Saturday, November 21, 2020

Jack Red reviews Battletoads (2020)

 Special thanks goes to my brother, Eric who gave me this game. I been wanting this game for a few months now.

Hello everyone I'm Jack Red, today I will be reviewing the new Battletoads game. I am not going to lie there's a lot to discuss here both good and not so great. To clarify, as much I may bash on this game I do really enjoy it. I would even say it's better than the NES game but it does come close to the arcade game. Keep in mind, this is a short lived franchise that got revived recently.

Like 2013 Killer Instinct game, a different team made this reboot. I still prefer Killer Instinct's for a lot of reasons. But it is still a fun yet unique experience. As you may expect they do throw a lot of game play styles right in your face. Some stages are mostly a series of mini games. There's a good number of boss fights.

I actually loved the artwork as a whole. The soundtrack is in all honesty very decent. The animations are pretty solid as well. The story is more what you would expect from an mid to late 90s cartoon show. It sorta reminds me of stuff like The Angry Beavers, CatDog, Ren & Stimpy and a few others. They actually made jokes about why it took them to return so long.

This does have some great jokes easily one of the funniest among Rare's video games. It still isn't as funny as Conker's Bad Fur Day perhaps. I will say it is still more strangely entertaining to watch in a few ways. Like the arcade game, you can play as any or all the battletoads at once. They also have a few more playable characters as well in some stages including the Dark Queen herself.

I was worried we waited a few years not hearing much about this reboot. As soon as they started talking about it again, I got excited. For those that doesn't know, Battletoads is a parody of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Which is strangely funny because TMNT itself is a parody of Marvel's Daredevil. Now go from Battletoads to AVGN II game, we have Battle Frogs.

Whom are both parodies of TMNT & Battletoads combined lol. Now that's strangely funny in a way that isn't easy to explain. Honestly, who really cares the simple fact they even took it a step further made it even more ridiculous. Back to Battletoads, they throw a lot of different game play styles to keep it interesting.

Some stages are beat em up style like some sections of the previous games. You also have more space shooter theme stages. The later entries did those types of stages. They also have a few mini game theme stages that are mostly fun well except one in particular. There's a few platforming stages that is unusual. This franchise as a whole is unusual so you know when I say it a different way something not quite right.

Pimple isn't allowed to attack anyone. Although, there actually no enemies on those stages. Instead you have to deal with avoid obstacles while puzzle solving. Which is obviously a parody of the more recent indie Metroidvania style games. Honestly, most of it is slower pace but refreshing in a way. Some puzzles are more confusing than others.

Some stages has you moving constantly forward. Two turbo bike theme stages as well as another stage you quickly need to press either X, Y or B. Yeah because those buttons represent different type of railing you need to switch out to continue the stage. But it is easy to get em confused or not realizing you're holding one or more buttons down to end up dying.

Later section of that stage, you need to quickly switch between railings while the big obstacle to your left is dangerously close. I am not going to lie, even including on easier difficulties having the option to become invulnerable. This game isn't balanced but parts of it are still a fun, enjoyable experience. It isn't too unbalanced to completely ruin the game unlike a couple I could name.

I actually liked the new cast they gotten for this game. To be honest, I wasn't too crazy for both Dark Queen & Zitz' new appearances at first. But overtime it kinda works, I understand why Dark Queen's outfit had to change. She originally looked like a vixen or some strippers whose appearance referenced Elvira.

Now, there's one particular stage I really didn't like. Although the concept of it on paper sounds interesting. It just felt rushed, forced and more of all unforgiving. The stage where you constantly need to reboot your ship's systems. The game does make a joke by pretending to give you one more round before ending.

I am fine with that joke but damn where to begin on this stage. At random, you are given a series of mini games that are all within your computer system. But it doesn't make which one you're currently doing often. Keep in mind, I'm playing on an easier difficulty here. I nearly rage quit on this particular stage alone.

