Saturday, June 29, 2024

Terminator Timeline, I'm Chronology Confused

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, some people are going deep into confusing timeline. Usually Zelda or The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. For me, the one confusing timeline I often think about, Terminator. Of course, time travel suddenly makes everything bag a lot of questions. Very fitting for today's blog topic.

To clarify, I'll start with The Terminator. I'll end with Terminator: Dark Fate. I also going to include Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles show. I will mark each Terminator timeline to the best of my ability. I am not even sure Rick Sanchez could make sense out of this!!! Oh the real confusion about to begin folks.

Timeline #1

The Terminator
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Terminator: Salvation

The Terminator, an resistance fighter named Kyle Reese got sent to the past. In order to prevent Sarah's termination. Skynet sent an Terminator to the past to assassinate her. Terminator 2 takes place a couple years later. A reprogrammed Terminator model protects John Connor. Skynet sent a more advanced Terminator model to assassinate John Connor.

Also get use to see these movies in a few timelines.

Terminator 3 has another notable time gap. A now grown up John Connor with Katherine Brewster gets protected by another reprogrammed Terminator model. Skynet sent an even more advanced Terminator model to assassinate John Connor. Although the reprogrammed Terminator carries out Kate's orders.

Terminator: Salvation is a sequel to these movies. But strangely also could be technically seen as a possible prequel. Let me explain, we do see parts of the war the previous movies talked about. During this, we see how Kyle got sent back to the past to save Sarah Connor. The movie itself is set in the distant future while Kyle's time wrap goes in the past.

Effectively making Kyle's portion of the movie indirectly a prequel. Obviously a true prequel would've been an actual past event. Kyle's goes from Salvation to The Terminator like that. I told you time travel can be quite confusing at times. Beyond this point, expect more surprises that bags more questions than actual answers.

Timeline #2

The Terminator
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Instead of the events of Terminator 3, we have Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles events. There's two notable time wraps. Both involving John getting sent to the future. Previously, we only seen humans and machines got sent to the past. This alone did bag a few questions. John also a teenager in this timeline with a reprogrammed Terminator model protecting him.

I also need to point out Sarah is involve. Sadly the show ended up a future cliffhanger. John about to meet his father Kyle in the future. Which could've taken the place of Terminator: Salvation in this timeline. We also see a few possible ways Skynet could've started too. Skynet is determined to end John Connor as well as humanity.

To me, this timeline makes more sense. We get to see how John eventually becomes the leader of the resistance. We also get to see how important his mother was to everything. Not only that, we also get a much clearer idea how calculated Skynet truly is. Also it felt more like what would actually happen than Terminator 3, maybe that's just me.

Timeline #3

The Terminator
Terminator: Genisys

Terminator: Genisys alters the events of The Terminator dramatically. There's a notable time wrap effectively replacing Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Both Kyle & Sarah gets a reprogrammed Terminator model to protect em. Unfortunately, her son John got transformed by Skynet into an even more advanced Terminator model.

The events of The Terminator reduced to a small thing in this timeline. Also Kyle survived in this timeline too. By now you gotta ask yourself. How does Skynet kept sending more advanced Terminator models each time? It's so desperate to end his existence as proven by this movie. Terminator: Genisys also could be seen as a precursor to Terminator: Dark Fate.

Yes John got altered while killed by Skynet to serving what used to be his one true enemy. I also need to point out the reprogrammed Terminator model doesn't time travel with them to the future. Obviously Terminatior: Salvation erased too. Honestly, this concept felt heavily rushed. Although I will respect they attempted a more risky idea.

Timeline #4

The Terminator
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Terminator: Dark Fate

Terminator: Dark Fate replaces Terminator 3 as well as Terminator: Genisys in the timeline. Shortly following the conclusion of Terminator 2, another Terminator got sent to the past. However John got assassinated while Skynet effectively destroyed. Both their roles were given to Dani and Legion respectively.

Sarah, a changed Terminator model and an resistance member with enhancements. They all protect Dani from Rev-9, another more advanced Terminator model. The cycle to the war between humans and machines continues. Only Grace got sent back to the past. Terminator now called Carl tries to redeem himself from John's assassination.

Sarah mostly older in this timeline too. Most of the group knew this wasn't over following Connor's assassination. A lot of people hated this changed to the format. Although it kinda makes sense, how many times would they put John against Skynet? The concept was done so many times, a change desperately needed to happen.

This movie's message is a war going to happen. Virtually the same message Terminator 3: Rise of the Machine. Regardless how things plays out, it will happen. Funny enough, both wars has the human resistance won. Despite what happens in any timelines. An endless loop like the apocalypse, inevitably it's fated to happen.

I hope you all are keeping up with all the confusion that is time travel. In every Terminator timeline, one human resistance leader goes to war against an advanced AI program. A war that occurs in the distant future with a predicted ending. At this point, what else could they possibly do with the concept?

Right now Mortal Kombat is suffering story wise from becoming multiversal. Terminator from Terminator 2: Judgment Day suffered from alternate timelines. At this point, Terminator franchise virtually done everything possible. This alone makes attempting to continue any part of any timeline very difficult to do.

Personally, Terminator should fully start over. We are talking a brand new story with a similar concept. But slowly go into the time travel aspect rather than rushing right into it. This could be the very direction to save the franchise. Man trying to make sense of the Terminator timelines is really confusing at best.

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