only their faces got swapped, a movie reference.

Their butts also gotten swapped too. There's plenty of victories using body parts as a weapon. I don't think anyone that voted for this expected things to go like this at all. I'm not saying it's a rushed idea, it clearly isn't. This is more of let's be strangely direct about this. We need a particular celebrity to fight her own nose in a match, how do we go about it?

Especially it ended up getting voted in. Obviously, there was pressure on them to do this one. It's a strangely amusing match at best. Her Old Nose actually the shortest character to lose in either version of the show. Not only that, this was somewhat interesting to watch. I still say one of the better match ups of the MTV 2 version.

1. Jake Gyllenhaal vs Tobey Maguire

Best Season 6 Main Event
Orlando Bloom vs Johnny Depp

Here's the real kicker they starred in the first two Pirates of the Caribbean movies. The third film came out a few months after the MTV 2 version ended. I strongly felt this was among the finest match ups in the MTV 2 version. You can tell they went the distance to make this a great one. I just felt we could've gotten just a little more of it.

Alright I want to reveal my least favorite match ups in both versions. This is going to be a notably shorter process. I will reveal other match ups that aren't as disliked by me too. I think by now you have a good idea how I view things. I won't be rolling any punches here. The faster we can get this done, the better.

Season 1 Least Favorite Match Up
Jim Carrey vs Mariah Carey

I'm a huge Jim Carrey fan, I have several major problems with this match up. I do sorta get the last name joke even bringing in Drew Carey into it. This simply felt way too soon of an idea. I strongly felt if they would've waited on doing Jim Carrey, we truly would've gotten comedy gold. Sadly this is his solo appearance in the show.

Look I'll be brutally honest, I didn't like how Carrey died. I do actually respect Mariah Carey myself. The fight as a whole just kinda felt rushed. They simply could've done so much more to make it entertaining to me. Not only that, it wasn't that good of a Jim Carrey impression either. I actually felt they totally nailed Mariah way better.

1. Bigfoot vs Loch Ness Monster

Season 2 Least Favorite Match Up (Possibly controversial choice)
James Van Der Beek vs Saddam Hussein

I will be honest I loved majority of Season 2 match ups. So trying to pick I dislike the most was difficult. I almost went with the bed time story match up. But at least it was kinda interesting somewhat funny. Therefore, I'll go with a rather controversial match up. Easily among the most controversial they ever done!!!

We had a then teen TV star taking on a terrorist. This was a few years before 9/11 to clarify. This was a rather unexpected match up in their solo 4th of July episode. Most of the matches had former presidents duking it out. They allowed some techniques from Hussein that's kinda sickening. Especially the burger trick that fooled former president Clinton.

We gotta talk about the controversial ending. Beek ended up using the American flag as a weapon to finish off Saddam. This led to Mills Lane arresting Beek for breaking a rather serious law. This ultimately means no one won the match. Saddam died while Beek had to be taken to jail. Everything about this match up just doesn't sit well with me.

Season 3 Least Favorite Match Up
Joe Pesci vs Napoleon Bonaparte

I almost went for Macaulay Culkin vs Haley Joel Osment. Mostly recreating bully at a playground match. Ultimately I wasn't a fan how the match ended. But I still give it some respect on the ghost characters. It's no secret I'm a bigger Culkin fan, he's awesome. However there was one other match up I dislike even more.

Joe Pesci vs Napoleon Bonaparte always been among my least favorites. I'm a huge Pesci fan despite how low he appeared in things recently. He's a truly amazing actor in anything he's in. I kinda wanna see him come back one last time. I have no disrespect for Napoleon. I just felt they could've picked a more fitting opponent for Pesci.

This kinda felt random among majority of the matches in Season 3. I'm sure there's plenty of shorter actors they could've done. Like Danny DeVito or Warwick Davis. Surprisingly neither of those actors appeared on either version of the show. I would've love watching Pesci take one of them on instead.

They had to use toys to kill each other. Some jokes landed while others did not. Ultimately this led to a rather unique time follow up episode because of Napoleon over stepping his boundaries. He gets taken out by a dinosaur in that episode. I guess I should be a little happier about Pesci losing. I don't know I was really rooting for Pesci, just a let down.

1. Macaulay Culkin vs Haley Joel Osment

Season 4 Least Favorite Match Up
The Beatles Battle Royale

This was a rather tricky one to pick a match. I do like majority of these match ups. But I just couldn't get behind this lost tape fight of the Beatles fighting each other. It doesn't even end the way you think it would. Half the band died with what's left of them stopped fighting. Then tape got recorded over not revealing how it ended joke, it just wasn't a fun one to watch.

