Monday, June 10, 2024

The Pizza Connection game series confusion

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, here's a topic surprisingly not done on YouTube. There's a small business simulation game series called Pizza Connection. You manage restaurants as well as do shady stuff with the mob. I gotten the trilogy among many other classics a few months ago. I wanna discuss something that likely go over your heads, trust me it's confusing stuff.

On both Steam and GOG, you can buy Pizza Connection 1-3 with the recent game's soundtrack. It's very straight forward Pizza Connection titles. However it turns out two of them weren't as what they appear to be. In Europe, Pizza Tycoon was titled Pizza Connection 1. Let's be honest, both titles fits the game perfectly.

The real confusion starts with Pizza Connection 2. In some regions, the title got changed to Fast Food Tycoon 2. Wait what? Where's the first Fast Food Tycoon game? Well it turns out there does exists a first Fast Food Tycoon game. Sadly it isn't available on any PC gaming services. Pizza Connection 2 is really a sequel to Fast Food Tycoon 1 not Pizza Connection 1.

I will explain more on that later on.

Although, all these games are within the same franchise. This confusion also affects Pizza Connection 3. Considering it's the third in that lineup of games. But which game is it actual a sequel to? Adding in Fast Food Tycoon 1, there's four main games. Pizza Connection 3 should've been titled Pizza Connection 4.

From a point of view, we could argue the actual trilogy being Fast Food Tycoon 1. Followed by Pizza Connection 2 & 3 respectively. It's rare when the game that started it all actually alone like Rampage. Rampage started with the original Rampage game. Then most of the franchise followed Rampage: World Tour.

This even happened to TMNT Nintendo series. In the United States, the original TMNT NES game is followed up by three TMNT games. But outside the Unites States, this TMNT game excluded from that lineup of games. To clarify, Pizza Connection 1 was a beloved classic game. I think I know what happened, this will be just as confusing.

Pizza Connection 3 would be a sequel to Pizza Connection 2. The one possible explanation for this is Fast Food Tycoon 1 was a reboot for the franchise. Thus, all later entries are following in it's foot steps rather than Pizza Connection 1's. Another realistic possibility is when Pizza Connection 1 failed.

In a desperate attempt to save the franchise, Software 2000 went from publisher to developer. Where they developed Fast Food Tycoon 1 & 2. When those didn't do well, the franchise was abandoned for many years. Until Assemble Entertainment came out of no where to bring it out from extinction.

Regardless one or both these possibilities occurred is a mystery. What we do know is more people are getting into this franchise. Possibly a much faster rate than back in the day. Old PC games were difficult find in stores back then. More recently simply buying em digitally, you can quickly install em onto your computers that's it.

Pizza Connection 1 was developed by Cybernetic Corporation. Pizza Connection 2 was developed by Software 2000. Who also developed Fast Food Tycoon 1. The same company was publisher for Pizza Connection 1 in Europe. Pizza Connection 3 was developed by Gentlymad Studios.

Currently another company called Assemble Entertainment owns Pizza Connection 1-3. This company decided to change the titles from Pizza Tycoon and Fast Food Tycoon 2. Now titled as Pizza Connection 1 and Pizza Connection 2 respectively. In order to sell em with Pizza Connection 3 as a trilogy of games. Obviously ignoring Fast Food Tycoon 1 in the process.

These titles are represented world wide. Despite one missing game as well as it's expansion, most of the franchises is available to the world. Also being available through great PC gaming services. Thank you Assemble Entertainment for bringing back these games. It's safe to say there's some life left in em after all, anything better than burnt pizza. LOL

I hope I might've cleared up the confusion Pizza Connection game series had. I even got confused to a degree while writing this. I never expected this would happened to a business simulation series. Not even in a million years but I'm writing this. Then again maybe I simply love pizza way too much!!! LOL

Some quick extras that's worth mentioning despite having little importance

I should quickly mention Fast Food Tycoon 1 has an Germany exclusive expansion in 2001. Simply going by these three Pizza Connection games. There's a notable time gap between the three games. Pizza Connection 1 came out in 1994. Pizza Connection 2 came out in 2001. A year after Fast Food Tycoon 1.

Pizza Connection 3 came out in 2018. The basic concept remained the same. Simply done somewhat differently, cooking simulation games are more popular now. In a way, the earlier games might not had much success. No on ever thought they would left a legacy like this. People still talking about these games is a good sign.

Currently the status of Fast Food Tycoon 1 is unclear. What we do know is Assemble Entertainment doesn't own it with the rest of the franchise. Even if another company were to get involved. They more likely become a publisher for a different region or drop the game altogether.

Being a developer and a publisher are vastly different jobs. A game company develops video games. They are responsible for helping to get the games selling through commercials and ads. Mostly, they helped get games released into the market. Digitally it could differ from PC being automatic to waiting for game companies to approve em.

Therefore, having several publishers of a game can be frustrating. Not as bad as multiple companies over a license game or games with many crossover dlcs. The way it looks one company handling everything for this franchise. Long term, this would work out way better than having to share with other companies.

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