Sunday, June 30, 2024

My thoughts on Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

Update: Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster coming out September 19th, 2024.

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I figured my thoughts on Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster deserve it's own blog. It's no secret, I'm a huge Dead Rising fan. I waited for years for the franchise to return. Personally I'm glad it's coming back from Dead Rising 4. I got a lot of thoughts on the trailer shown.

How many versions of Dead Rising 1 is there? Prior to this announcement four versions. I'll count em out. You got the original Xbox 360 Dead Rising game. There's the lesser known mobile version of the game. Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop on Wii. More recently, Dead Rising got an HD version along with both versions of Dead Rising 2 for an anniversary.

Each version had notably differences. I know some people are criticizing Frank looking older than he was in the original game. After seeing some beta game play footage, I realize they are using that look. Dead Rising was truly ahead of it's time for a smaller scale open world survival horror game. I'm glad a lot of people want the franchise to return thanks to the recent Capcom survey.

I don't think they are cut then posting the same game for money here. It's easy to think otherwise I know. Judging how they used Frank in the trailer. I think this will be almost newer RE remake game style. I say that because Capcom been banking on those RE games. In fact, RE2 Remake currently the best selling RE game in history with 13.9 million units sold.

Dead Rising always been the more comical franchise. It's crazy both of these franchises are done by Capcom. Of course, I got a list of stuff I wanna see happen. I don't want the game to be too in the box. Look what happened to both Saints Row reboot and Dead Rising 4. Dead Rising always had creative within the game play.

I would be surprise to see combo weapon system get put into this version of the game. Which could help with the trickier portions of the campaign. I also want more room to do stuff while going for some trickier achievements/trophies. Originally after enough characters appeared on the map. Any additional tasks wouldn't show up until either you complete or fail em.

This did allow some speedrunners to get crazy creative with the concept. I also want Frank to actually be the Frank we all know and love. Dead Rising 4 Frank simply is not Frank!!! There should be some new stuff to use during the game play. We are talking weapons, health items and outfits. Which the original game had plenty of everything.

I also felt we should have similar choices of game modes that Dead Rising 3 had. A major mistake Dead Rising 4 didn't do. You would have the choice to play it how the game originally designed or you play it faster. Maybe have another option for longer time limit. Just not too much time because that's getting too well set up for the endgame.

They also need to change receiving calls from Otis mechanic. Most Dead Rising games, this isn't even an issue. Originally, this could put you in trouble with no real way around it. They even made an annoying achievement/trophy about it no joke. Another major change some might criticize me saying. There was a feature in Chop Till You Drop version that's available if you save Cletus.

If you do save him in that version, he acts as the game's merchant. I do felt this also could help out a lot later on. Another major change that doesn't apply to Chop Till You Drop version is a bigger gun variety. I also want a more fun method for reaching max level. The big leveling trick is using cars in the tunnels until you reach it.

Keep in mind doing this trick, you are throwing away most endings. This eats up most of your time playing the campaign. I also would prefer more useful magazines added to the game too. I know there's a couple in the original game. I felt Dead Rising 2 both versions had the perfect ratio for them. This could heavily impact the game play in so many ways.

I'm deeply glad Capcom cares for Dead Rising. I do want this game to do well to possibly bring it back. Considering the concept, remaking it from the ground up could allow possibilities. Simply wasn't possible in the original game with current technology. This alone will make it one of the best Dead Rising games ever made.

I trust Capcom a lot more than Konami. I'm still funny about the new Metal Gear game coming soon. Dead Rising needs to have a great soundtrack as well as rememberable sound effects. From the cut scenes that might not be much. This truly matters within the unique game play of the franchise. Dead Rising series is continuing what Zombies Ate My Neighbors series started.

There's a possibility we could get coop in this version too. Just imagine the insanity with two or more people traveling together in the mall. I also hope for a nice nice unlockable mode or two among fully completing the campaign. If not revamp Infinity Mode, I do prefer Sandbox Mode in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record.

