Friday, November 20, 2020

Jack Red reviews Supernatural (show) 2005-2020

 Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, last night the series finale episode of the show Supernatural aired. This might come as a surprise, I wasn't a fan from day one. In fact, when I noticed the show a few years ago. It was during early season 12, which meant for a long period I had to get caught up. Thanks to both Netflix and The CW's website making that process a lot easier in the long run.

Supernatural was a long running horror, fantasy show about two brothers that traveled around the United States. These two face so many different creatures & gods. You literately can say anything you possibly could name, they already done it scenario. This was the last show to started on the previous channel that has since been The CW channel.

I should point out a few major spoilers are likely to show it's ugly head during my review. I recommend if you haven't fully watched every episode of this show do not read beyond this point.  You have been warned since I will touch up on many things. This is one of the very few horror shows to fit my vision of Halloween very well.

The closest thing I personally seen to Supernatural is The Twilight Zone. Both those horror shows really sick with you in many ways. Mostly the brothers did with demons & ghosts among many things through out the show. You get to see in many plain of existence as well as some of the parallel universes. Death is a small thing to a handful of characters.

I will be honest, there's only two angel characters I liked. Unlike, you count Jack whose a half breed of human and angel from his arch angel father Lucifer. There's only one demon in particular that everyone loves. Crowley is hands down the most interesting villain character they ever had. Yes, later on he becomes an alley to the brothers even going out of his way to sacrifice his own life to piss off Lucifer.

Back to my favorite two angel characters. Everyone loves Castiel, he is their biggest ally. Let's be honest a particular episode made it clear he was their best friend. The other one I will be honest I originally didn't like until more of him got revealed. Now, I think him one of the funniest characters. By now you should have some idea who I'm talking about.

The arch angel Gabriel whose the youngest of four arch angels. He even got tortured thanks to Loki as in the mischievous god himself for a few years. I think one thing I like about this show is they use creatures & gods you may never heard of prior to watching those episodes. Of course, at times they play some great songs the series finale being no exception to that.

Alright now we're heading into very big spoiler territory. If you chose to ignore my last warning. You still have one last chance to leave or be ready to have this blown right in your faces. Sadly, I can not wait for an eternity. Trust me, this is very mind blowing stuff I'm about to discuss right here in my own review of this show.

It turned out everything that has ever happened to anyone was all planned by God aka Chuck. Yes, all the ridiculousness these two brothers went through was all his doing. I do think a bit funny talking about the ending since we got it in two very different episodes. For those who already seen both episodes knows absolutely what I'm talking about.

The second to final episode, God really shows how much of a prick he truly is. He removes most life off the planet just to make em with Jack to suffer. He erases a poor, innocent dog out of existence right in front of Dean on purpose. Then, he goes out of his way to revive Lucifer of all people to help him. Keep in mind, if you haven't seen episodes with Lucifer.

The nicest but more direct way to describe this arch angel. Oh hell I'll just say it brutally honest style, he's very nasty, liar that feels like he can do anything & get away with it kind of person. This guy, really has a reputation to screw over people with absolutely no regard of their emotions at all. Michael with Adam whose body he currently possessing was secretly plotting to help his father.

Michael ended up with their help killing Lucifer making that his second death on the show. Keep in mind, the episode before this Billie was the second Grim Reaper got murdered by The Entity. The following episode, Lucifer killed a reaper named Betty to make her into the new Death. He later killed her while the death book for Chuck was opened.

This show went through three Deaths is pretty crazy alright. Oh yeah, the real craziness in that episode haven't get got started yet. The Windchesters came up with a plan that shouldn't have worked as well it did. Michael did later betray them to only get directly killed by God himself. Now God was going to quickly kill Sam & Dean but chose to beat em up instead.

It turned out due to the previous fail kill attempt that did kill Jack temporary left an side effect. Where he was absorbing energy including the deaths of both Michael & Lucifer. So when God was beating those two up the entire time, Jack was getting a lot of God's power. He chose to steal what's left of his power to become the new God.

This particular episode felt like a true final episode in terms of this show. But the actual final episode had a more emotional end to the story following that. Dean died during taking out a small nest for vampires. This included an old friend of theirs way back from season 1. Sam ended up living up to old age with a son.

I will be honest, watching Sam dying for the last time was pretty emotional for me. I actually cried tears of joy for many reasons. The Windchesters had a lot of friends and those they call family long on the way. There's so many different story styles that it's difficult to list them all in place. There's stuff that happens that you wouldn't believe happens on this show.

This is one of those must watch on Halloween shows without questions. You could do marathons of many creatures or even god theme episodes. Honestly, these two guys has literately been through the worst of most situations imaginable. There's so much stuff to cover, I would be here for months to fully discuss it all.

This show already went through a few apocalypses. Yes as in the end of days, apocalypse. They got to meet some of the rarest beings in existence as well. Both characters have became creatures to some degree in the past. Supernatural is a show filled with many surprises to keep you busy. I personally don't think there ever be another show like this on TV or web show wise.


  1. If God is behind everything. Would that include events from S1 to 5 as wasn't that lucifers doing. I like the twist god behind everything but at same time it makes some earlier seasons events not gel as well

    1. They made it crystal clear all of it was God's doing man. But Lucifer was such a prick like father, like son am I right lol.

    2. Hmm ah OK. I got puzzled as the first 5 seasons focus on lucifers resarection. I thought why would god be behind that. Everything after that apart from amaras return too.
      Ashe never actually says he is behind everything. The boys just say he has been playing us our entire lives

    3. The show itself is one hell of a ride filled with stuff that gives off all kind of messages.

    4. True its a great show. I didn't like how they retcon Ed the demon blade to it can kill anything and how reapers where suddenly a class of angels. When they were linked with death to start with

  2. I didn't like God created a gun that can kill anything but ultimately doesn't or when Crowley did himself in.
