Friday, June 7, 2024

Why I look more towards newer versions of retro games than newer ones?

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I previously talked about this in another blog entry. This is more of a straight forward take on the same topic. More recently, I been happier about newer versions of retro games than actual newer games. Not to say there wasn't any decent modern games, of course I played some truly amazing games.

Several game companies are working very hard to keep as many older video games from going extinct. A lot of them update several things as well as add in nice bonuses. This week alone, we got a few rather interesting video game remastered versions coming. Killing Time: Resurrected, I owned an older version of the same game on GOG.

Very recently The Thing now getting it's own remastered version. Yes this is based on the 1980s movie remake of the same name. Which is still among my scariest horror movies list. The rate games are coming out, the reality of older ones becoming loss to time is quite real. Most of these retro games are notably cheaper than a lot of newer video games.

For me, it's a nice bonus when they show up on GOG. Obviously, multiple companies has to be on board with bringing back the classics or nothing happens. Some situations are trickier than others. A large number of these rereleases are on multiple platforms too. I'm sure a lot of us has our own list of retro classics we want back.

Especially when the current direction of gaming isn't a great one. I would be even more upset if these rereleases never happened. A difficult reality for some people to visualize. Also a lot of them are notably smaller games too. I always respected the older video games. The rate these rereleases comes out is quite fast.

Nine out of ten times I get very excited knowing many classics are coming back. I'm still waiting for Gex Trilogy lol. Honestly, there's too many amazing games to lose access to. This is one of many reasons people turned to pirating video games. Which is rather sad that's becoming more common.

Video games is one of many universal languages in this world. We all have our taste in what we like as well as what we don't like. Yes I'm looking at you, Superman 64!!! I'm deeply thankful to every game company trying to bring as many classic games as possible. Without people like you in the world, gaming would quickly become boring and repetitive.

I figured to throw out a few possible retro games I really wanna see get some form of a rerelease.

1. Bushido Blade series
This is a big if, a few companies including Squaresoft now Square Enix created such a franchise. In both these games, you got surprisingly close to an actual sword fight you could get. I would even dare to say it rivaled Soul Blade on the same system. These games were amazingly good at what they do, it's mind blowing virtually no rereleases!!!

2. The Suffering series
I am aware The Suffering series is on GOG. Those are the original PC versions of the games. I think games like these would do amazingly well. Especially having the right team to remastered them both. I do think there's potential for greatness. Sure, it may suffer from Midway but more people would enjoy em now.

3. Nightmare Creatures series
Considering Shadow Man of all things gotten an remastered version. A franchise I know a lot of people would love to see make an return. Nightmare Creatures series would be exactly what some people need right now. At one point, there were plans for a movie. Not to mention, a lot of people missed out on playing Nightmare Creatures 2.

4. Jersey Devil
Not a lot of people knows this following fact. The common knowledge of the 90s, a lot of game companies had mascots. Behavior, yes the Dead by Daylight company previously made Jersey Devil. I remembered this fun platformer as a kid. Along with MediEvil series, this was something perfect for Halloween without needing to become a more mature game.

5. The Simpsons: Hit & Run
Unofficially someone did make a remastered version of The Simpsons: Hit & Run. Easily, among the greatest Simpsons games ever created. Let's be honest, so many people really wants this game to come back. It's quite obvious, this is going to be amazingly well. Especially having the right team to properly bring it back.

6. Spider-Man 1 and 2
No not the movie games of the same titles. I'm talking about what could be seen as a precursor Spider-Man series to Insomniac Games' Spider-Man series. These amazing Spider-Man games were a huge love letter to the fans. I already know these coming back are going to do very well. Just don't give us little to nothing changed ports please.

7. Some retro Batman games
Before Batman: Arkham series, Batman did have several decent games. We are talking Batman on NES, Batman Returns on SNES and more. This could be a massive head ache with a lot of companies involved. But having the right team with the right retro Batman lineup. You can bet that's going to sell a lot in record time, you can count on that.

It's very difficult to come up with a definitive list. Considering there's so many Batman games. It doesn't mean we don't have ways to speed up the process. Like through a particular era of Batman games. I strongly believe this Batman collection could be beyond expectations. It's kinda sad unofficial Batman collection games might end up being the way to go.

8. Toy Story
Toy Story 2 game gotten an rerelease. Why not the original Toy Story game? Yes every version of it had several differences, I grew up with the Genesis version. This was a surprisingly ambitious game for both Sega Genesis and SNES. It was among the best movie games for both systems. It does a great job following the movie, why isn't this getting ported too?

9. MediEvil II
We were lucky to get MediEvil Remake. I know a lot of MediEvil fans really wants MediEvil II to return. This follow up had changes that left many people mixed. Still a fun game that's becoming lost to time. This had some interesting moments that occurs. It's safe to say this quickly went under people's radars, I hope a rerelease changes that.

10. Knuckles' Chaotix
One of the best Sega 32X games ever made. It may lack a main Sonic title. But it did gain a surprisingly decent one in it's place. More of an unique spin off game that's somewhat ambitious. A precursor to Sonic Heroes concept. Some Sonic collections had stuff from this but never the actual game weird right?

11. Haunting Starring Polterguy
I do own Ghost Master, the closest game to this. Both possibly inspired to some degree to Beetlejuice. The goal is scare an family out of their home. You can get quite creative with this. I could see the right people making this remastered version or a decent modern port amazing. A game to simply scare people alone is enough reason for me to buy it.

12. Bloody Roar series
This franchise was ahead of it's time. Before transformations became big in the genre. You can play as human forms of several characters as well as humanoid forms. Even going for the first two Bloody Roar games, a lot of fighting game fans would love it. Easily among the most unique fighting games on earlier PlayStation consoles.

13. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Capcom loves rereleasing many video games. Especially Arcade classics yet where the hell is this? Cadillacs and Dinosaurs was based on a comic book series. Which also gotten an show during the 90s. I know license beat em ups, they have several can be tricky to get an rerelease for.

14. Some retro Power Rangers games
I already stated to no longer be an Power Rangers fan. As a kid, I knew about some of the 90s games. The right company with the right lineup of Power Rangers games could be amazing. Honestly, MMPR: The Movie (Genesis game) better be included or I'm not buying it. Some of these games were truly amazing for their time.

Mostly Sega Genesis and SNES Power Rangers games.

15. Captain America and The Avengers
There's a few ways they could do this. They could simply port the license Arcade game. They also could port the NES game, more of it's own thing in comparison. We could get both of those with the decent Genesis port based on the Arcade game. We just know the SNES version being excluded probably a good idea.

16. Chuck Rock series
An underrated platformer series before Core Design made the original Tomb Raider series. Possibly inspired by The Flintstones, you get a parody of the stone age. Either play as the dad in Chuck Rock 1 or his son in Chuck Rock 2. Considering Joe & Mac came back awhile ago, I think Chuck Rock series deserves a come back too.

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