Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Doom + Doom II review (2024)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I previously done my thoughts on Doom + Doom 2. Man it took a long time to fully play every campaign within Doom + Doom 2. Excluding mods, all done officially done on Hurt Me Plenty without codes. Now I felt like this remaster going to get more proper respect from me. I can safely say the absolute greatest Doom game I ever played!!!

Doom + Doom II (2024)

Similar to Castlevania Dominus Collection, this also had an epic shadow drop. During a particular convention, this surprise remastered compilation Doom game. I can confirm I played most notable versions excluding the previous console versions prior to XBLA versions. I never seen Doom play this damn good in my entire life!!!

You get a lot of campaigns for your money. Unless you bought any previous versions. Then you automatically get this remastered version. I confess I previously cheated every achievement twice. One of two major reasons I chosen to do it right by playing every campaign without codes. The other reason being me celebrating Master Chief vs Doomslayer rematch officially happening on Death Battle.

1. Doom (4 episodes)
2. Doom II: Hell on Earth (my favorite among the Doom games)
3. Master Levels for Doom II (placed into it's own campaign)
4. TNT: Evilution (one half of Final Doom)
5. The Plutonia Experiment (one half of Final Doom)
6. Doom II: No Rest for the Living
7. Sigil
8. Legacy of Rust (my favorite expansion campaign)

Obviously a lot of levels within twelve campaigns. Plus mod support adding a lot more Doom levels. Personally I'm a huge fan of Simpsons Doom myself. I usually play without codes on easier difficulties. Once in a blue moon I dare to try them on Hurt Me Plenty. Suddenly when I gotten the idea to fully do all of it on Hurt Me Plenty.

I basically treated it as an gaming bucket list thing. Something I may never do again. Also to support the upcoming Killing Time: Resurrected this week. I even put some other projects on hold for this. I felt the time as well as effort was well worth every bit of it. Honestly, it's kinda nice all these people get their works collaborate into this.

During the conclusion of this roughly a week prior, they updated the cheats system. I figured to quickly mention that to help give an idea how long I worked on doing all of this. Also considering it's October, Halloween around the corner. Why the hell not do this? This is now among my most to play games on Halloween list.

I do like you can check the maps. Sometimes the game isn't sure what's going on. A handful of maps had sections not presented on the maps at all. Despite issues like that, the maps mostly works just fine. Personally, I wish some of them would've used more particular colors. So you know you gotta go there with the right key items.

You truly get more Doom you ever could possibly imagine. You get nice bonus stuff similar to some of Nightdive Studios' remastered games. I recently bought three of them myself. Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition, System Shock: Enhanced Edition and Shadow Man Remastered respectively. This company does truly amazing work reviving the classic games.

It's virtually everything from the previous versions a few years prior plus much more. I really like two of my favorite Doom games are together in this. I am prepare to directly talk about the campaigns I haven't said much about since. Master Levels for Doom II is essentially harder levels to challenge those that mastered Doom II.

Final Doom as a whole felt like that notably increased. Sigil difficulty wise is kinda in the middle of that. Legacy of Rust is hands down the hardest. Usually the newest campaigns aren't that great among their remastered games. I will say this deserves to be among their best newer campaigns they done. You could argue with insanity that happens it could had some Serious Sam inspiration.

Essentially episodes 5 and 6 for Doom. Which makes also having Sigil 1 and 2 a bit awkward. This felt like all the other campaigns combined into something truly amazing. Just when you thought Doom ran out of tricks. You clearly haven't played Legacy of Rust!!! This blew my mind on so many levels as I was playing it.

Considering you get a lot more enemies than you regularly get within levels. A particular levels has over five hundred enemies no joke. This would be rookie numbers to final levels in Serious Sam series. Which usually has a few thousands of enemies. The maps kept getting more ambitious in some way. Legacy of Rust pushed it to a level I never thought exists outside modding.

A few rooms had my nerves flies straight up. Like the famous Cyberdemons room. I already intense facing just one Cyberdemon. Here's a room filled with them, I was instantly mind blown. Now yes there's a secret level in Master Levels for Doom II that also has a room filled with em. This was different due to being a much smaller area.

The amount of Cyberdemons was notably a bit smaller. But it didn't change the fact you gotta fight to survive in there. Now we really gotta talk about a particular room filled with Cacodemons. No literately I'm fighting a few enemies, I kept killing these things for a few minutes straight. It almost came off like an Serious Sam game.

I also respected they somehow fit in more stuff. They added a few new weapons with one replacing the BFG. Both are flame based weapons are some of the most fun I ever used within video games. They added newer enemies that are somewhat similar to some older enemies. It's better than the usual expansion quality for newer enemies was back in the day.

Legacy of Rust on harder difficulties is a true test of will. Yes you have a lot of enemies to face. Some surprises you won't see coming during a first playthrough. Unless you already watched runs of it prior to playing it. Regardless, this is such a nice surprise for the compilation. I highly recommend checking this one out.

Every level felt like a series of mazes or somewhat metroidvania style. Master Levels for Doom II I felt to me the most unbalanced difficulty wise. Maybe that's just me, the difficulty spikes notably often. Even the other harder campaigns were more balanced than this. There's no question it's a better lineup than how that concept previously done on another Doom compilation that's exclusive to PS3.