You have to complete a set number of these mini games within a few rounds. It quickly gets frustrating fast with the confusion really not helping things. I believe the final round you need to do every mini game on that screen within a time limit. Each mini game has their own controls as well as their objectives.

If this isn't confusing enough, a handful of them aren't actually that bad. I don't like holding both trigger buttons a particular way. This quickly becomes a problem, I do see the point why they chose to do that mini game this way. This stage can go to the bottomless pit for all I care. Clearly, this is your game's take of a stress test.

Just imagine giving every new pilot a test that isn't flying a plane or a written test. Instead they must suffer trying to survive this mini game stage. Now sense would that make? I loved you can instantly revive your other playable characters. Although, it does determine which stages. Yes this is the key word alright.

In beat em up stages, a fallen battletoads has a small time limit before they can be used again. Thank god, they didn't use a life system here. In turbo bike stages, only check points brings em back. However, some stages works very differently. For space shooter stages, you just get full health among reaching check points.

Some boss fights can be a little too unforgiving. I do think most of them are done just right even with some surprises thrown in. The space shooter boss fight you basically face him twice. The first time is easy not much strategy at all. But his real boss fight quickly gets more challenging later on. If you ever played space shooters or those style games with projectiles covering most of the screen.

You aren't going to enjoy this boss very much. Surprisingly, I was able to beat him after a few attempts without using the invincible feature. I am very happy to have this feature with some sections of the later stages. You quickly need to work fast in some of those stages. I will say this game does have some fun achievements.

I think out of the ones I gotten prior to writing this review. My favorite achievement has to be getting through A Rock and A Hard Place stage without restarting. I got to be honest, this mini game stage was a lot of fun. Obviously since I already reviewed Streets of Rage 4. Not to mention, some people who reviewed both games compared the two.

Why shouldn't I do the same otherwise I would have to do it later. I do really enjoy both those games as a long time fan of beat em up games. Battletoads obviously wins in the humor department. Both of them do new interesting concepts for the most part worked. Great updated looks on all the playable characters.

Both games have an fantastic soundtracks with everything considered. I just felt out of respect, Streets of Rage 4 impressed me more. Not only it was a more balanced game. They went the extra mile with modes as well as having classic versions of several characters. You also can use an tazer on SOR arcade cabinets to do classic boss fights.

The simple fact it plays more on nostalgia that's done surprisingly well. More fun boss fights overall with better moves in comparison. I just felt SOR4 is hands down the better game. But don't take that the wrong way. Battletoads is a close second in recent years of those who attempted to bring back the beat em up genre.

I am even saying it is quite good in it's own right. Obviously, Battletoads took bigger risks in comparison that I highly do respect. Battletoads is a great return for these characters. I know a lot of reviewers aren't happy with this game, I do sorta see why. Honestly, I love stuff like this excuse me for being different lol.

I do liked there's a stage selection to make getting some achievements you missed easier to go for. Obviously, there's more stages than those of SOR4. I felt SOR4 is technically shorter of the two games. But you don't really notice stuff like this when you play em. I actually felt both games had a great few hours length campaigns.

I am glad they didn't over thought the number of them here. Battletoads is a rather unique experience that simply can't be fully explained in words. You got something truly different yet refreshing for most game play styles it covers. Honestly, I do like it challenges you to learn different controls through out the experience.

Yes even with one stage making it incredibly frustrating. I also liked the surprises they hid in some of the stages. Battletoads is a game that never was meant to be taken seriously. A slight chance AVGN games maybe somewhat been inspirations for this game is something I really would like to know. Overall, even with it's flaws I still say it is a solid entry within the Battletoads franchise.

Obviously Battletoads Arcade is still my favorite entry of all. My standards aren't dangerously unlike many reviewers out there. I would say the wait for me personally was well worth every minute of it. This game was indeed worth checking out late into 2020 without question. It won't be my choice for game of the year award but a solid recommendation sure why not lol.

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