Saturday, July 20, 2024

ClayFighter Collection idea

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I know recently I been talking bringing back classic games. This blog entry will be not different from that. There's a particular forgotten fighting game franchise I felt should come back. Especially with the right people on board, this could be the greatest thing for the franchise in a long time.

ClayFighter series was a parody fighting franchise that was Interplay's situation to the criticism of violent fighting games. All the games used stop motion with clay figures. Virtually a handful of Mortal Kombat characters prior to MK4 were done with stop motion. The entire cast of Primal Rage also done by stop motion as well.

A lot of people doesn't realize how difficult it is to pull off stop motion. One of my personal favorite shows ever was Celebrity Deathmatch. The original series that lasted four seasons used stop motion with clay. Which also gotten it's own video game that isn't great. Almost every sketch in Robot Chicken uses stop motion, a very successful animation show at that.

The Nightmare Before Christmas was a great musical stop motion movie for it's time. ClayFighter series like a lot of franchises was mostly short lived through out the 90s. Although it's mostly a trilogy of fighting games with mixed reception at best. There do exist several versions that notably changed things. I previously had the Sega Genesis port of ClayFighter 1, it's solo Sega release.

There's some notable changes from the more famous SNES version. Even there, SNES ended up with two different versions. The later Tournament Edition fixed a lot of bugs with more options for multiplayer. Either this or the Genesis port of ClayFighter 1 are the least known ClayFighter games. ClayFighter 2: Judgment Day often considered the best of the series.

At one point almost made it to the Genesis. The game suddenly became an SNES exclusive. Which also led to the final game in the trilogy, ClayFighter 63 1/3. Before I talk more about that game, which I previously had here. A game compilation could have the Genesis port if they want to. I don't think it matters enough to get into the compilation though.

ClayFighter needs to be ClayFighter: Tournament Edition hands down. Easily, the most complete experience of the original ClayFighter. I know some people probably want ClayFighter 2 in particular back the most, it's not difficult to see why. Based on what I seen of the game, this was virtually the peak of the franchise.

The roster kinda works even with unlockable evil doppelgangers. Probably the most overall interesting stage designs ever. ClayFighter 2 truly needs the essentials as well as came the closest of being an decent fighting game. I would love to play this on my Xbox or Steam maybe GOG as well. Now I know Limited Run Games might not like this following suggestion.

ClayFighter 63 1/3 had the most notable difficult development. The team ended up making two versions on Nintendo 64, which I grew up with both no lie. 63 1/3 version had the Killer Instinct style combo system. Sculptor's Cut had more actual story including character endings. The same version added a handful of characters to the roster as well.

I strongly felt simply giving us both versions isn't going to be enough. If you truly wanna win over the fans, you may have to recreate both versions into one new complete version. Basically a version that maintains everything in both versions while fixing some bugs could go a long way. I know this seems more like something Digital Eclipse would do in comparison.

ClayFighter always had an interesting roster of characters. My favorite always has been Bad Mr. Frosty whose in all the games. He's also on every single game cover as well. This is simply more than the games here. We also could get some nice behind the scenes stuff. We also could get more what if ideas that almost happened like HoboCop.

I actually knew about this canceled character from an old gaming magazine showcasing him. In the canned PS1 version of ClayFighter 63 1/3. Obviously 63 1/3 is a parody of so many games within the Nintendo 64 library ending with 64 in the titles. All three of these ClayFighter games are surprisingly different from each other in many ways.

Simply porting the games that's it isn't profitable in today's world. No we demand they go the full distance with it. We want as much ClayFighter stuff as possible. I know there was a canceled ClayFighter mugen game that's sorta a bigger compilation view of this minus the bonus stuff. Let's be honest, Interplay is slightly doing more with Earthworm Jim series.

ClayFighter 63 1/3 with the updated version had plenty of famous voice actors involved. I felt that alone would be enough to bring in people to check this collection out. Not to mention, Interplay also included Earthworm Jim and Boogerman of all people to both N64 games. ClayFighter 63 1/3 is sorta 2.5D almost quite 3D fighting game it's kinda difficult to explain.

I felt the longer time goes on with nothing happened. The more I would love for ClayFighter as well as other forgotten franchises to return in the near future. ClayFighter Collection would have the usual enhancements to help you finish em. The overall unique design with the clay stop motion seems to stand the test of time.

Sure, there's a few fighting franchises I prefer to see return more than this. I felt this has my most personal connection minus ClayFighter 2. I always respected this franchise for a long time. There's some jokes they have that some might find funny. A lot funnier than Bubsy lol, seriously not funny!!! ClayFighter series would have enough replayable value to keep people coming back.

There's a huge chance a lot of people rather just get the collection for the extra stuff. Which is fine too because I'm sure those are going to be quite interesting. ClayFighter series isn't nearly dead to those that loves the franchise like me. Maybe one day, ClayFighter Collection happens. I always welcome nostalgia that I grew up with.

ClayFighter might even be that different fighting game to keep you interested in the genre. Another nice bonus since a lot of newer fighting games are quite DLC heavy. There won't be any dlcs at all for this collection. It's almost criminal you're getting all of this for a somewhat decent price roughly. At the same time, those that wanted the franchise to return won't waste any time getting em again.

Obviously the enhancements for ClayFighter 63 1/3 situation would make it not as bad. You also see several versions of characters in the trilogy. Which some characters gets notably different appearances like Bonker. There's also the concern of Kungpow possibly being offensive to a degree. Other than that, we have a game compilation with the right stuff to finally make ClayFighter something people wants.

I highly doubt this would lead to a new ClayFighter game. Especially a few confirmed canned ClayFighter games. This is also why I respect companies like Digital Eclipse, Nightdive Studios, Limited Run Games and M2 respectively. If Interplay wants little to no involvement. Fine just allow the people that actually wants the games again to get em please?

The fact they got out as many games they did during the 90s was quite impressive. Especially using stop motion for that matter. It's virtually Primal Rage times three that. They had to be quite creative with the stages as well as how to pull off animations in game. I strongly felt those people that made it possible truly deserve way more respect than they currently getting.

ClayFighter series sometimes gets considered SF/MK clones to a degree. Which is more true with the Nintendo 64 games with claytalities. ClayFighter also does plenty to differ itself from those. Even now there's still isn't many fighting games like this. Another great reason to bring this franchise back. We can agree to disagree most of the trilogy deserves a proper chance.

If they decide to recreate 63 1/3 how they originally intended. Virtually rebuilding two N64 ClayFighter games into one. Kinda like Sonic 3 & Knuckles but done in an fighting game. It would be more directly like Hyper Street Fighter II for that matter. You would have nearly everything presented. Despite limitations, this newer complete version could be somewhat underrated from the first two games.

ClayFighter always had an appeal some people still talk about. I could even bet a lot of people would buy this collection right now if it came out today. This is more likely than Bushido Blade or Bloody Roar series I hate to say. There's plenty they could do to make this a great collection. Honestly regardless which company brings em back, so many people will be deeply grateful.

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