Season 5 Least Favorite Match Up
Chris Farley vs Horatio Sanz

In my opinion, easily among my most hated match ups ever!!! Sure, Chris Farley won the match up. But the way it played out strongly suggested he cheated to do so. Even the old version states unless you died before a match begins, the match already over. Which is quite rare for either version of the show to happen.

Both of them were on Saturday Night Live not together though. As many people knows Farley passed away from drug overdose. They were offending over weight people with Farley's portrayal. Majority of the match is Farley kept dying from heart attacks. A stupid rule got enforced to have Mills Lane kept reviving him through the time machine.

Indirectly, Farley currently holds the record of the most deaths for a winner. Not killing his opponents wise either. No that belongs to musician Marilyn Manson. I am talking about he died so many times but the match kept getting delayed over it. Eventually Horatio started to insult Farley. Which led to a quick death afterwards.

Again, the same voice actor for Carlos and Don Vito. Virtually no real difference at all. Which wasn't even close to how Farley sounds by the way. Not to mention, they notably made him way fatter than he actually was at the time of his death. I deeply respected Farley, this is how the show treated him!!!

This is such an unusual match up I'm even amazed they allowed it to happen. This wasn't even what I could technically call a fight. A fight would've had some punches, pushing, kicking and saying insults. There's so little of those, it's mostly filler than anything else. I was so upset with this match up for a long time possibly more than other match ups I didn't like.

1. Bam Margera vs Don Vito
2. Kobe Bryant vs Shaquille O'Neal (MTV 2 version) It sucks!!!

Season 6 Least Favorite Match Up
Luda-Criss Angel vs R. Kelly Clarkson

I almost went with a rather stupid match up with Steve-O. Ultimately there's a particular concept so poorly executed. I had to choose that over the match up, trust me it's so bad. There were several team matches in mostly the old version of the show. Honestly, this was easily my least favorite team match up they ever done!!!

Before the match begins, a cheap stupid trick Tally Wong pulled on four celebrities. Tricking them to get cut then reattached to each other, yes they actually done this!!! So we have Luda-Criss Angel whose made of rapper Ludacris and magic Criss Angel. They were facing R. Kelly Clarkson made of singers R. Kelly and Kelly Clarkson respectively.

If this already sounds bad you are absolutely right on the money there. This is the closest the MTV 2 version would do to the Super Freaks of the old version. Which was simply done way better than this!!! The match as a whole is rather meh at best. What were you expecting some form of greatness here?

Nope, you get a match so soulless I had to search my own home for it lol. I just felt if people could reedit their own voices into this, it would've been a little better. They somehow made a weird tag team match up not interesting. Even Frankenstein's Monster in the old version was done way better!!!

1. Andy Milonakis vs Steve-O

Now I wanna give out some unique awards before I finally end this rather length fan love letter to the show. Coughs the old version screw the MTV 2 version as well as the Germany counterpart show too. I will make this rather fun as try to keep it short. After all, when I'll ever talk about this show ever again lol.

Favorite 2 on 2 Team Match Up
Penn & Teller vs Siegfried & Roy

They done a few 2 on 2 matches. I always deeply enjoyed this magician match up. I used to have this with so many matches on VHS tapes. I'm a bigger fan of Penn & Teller myself. I actually loved how some magic tricks played out in this. Overall, this is a great team match up that's totally reworth seeing again.

Favorite 3 on 3 Team Match Up
The Three Stooges vs The Three Tenors

I'm a huge fan of this particular match up. I recently rewatched it online, I absolutely can't get enough of it. Once again, the time machine brought some dead celebrities back. This is actually a record of three people at once. Usually they bring one person back at a time. We had comedians taking on musicians in a surprisingly funny team match up, it's pure comedy gold with surprises.

Favorite All-comers Match Up
Kevin Bacon vs All-comers

I do like Hugh Grant's match a lot. It just wasn't this entertaining in comparison. The last time a celebrity takes on all challengers in either version of the show. This felt like perfection, a note worthy Main Event match up. Kevin ended up facing Meg Ryan, Martin Lawrence and wrestler/former government Jesse Ventura.

Sadly Lawrence had a questionable portrayal, he didn't last long. Meg got sent flying out of the ring. Then Jesse Ventura shows up, all of a sudden things gotten serious. Kevin struggle to fight back until he found out the hosts lied to him about performing live. This greatly pissed him off to take out Jesse Ventura in a rather unexpected turn of events.

