Monday, October 7, 2024

Death Battle Fight Prediction: Kyle Rayner (DC) vs Simon the Digger (Gurren Lagann)

Hello everyone I'm XboxClown89, now here's a fight I'm very happy got into the lineup on the web show. It previously loss a poll to Discord vs Bill Cipher. I'm talking about Kyle Rayner vs Simon the Digger. Originally in the poll, Rayner would've been an green lantern. We previously had Hal Jordan as one in an episode.

They chosen to do even further with Kyle being an white lantern. Therefore, we're now in for a truly epic showdown. This could be among the most ambitious episodes they're currently doing next year. I am very hype for this upcoming episode. This is going to be a mind blowing episode. The animation alone is already enough reason to go see the actual episode.

Kyle Rayner

I know more DB viewers will be surprise to learn how Simon the Digger loses. Both these amazing characters has truly insane amount of willpower. Simon uses a drill device to powered an unique machine. Rayner uses an white lantern ring capable of anything he can think of. I would say the way better Green Lantern vs Ben 10 fight.

There's several major differences that ultimately led to me going with Rayner in this fight. Simon for more powerful forms required more people and machines to simply maintain them. Not to mention, the composite willpower required to make that possible. In comparison, Rayner possibly has enough willpower to rival that.

There was a time, he had to absorb all remaining energy of the Green Lantern corps. This is important because every lantern corps' energy purely made out of those particular emotions. In this case, we're talking pure insane amount of willpower. Now add in he also mastered every lantern corp ring there is. Well that's exactly how he became an white lantern in the first place.

Therefore, he could handle facing Simon's insane composite willpower. It also doesn't help an white lantern uses the power of life itself as a weapon. The white lanterns are among the most powerful lantern corps. Every lantern corp member can use their imagine with their respective emotions. This by itself is simply too much for Simon.

Let me explain Kyle very easily can go offensive, defensive or both at the same exact time. Simon lacks more defense being a more offensive fighter. People still don't understand how truly ridiculous these lantern corp members are. Green lanterns can survive being erased with an universe, yes this is a thing. Kyle simply has plenty of ways to win.

Even considering all the multiverse Simons rolled into one factor. Well scaling involved several big name members done truly mind blowing stuff. Removing scaling still doesn't prevent Kyle winning this fight. Despite being an white lantern a short period. The stuff Kyle could do was essentially reality warping.

This also means if Simon had the stats advantage or any critical ones altogether. Kyle can simply alter things to simply nope that. A more direct way of saying this, The Anti-Spiral would lose solo to Rayner. Considering how insanely powerful that being is. Whose also gotten a huge fight request against Anti-Monitor.

Another fight I previously covered within my Death Battle Fight Prediction blog series. Yeah Simon should be digging or drilling into his own grave. Even removing reality warper from Rayner. His white lantern ring is the most broken weapon in this entire fight. Sure like most lantern corp rings, there's a limited amount of energy.

At the same time, a worthy wielder can truly do the impossible with them. Now I know what some Gurren Lagann fans could be thinking. "Doesn't Simon do the impossible?" Well yes to a degree with notable limitations. We could also argue Rayner as an white lantern might not have any real limits at all. Rayner can do almost everything you can think of just with an ring!!!

Yes he has some famous kaiju he can recreate including wow Gurren Lagann!!! Who knew Rayner was a Simon the Digger fan? This is actually vastly different from similar matches they done. Including the recent Omni-Man vs Bardock, I called it!!! We have a character with limits against another with a questionable limit or none at all.

Simon also needs a lot of people to be on the same page as him while using their composite willpower. Which is going to be very difficult to do against Rayner. Just destroying some connected machines limits Gurren Lagann's overall potential. Another more direct way to view is he simply needs more people and machines to increase his chances in this fight.

