Sunday, October 6, 2024

Death Battle Fight Prediction: Giorno (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Joker (Persona)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, the next episode of Death Battle going to be another widely hype up one. Giorno vs Joker is among the most complex fights they ever done. I'm surprised they are going for it next despite the web show just came back. Honestly, I am rather curious to see how a fight this uniquely bizarre going to play out.

I haven't played any Persona games prior. I am up to date with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure anime. There might be a new season covering Part 7, we will see. I absolutely love how outside the box this fight truly is. This is going to test people whose been predicting fights for years. I'm not even sure whose likely going to win.


It's safe to say both have several advantages over each other. Joker simply wins the stats advantage. Usually any character that wins that gets my vote. However this fight is quite bizarre in nature. Ultimately stats has little place in a fight like this. What actually does matter is exactly how their power works and how they counter each other.

This alone determines who wins the fight. At their core, their unique powers alters reality to a degree. Giorno can transform objects into creatures. His stand that got a surprising upgraded form is mind blowing. Gold Experience Requiem automatically reverses effects. This thing can even trapped people in a loop of infinite death.

Joker has several personas mostly Arsene. He also has the option to combine several personas to bring forward Satanael. This is a powerful fused persona that once killed an god!!! Also in his universe, someone can believe to the point of changing reality. I'm quite serious, there's a toy gun. All of a sudden worked just like a real one simply from someone believing it.

A lot of his personas are based on trait cards. Which was a recurring theme for Stands in Part 3 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

Joker is more of an RPG game character. This also brings a lot of stuff that could help him out in some way. There's several problems with this I couldn't over look. Such as Joker could cause several effects onto Giorno. Then Gold Experience Requiem simply nope that. Joker also believe in something to surprise Giorno enough to possibly land a killing blow.

Giorno can transform objects into creatures. He also can reverse that process with ease. This is important because Giorno's powers could work around Joker believing in something to alter it's effect. We also gotta mention the one category Giorno or rather his stand wins here speed. It turns out the actual speed Gold Experience Requiem can go possibly infinity.

This itself is game changing because Giorno won't have to deal with any negative effects for long. He also won't be hurt even fatally wounded for long either. As for killing gods and similar abilities, Joker needed help to do so. Then again Giorno didn't kill any gods at all. His stand once forced a former criminal boss into a loop of infinite death.

The method it used to do that is mostly punching the crap out of him. Therefore, it's possible Joker wouldn't think much of those punches. Joker's persona can be defeated as well. Although, he could bring Arsene back with ease. A persona like Satanael would be incredibly difficult to bring back. Not to mention, Giorno's scary creative with his powers too.

We still haven't talked about the crazy situations Giorno had to endure either. After all, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure widely known for it's rather bizarre situations. I could argue Giorno actually better prepared for this fight than Joker is. There's also no known limit on Gold Experience Requiem's ability to reverse things either.

Also if we bring in the famous Stand rule. Sure Joker and his persona can see Gold Experience Requiem. They still incapable of harming him. Doing so also hurts possibly kills Giorno in the process. Giorno is lucky for parts of his brokeness saving him. It's obvious both these guys are quite tactical in their own right.

The real question is could Joker escape such a fate of death? I don't think so the speed required is sadly infinity. Joker is notably faster than Giorno himself. At the same time, it's almost a similar situation to escaping an black hole. Which requires the speed of light to do so. Then again infinity is so fast we gotten beyond actual numbers in scale.

This means the insane speed advantage Joker had suddenly no longer matters in this fight. Let's be more direct the same also can be said for his other superior stats as well. If he can't get around the scariest possibility Giorno brings to the table. Then his shot at victory virtually gone in an instant. Gold Experience Requiem just so unfair to have within versus fights.

Officially Joker brings a similar situation that could possibly prevent anything reaching back to 0. Therefore preventing Gold Experience Requiem from doing his thing. Although this is possibly the most debatable aspect of the fight. What we do know is Gold Experience Requiem needs to connect a blow.

Giorno needs to make contact with something for his powers to work. Which likely work on any reality altered stuff Joker believed to exist. Which kinda directly counters that advantage. You can think of any weapon but Giorno able to safely make contact with it. All of a sudden, Giorno takes advantage of this unique situation to surprise attack Joker.

In theory, Gold Experience Requiem could be countered. It's questionable how to counter such an ability. This indirectly means since it won't directly kill Joker. More or less force him in a loop of death to die infinity. Giorno would still need to figure a way to kill Joker. Which would be an challenge considering his feats as well as achievements.

This power could even reverse the combination for Satanael too. Which would really screw Joker over in this fight. Some people just doesn't even begin to realize how ridiculous of a stand Golden Experience Requiem truly is. Virtually nothing gotten pass it during the final battle. His opponent could remove seconds from time itself only to be reversed by that stand right afterwards.

Most Joestar family members are strategist in their own right. Obviously, each having a vastly different personality as well as abilities. Part 3 introduced Stands concept, I love so much. Considering all the people Giorno out smarted in Part 5. I do believe he could find a way to kill Joker in this fight outside Gold Experience Requiem.

For example, if he can swap a weapon or something of Joker without him noticing. This could end up as the very opportunity he needs to win this fight. He transforms an banana into an gun to kill an criminal off. Another notable factor is stands do differ in range of their powers being activated. Giorno could be a notable distance that's still within his powers working without directly fighting Joker.

Now I'm not that familiar with Persona franchise. I don't know if personas works in similar distances or not. Assuming they often work close by their user compared to several stands. Giorno easily has a notable advantage of throwing off Joker. He could be running near by underneath. At the same time, his stand attempts to hold off Joker's personas.

Giorno also among the smartest Joestars in his franchise. At same point he's going to figure out Joker's powers. Let's be honest, this is a recurring trend within his franchise. Some stands can affect reality on a huge scale including of Gojo's half brothers having Bohemian Rhapsody. This stand can bring fictional characters to life as well as enforcing rules from those stories into the real world.

This is an unique battle of wits with some rather interesting factors. The big issue is Gold Experience Requiem instantly counters majority what Joker could do in this fight. Any harm or negative effects, it's gone in record time. Joker requires stuff to a degree to do the same. Which in itself a rather critical advantage too.

Giorno himself lacks the ability to heal himself. Although he could heal others to a degree. Which also makes him similar to Part 4 Josuke in that aspect. It's also important to note, if the Joestar Family scaling gets used. Oh boy Joker really in trouble. Giorno might not have majority of the stats. Scaling him to other members of his family notably helps to make up for that.

Jotaro destroyed diamond teeth with Star Platinum simply punching the hell out of em. This fight is incredibly complex right down to it's core. Scaling getting involve making this a surprisingly closer fight than without scaling at all. Where it stands I believe Giorno going to win this fight. Gold Experience Requiem simply rigs the fight in his favor, I really couldn't look pass that.

Usually I would've sided with an RPG game character in most versus debates. Unless two or more were facing each other. This is a rather rare case I had to argue against one.

I know for some people this looks like an stomp. Possibly adding in scaling from other Joestars helps counter this. Also both constantly struggling to kill each other. It could come down to the last move. One will figure out a way to bypass the other's powers to win. I can't even say in time because well Gold Experience Requiem reverses time to a degree technically speaking.

It's also critical to note despite who Giorno's father was. He isn't an vampire by any means. Neither are his half brothers in Part 6 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. End of the day, the main characters are still quite human despite some ridiculous stats as well as feats. Personally I felt Giorno more times than not going to win this fight.

Winner: Giorno (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)

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