Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Death Battle Fight Prediction: Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach) vs Ryomen Sukuna (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, I got a few more Death Battle fight prediction blogs coming. This recent entry actually me remaking what was originally a fight prediction video I made. I figured redoing this particular one within an blog would be much easier to better explain my arguments. The fight question I'm technically doing again is Kenpachi Zaraki vs Ryomen Sukuna.

I do want to make a few things clear. No I'm not changing who I'm siding with in this prediction blog. Also I felt some critical info didn't quite make the video due to shorter length. A major reason why I'm remaking it this way. I felt I should've done it this way originally, I wasn't quite happy with it. I think after you read the entire verdict section you see why I felt that.

The true point of redoing it is making the definitive fight prediction I originally sent out to make. I strongly felt you really going to see everything!!! This was a few months worth of research in regards to Jujutsu Kaisen. Personally I rather see Kenpachi fight someone he possibly could lose against like Roronoa Zoro from One Piece.

Kenpachi Zaraki

There's no sugar coating this, yes it's a stomp in favor of Kenpachi Zaraki. Experience is probably the weirdest factor to discuss. Both of them has several centuries worth of experience. Even this has a huge deciding factor I couldn't ignore. Sukuna survived with his twenty fingers became cursed objects. Which are indestructible that's attracting cursed spirits.

After Yuji swallowed one of these fingers, he was revived while inside his body. Overtime he regained nineteen of his twenty fingers. Somehow he regained his full form while possessing Megumi. Prior to Yuji getting possessed, there's nearly a thousand years gap worth of nothing. In comparison, Kenpachi since his childhood constantly been in battles.

The story roughly gave us an idea how long Kenpachi been around in canon. When Retsu Unohana first fought Kenpachi. He defeated a lot of soul reapers on his own. He gave her a surprisingly difficult fight. Soul reaper captains are the strongest members in their respective divisions. At the time, she was the original captain of the 11th division.

Now add in the original head captain Yamamoto whose been in his position for a thousand years. She among his original captains under his command. Sukuna lacked several centuries worth of experience while Kenpachi has those years under his belt. Unlike my video prediction, I now have critical information from the sequel novel to add in as well to discuss.

Let's talk stats Sukuna could be scaled among the strongest Jujutsu Kaisen characters like Gojo. Possibly at best multi city block level. Not bad but falls notably in comparison to Kenpachi. Before he learned how to use his powers, he fought directly with raw power for a long time. It turns out his first fight with Unohana, Kenpachi mentally held himself back.

Exactly why his final fight with her done the exact opposite effect. Plus he finally learned about his zanpakuto as well as his powers he gained despite having it for so long. Craziest Shikai scaling manga wise, he destroyed an meteorite Gremmy created with his mind. Which he stated capable of destroying the entire Seireitei within impact.

This large building filled with thousands of soul reapers. On foot would take ten days worth of walking just to reach one end. Obviously Bleach characters can fly cutting the distance down notably. Usually when Gremmy thinks of happens exactly how he imagined. This was directly stated during his defeat as well.

Essentially this meteorite he created actually had enough force to destroy it. Depending on scaling methods destroying this places Kenpachi multi continental or moon level. Both are notably greater in volume to multi city block level. But wait there's more bringing in his Bankai with some impressive feats.

Yes we gotta talk about Gerard, a ridiculous quincy. Kenpachi used his Bankai directly against him. In this form he's full blown berserker mode. He actually sent this giant flying with several blows as well as cut some of his limbs off with ease. I could argue since most quincies were stated to be on soul reaper captain level.

Kenpachi possibly on planet level despite at the time not fully being able to handle his own power. Which caused his body to break apart to a degree just from the power he contains. Let's go even further in the sequel novel, Kenpachi defeated two insanely powerful beings. One of them was stated to have the power to end all of existence.

At the same time, Kenpachi surprisingly one shot this being. He later fought someone who had fragments of the soul king making her ridiculously powerful. Of course, the man doesn't back down from a fight. He ends up possibly more on Dragon Ball character scaling here. This even suggests Kenpachi currently the strongest soul reaper in existence!!!

Obviously this version of Kenpachi is way too powerful for Sukuna to handle. Speed wise, Sukuna could get scale to faster than light speed. Kenpachi is still notably a lot faster in comparison. His main thing is combat adaptability. Even Aizen didn't wanna fight this guy. Yhwach marked Kenpachi among their special five targets.

