Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Tips on how to get Totally Perfect Nerd achievement in AVGN I & II Deluxe

To clarify, I done all of it on one save Normal difficulty. Unless you are more hardcore to play harder difficulties of such games, I'm not the guy for that.

Warning, I may have to swear a little bit in this following blog post.

Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, before I get to today's topic. I will quickly give a fast run down of AVGN I & II Deluxe's achievements. Most of them is finding particular things which does include cameos. Obviously three of them is simply beaten the games. Most of it is easy to get but one particular achievement will guarantee rage quitting.

Of course, I'm talking about Totally Perfect Nerd achievement. I just gotten this very achievement not long ago today. I am making this guide to help those who are struggling to get this frustrating achievement. Before I even get to what you need to hear. I need to point a few things out first to give you a better understanding what to expect here.

1. There isn't any real notification in Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures if you gotten perfect nerd after getting it

Basically what this means is unlike AVGN 2 and 3 respectively. You won't see anything to tell you if you gotten any of the stages perfect or not. I highly recommend just for the first AVGN game write up the list. Over time in any order, you need to get all of them perfect for this achievement. I chose to use part of a text file on my computer for that purpose.

2. Among doing the final stages, you have to watch the endings again

3. Both AVGN 2 & 3 has noticeably shorter stages

4. Yes you can take hits as long as it isn't anything instant death

5. Some bosses in AVGN 1 are more vulnerable to the other playable characters

6. Practice as much as possible on every stage you can

7. Also be prepare to die a lot and yes I do mean a lot it's a very punishing process

8. Easier difficulties has infinite lives with spikes replacing many death blocks

9. If you have every upgrade in AVGN 2, you'll have it for AVGN 3

10. Some bosses got replaced that may affect strategies going in

Now we got all of that covered let's get to tips how to get this challenging achievement. First off, I highly recommend you fully play all three AVGN games. Do not attempt to rush doing this process, it only leads to death. Second, I also recommend in both AVGN 2 & 3 to do perfect on the boss stages first.

Trust me, those stages are short as well as easy to memorize with some bosses being trickier than others. Only the first AVGN games has a few stages with more than one boss at a time. Mostly Blizzard of Balls and Boo! Haunted House respectively. It is very important you learn not only how to properly play as the characters or just The Nerd in the other games.

You also need to learn the mechanics to the best of your abilities. A handful across all three games will challenge your skills as well as your determination to get it done. Very likely going to be Boo! Haunted House, Laughin' Jokin' Numbnuts, Virtual Insanity and What The Fuck?!. I recommend after doing all boss stages in AVGN 2 & 3.

You need to complete those difficult stages no matter what. This is actually the opposite to what I done. Now looking back on it, I likely would go for the difficult stages first. In the first AVGN game, some bosses are weaker to the other playable characters than The Nerd. I was surprised BS Man can dealt some serious damage even to Fred Fucks I'm not kidding.

Both AVGN 2 & 3 does have more health items in comparison to the original AVGN game. By playing it on easier difficulties. You'll have infinite lives as well as a lot of death blocks replaced by spiked balls. This is very helpful way of going about this particular achievement. Most replace boss fights are slightly different from those originally were in those games.

The biggest boss change was the Unicorn got replaced by The Bloodstained Bears. Also, no need to worry about how fast you're running through the stages. You can take your time as much as possible during this process. Both AVGN 2 & 3 respectively will have The Nerd icons turned to gold once they're completed with no deaths.

The goal as brutal as the process going to be is eventually play every stage through without dying. Sometimes knowing some secrets especially in the original game could come in handily later. I should point out one of the bosses in Boo! Haunted House got changed to now instant death if he touches you. Sadly, the best way to survive it is play as The Nerd with careful planning.

Fred Fucks at the end of the first game is made a bit easier. Do not expect he's going to be a push over for a final boss. I think the Big Rigs stage of AVGN 3 requires knowing how to properly process the stage while avoiding the truck. My best advice is knowing all the safe spots are within the stage. I would say the first AVGN game overall is the most difficult.

Don't think the four stages of AVGN 3 is going to be easy during this process because guess what they're aren't. A good number of stages you'll quickly get down. It's the more difficult stages is where you'll start to question how much do you want this achievement. I also recommend taking mental notes of what to expect especially those you can't quite figure out at that time.

I had a couple of those during this process myself. You will need to push yourself to get this achievement. There is absolutely no real short cuts to doing it. Every single stage must be completed with no deaths at all. The good news is you can retry as much as you want. You do not have to fully start over like some games do.

Most important, yes some stages do have short cuts. Some do come with a risk of death as a fair warning. Thankfully, it is obvious what you need to do within every stage. Even a handful where you need to collect keys to process. I also done the stages before the actual games got started perfected just to be sure.

I also recommend when getting upset for awhile doing this process. Please take a break, chances are you'll do better later on. Yes, some obstacles can be frustrating to navigate through as well. Honestly, largely most of it is platforming for the most part. Not much game play wise will change between the three games.

I should point out doing this purpose doesn't actually affect your 100% completion in all three games. I had most of the achievements. By that point, I had an 100% completion in all three AVGN games. I mention it just in case people were wondering if that counted towards it or not now you know. This achievement is easily the most challenging.

Now I don't have every achievement in the previous AVGN games. So I can't compare the most difficult achievements of those versions here. I can say this for sure a lot of planning is required to do this. Sometimes, you'll have to force yourself into bad situations in hopes you'll get further & not die. Honestly, it is a real challenge that will help transform you into frickin' tigers man.

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