In vice versa, Rayner already at his strongest by default. We have a character constantly pushing through limits against another who essentially mastered said limits. Not to suddenly make this Omni-Man vs Bardock again. It's virtually the same situation with one character gotta keep transforming. Ultimately it just isn't enough to win.

Simon going to likely burn out of willpower first. Also considering how straight forward his fighting style is. I highly doubt he's getting far with Rayner here. Simon rushing in could be the very mistake that kills him in this fight. I'm not saying he isn't bright, he was a leader at a time after all. He even gave people underneath the surface hope they never thought was remotely possible in the first place.

Rayner is in all honestly too broken of a character to lose. It kinda rivals Marvel's Silver Surfer to a degree. Possibly greater level of ridiculousness which is really saying a lot here lol. Rayner is just one very capable person taking on an army working together to defeat such powerful beings. It's very clear cut Rayner simply on a totally different level from Simon the Digger.

I do like both these characters a lot. I actually need to see more stuff with Rayner in myself. Gurren Lagann is among my favorite mech anime ever!!! It also doesn't help despite how obvious this next point is. Rayner simply has more notable overall experience than Simon. Not only that, it takes a ridiculous amount of effort to just design any lantern ring.

I am not kidding an lantern ring made out of an incredibly durable metal. There's a small list that could damage an ring. Even fewer capable of destroying em. Obviously, even if I were to give Simon his most powerful canon form. It's still surprisingly not enough force to even put a scratch on that ring. Who knew rings could be that scary?

Simon would need to force the ring from Rayner's hand then quickly take him out. However most lantern corp members learned techniques to prevent such tactics. Also being an white lantern, he's guarantee to get that ring back too. Simon would need to make Rayner's hands incapable of using the white lantern ring. Which isn't going to be possible to do here.

As stated before, lantern members can easily protect themselves. They also can cut notable distance in space as well as other plains of existence to a degree. Which also means if Gurren Lagann were to be faster, Rayner can easily counter that too. Often they use barriers to safely travel through space. Barriers are also used during combat while an experience lantern member.

Actually capable of quickly swapping out strategies in a short period of time. This alone would throw Simon off during this fight. You got to realize Rayner can do almost everything he wants. No matter how ridiculous it actually is using energy from his white lantern ring. There's no way Simon going to adapt to how quickly Rayner changes strategies during this fight.

Now for fun we could've given Simon his most powerful non canon form. You know the insanely large head with everything else not visible form? Which is obviously more powerful than the Anti-Spiral. He's an multiversal threat after all. Scaling to other famous lantern members or not, Kyle still tops that. You got to realize DC comics been around a very long time.

Rayner been around surprisingly for thirty years. Maybe thirty one years by the time of the episode. Which further bags the question how does most DB viewers not know him? Despite all these episodes with DC comic characters no less. Rayner just sadly under the radar from most popular shows and movies he's in.

Therefore, you had to seen any of those to know who he is or you likely won't. But majority of them knows Gurren Lagann quite well. It was also clear I had to make a point on that. Sometimes the lesser known character wins on this show. It probably happened more times than you even begin to realize. Simon simply lacks a solid way to win.

In vice versa, Rayner could win at any given time he wants. This is less fair than Omni-Man vs Bardock surprisingly enough. Technically Goku vs Superman better than this just not by much. Simon has a lot going against him in this fight. Especially when you're facing someone like Rayner. Who could rival people like Hal Jordan!!!

Hal Jordan is another truly ridiculous green lantern character. Another notable factor is Simon mostly fights on one planet. But Rayner fights on many planets as well as several plains of existence too. This also means Rayner would adapt to more situations on the fly at a much faster rate. I hate to say this, Simon is screwed.

Yes I been waiting the entire time just to say that lol. Rayner simply has too much over him in this fight. Plus reality warping alone virtually guarantees victory. An white lantern ring capable of anything the wielder thinks of truly game changing stuff. His insane feats with mind blowing determination. Rayner is virtually a god among men, it shows.

Winner: Kyle Rayner (DC)

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