A pro tip campaigns like that one don't start playing if you're new to Doom. Trust me you won't get far at all. Final Doom I kinda have to apologize to before I break that down. I previously written poorly about it in another older Doom blog I written. Seriously what was I don at that time? Anyway, Final Doom was a similar situation to Master Levels for Doom II.

There's a little move that upset people back in the day. TNT: Evulition was almost finished. They were within days of release. Which would've been a free Doom mod to play. But they accepted ID Software's deal. A team mostly of brothers quickly made The Plutonia Experiment. Final Doom if you wanna be technical was essentially Doom 3 for original Doom series.

The Plutonia Experiment is notably harder than most campaigns within this. It was designed to challenge the very best Doom players. Basically the easier difficulties would be more like harder variations of em here. There's virtually no mess around while playing this. It's among my least favorite campaigns including for a few reasons.

I'm actually a bigger fan of the other half, TNT: Evilution. Some unique designs for the levels as well as some new songs added. I also felt this is one of the most surprisingly balanced campaigns included. No really I was expecting this to be almost as rough as The Plutonia Experiment or Legacy of Rust. I will confirm there's a learning curve at some parts.

In all honestly, it was a fun campaign I would replay again. Master Levels for Doom II would be ranked higher than The Plutonia Experiment. I gotta talk about Sigil, John Romero made this!!! He was a legend within the industry. Years later, he decided to make Sigil as a spiritual episode 5 to Doom. Personally I liked that more than Episode 5 of Duke Nukem 3D.

You also can play Sigil 2 through mod support, also done by Romero. It will be among the featured mods section. Majority of them from the last version are together once again. Sigil has a more notable learning curve. You got to shoot at these eye things placed in particular spots. After a while you start to figure how this works.

Sigil you will have a harder time with figuring it out than facing the enemies. Simply for that matter it's in the middle of these amazing Doom campaigns. Even trying to follow a map in any of these can be tricky. I mostly already talked a great deal about the other campaigns. We got two great Doom games that still holds up amazingly well.

Doom II recently celebrated thirty years!!! Damn time sure flies while you're having fun lol. Doom is broken up into four episodes. Which are their own connected campaigns. Episode 4 is easily the toughest campaign among them. It's more than you're expecting among playing it for the first time. Episode 4 virtually is you mastered Doom right?

Now you gotta play even harder to beat Episode 4!!! Despite the same boss as Episode 3 being Spiderdemon at the end. You actually should be more worried about the surprises they have in store. Some of them will throw you off your game. Expect more of that in these campaigns. Doom II always been my favorite main Doom game campaign.

I know some might argue Doom to a degree. But that has four episodes, which campaign are we talking about here? Some might bring in Doom: Eternal. I still haven't finished Doom: Eternal myself. Where it currently stands I can't say until I do. Until then I'll just say Doom II the best one in my eyes. I felt the right newer addition made it a truly fun experience.

We get a new, powerful weapon being the famous Super Shotgun!!! I liked some of the newer enemies mostly Revenants. The most annoying enemy is Archville by a thousand. These things when they see you will attempt to burn you alive. They also revive other enemies including some that don't like em either.

Some campaigns made Archvilles incredibly annoying. They like to move around fast to freak you out. There's a particular level in The Plutonia Experiment, I really don't like. My favorite enemies including bosses are Cyberdemon, Shotgun Guy, Revenant, Shocktrooper, Tyrant and Vassago respectively. I know I should explain why I like these particular enemies.

Shotgun Guy are similar to zombie soldiers but they wear black armor. Surprisingly accurate with shotguns, they also don't like some enemies including each other. Either shotguns is among my favorite weapons. Killing a lot of them can quickly fill you back up with shotgun shells. Revenant are slightly bigger than Imps with projectiles.

Mostly similar but deals more damage. They also can make their projectiles homing. Of course, there's times that can be annoying. Other times you can use those to attack other enemies with. Especially in a huge room filled with enemies. I also love their design as a whole. Shocktrooper are essentially fight similar to you using plasma rifles.

This kinda reminds me of Santa Claws in Duke: Nuclear Winter. Whose sprites was virtually the same as the character you're playing as. Easily, among the toughest enemies by far. Vassago are huge demons that throws fire at you. Some of these newer enemies has amazing death animations. Just another reason why I liked them so much.

Tyrant and Cyberdemon are strikingly similar. Tyrant is like a smaller, weaker variation of Cyberdemon. They mostly appear in the final level. Both are huge demons that constantly fires rockets at you. Cyberdemon always been my favorite Doom demon. This thing is among the tallest enemies with such an menacing appearance.

Just hearing a particular sound it makes, you instantly prepare for an intense battle ahead. This has a lot of Cyberdemons in the main levels than expected. You really get your money's worth this Doom game. You really couldn't ask for anything more. I strongly felt this was simply done too good for any newer version to top it.

Doom + Doom II is easily one of their greatest remasters I ever played!!! This really screams Doom in every sense of the word. You got so much content especially if you gotten it automatically free like me. Not only that Doom never played this damn good prior. Also mod support helps to keep giving it more replay value.

You really get so much for this remastered game. I would even dare to say it's better than Doom 64, Quake 1 and Blood: Fresh Supply. For me, it just isn't as great as Quake II remaster. I just felt that was virtually done absolutely perfectly. There's mostly crashing to a degree slowing it down. Otherwise, a very strong yes you gotta play this!!!

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