I like the concept of no time limit, simply do whatever you want. Dead Rising 4's other big mistake is forcing that as the only option for the main campaign excluding Frank Rising portion. Which brings me to a huge request, Capcom don't make people buy the conclusion to the campaign like DR4 done. I'm even amazed Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth done that with New Game+.

Personally neither shouldn't been made into paid dlcs. Those should've already been in the game by default. I also want Frank to have some new lines we hear either in cut scenes or during game play. I would also prefer if Brock's boss fight got changed a bit. Considering the possible scale of this newer version.

This map going to be one of the biggest in the franchise. This alone heavily impacts the game play in many ways. I do want the mall to be very interesting with some retro going towards the theme. To me, the mall in DR4 kinda bland at best. I do want the boss fights with Psychopaths to be rememberable. Nine out of ten people are dying to see Adam the Clown in this version.

Despite how criticized Chop Till You Drop version gotten, every task having rewards helped a lot. I do think that should been considered for this version of the game. In that version, you could earn a portable blender to make mixed drinks on the fly. Years before you can do so without one in Dead Rising 3. I really want the characters to be very faithful to the original versions.

At the same time, I do expect a proper modernize variation of them as well. I also expect with the huge size of the game to not be crash heavy like both HD versions of Dead Rising 2. Not only that, I really wanna see how creative Capcom going to get with this. I also would like slightly more vehicles. Combo vehicles could be a lot of fun.

Another possible feature is an easier to read map. This alone will heavily impact the game play. It's hard to say if the leveling going to get reduced, stay the same or get increased. If reduced, I want it to be done better than Capcom Heroes in DR4. If staying the same, just spice up some of the stuff you get. If increased, I want to see how truly insane the game play can get lol.

Dead Rising 4 double the leveling from the usual Level 50 max. Although a lot of stuff didn't seem to matter. Even Dead Rising 3 that had additional stuff to get during the leveling process had stuff to impact the game play. I do hope they find the right balance for this. I also would love the lockers being used for every outfit you have available too.

This quickly saves you time finding exact outfits you wanna wear. Of course, you got to earn a lot of them while you simply find other clothes around the huge map. This feature I felt will be a major factor why people going to love this version of the game. If they wanna attempt pushing the envelope like the original Dead Rising years ago, it's got some huge expectations to hit.

To me, Dead Rising always been in my personal Capcom Big 3 along with Resident Evil and Devil May Cry respectively. Dead Rising has a fighting chance with this game. I do hope the right team with proper support from Capcom makes it a major hit. Maybe Dino Crisis with the recent Capcom survey return eventually.

Dead Rising surprisingly filled with so many options what to do. You could beat the game simply playing until the time limit ends. I do want the conditions for the endings to more like the sequel games excluding DR4. The conditions must been easier to pull off. Originally how some endings were set up cause confusion how to get em.

I would love a feature to help you keep track which endings you gotten too. Especially if you really wanna see every ending the game offers. Also going by DR4 for a moment here. The DLCs for this needs to be way better than that. I really wanna go wild with this new version of the game. The difficulty levels needs to be better balanced too.

For the love of God, improve the AI of survivors too. Originally you were lucky you gotten them to the safe house. Especially with cultists around, you constantly have to wait for em. They don't fight off enemies well. Sometimes they get quickly killed off. This actually can make or break this new version too.

Dead Rising should be a deeply replayable experience. A game you will struggle putting down even for a few minutes. To me, most of the franchise is that much fun. I also loved how DR3 differ zombie types. I strongly recommend they done that concept to spice up the game play. This also would help people adapt to the game at a much faster rate too.

I was very surprised by the announcement myself. I was hoping for the franchise to return. Not to throw salt at the team making this or Capcom for that matter. I would've created a new beginning chapter to bring this franchise back. They already know they have no room to hide with this. Especially the disaster that was Dead Rising 4, they gotta knock it out the park here.

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