Now bringing Ichigo into this, he's constantly among the fastest character in his universe. It's safe to say Kenpachi rivals that speed possibly in the sequel novel going beyond that. Ichigo is notably a lot faster than the Speed of Light with plenty of feats to back it up. By this point, you already figure out the remaining stats goes to Kenpachi.

All of that makes Sukuna going to die if he ever faces Kenpachi. We got the stats out the way, I still got plenty more stuff to mention here. Sukuna through his cursed objects mostly in two particular characters. He forces himself spiritually into them creating an imbalance spiritual bound. This is rather interesting because of Kenpachi.

In vice versa, Kenpachi actually the host. His zanpakuto Nozarashi being his spiritual companion that takes the form of a bladed weapon. Until his fated battle against Unohana, it was a rather distance relationship. After that fight, their bond got renewed fixing that problem. They always meant to be together kinda like JoJo's stands.

This is critical because Yuj through a lot of Black Flash blows weakened eventually destroyed. Sukuna's spiritual barrier with Megumi leading to his demise. Which is kinda amusing considering Kenpachi with his zanpakuto are both spiritual beings that directly attack souls. Well a more accurate term flat out destroys em.

Kenpachi could easily destroy that barrier forcing Sukuna from Megumi's body. Going back to that spiritual barrier, Megumi once prevented him using his techniques. This is something that could happen thing. Sukuna also has access to his Domain Expansion as well as Hollow Wicker Basket. Hollow Wicker Basket acts as a form of defense against several attacks including other Domain Expansions.

Domain Expansions opened their own space where the wielder for the most part. Guarantee to successfully land attacks, I know this sounds like a sure win factor for Sukuna. Well it actually isn't at all for many reasons. Wicker Basket can't handle Kenpachi's raw power as well as his ability to cut anything.

Which goes directly into my next point, Gremmy with several clones created actual space trapped Kenpachi inside. Kenpachi survived to easily cut through this with his zanpakuto. Which confirms his zanpakuto can cut dimensions. Considering Domain Expansions do a similar effect. Kenpachi can easily cut through it with ease.

He's so powerful, he could break his Domain Expansion anything he wants. He is notably a lot faster to prevent Sukuna trapping him. Sukuna could constantly slash Kenpachi to not get far. Also regardless when that technique ends, Sukuna will need time. He will be in a weaken state vulnerable. Let's be honest, Kenpachi could easily win without using his Shikai.

There's also summons Megumi had Sukuna could use. Majority of them won't last long against Kenpachi. Sukuna could delay the inevitable to a degree using Mahoraga. Which can adapt to techniques like Gojo's Limitless. Here's my golden argument why it won't beat Kenpachi either. Considering he defeated Gremmy who uses his imagination as a power.

Kenpachi constantly had to adapt to any situation Gremmy threw him in. In the end, he won the fight tired. I felt if Kenpachi can defeat someone like that. There's virtually no way Mahoraga going to help much either. We still haven't brought up another great point why Kenpachi wins. Sukuna has four arms while Kenpachi defeated an even stronger six armed man before.

Espada Nnoitra is more on multi continental to country level in power scaling. Either is notably greater than Sukuna's. He even used his Resurreccion against Kenpachi. Oh yeah we gotta mention his argument with captain Byakuya Kuchiki while facing Yammy. Who was revealed to be number 0 Espada aka strongest among them.

I know some may question why bring this up right? They were most pissed at each other. Neither wanted to face Yammy, he kept interrupting them. For fairness since both came back from fighting Yammy. We could half what Yammy done which is still far greater than Sukuna. Yammy in his Resurreccion has a lot of legs.

Also in this form he can adapt becoming even bigger as well as stronger. Essentially Hulk's anger factor possibly making him just about multi continental level in power. Another huge reason why Kenpachi wins, just imagine he never held back at all. He possibly be too powerful to exist. Which is a real possibility within Bleach universe.

This also means his potential is notably a lot longer than Sukuna's. Another notable factor is well Sukuna acts like Homelander in his universe. Majority of Jujutsu sorcerers just aren't on his level. There was a statement from Sukuna hinting Yuji could possibly become stronger than him. In comparison, Kenpachi is the captain of a combat division among the soul reapers.

Widely known for be warriors among them. I know it's difficult to believe this guy a leader. In fact, he done the rare method to become an soul reaper captain. Usually do a written test or get recommended by another soul reaper captain. Of course neither was Kenpachi's style. No he challenged his previous captain to a fight, he won.