I simply loved almost everything about the match up. Kevin Bacon was a huge deal at the time. Sure, he's a musician but also a well known actor. This man can truly act in a way that it's really amazing stuff. I'm a huge Kevin Bacon fan myself. I haven't heard much of his music though. This felt just right with the overall balance of everything for the most part.

Favorite Monster Match Up (Strictly monsters)
Frankenstein's Monster vs Wolfman

This is a tribute to the classic horror movie. Both characters are still around in so many things it's ridiculous. This match blew my mind when I first saw it. WWE previously done Buried Alive matches. Where parts of the setting is a smaller open grave. To win you had to bury your opponent. Here we actually gotten this sick graveyard in place of the usual ring.

I loved the full moon joke that transformed the Wolfman. At the end, the guy who was the Wolfman convinced the referee his opponent technically already dead. Then he made the mistake of making front of him. Which quickly led to the referee giving the victory to him instead. This was such an unusual match up.

Favorite Match that Doesn't End in Death
The Undertaker vs Captain Doody

I know the same episode as Frankenstein's Monster vs Wolfman. This fight always stuck out to me, I'm a huge Undertaker fan. He's always been among my most favorite wrestlers ever!!! He actually voiced himself on the show which made this even better. There's a few matches that doesn't end with death. This was an unusual one because one of the hosts' children got possessed by a demon.

Captain Doody is fighting The Undertaker while possessing him. You can bet this demon tried everything to win. Ultimately The Undertaker's signature finisher saved the boy's life. The popcorn guy ended up getting possessed. This match suddenly turned into an exorcism. This is so different from the matches, it really stood out to me.

Favorite Similar Name Match Up
Rage Against The Machine vs The Machine

To clarify what this award means for those confuse by it. They had similar matches with celebrities sharing names. Either first or last names respectively. This was a rather weird case of a band taking on a robot simply called The Machine. It was kinda amusing watching the band take this robot on. Oddly, it's an obvious stomp from the start.

I simply loved the ending especially how brutal the finisher was. A janitor was vacuuming, he unplugged the cord powering The Machine. After he finished, he replugged it back in. Which led to The Machine slicing what's left of Rage Against The Machine band up. This too is such an unusual match up for the show.

Most Surprising Voted In Match Up
Beavis vs Butt-Head

Sure, I easily could've went with either Ashlee Simpson vs Her Old Nose or Stone Cold vs Vince McMahon or even the famous mud match. None of them are near the level of surprise Beavis vs Butt-Head was. Mike Judge reprised his role as both characters for this. There's a chance this might actually be the most famous of all the matches voted in.

This is a cartoon fight that parodied Looney Tunes to a degree. This was done insanely well especially both becoming 3D. In this case clay stop animated versions of themselves. I virtually loved everything about this match up. I always remembered their show as well as their first movie. This always meant so much to me, it's a lot of fun to rewatch.

Best Technology Match Up
Keanu Reeves vs Brad Pitt

There's a couple matches I could compare to this. None of them are this truly amazing. We get a rather mind blowing Matrix style match up. The visuals alone were among the greatest ever!!! This also gotten on Jerry Springer's Top 10 Matches list too. I really can't do this more justice because it's so damn good.

There's a surprising ending you may not see coming. The jokes were quite well executed. They never done a match like this ever again. They really went the distance with the concept. This was really mind blowing to watch for the first time. This match deserves a perfect score. I can't even criticize it a little bit, it's virtually flawless.

Favorite Historic Match Up
Ulysses S. Grant vs Robert E. Lee

Sure, I could've went with former presidents Lincoln vs Washington. But this one was so damn good!!! To finish out their North vs South episode. They went big by bringing back both generals to face each other one last time. OMG, this has to be one of the closest matches they ever done. I previously mentioned how close too.

These two simply refuse to lose to each other. I'm even amazed they destroyed majority of themselves yet kept on fighting. My grandpa told me a lot about the Civil War. Honestly, they had a lot of guts doing this fight. Despite how a lot of people felt about that war or this show's representing it. Regardless, if you can look pass that this match absolutely amazing stuff.

I think I talked a bit too much about Celebrity Deathmatch. This is a testament how much this show truly meant to me. The closest show I have to it is Death Battle. There's simply nothing quite like this. I even dare to say the greatest MTV 1 show ever!!! Not only that, it helped make shows like Robot Chicken possible that's a huge win in my book.

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