Now think about this for a minute. He was a low rank soul reaper that challenged his captain to a fight. Kenpachi was surprisingly more powerful than him. This also mean he's a superior fighter as well. This is rather impressive with everything considering. Neither felt they needed to improve much for different reasons.

Kenpachi was a gifted fighter that's unnaturally strong. Sukuna was stronger than most Jujutsu sorcerers in two particular time periods he was in. Not many people gotten remotely close to either of them for several centuries. I still gotta give the edge to Kenpachi defeated his former captain. Sukuna also loves to use fire as well as slashes.

Kenpachi himself stated to have a very durable body. As shown when he allowed Ichigo to attack him just to prove a point. Going back to Nnoitra, he too said a similar statement. Kenpachi still took him down, Sukuna's slashes would be lucky to cut him a little bit. Even if he were cutting him a lot, the man simply laughs off pain like it's nothing.

Sukuna's fire wouldn't help him very much either. What's the point of winning the range advantage when you aren't able to do anything with it? Especially when your opponent loves close range combat with a huge passion. Sukuna also hates to lose to the point he confessed he would change his path. So he doesn't lose, yes I'm afraid this happened in the story.

Keep in mind, he already dead talking to Mahito. Yeah Shigaraki kill that prick for us!!! He basically didn't own up to his loss but rather refuse to accept it with such a poor excuse. Then again the author got rushed to finish his story, I guess stuff like this was expected. Obviously Sukuna could fight to some degree in the air.

For soul reapers, fighting in the air is part of their training. Again with more actual combat experience, Sukuna going to constantly be over whelm during this fight. Of course that's assuming Kenpachi doesn't quickly kill him to prove a point. Like when Giriko Kutsuzawa let shared Ichigo's power go to his head.

This man also had a weird time theme powers. Kenpachi virtually one shot him just to prove to him just how weak he truly was. To be brutally honest, Sukuna lacks anything major enough in this fight. Technically the only real advantage Sukuna has are his fingers being indestructible. However a few things worked against the very concept itself.

Sukuna somehow regained his full form without all twenty forms. His final form got used against him by Nobara. whose specialize in a voodoo style striking technique. The finger itself couldn't get any damage. So when she stroke that finger, Sukuna directly took damage instead. Again Kenpachi wouldn't use tactics like this.

I figured to directly mention it. Considering where this fight could take place. Like in the world of the living, soul reaper lieutenants and captains have their spiritual pressure lowered. This is to make sure their spiritual pressure doesn't destroy the human world. Sadly when you get that strong only Hell waits for em in the end.

Even in a weakened state, Kenpachi still one of the strongest they have. He has plenty experience using specialized limiters in the form of eyepatches. Thus, he's actually more experienced being weakened than fighting like normal. This is a factor most characters in Jujutsu Kaisen lacks altogether. A true testament how truly impressive Kenpachi is.

He prefers fights he could lose allowing him to go all out. Rather than what this is, Sukuna simply too weak, too slow and most of his options won't work on Kenpachi. Sukuna also wouldn't be able to do much to his zanpakuto either. Let's put it this way, if he can't harm Kenpachi. He has virtually no chance at damaging his zanpakuto.

As for his Bankai form, there's no way Sukuna surviving that. Power scaling is vastly different between Bleach and Jujutsu Kaisen. yes both do cover the world of the living as well as parts of the afterlife. We can argue Bleach goes even further than that. What could be powerful in Jujutsu Kaisen universe. Well just isn't in Bleach universe.

Both manga stories are over with Bleach getting some Hell chapters I can't wait. Despite that, Bleach is more on an epic power scaling concept about the universe. This is similar power scaling to Naruto & Yu Yu Hakusho. A major difference is Bleach characters constantly sped through categories of power scaling. Not so much in Jujutsu Kaisen's case that stayed at multi city block level.

Going back to Hollow Wicker Basket, Gremmy created shields to protect himself. He also imagined himself being as tough as steel. Kenpachi cut through both of those with a little effort. Not to mention Hollow Wicker Baskets is considered weaker than Domain Expansions. Sukuna could do Domain Expansion again, it only makes things worst for him.

This is virtually months of me reading Jujutsu Kaisen in a nut shell. I previously finished Bleach years ago, still among my favorite Shonen stories. Ultimately, Sukuna in every sense of the word screwed. Kenpachi is so powerful, he could win at any time he wants. Which would be incredibly boring to him. Kinda how I felt about this match getting discussed on Death Battle Cast honestly.

Winner: Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach)

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